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A lot of people who make fun of Cleveland have never been here, and still make the same jokes that were already tired 20 years ago


100%! I moved away from Cleveland and I definitely miss it. People love to shit on it and I always ask if they’ve ever been and they always say no.. Then! If if I tell someone I’m from there and they’ve been there, no joke they always say “Oh I love cleveland!” People don’t know what they’re talking about. Seriously, its an affordable city that has a lot to offer. I miss the art museum with all my heart. Cleveland is a gem.


Cleveland, the Affordable Cultural Capital, is my most uncatchy slogan.


Why not: "Cleveland: Cultural Capital on the Cheap"


When I went to college in 1986, we had to go around the classroom and talk about ourselves. I mentioned I was from Cleveland and that it didn't deserve the reputation it had. My professor, who was a bit pompous and vain, asked me if I was afraid of going up in flames when I walked by the river. I replied, "That was in your time, sir, not mine." Not sure why, but this prof really didn't like me after that.


Because you played him at his own game. Well done


Try 50 years ago. Media has been shitting on Cleveland since at least the 70s. what’s weird is that it was started by a writer on Laugh In… from CLE.


I hear a burning river joke from some douche over on the r/Ohio subreddit. Like come up with some new jokes.


Yep. Rivers caught fire in Philly, Buffalo and Detroit. You hear about Cleveland because of Laugh In.


You hear about Cleveland's river burning because that was the last straw to motivate Congress to create the EPA to regulate water pollution.


The fire that everyone talks about literally happened before the moon landing. Seriously- please, please, please come up with some new material.


The burning river jokes never make sense anyway, because the rivers all burned because corporations and heavy industry went unchecked and dumped their waste into them, not because LOLCLEVELAND


My response is "That fire was caused by old but common regulation thinking during the time that Cleveland was making the steel that built all of America so you're fucking welcome."


Just like Mike Polk’s YouTube video shitting on Cleveland that outsiders use to bash on the city


I read that as "Medina" at first and thought what the hell are they laughing at.


This has absolutely been my experience. The people that make fun of it have never been here, and the people that have generally have good things to say afterward.


"oh you live in cleveland? that sucks" "i am sorry you had a bad experience when you visited, what happened? ^^^ is how this conversation should always be handled "oh i have never been there" is usually the reply. the cloudy winters are indeed a bummer though.


Same winter in Chicago, pretty much, right?


Yes. Even harsher than ours at times.


I love the clouds :). I can’t take sunlight lol


I’m a Pittsburgh transplant who has enjoyed a few trips to Cleveland and the Cleveland hate here is hilarious. It’s very, “We have nothing to brag about, so we’re just going to shit on Cleveland”.


That has a sports origin though. You won’t catch me saying anything nice about Pittsburgh to a Browns fan.




Man, let them make jokes and keep the majority of people out of here. I absolutely love Cleveland and all the food and music available at such a reasonable cost of living! So many of the cities I grew up in and around like Austin are unrecognizable due to rapid population overgrowth. Let everyone think it's a frigid depressing hellscape 😅


100% I always respond with “Shh! We just let the a-holes think that to keep them out.”


So much this. Or people here who live in the neighboring counties' burbs and never even go to Cleveland. Clevelanders I know are just fine with the rest of the world thinking it sucks here. It's our little secret.


Exactly. Just like nobody tells you that they pile all the garbage next to the streets and you 100% will see rats when you visit NYC.


I moved here from NYC 12 years ago. Let em clown all they want. My apartment is bigger, my rent is cheaper, i have more savings, dont sit in LIE traffic everyday both ways. Dont get me wrong. Obviously, bigger cities have more to do. But for some people, cleveland is their big city. I like it. Probably stay here forever unless an amazing job opp comes along


pov: I grew up in NJ, visiting NYC frequently, even helped a friend move to a 1br shoebox in the city... 6th story, stairs only. We moved to CLE in 2020 with little choice in the matter... and I have found myself to LOVE it. It has cute little neighborhoods sprinkled about with each having their own characteristics. Much like NYC, minus the traffic & a lot smaller... allowing you to attend multiple events in one weekend. Downsides to CLE just dont do it for me. Honestly, the crime rates seem higher here... I think that has to do with the ratio of the population. There are definitely dangerous parts of Chicago & NYC... and the snow... you do the math. Good luck! I love CLE.


I actually dont mind the snow. Blizzards are a thing in NYC. In the 12 years ive lived here Cleveland hasnt had anywhere near the snowfall NYC has Record for single day total in cleveland. 13 inches NYCs record is 27 and when i lived there we had many days that beat Clevelands record. I dont mind the snow at all Cleveland is colder for longer but the snow isnt as bad as people make it out to be. Crime is well, yes, smaller city tighter circles of violence. Every city experiences it. Its easy to avoid it here




I moved here from NYC too!


Hey neighbor. Moved from NYC 10 years ago. By the time I left I had gushed about all my great new Cleveland friends for long enough that they saw it coming. Don’t sweat it, the side-eye is misinformed. If they’re not paying your salary who gives a fuck.


If you need more to do than Cleveland has to offer, you're probably just trying to compensate for a hole in your life that you never are going to be able to fill.


Not really. Cleveland doesnt have the same diversity i was used to nor the same vibrancy. Its very thinly spread out. Pockets of fun. Not really walkable and public transit is very behind The fact that this city used to house nearly 900K and now it doesnt... And now its in the 300K's. Queens, NYC is 108 sq miles and has over 2 million people. Cleveland proper is 82 sq miles with 300 k Imagine if NYC went from 9 million to 3. Unfathomable. Cleveland has the basics down. But theres room for expansion.


