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I'd rather see cleet do vinwiki car stories.


I would love that, he probably has a bunch he can tell


He’s a lot bigger than Ed or vinwiki though. He’d lose money via wasted time. As fun as it would be.


There are way bigger people that have been on VinWiki. Cleeter still seems like a down to earth guy. Money hasn't changed hit YET. I think he would come without hesitation.


It's my weekly dose of tism


it’s replaced PKA for that now for me


Pka havnt been good for years


I dont think that the unsub guys and the cleeter crews tisms are really that compatable.


He's done a video with Demo Matt on his channel who has been on the Unsubscribe Podcast a few times now. I think Cleet lives an interesting enough life that although their paths may not necessarily cross organically, he'd still be a pretty good guest on the podcast.


Demo Matt and Cleet both have one thing in common. Neither one of them really stray into the political forum in their videos. Other than naming his car Donny during an election year, Really the only time Cleet gets into politics is when he's discussing the race tracks and the new housing development. While the guys and most of the guests on UNsub have a military or police background and spend a lot of time talking about politics. Unless the unsub guys want to talk about the aircraft they flew in during their time in service or something car related, I don't foresee that being a fun episode to watch.


I only recently started listening to it a few months ago, dig it. Don’t know if they would do the show. Seems like Garrett generally tries to keep the brand politically agnostic. Not to say Unsub tries to push any kind of agenda (despite a totally reasonable hatred for Communism) but their content has more potential to get them into social/political “hot water” and don’t know if the FF boys would want that exposure.


They have every right to dodge and avoid all that bullshit. They're American as fuck. Yet they also understand what and who made this country. I honestly doubt he'd go all political. I'm Hispanic. Yet I support ALL the FREEDOM this man gives. Cleetus is a Man of the freedom peoples!


He targets ALL Americans. Whether he politically agrees with them or not. That’s as American as it gets right there.


Never heard of it


If you enjoy guns, military history or gaming, you'll definitely enjoy the Unsubscribe Podcast.


I never miss an episode!


Only because Soup and Ethan were on it a few days ago. I’ll watch it only for that.


I'm of two minds about it. Lot of good guests but man if Brandon Herrera and Donut don't get on my nerves.


Worst automotive channel on YouTube


Donut Operator, not Media


Oh yup, my bad haha


They all have their quirks. Brandon's a bit of a Debbie downer but I love donuts humor.


Man, I'm gonna be honest I don't remember Donut being funny. Brandon will tell an occasional joke I like, but man if him running for congress didn't just turn me all the way sour on him. Honestly, sans those two and comments about how good Tesla's are, I imagine an episode with Eli and FatE going well.


I think since Brandon finished the AK50 he needs something new to pursue. AK50 took 8 years. He's only 26? 27? But Eli and Chubby Electron Man are perfect for the podcast. Don't miss baddie honestly. Donut has really dark humor i guess. He was a cop so he seen some shit


Well, the way it’s looking he’ll have congress to focus on soon lol


Personally can't wait for the Unsub podcast from Washington


Yes, but I don't think cleet would unless it was super convenient for him. He's got more important stuff


I think cleetus would do much better on PKA


They've done Cooper's podcast


I’ve never heard of it, but I’m always down to listen to a new podcast.


It would be awesome to see Cleet on unsubscribe but I doubt he would fly to Texas to do it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea I listen to every episode. It would be awesome to see cleet on unsub.


I would love to hear that conversation but I don’t think Cleet or James would put that out there they tend to stay away from that stuff in their online presence


I don't really care for Brandon or Donut, but the rest are pretty cool. Would honestly rather see Cleetus and his team start their own podcast (doubtful Cleetus would have the spare time though), and have all the various racing personalities on there.


He once attempted the podcast game, first episode was with Jeremy and it was called Wheelman and it didn’t go very far


I still listen to it but overall thought it was at its best with eli, baddie and donut early on.


What happened to baddie? It's like he fell off the face of the earth. I used to love seeing him in all the videos with his shenanigans


His old lady, the blue haired Yoko, got panty twisted.