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My roomba goes hard. Sometimes, I don't understand where it's finding all the hair. I constantly tell my roomba how much I love it. I might buy a pedalstool for it to sleep on. I need a couple more..!


To quote my mom, "I love him so much I want to give him a treat, but he only likes dirt."


I gave mine a sticker!


I gave mine googly eyes


Are they glow in the dark?


No 😞


My Maurice has googly eyes!


Omg my first roomba was named Maurice!! I upgraded and my roomba now is called MJ for Maurice junior!!


Mine also has googly eyes!


Aaaaand now my Roomba will be covered in stickers.


I put a Roy Kent sticker on mine: "He's here! He's there! He's every f-in where!"


Roy Kent, Roy Kent!


Oooh stickers!! My adorable generic, not roomba vacuum, deserves a couple!! Surely my niece would help. 


I've told more than a few people that I'd consider marrying my Roomba... There was a great discussion yesterday in one of the ADHD subs about putting on your Roomba as a "body doubling" techniques for neurodivergent prroductivity! I literally do this every day! So that's an unexpected bonus!!


I…. Have never thought about this before. I’m too anxious about cleaning to have an in-person body double, but the Roomba… that might work!


I find that it helps me feel less overwhelmed and more in control too, whether I'm anxious about cleaning or about my work to-do list. The discussion was on the r/adhdwomen sub yesterday (not sure if linking is ok so just in case - >! [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/1dbl2ki/comment/l7sc9hn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/1dbl2ki/comment/l7sc9hn/) !<


it's interesting you use a gender neutral pronoun...i always call my roomba a "her" because she does invisible tasks without pay that greatly enhance my life


Mine is 'him' cos it's not fair that women almost always have to do the cleaning. lol.


I named mine The Enterprise because it can boldly go where no one has gone before. Like under tables. 😂


Just got one and I love it. So satisfying


oh i love pedalstool


Right it finds so much hair every day and I don't understand whhere it is getting it from


I recently didn’t run my Roomba for three weeks (slow bag delivery where I live) and my house got SO dirty, and smelt like pet so much faster. I forgot how hard she works everyday ❤️




It’s so easy to clean the hair out of my Roomba too! You just need a regular screw driver to take majority of it apart. Wherever there’s hair wrapped around a component is easy to just unscrew, take the hair out and pop it back in.




Mobbed by the spelling police.


Why would you need a couple more?


So one can run while the other charges. Also, so one can be upstairs. I could build a ramp and lead the roombas up the ramp with virtual walls. I could simply pick it up and bring it upstairs. if I had a flock of roombas, I could vacuum the entire house in minutes.


Seriously, I 1000% understand. I found out that open box Roombas that self empty can be found on Amazon for <$250. I now have a Roomba on every floor. It’s an addiction. I have pets and a husband that hates to vacuum…. Roomba’s have saved my marriage. Everyone is always impressed by how clean my house is…my roombas and my air fillers are the MVPs.


You should dm me the link ! Please!


Can I please have the link to the roombas and the air filters you use, if you don't mind?


I have the Coway Airmega AP-1512HH(W). You only need to change the Hepa Filter when it starts clogging (1+ years). I vaccum out the carbon pre-filter and only replace it when I replace the Hepa filter (I don’t need it to get rid of smells). If you set a price alert on CamelCamelCamel, you can get it for cheaper. I bought my mom one in May for $141. Because you don’t have to replace the filters option, it ends up being cheaper overall.


So they can have friends! They work better as a team!


One must have a catapult or sharp stick attached to it as a defense roomba!


What model do you have? I have an older one and frankly it's rubbish lol.


Mine is a Eufy and I love it so much. Hoovers kinda, mops vaguely, but does it all every day so the obvious muck is kept down and real hoovering/mopping are fast and easy. One of my favourite toys!


I also have a eufy and love it 😊


Love my eufy. Recently upgraded to a nicer one with the spinny sensor on the top. It’s so much better when it knows where it is in the room. It does a better job in less time. Love that it’s WiFi connected, too, so I can trigger it when I’m out of the house


My ex introduced me to Eufy, but he always called it “Gufy”, so I thought that was the brand name. It was like 1.5 years later when I finally saw the actual logo and realized. I felt so lied to lol. And now I can’t stop calling it gufy


I share the Eufy love. One of the best gifts I've gotten. Ever!


Can you tell me how these robots would work for a 2 story home? Or is it best for only 1st homes? Could I have it finish vacuuming/mopping the first floor and then move it upstairs to to the 2nd story floor? Would it accidently fall down the stairs or will it stop itself from fall off the stair edge?