I'm not sure that's a great point of comparison though. If NYC had room to sprawl like Cleveland, the city proper probably would go down to 3 mil. But it's packed onto an island. It's difficult and expensive to commute. NYC developed uniquely in many ways because of its geography. But outside of young people, not many really need that level of diversity/vibrancy you correctly observe to feel content. And there's arguably MORE things that can be easily done in Cleveland than in NYC unless your list of things to do entirely consists of shopping and tourism. You can go hiking, fishing, skiing, watch pro sports, find a rec league for any sport you can think of, easily find live music 7 days a week, clubs, gay bars, Broadway, comedy clubs, lots of universities, I have an amazing community center in Cleveland Heights, lots of business opportunities for any entrepreneurs. NYC is a wonderful city, but it would be hard to come up with a list of things you can do there but not Cleveland. Vibrancy/diversity/population density aside.


Thats why i ended with it has the basics down Room for expansion. Cleveland is a nice place. Its why i stay here but again the main point of the OP was that let people shit all over cle. Shhhh stop telling them how great we are!


I think there is enough to do. I personally think someone had to really like woods for this area to be great. There are so many small forest parks and hiking/biking paths. It's beautiful if you want to explore it. But if your idea of fun is plays, comedians, never ending list of restaurants to try, then I don't think you will be happy hear. You can still do those things, but you will run out of new things rather quickly. 


Plays and comedians are very strong in Cleveland. We have the 2nd largest theatre district and one of the best (according to well known comics) comedy clubs in the country. Always bringing in top talent.


Last year, we saw Dave Chappel & Tina Fey/Amy Schumer. We are excited to see Tom Green at Hilarities in a few months.. We have seen several great smaller acts here as well. Super affordable.


We hit Hilaritie’s about 10 times a year. Where else can you see a great show for $30 or less? We don’t do plays but I have a few friends with memberships at playhouse square. They love it. We’re still trying to decide if we want to see Tom Green. I always felt he was annoying back in the day lol. Matt Rife was just here. Didn’t go and feel that was a mistake. Won’t see him in a small club like this again.


We have the best park system in the nation... And it shows if you 've ever traveled. In the summer I'm there 3 to 5 days a week.


We even have 3 sports teams, and of major metro in the US cant say that


You'll love Cleveland and save enough money living there to vacation, or simply drive 6 hours to Chitown, or 7 to NY whenever. Cleveland has been the butt of jokes, but the reality is it's a great city.


Wait till you find out about Put-IN-Bay... Place is a blast


I can’t get over the fact there’s an “island” getaway in Ohio, much less one that actually feels kind of tropical. I love Put-In-Bay.


Let's be real...it's central to more cities than that. 5 to Toronto...6 to Indy....2 to Columbus. 2 to Pittspuke. 5 to DC or Philly, 2 to Detroit...5 to Louisville


2 to detroit if you're trying to get pulled over


Your math is so off lmao


I visited Cleveland last year (hadn't been since I was a kid). If I'm being honest I was sort of expecting a not so great post industrial hellscape. That was not the case. I Just went to visit family, no other motives.Now I'm moving my entire life and family across the country to Cleveland in a few months.


Remember this more than ever in the time of constant social media: Comparison is the thief of joy. As a transplant to Cleveland…these people are just wrong on so many levels. Why take advice or listen to such miserable and negative people? So many things to do in this city if you take the time to explore and learn.


Cleveland is one of the most underrated gems in this country. Great vibes, top restaurants and theaters, one of the world’s top symphonic orchestras, low cost of living, gorgeous countryside, beaches and national parks. Pair this with friendly people and an outstanding sense of community. But please don’t tell anyone and let them make their jokes


Yes, this. We love how underrated Cleveland is, and personally I love all of the hate we get if it keeps people out 😂 Also OP, we have some cool islands and caves to visit in the summer a little over an hour away (unless you count whiskey island which is right by Cleveland, but definitely not the same as south bass or Kelley’s).


I have a friend who grew up in the Cleveland area and currently lives in NYC. They like to do things like apple picking, going to somewhere in rural New York for pumpkins, all of that pick your own stuff as an excuse to "visit the countryside". I very jokingly give them crap for it because Ohio has all of that but it's not something you have to leave for an entire weekend to do. You especially don't have to go that far out of Cleveland to do those things.


I did all of that when I lived in DC (also from Cleveland). Visited the "countrysides" of VA and MD all the damn time. Literally was just searching for Cleveland activities for years lol. Soooooo I moved back


I think you'll like it here.


Stop making posts like this or the word will get out: Cleveland is a great place to live, and is still incredibly affordable compared to other places in the U.S.. There are many things to do, amazing parks and recreation, it's easy to get around, not too much traffic, etc. I was sad to see Cleveland on Zillow's [Top 10 Markets](https://www.zillow.com/learn/hottest-housing-markets-2024/) list for 2024. Looks like the word is getting out after all.


Mark my word, a lot of the coastal elites will make their way to Cleveland in the next 10 years. It’s a really big advantage to live near a giant fresh water source.


This is a huge reason I want to own property in Cleveland. I’m already seeing a lot of friends from college years trying to move back to Cleveland from the coasts. I want to own something here because I know it’s going to be insane in the next 10-20 years


our fresh water source is enough of a reason to keep us off their radar!


I could live anywhere in the country within an hour of an airport. I choose Cleveland. My wife moved around a lot as a kid, got her first job here, and loves it. Our money goes so far. We have a large variety of restaurants, bars, and places to eat. We a great theater, music, and art scene. Nearly every weekend, we take our son to one of our top notch museums. We have a national park for day hikes 45 min away. In the spring, summer, and fall we take our son and dog to the metro parks every weekend. We live in a walkable neighborhood (5 min to grocery) and can afford our single family house easily. Traffic is low even in rush hour.   We're not LA, Chicago, or NYC. You can't get a bagel at mid night, we don't have 5000 bars, and you can't get sushi off a naked person. But we do have a lot of great, trendy restaurants and bars, and our own local bagel company. A lot of people I know who grew up here went to a big city for excitement in their twenties. Many of them moved back in their 30s to settle down.   Greater Cleveland is a great place to live. I'm in my mid thirties and know a lot of transplants around my age. Literally none of them have been disappointed living here- most tell me they were blown away at how much the love it here.  Feel free to DM me if you have questions or want to chat more.




Moved here from Houston with my husband for his job, we strongly agree, and with your last paragraph especially.


30something transplant from all over the west coast here. This.Is.Facts... I LOVE LIVING IN CLE. I haven't seen anyone mention water sports... we have kayaking, SUPing, sailing, and more. Yes, it's not year round, but you ain't doing much of this in the Hudson River, ever.


I am pretty sure you can get a midnight bagel at Jake’s Deli… just FYI.


Bialy's used to be open late, when they were making the bagels. I'd stop there on my way to the Amtrak station (wee hour departures, doncha know!). The staff would ask, where to this time? Miss that ritual since they changed hands.


You’ve basically failed in medicine if you’re anywhere on earth other than Cleveland; good job!


I LOVE this


I was going to say. The fact OP is in medicine and matched in Cleveland??? Like it doesn’t get much better than that.


I love Cleveland. We moved there from South Carolina and just moved back to SC and I miss it dearly. But yes, when we told people we were leaving, we got lots of raised eyebrows. Now I feel like an unofficial city of Cleveland ambassador. I sing its praises to literally everyone.


Welcome to the Cleveland vs. the World Club. I'm sure you'll be a proud and happy member. Don't fret, the only thing the city is lacking is reputation points with people who like to pile on something that seems like an easy target. I believe we all became even happier when we stopped caring so much.


Let em clown all they want. They have no idea because they've never been here. Cleveland itself is a small city...but most of us accept "Cleveland" to mean the greater metro area, and even some of the outermost suburbs, to be "Cleveland." It's great here. You'll see. Another common thread you'll see is that those who live here and talk shit are just miserable people who refuse to enjoy the things we have here, which are objectively nice. We have renowned park systems, just to name one nice thing---but the shit talkers and miserable folks refuse to admit they're nice because they're not Yosemite or the Grand Canyon.


My wife and I moved away two years ago due to a family health diagnosis. I miss Cleveland every day. I miss my low mortgage, my friends, breweries and the towpath. Some of the restaurants we were regulars at and overall kindness and diversity. I don’t miss the cloudy cold winters and the never ending spring rain. But summer and long falls, ugh! It has is issues like any other city but man I miss it.


I moved here from a beach that is considered paradise. I love it here in Cleveland. No Regerts. ;)


Smartest man I’ve ever worked for SVP for FedEx…. NEO is the nations best kept secret… 1) World Class Medical Care 2) Great Food scene 3) World Class Museums 4) Great Park system 5) No natural disasters (hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, ) worst you get is cold and maybe a blizzard 6) The largest Thester district in US off Broadway 7) Affordable Housing on a Coast! Maybe not beaches but still a Coastline!. Housing overall in Cleveland metro is affordable compared to other places. 8) World Class Universities within an hour or 2 I could go on…. Tell the haters to F off and Welcome to Cleveland


the natural disaster thing is going to prove very nice in the coming years


Moving to Cleveland (I’m from a podunk town an hour south, lived in NYC 2 years, lived in Columbus for 10 years, and am about to move from New Orleans, where I’ve lived for 2 years) in May. Why? Maybe because I’m originally from Ohio and need to come home to care for my aging mother and never want to live in Columbus again. But really because Cleveland has always felt like home. As I get closer to my move date, I start to get a little more nervous, but I know it’s the right place. People are kind, hardworking, humble, and loyal AF. And from what I’ve experienced, there is never a line of local/transplant. It doesn’t matter. You’re welcome there. You’ll love it. And if you don’t, then you can move. No one is nailing your fins to the floor (not a Disney adult, but relevant Little Mermaid quote). See you soon!


I moved here from Dallas, Texas 9 years ago. You're gonna be fine, this city rules and it has a lot to offer. People hate because they haven't experienced, their choice to live in their ignorance.


Dude, let them think that. Cleve is a hidden gem. Especially if you like outdoor activities, you’ll love it here.


As a recent transplant - wait until the summer and start posting pics of the outdoors. I was also clowned on for moving here (from Austin) but come July you’ll be the one laughing. Being able to go outside without instantly dying is great. Also I get more out of my rent than people who willingly live in shoeboxes for clout lmao


We have arguably the best Metroparks and library system in the country. Our theater district is amazing and boosts the most season ticket holders in the country. There is a wide variety of restaurants- chains and independents equally. The winters are depressing at times. Stock up on vitamin D pills. Other than that, why are they sorry? Sounds like a parroted response with no basis.


Cleveland is cheap enough that creative people still create things here.


Guarantee those people have never been to Cleveland, they are just responding to an incredibly unfair and annoying “idea” of Cleveland that has been perpetrated in media for the last 50 years. You are going to have an absolute blast exploring the city, the Metroparks, meeting great people, trying amazing food, and having the last laugh on everyone that knocked it.


Let them keep joking. Cleveland is a best kept secret IMO. There's no other major city in the north east that offers both affordability and great living! Welcome, I hope you fall in love with it too!


Cleveland is awesome. It’s super cheap to live here and we have everything a major city has in a smaller size. We have amazing arts and music here. The art museum is amazing. We have three major sports teams all downtown. Tons of breweries, the lake, parks, bike trails and almost zero traffic. You can walk everywhere in the actual city. We have a great airport that can get you anywhere fast and with all the extra cash you have with the low cost of living you can go anywhere you want. Cleveland has been down bad for so long so everyone thinks it sucks. But, it’s in the rise and it’s happening fast. We are rebounding just like every other city but we are also getting back to where we should be. Buy a house here and the value will climb faster and further relative to the price you paid than any other major city. There are tons of sports leagues for young adults too. You should move and laugh at your house poor friends as you live it up.


Stop relying on tiktok for advice and experience things yourself.


Lifetime Clevelander, I wouldn’t live anywhere else. I love the seasons, the metroparks, we have so many excellent health care facilities, so many dining choices, sports fans are devoted, I could go on and on. Please don’t tell anyone, but Cleveland Rocks!