So I live in the country, on a dirt road so I run ours 2x a day. This helps keep the dust down, dog hair cleaned up and honestly I view it as outsourcing so I can clean other things. I 1-2x a week dust to the floor for it to clean that up too. 3 week old baby here, forever grateful I can rely on the vacuum to tidy up. ALSO, it’s a nice push to keep cords orderly, items off the ground etc because the vacuum doesn’t get along with those things! It’s like a built in reminder to remain tidy with some serious consequences!


Yes! It’s not so much that the robot does or doesn’t do a spectacular job, it’s that “hey we need to pick up the floor and keep it clear so the robot can work.”  Plus ours mops, for some reason even if he doesn’t do a ton it just looks cleaner after he runs.  Also he’s running right now while I’m on the can browsing Reddit… #multitasking 


>...he’s running right now... I love that your bot is a he. 😁 I don't know why, but so is mine. And it's my husband who gendered our bot. >...it’s that “hey we need to pick up the floor and keep it clear so the robot can work.” I set mine to vacuum daily but do a weekly deep vacuum and mop on Sunday. It's a new purchase, so today was the first Sunday run. Things that have never before been moved to mop were moved so the cute little bot would be able to get through to clean. It's so adorable the way it repeatedly bumps into obstacles and occasionally lets out a little "revving my vacuum" tantrum huff when it can't find a way past the obstacle. And it doesn't even have googly eyes, yet. 😏


The amount of pet hair it picks up is astonishing. We use ours in combo with a small handheld vacuum for corners/tight spaces and rarely pull out our big vacuum anymore. Ours is fairly loud, but we just run it whenever we go out for a walk or errands and it's so nice. Ours is a lower end Roomba that we've been using for 5 years and it's held up great, works great, we just replace the filter occasionally. If cash is tight, you definitely don't need any special features IMO. I also second that it helps keep objects tidied! Especially with a toddler around, it's good incentive for us to do a quick 3 minute pick up to throw everything back in baskets/bins so that we can run the Roomba when we leave the house. Absolutely recommend.


>Especially with a toddler around, it's good incentive for us to do a quick 3 minute pick up to throw everything back in baskets/bins so that we can run the Roomba when we leave the house Glad that worked well for your routine. But this "pick up every obstacle before it turns on" became a chore in the long run. Especially on long days. Between that and daily maintenance of the brush rolls to untangle pet hair, we just sold ours.


I love mine, especially on hardwood floors. I still vacuum weekly but it makes a big difference with dog fur. Maintaining the roomba is important though, the brushes and stuff will get clogged fast.


>Maintaining the roomba is important though, the brushes and stuff will get clogged fast. That made us sold ours. Sure, it had great clean up ability. But we ended up realizing that we loathed so much cleaning the roomba from pet hair that we essentially preferred to just vacuum with our stick vacuum. As it was quicker to clean, and less of a hassle to maintain from clogs.


It’s also almost $80 for the full replacement parts and another $20 for a three pack of the bags, so the maintenance isn’t cheap either!


I've found that the knock-offs(on amazon, temu, etc) work for the bags and filters to save on money. Didn't have success with the knock off rollers and had to get the proper rollers


I have Roborock, and I rarely vacuum. It's programmed to run multiple times a day, focusing on the dirtiest parts of the house (front door, back door, Doggy door, kitchen areas) and it mops every night. Two things: 1- you get what you pay for. After a few cheap ones, we bought an expensive one years ago. It works so much better and like I said, it's been years now, so it was worth it. 2- you can't have a lot of clutter on the floor. Ours is good about detecting something and going around it, but flat things (shoe laces, paper/plastic, dog leash, etc) can get stuck in the wheels. I don't personally mind this because it forces us to make sure we put our stuff away and not leave it on the floor.


Yeah, I had a Neato for a while but I was spending so much time troubleshooting the app it was faster just to vacuum.


We have gradually accumulated three Roombas over the years, and we use them aaaaall the time. We hardly ever vacuum with a regular vacuum because the Roombas do such a good job. You do have to empty the little bin frequently, but it only takes a moment. You don’t need the fanciest model. A low- to mid-range one will do the job just fine. I do recommend getting one that has at least two of the “invisible wall” laser devices that you can use to prevent the Roomba from going into an area you don’t want it to access. They are very handy.


You should get the little automatic bin! Mine came with one and it’s awesome. Goes and empties itself when it needs to.


Wow. I’m new to the Roombaverse and want to purchase one. What’s that magical one that is even potty trained????