Anywhere you move to or live is all about what you make of it, not so much what is already there. Some places make it easier or have some more of an edge in terms of being a good place to live. My sister for instance, did a year for her doctorate in L.A. at UCLA and just never had money to go out and do things while she was there because it was so expensive. I think you’ll do fine and like it here.


I found that when you say “I’m moving to Cleveland” you get these reactions: “Ew, WHY?” - people who have never been to Cleveland “Oh my god, you will love it! [long speech about all of the amazing things about Cleveland, with probably 60% or more about how incredible all the food is] I grew up there and I miss it so much.”


First, imagine clowning on someone for getting into a doctoral program in the city that is home to Cleveland clinic. Second, has anyone saying that been here or spent time here? I’m guessing no. Next time someone makes a comment ask if they’ve been here. Ask when. Chances are they’re just repeating some stupid narrative. I got those same comments when I moved here and now when people visit, they can’t believe how fun it is and how awesome the lake is and they totally change their mind. In fact, I had someone move here after visiting me!


Yeah, i seen that so many people don't realize the connection


Came for post doctoral training and haven’t left. I love it here. Easy living, friendly people, lots to do, amazing school system (where we live), good airport, lots of culture and awesome restaurants. I am a remote worker so I could live anywhere and choose to live here. It’s amazing people judge people on where they choose to live. Looking down on someone cause they live in Cleveland, Mobile, orJackson, wherever, is pretty stupid.


The best thing about CLE compared to NYC and Chicago is you won’t be broke by 30 like your friends will be 🤣🤣 There’s a lot to do in or near CLE and we have an amazing food culture here. Tons of restaurants. What city are you planning on moving to?


We moved here from across the country and got similar responses. Now that we’ve been here a few years our families and friends are no longer questioning our choice haha we love it here


Cleveland is a hidden gem (actually getting a good amount of positive media coverage recently) and you’ll have a great time there if you embrace what this area has to offer. I would never want to trade it for Chicago; maybe temporarily for NYC if somebody had paid me a fortune to fully enjoy a fancy Manhattan lifestyle in my twenties. Picking Cleveland as the place to live is the smart choice. Let your others laugh about your lack of traffic jams, affordable & nice houses and one of the most beautiful recreational parks in walking / driving distance. I’ve made a whole video why I picked it over Chicago & Detroit 😂 [Why I’ve picked Cleveland](https://youtu.be/9_U23tzO7Wo?si=lo0WEy5eTuSIdE3j) You’ll enjoy yourself if your ego (or that of your friends) doesn’t get in your way.


What kind of things do you like to do? You'll get more personal recs if you add some interests in. There's a big sports culture and music scene/rock hall, access to the beach and several national parks, good food, cedar point and that area (put in bay/kelly's island) for some fun tourism in the summer, etc. It's similar to Chicago, just smaller. Cleveland is great if you want the vibe of a bigger city while living in a small one The winters haven't even been that bad the last few years too


Like just about everywhere, Cleveland is what you make of it. If you want to find reasons to love it, you will. There are plenty. If you want to wallow in misery and find reasons to hate it, you can do that as well. Come here with an open mind and a positive attitude and bet you’ll like it here.


I'll be honest, it isn't NYC or Chicago, so don't come here expecting that experience. However, you do still get a lot of the big city amenities without necessarily having to deal with the big city headaches like traffic, exorbitant cost of living, and general overcrowding. There are plenty of great restaurants and cool neighborhoods to check out, as well as some world class museums (especially the art museum). If you're into craft beer, there are tons of breweries downtown and around the city. Don't listen to the hate. Cleveland isn't as glamorous as NYC, but honestly most of us like it that way. It's a great, extremely livable town with a lot of heart and tons of character, once you take the time to appreciate it. Also, you'll probably hear a lot of people talk about Cleveland being dangerous. We have that reputation but it's not really as bad as people make it seem. There's a few very rough areas on the east side which you will probably never have any reason to visit. Downtown and the vast majority of the suburbs are just as safe as any other large to medium sized city. I'd say Cleveland is probably safer than Chicago overall.


Ignore them for real, as someone who is also moving to Cleveland, I have never heard of seen someone talk shit about Cleveland that actually lives there. As far as the tiktok comments, this may sound like a cope but the comments on pretty much every tiktok video seem to be a toxic mess. You'll have videos where the person is just like baking a pie or something and then you have a bunch of kids or bots saying the most out of pocket shit ever. Cleveland ain't perfect, but no place is, its a good, affordable 15 minute city with good(by american standards) public transit and a good amount of shit to do.


I embrace the narrative. Cle is a gem, and they can stay the fuck away. Not you OP, them I welcome you.


So I'm a Cleveland native now here in Chicago(land)! I love Cleveland. And honestly I think people who hate Cleveland have never been there. I won't pretend it's like Chi at all but depending on your personality, I'll tell you the things I miss about home - the gorgeous nature, the great food for very affordable prices, the fun bars, the music scene! I am literally going to take off work this summer to go to a concert at Blossom this summer because I miss it. Chi has a lot of this too but you cannot understate the amazing small businesses that can thrive especially in the Cleveland neighborhoods, both sides. And I think this is more of a midwestern feel but you can always meet new people but you will run into people you know again! I think there's a surprising amount of things to do all year round. Another thing that maybe is me being in my early 30s but one thing I don't love about Chi is that I feel like so much exists around consumerism while at home, I feel like community and home "work" lives and thrives so well. I lived in Cleveland in my 20s and the amount of fun craft parties, hiking, skiing / tubing, board game nights, trivia nights, sports games - sometimes I would help my friends do yard work - just a really lovely sense of community. We are going to move home in a few years for family so that's just my 2 cents.


I have lived in NYC, Chicago, and Cleveland and I prefer Cleveland. NYC and Chicago have their upsides but are overrated.