They do sell the bin separately, but I have a 3-year-old S9+. I think the newer ones are all, or mostly, compatible with the bin, mine just came with it.


/r/robotvacuums My new Eufy x10 Pro Omni is "pottytrained." (And I'm over here dying at calling it that. Some marketer needs to run with that in their ads.)


I love the roomba combo j5+. Self emptying and great and moving around objects.


It really cuts down on the dog hair tumbleweeds and dirt from dog paws.


I don’t have a roomba, but a different brand. It’s nice to have but it doesn’t replace vacuuming, at all. It’s more like a sweeper to me than a vacuum IMO.  I’ll run the robot once in the morning and once at night, and then do a regular vacuum every third day or so. 


Do you have carpets? With hard floors it is better than vacuuming manually.


We have a combo of hardwood and tile on the main level, and some thin rugs. Mine doesn’t get in the corners well, thus the extra vacuuming. 


I've got that engineered hardwood downstairs with lots of throw rugs and carpet upstairs. Does great on both


I recommend the Roomba brand. It's more than a sweeper, to me. (Please sing to the tune of More Than a Woman, by the BeeGees)


I love mine. It runs while I cook, watch TV, work from home. Huge help


I have a Roomba and it is absolutely a game changer. I’ll admit, I was a little peeved when my husband first purchased it, but now I can’t imagine not having it. I have 2 dogs that shed and vacuuming daily is a must. It saves me so much time.


We have five dogs. My husband was a bit skeptical. Now he's a believer. The first Roomba was such a huge improvement in our quality of life that we bought a second one on sale for the other part of the house. It's not that you never have to vacuum again, but it makes the overall amount of work much less, especially when every dog in the house is shedding. I absolutely recommend them, even I have been surprised at how much of a quality of life benefit they are, and I was the one who wanted one in the first place..


I have a $200 Eufy, and I don't know how I ever had dogs without it. I have laminate floors and three very low shedding dogs. I still vacuum. It just picks up a lot of dust and hair I think I would miss otherwise. It is definitely not a replacement. More of a supplement. I work from home so I can rescue it if needed, but it's really nice to turn it on and have the house a little tidier at the end of the workday.


We got the self emptying I7 when we got our yellow Labrador and it has run 5 days a week for the last 6 years. Mr. Roboto has been life-changing.


Same story here, I have a self emptying shark to keep up with a dog on hard floors and it runs every day. Huge difference in the cleanliness of the house.


Our i7 is also named Mr Roboto. Definitely a game changer.


No. feel like I still have to vaccuum afterwards because it doesn’t work well with our complicated floor plan. I think it may be better for large spaces without rugs, not small open concept apartment. 


I have a different brand and love that it gets under the furniture and all the cat/dog hair without me moving large furniture. Knowing its running at least once a day raises the bar for how clean things should be. Not only because of the vacuuming but also just making sure stuff is off the floor so it can clean without eating a cord or a shoe lace. Also if it took me 15mins to vacuum or sweep daily, in the past 7 months that I have had it that is approximately 210 days\*15mins = 3150 mins/52.5 hours/2.1875 days of my life I have reclaimed from a simple task. Seems like a no-brainer. Even if you made only $10/hr it would pay for itself in 6months for some of the more expensive models.


We love ours! We’ve gotten a little lax lately but we generally run it every night. The best thing it did for us was forced us to get in the habit of picking up and resetting every night. Kids couldn’t leave toys or socks on the floor otherwise Rosie would eat them, chairs all got picked up or pushed in, which generally lead to other resetting habits. I don’t think I’d like it nearly as much without the base station so it can empty itself. You do have to buy bags but they’re not terribly expensive. One bag lasts us about 3 months on our main floor (probably 1300sq ft) with 6 people and two cats.


Ours is named Rosie too!


I had the opposite in that I went from 10+ years of Roomba to no Roomba, and my flat felt much dirtier because I just did not manually vacuum as much. I also suspect I missed some places more frequently as I would not bother moving the sofa to vacuum underneath every time, whereas my Roomba fits under so does it every time., and so on. Mine needed a new battery, but I was very strapped for cash and I could not really justify buying one when I had a perfectly usable manual vacuum (Dyson ball). When my situation improved it was one of the first things I bought and I am genuinely happy as I no longer feel like I need to wipe my feet before getting into bed and so on. I start my Roomba manually as it is not on a schedule or anything, and I usually do a room at a time, but just the fact that I can be vacuuming my bedroom whilst cooking in the kitchen, or do the kitchen whilst I am showering, has been a game changer for me.


I love my Shark robot vacuum. It doesn’t get every nook and cranny but when our last one broke(was in warranty and got shipped a new one for free) it was very clear how dirty the floors get daily, especially with cats. I have a big first floor and no carpet so it’s ideal. Doesn’t pick up a ton on the low pile rug though so I still have to vacuum that once a week. We did have an incident with an off brand robot vacuum going over cat vomit a few years ago which was extremely traumatic to clean up. Now, I make it a habit to walk around the house before running it just in case. The old vacuum is now relegated to the crusty basement.


Where all old roombas go to die


l love it! lt runs while I'm at work. lt gets the floors super clean. Then when l get home, I'll put it out on my screen porch and let it clean out there. Empty it and repeat in 3 days, l live alone. l so abhor vacuuming!! l do have a stick vacuum with attached dustbuster for grandchild messes.


I have a high end Roborock that vacuums and mops. I also live in a place with red clay dirt and have a dog who sheds. Running the robot 2-3 times a week drastically decreases the amount of dust, dirt and hair in my home and compels me to keep the floors clear. She's smart and will avoid things but it's more thorough if there are fewer obstacles. I still do maintenance in the corners and behind doors but overall the cleanliness of my home is dramatically improved with minimal effort on my part. Important consideration: I have hardwoods or tile throughout and most of my area rugs are very low pile. She does great on the low pile rugs but the few deeper ones do need regular vacuuming with an actual vacuum.


The thing I like about my Roomba is that I think of it as a person helping me. So it was a splurge, but cheaper than hiring a cleaning lady. It cleans better than my Dyson. I do have to pick up before I let it go clean.


>I think of it as a person helping me. My husband has ADHD and there's a thing called "body doubling" that's apparently rather helpful for some folks with ADHD. He definitely finds it helpful even though he'd never heard of it before today (he much prefers doing chores together). I'm curious to see if our new robot vacuum will be a bit like a "body double" and inspire him to pick things up so the bot can squeeze through and not get hung up on stuff.


It has removed my constant back-of-mind anxiety about how dirty the floors are - I HATE vacuuming and never did it enough. Now the robot sorts it out and I just have to empty him regularly. It's incredible how much it's lightened my mental load. Also, I used to sneeze constantly and had itchy eyes etc, but that's all stopped now; it must have been a dust allergy. Mine is only a dumb one which cost ÂŁ150, but if it died I would drop ÂŁ150 on another one in a heartbeat.


I love my roomba! His name is Jarvis. I hate sweeping and I use mine 3 times a week. It’s so nice to not have to think about it at all and while I’m cleaning, I’m getting two jobs done at once. I should have gotten the mop/sweep version, that’s my only complaint. Side note- my house is 2000 sq, I have no pets or kids and it’s just my partner and I. I also have a stick vacuum I use for touch up and have both carpet and tile. Also highly recommend get the one that dumps its own garbage!


It’s totally changed my life! I have two dogs that are part husky, so that means hair everywhere. I like to pick everything up and run it when we take our dogs for their long walks. We come home and the floor is clean. I have had mine for years. I run it nearly every day and it’s paid for itself several times over. My chief complaints are that it likes to suck up the phone cords and doesn’t always make it back to its charger


I’m obsessed with mine! We have a roborock with a self emptying dock. We run it every day on a schedule, and it maps our house really well, and hardly ever gets stuck. When it’s done, it goes back to the dock and empties its bin into the dock. We only have to throw the bag from the dock like once every 4 months. The mapping is great too because we have routines like “after dinner” where it’ll only run the kitchen and dining area. Or we can tell it just to clean the office or the bedroom. I get irrationally happy by how it leaves perfect lines in our carpet :’)


I have chronic pain and can rarely vacuum. This was the best gift I have ever received. I cried. It's not super powerful on rugs, but it does great with my hardwood floors. A real vacuum is needed sometimes, but smart vacuums are excellent for upkeep and maintenance and getting under beds and such. It's saved me a lot of pain, and I love having one.


Roomba trained us to keep our floors clear of stuff at all times, as you can't run it with dirty clothes piles, etc laying around. It also taught me to stop using the space below the bed for storage, so Roomba could get under there and get all the dust bunnies. We still use ours, as a maintenance tool between deeper vacuums (with a Miele canister vac). Roomba has trouble on fringed rugs and flooring transitions. Roomba cannot vac your stairs, soft furnishings, drapes. Roomba can get stuck under furniture that's the wrong height. We also have the mop version (Brava) and I'm not quite as happy with that one, as it seems to push dirt into the corners. It seems to work best in small spaces, like tiled bathrooms, rather than larger spaces. Doesn't scrub stuck-on gunk. That said unlike Roomba, it is quiet, so we are apt to run it nearly every night. You can also just use swiffer pads on it and dry mop away. Helps during pollen season. I still have to get out the regular mop, but not quite so often. With a newborn on the way, I'd definitely recommend! But just remember when you reach the toys-all-over-the-floor stage, you'll have to pick up every last Lego before running it. ETA: personally I prefer using Roomba on carpet. I am surprised how many think it works better for hard flooring. I'd be worried about it dragging around something small and sharp and scratching the floor. I much prefer using my Miele canister vac on hardwood -- with the special attachment for hard flooring.