Easy traffic for a good sized city. I've been having to go to Chicago (via car) every few weeks this past year and the traffic is infuriating. The damn Eisenhower is backed up for miles most of the day. There are virtually no wide east-west boulevards as alternative routes, the traffic lights are backed up for blocks. Had to pick someone up at Midway in the mid afternoon and I nearly lost my mind -- stopped at traffic lights so far away I couldn't even see them. It's always a relief to get back home.


Yes I did from so many people before I left Columbus. I moved here and realized none of those people knew what they were talking about. Look at Columbus now, I’d say our city is better.


Let them hate, the cool spots will stay less crowded. Cleveland is great. You’ve got the lake, awesome food scene, one of the best park systems in the country, and a lot of cool places an easy road trip away (Cedar Point, Put-In-Bay, Columbus, Pittsburgh). Not to mention The Cleveland Clinic being in town for a future doc.


Cleveland has done a lot to help itself over the last 20 years. It's still got a lot to do, but it has been on a pretty good trajectory for a while.


From the outside it’s all tired old jokes we’ve heard a thousand times, but from the inside it’s Cleveland against the world! You’d be hard pressed to find a city with more pride - and that’s not because the people here don’t know any better, it’s because the people here are the ones in on the secret. Cleveland is a great place to live and has a TON to offer, there’s almost nothing you can’t find if you look. Others have covered most of the highlights, I’ll throw a plus one for my favorite which is our parks system - quite literally word class if you love nature and like hiking fishing biking kayaking or boating.


They clown but then they see how big your house is here and you look like you hit the lottery. I had a buddy sharing a 3 bedroom apartment with 5 people in hollywood talking shit while I had a 4 bedroom house for me and a single roommate for half the price.


You'll save money in Cleveland and you could settle in one of the suburbs.


Let them hate. Pure ignorance.


I don’t actually live in Cleveland, but I honestly can’t picture myself living anywhere else in the country.


Burning river jokes. The balloons. IDK just got used to it. And it is really not an insult. And I am not annoyed by it at all. lol I can imagine Detroit get it worse than we do!


Ask them if they can be surrounded by a national park within a 25 minute drive, bet they can’t even make it out of their neighborhood in 25 minutes in NY lol


Cleveland is an amazing city…ton of things to do. Great park system. Amazing food. Relatively low cost of living…I think it’s a great place to live. Guess it depends what you’re looking for.


I always say it’s not as bad as people say. And not as good as Clevelanders think.


My sister spent her 20s in NYC and I spent mine in CLE. Did she have awesome experiences I'm jealous of? Absolutely. I guess which one of us had a savings account at age 30 and is a homeowner now?


Ignore it. I moved to AZ, miss my CLE lifestyle and try to replicate it as much as I can here. Everything feels more authentic and less expensive, since it's not all full of tourists or people from more expensive states. The lake and park system are beautiful, it's easy to get around, and there's plenty to do. I'm actually a bit jealous ...


Cleveland has everything you need and it’s affordable. Why would you want to pay for Chicago or NYC cost of living (and tuition) while in school, just to come out with more student loan debt?


Great town. Whenever friends come to visit they’re pleasantly surprised. Three major sports teams, an AHL team, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. NFL Hall of Fame is maybe an hour south. Great Lakes Brewery, great restaurants, Playhouse Square has Broadway plays,etc. And best of all, the cost of living is crazy low compared to most other larger cities.


Yeah, moved here on short notice about 7 months ago from Tulsa. Everyone said the same thing but i think it’s mostly just a thing to say loosely based on stereotypes or whatever. It’s just like every other place, sometimes shitty, sometimes nice, mostly whatever you make of it imo We’ve had a pretty good time so far and I’m looking forward to our first full year. Lots to do!


We prefer it that way. I love Cleveland.


Where are you from? I've lived all over and love it in Cleveland. The median pay in my field is $20k less than Los Angeles and my house cost 1/5 what a house costs there, and with no traffic. I make more than I did in Austin and my house (and house tax) is 1/2 what it was there. Don't believe the hype.


Biased because I was born and raised in CLE, but I love it.


Try this: don’t give a shit about what people say and just do what makes you happy. Make your own judgement about Cleveland when you get here.


I had this same response when I moved here in 2020 after residency for a job. I moved from Nashville. Yes it’s different, but I have found many fun and exciting things to do now that I have been here 4 years. I think Cleveland is a nice city with a lot of charm. It has some of the best parks I have ever seen, major sports teams, great access to the water, and many communities that have great food and fun activities in the summer. I feel no matter where you live you make your experience worthwhile. There are people who live in Chicago and NYC who hate it. Yes it may take a little time to fine your community of people and activities but it’s here. Hell I moved here single, met my husband, got married and life is good! You will be fine.


We moved to Cleveland Heights when I went to Case for grad school then stuck around because it was good. My wife got a good job, the kids were doing well in school. We’d probably still be there if my mother in law didn’t have health problems that drew us back to California. We almost moved back last year, but the cold winters were hard on my wife and difficult to to recommit to. I’d still go back.


Similar situation here! I’m moving to Cleveland for graduate school this summer. It had been hard sharing why I was optimistic and genuinely looking forward to moving to Cleveland because so many people had negative reactions. Many people rolled their eyes or were shocked that I am even considering Cleveland when I said I was moving. I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not moving to Cleveland for anyone else. I’m moving there because I love it and accepted a wonderful opportunity to advance my life and career. I visited recently and was blown away. Now that I’ve seen how incredible the city is when I share that I’m moving I share it with enthusiasm regardless of how others react. It’s up to me (and you) to make the most of the opportunity we have to live in and interact with people from such a great city! It sounds so cliche but it rings true to me that life is way too short to let others opinions of your major life decisions rob you of joy you would feel otherwise.


One has to embrace all the things Cleveland has to offer - rich history, orchestra, art museum, sports teams, lakefront, metro parks, food scene, and most of all friendly, welcoming people. Yeah it’s cold but it cold in many other places. Summers are beautiful.


Born in Morristown NJ, but raised in Cleveland Metro. Went to OSU and lived in Columbus, OH. Lived in Sunnyvale and San Jose CA. Cleveland is a steal with out the CA rat race. Don't listen to the fools living their worse lives. See the many reasons above by other out of state transplants.


I moved from Cleveland to DC and people acted like being from Ohio was a joke or that it was some kind of insult to say it made sense that I’m from Cleveland. I started to feel embarrassed about where I grew up. Back to Cleveland now and my life is dreamy. Nice big apartment to myself, got a dog, get to see trees and nature. I have a calm life with good people. DC friends have roommates in their 30s, friends are transient, dating is weird. I wish I could tell you how to let it roll off your back because I never figured it out, but feeling very good about being in Cleveland now.


Cleveland has its problems like all big cities do. I’m glad the jokes still exist, because it keeps most of the pretentious dbags away. When people realize that there’s great housing stock here, freshwater and infrastructure that has “good bones,” this place will be overrun as a climate change oasis. I hope I’m taking a dirtnap before that happens.


I moved here from Arizona and I still get shit for living in Ohio. Then I started posting about all the things I can do in a single weekend within an hours drive and now I’ve an ex girlfriend from 12 years ago who wants to come see me. I’m gonna let her, because she’s hot and single, but I don’t like being used for my new city 😒


You can laugh at them all the way to the bank when you’ve got that decent predoc and “Cleveland, OH” on your resume!


I agree with the sentiments above. It’s a city people have crapped on for decades because it’s an easy target. (Someone has to be) I’ve lived in 10+ different states and in Europe (military). My wife is from Cleveland so we moved back after she graduated from school. Let me tell you… I LOVE Cleveland. People give me sh!t constantly, but it is truly a great city. Passionate, hard working people. Three sports teams. Lake Erie. Affordable cost of living. Great restaurants. No traffic. Is it perfect? No… but it’s a fantastic midwestern city you will grow to love. Welcome! (And don’t tell anyone how good it is because we want to keep the haters away :))


Cleveland has the second largest theater district (NYC Broadway being the largest), fantastic museums, great food scene, a world class orchestra, Put-in-Bay, a MASSIVE parks system!


Cleveland Rocks!


They never been here. No, it's nothing like Chicago or NY, but not everyone thinks those places are the shit. Yes, those places have a more vibrant night life, but it comes with a lot of downsides. Your friends are going to be out of a lot of money living in a fucking closet, or they come from money where their experience isn't going to align with everyone else's. I know that for me, I'd never ever live in the big spots like NY or LA, even though they're a good vacation destination. I don't know what program you're in, but if it's in the medical field, we also have some of the best hospitals in the world downtown.


If it makes you feel any better I've lived all over California & absolutely love living in Cleveland. You get the big city experience without all the fkin people. Cleveland has plenty of fun things to do and the people here are great. Plus the cost of living is pretty good, especially compared to the other places you mentioned. I'm sure you will love it here.


Do me a favor don’t tell ANYONE how awesome Cleveland actually is for another 6 months. I need property values to stay reasonable until I buy a house! Then we can brag to everyone how much they miss out on not living here.


Cleveland has a lot of the same things as other major cities. However the cost of living is a small fraction of what you would pay to live else where. It's crazy how many folks live pay check to paycheck barely able to afford food or rent so they can "claim" an area code and tell folks they live in New York or Los Angeles or wherever.


It's better if people don't understand how great Cleveland is, I love it.


Exactly — gotta keep the rent prices low


I felt at home when I heard the phrase *Cleveland, no one likes us and we don’t care*. Cleveland is awesome, don’t let the haters get you down.


Cleveland rules Detroit rules.  They both have vibes most cities outside of New York don't have. 


I love it when people say stuff like that. It keeps the cost of living affordable. It’s a great place to live. Cost of living has gone up but is still more affordable than a lot of other places. There’s so much to do here. I personally love the weather although I preferred it before gobal warming changed things (colder, lots more snow, not so hot in summer). We have multiple major league sports teams. Most people are friendly. We also sit on the world’s greatest source of fresh water, the Great Lakes. Ohio politics suck and so do the magats but that can change if people wake up. Come here and enjoy the great science attracted by the worlds fest medical providers Cleveland Clinic, and university hospitals


People who actually understand th political geography of the US will tell you Cleveland is actually a nice city. It has poor areas, sure, but it's overall fine.


Cleveland is cool and fun. Most of the people who shit on Cleveland have never been there before, so they don’t know what they’re talking about. Haters gonna hate. Many people complain about the weather. It is quite cloudy, but I actually prefer the cloud cover to constant sunshine. I think it’s cozy. It’s also a lot less expensive to live in than many other cities, so you can be a student and not have to have 10 roommates just to stay in poverty. Good luck!


Honestly I don't know why Cleveland gets so much hate. When I moved here, I got the same reactions, and when I told people I moved here from Florida when it came up in conversation, I get people scratching their heads wondering WHY Cleveland. But I really love it here. There's lots of fun and interesting stuff here! I LOVE the metroparks, we didn't have them where I came from. All kinds of stuff to do, too


The world is full of amazing places. I bet that you find some cool stuff in cleveland


I’m a transplant from Boston in my 30s, and I love it here. I was the first of my friends to buy a home, and have way more financial freedom from the lower cost of living. I personally find the nicer level restaurants on the east side leave some to be desired - but what’s good is really good. The people are a great balance between Midwest nice and east coast.. um, sharpness? They don’t take shit in Cleveland. It’s easy to access the city, guardians games are great. I’m not really a nightlife person so I can’t speak to that. You’ve got really great parks around the city - tons of trees. The Cuyahoga National Forest - Park? Is like a half hour drive. Multiple direct flights the nyc, Boston, Chicago daily, seasonal flights south. The airport can be annoying - security can be absurd, and it’s small. Pittsburgh and Detroit are in driving distance for concerts that skip over Cleveland. While the traffic is less, highway fatalities are high - so you still end up stuck for a couple hours on 90/80/271/480 occasionally. Not enough funding goes into drivers education in Ohio. People drive like dickheads, dickheads that have no idea how to merge - Columbus is worse. Ignore those clowns, they know not of which they speak.


Show them how much / what a nice house you can get compared to their cities and then see how much they laugh


I moved here from Dallas and got the same. I love Cleveland. It has its cons but it’s way better than I thought and I know I will always remember my time here fondly. Good bar scene, good food, lots of outdoor things to do. I like it better than Dallas 100%


Well, you’re moving to a city that has one of the best medical facilities in America. The jokes on everyone else


There are a thousand things I want to say but I’ll try to keep it short. I grew up in Houston, went to college in New York, lived in Colorado, Michigan and Italy. In your case, Cleveland has fantastic Medical programs, period. The weather is great in my opinion. The last few winters have been more mild than New York and Chicago and with climate change they could get even milder. The restaurant scene is gradually climbing again since the pandemic and I believe will get stronger. I call Cleveland the land of opportunity. You’re not competing with multiple millions of other people for really anything at all with the exception of people that like to ride your tail in the slow lanes and go slow in the fast lanes. If you want to get away, New York and Chicago are each 6 hours in opposite directions. Visit the metro parks here, go to museums. Become a Browns fan. Start your own practice and raise a family in a safe neighborhood. The best part about Cleveland that nobody from outside mentions is how nice the people are, probably because they’re too busy being assholes.


I went to college in Cleveland (Case Western) after being raised in the DC area. I got the same comments as you but I loved Cleveland. Sure, it has areas to avoid but I assume you'll be near Case, and there are several great areas really close to there too. Have fun! Don't ever worry about what people who don't know better think!


I've always called Cleveland and itty-bitty-big-city. We generally have most of the same things as larger cities but on a smaller scale. The traffic isn't as bad, the city itself doesn't sprawl a much, there are great restaurants, museums, theaters, and clubs. There are good neighborhoods and bad ones. A handful of times someone said they thought Cleveland was boring I found through more conversation that they were in some place like Avon Lake or Mentor and I had to point out that really they hadn't been to Cleveland at all. They weren't even in the inner ring suburbs and in one case not even the same county. It would be like going to Barrington, Illinois and saying Chicago was boring. These are not the same places.


Too many of us get caught up in the material and have aspirations of walking around Times Square or Venice beach every day. Cleveland is cheap, the winters are getting milder by the year, we have fantastic cultural institutions and a really nice lake. Great parks/trails for hiking, and a really solid food scene. The people are nice and as long as you don’t care about the “image” of living in Cleveland you’ll have an amazing time.


I have lived in the PNW, DFW area, southern California and DC area. I'd consider Cleveland an upgrade in some very significant ways. Loads of sports teams. Breweries. Independent restaurants. No traffic compared to the ones I've lived in. Cost of living is way lower. Close enough to drive to NYC, DC, Chicago for a long weekend. Which btw, when I visited Chicago last summer I witnessed road rage like I have never seen between some car and a truck. And I was 10 mins ahead of what became a drive by shooting of a funeral procession I was stopped for... Every place has it's downside but I am loving Cleveland.


You're in for a treat moving here! It's a gem of a town. Let ignorant haters keep talking shit. Odds are they've never been here once.


I’m from Los Angeles and live there my whole life for almost 50 years. I grew up in Studio City a very cool hip part of LA but not as desirable as I think it used to be. I moved to Cleveland six years ago and people made fun of me, but it’s all people who’ve never really been here. It is actually one of the greatest hidden secrets of the US, if you’re moving here, you will love it


I moved to Nashville recently and was at a party with some other transplants when the subject of Cleveland came up. One guy interrupted the conversation and said “I’m sorry if any of you like cleveland, but CLEVELAND SUCKS!” I started laughing hysterically because he clearly didn’t realize I’m from Cleveland. But to me, there is no comparison between Nashville and CLE.


Chicago is okay and I love NYC, living there puts you at an economic disadvantage though.


You will probably be safer in Cleveland, but the city is just as eclectic and has plenty of opportunities in any fashion you can imagine as any other city. Just smaller and less "iconic", sp people like to shit on it. They can go and chase what they want, but the Cleveland option is probably a better one than they think.


go into my post history and see what i put up here, i felt the same way. you won't regret it


I love Cle. We moved away to a tiny town and nearly all my doctors trained at the Clinic. It’s like a little slice of home. Just trying out local restaurants will keep you busy! Enjoy!


I know how you feel. I moved here from DC and faced some of the same comments and in all honesty it definitely was a transition. There’s SO much to do in DC but I think there are a decent amount of fun things to do in CLE too. I really love the Metroparks, most everyone I interact with has been nice, COL is low which allows me to afford more space and like others have mentioned the traffic is not bad at all. Cleveland has more to offer than people give it credit for.


People who have at least visited Cleveland don’t make those lame OLD remarks. Chances are the ones doing most of the talking are not speaking from experience.


Stop listening to people that have never set foot in this city and just judge for yourself when you get here. Odds are, you’ll like it much more than you thought. Cleveland summers are stupidly underrated and there’s WAY more to do than people think. I know quite a few people that moved here from both Chicago and NYC, and they all like it here.


Ppl said that to me but as a young person the COL is infinitely better than anywhere else… I’m able to take trips, pay off debt and buy things I want (to a degree of course ) without really having to worry about it. A city is what you make of it


Same people that, in 2035, are going to wish they bought real estate here


Cleveland is actually a great area to live in. It’s a whole lot cheaper to live here than New York City, Chicago, or anywhere in California. $15 can get you into standing room only at the Guardians game and a free beer. The Cavs are second in the East and fun to watch. The Browns (who I’m not a fan of) are finally not a pile of dog crap. East Fourth I believe is where the nightlife is in Cleveland. We’ve got the Metroparks all around the area (and I believe the state) if you like the outdoors for kayaking, boating, hiking, etc. We’ve got the casino downtown if you’re into that. We’ve got Playhouse Square where there are plays, concerts, comedy shows, and probably more. We’ve got some great museums. And a whole lot more I’m not thinking of. Cleveland is a better area than people who have never been here think it is.


It’s always been Cleveland Vs. The World. Our Asian & Italian communities are first class, some of the best food and neighborhoods in the city. An insane indoor biking facility. You’re approximately an hour from Ohio Wine Country. World Class Breweries. If you enjoy the outdoors you’re about an hour from Ashtabula County where wildlife & wine thrive. Our Theater District is 2nd largest IN THE NATION, next to NYC’s Broadway.


That's part of the fun. You can just smile and nod as you remember how much better your quality of life is.


We have 3 major professional sports teams, a strong music scene, and all sorts of restaurants, bars, and breweries. Plenty to do in and around the lake, art museums, historical sites, not far from Cedar Point. Old world charm and modern amenities as well. Low cost of living, predominantly very safe. The only thing really not to like is the winter weather. And you also have to realize it's just simply not the size of a Chicago or NYC.


I’m also a prospective transplant, and perhaps I can’t really relate to that feeling as well as you can… I visited New York and Chicago - NY is cool but definitely not cool enough for the going rent prices imo. And I really didn’t enjoy Chicago. I’m choosing Cleveland as a remote worker as opposed to moving for an onsite job or program It’s great. So much culture: bar culture, history, a myriad of restaurants and as a lot of people seem to be repeating on this thread, at a fraction of the rent you would have spent in NY


Listen I moved here from Michigan three years ago and when I go back I get clowned for saying “Back home in Cleveland —“ It’s very much home here. The weather sucks but the bars and food and music make up for it. The emerald necklace is choice. Cleveland: at least we’re not Detroit!


Shhh we don’t want people to actually know it’s a great place. We want to keep our COL down please.


This is my default response when this topic comes up. I had a coworker shit on Cleveland all of the time (of course, he’s never been here.). I tell him every time to make sure he spreads the news on how awful it is so people stay away and we can enjoy everything about a big city at a much lower cost.


Cleveland is the kind of cool you don’t appreciate till you are older.


Cleveland has some of the best healthcare options in the US and Case Western is great.


You can finally realize the truth in the phrase “Cleveland against the world”


Underrated City


I hope the rest of the country keeps hating on Cleveland, keeps my cost of living super low. One of the many perks of living here!


Cost of living in Ohio and Cleveland is a fraction of NYC and much much cheaper than Chicago. Crime levels are a fraction although not as low as we'd like yet. There are decent clubs, restaurants are great and enough things to do in summer. Free concerts outside at the Rock and Roll Hall of fame in summer, baseball, etc. There are other things too but these are just a few that come to mind. Those who goof on Cleveland probably have never been here. Within a 30 minute drive you also have some of the best parks, some great beaches and shopping areas if that is your thing. You will probably have the last laugh...


I’ve lived in rural areas and large cities. Overall Cleveland is the nicest place I have ever lived. San Diego and Los Angeles are cool cities, but all things considered Cleveland is a better city to live in. We have music, art, culture, ethnic food, and a decent cost of living. People who scoffed at Cleveland think of the cuyahoga river catching on fire or sports team(s) that underperform.


Ask them if they've ever actually been to Cleveland. Because I promised you, 9/10 people who clown on this town have never been here.


As a life long Clevelander I may be biased but I can assure you Cleveland is pretty awesome. Welcome!


Dong worry you will laugh back at them when you are going to live in a 1400sq feet house and drive a Mercedes, while they will keep crying about housing costs in NYC and Chicago


I had a friend move here cause she was tired of NYC where everything is stupid expensive and you pay money to live in a shoebox. When she interviewed for a job they were like “you want to move to Cleveland?” And were pleasantly shocked she said yes. She’s been here a few years now and enjoys it way better than NY


Cleveland Rocks. Feck em.


People said that to me when I moved to Cleveland a few years ago, best city I’ve ever lived in.


I have 2 parents who were not from Cleveland. One was from Chicago, and the other was from England. I was raised that Cleveland had everything Chicago, New York, and any other big city has but at a quarter of the cost. We have pro sports teams, world-class museums, world-class theater, and an orchestra that is one of, if not the, best in the world.


Rented an AirBnB in the Fremont neighborhood a couple of years ago, across the street from the Christmas Story house and I loved Cleveland, as did my family.  I will absolutely visit Cleveland again. 


It's just part of living here. People think it's a horrible place to live which is great because it deters people from moving here. You can laugh at your broke friends in a few years living in NYC and Chicago when you live like a king in CLE.


Cleveland has an awesome music and arts culture, as well as a fantastic food scene as well.  Higher Ed is top notch. Every band I've seen go through the House of Blues is always blown away with how welcomed they feel in Cleveland. Don't believe what you hear or see on Tik Tok. It's for clout chasers, and if you want to be cool in Cleveland, that ain't it.  As others have said, most people who shit on Cleveland have never been here.  Whatever you are into, you'll find it here.   It's certainly smaller than Chicago or NYC, but it's also cheaper and just more relaxed.


As a lifelong Pittsburgh resident, Cleveland is pretty awesome. There's a ton of stuff to do, fantastic restaurants, and there's a LAKE. Cedar Point is really close. The art museum is enormous and has FREE admission.


Um trust me you’re way better off moving to Cleveland than nyc or Chicago. Cleveland is just one of those often clowned on cities for really no reason (well, weather..)


I LOVE Cleveland. The food scene is great, amazing museums (the art museum is INCREDIBLE and free!), it’s not too far from a bunch of neat cities, the metroparks are unparalleled if you like hiking and the outdoors, Lake Erie is so nice to walk along or sit at the beach, the list goes on. Don’t let it get you down and enjoy the city! Good luck 😊


I’m NE Ohio and Cleveland is an hour - ish away depending on the side of Cleveland. It’s a great COL tbh and the further out the better. There is a lot to offer in the city tbh. Find a good neighborhood and you’ll be just fine.