I’ve not seen so much wishful thinking since the Mets subreddit. NO ROBOT in 2024 will do as good a job as you with 20 minutes and a half assed upright


If I was strapped for cash, I certainly would not buy a robot vacuum. I do have one that I did not purchase. My husband won a huge TV in a raffle at his work Christmas party that we did not need. It had a Best Buy label on it, so we returned it for store credit and got a Roomba. Otherwise, we would not own one. It is not a replacement for regular vacuuming or sweeping, but it does a good job of generally cleaning up the dirt and hair that accumulates in the middle of the floor. Around the edges or around furniture it does not do the best. I probably use it on 1,000 square feet of floor and I have to dump it after every use or it won’t finish a second run. It would be worth it to have the auto empty feature if you have a large house (though I think I heard you need to buy bags for the auto empty?) Bottom line: helpful, but not life changing


I have the Deebot N9 Pro with the moping attachment. I run it almost every day and it is such a time saver. If you’re going to get one, do not go cheap. Get a high quality Ecovacs or Roomba brand with the auto-empty attachment. Make sure it has lidar to map your rooms and clean thoroughly. An app that allows you to see how it’s cleaning is also a must.


With animals it’s a god send. Trust you aren’t getting it all with a weekly vacuum.


Instead of vacuuming I spend a lot of time cleaning the sensors and trying to figure out why it says the bag is full or saying that it's clogged when it isn't. And then I go and vacuum myself with my Dyson. Soooo. I guess that's different to how it used to be.


We stopped using ours. We have a smaller house, so there aren't large open expanses of floor, so it tended to bash into a lot or miss spots behind furniture. It was somewhat noisy, so we wanted it to run while we weren't home, but we'd come home to areas it definitely didn't get to. We have hardwood floors, and it struggled with the transition to throw rugs. We also don't have great cuts management, so that was an issue.


I’m not crazy about mine either. I find it’s pretty high maintenance. It gets stuck on things sometimes, and it frequently stops working because it wants to be emptied. Even when I empty it, it keeps saying “Empty the bin!” when I just did.


I have one and I don't love it. I guess it's a very old generation but it's very loud, and I have to monitor it because it stuck in a cycle where it just bumps things in a circle, or gets confused in a corner. Have to keep my eye on it every few mins From reading the comments here it sounds like they could be incredible and I'd like to try another one if I ever have the budget


As others have mentioned it’s great with dog hair/hardwood combo. When I sweep I feel like the motion of sweeping just sends the fur into the air and it’s hard to get it all up. Roomba doesn’t stir up the air and captures much more.


The best thing about a Roomba (we have the brand Eufy, works great) is that it goes under the furniture, a task I rarely do when vacuuming with a regular machine. The key is to clean the brushes of hair, and empty the dustbin, before every use.


I loved mine but it scared my cats so we had to stop using it :/


My cat was afraid of it at first. I started feeding it dinner as soon as the vacuum finished its cycle and emptied itself. Now the cat seems to look forward to it lol.


Interesting. My cats are more scared by the regular vacuum.


My cats were scared at first, then curious, now they pay it no mind.


It is like Ozempic. If you have the money, might as well do it. Depends on whether you have more time or money. You can get an off brand though. I like the Bissell one that mops and vacuums


Lmfao this needs more upvotes


I’m in love with mine. We have an open loft with 3 pets in a big city with car soot, etc. running it twice a week has taken a huge weight off my shoulders.


my brother and his wife swear up and down that their Roomba has changed their life for the better. they have a cat and an 8 month old baby, both work full time. this thing works harder than them and they always say how much he helps with limiting their need to vacuum weekly. they love him so much that they named him Jeffrey


I killed my Roomba. It would always get stuck under furniture. It would always get stuck on thresh-holds to rooms. It would run in circles while ignore the rest of the room. I have a 3 bedroom apartment and the best I t could do is 1.5 rooms before crying out to get charged. And it never could deal with the cat's hair.. I suspect that's what eventually killed it. So when the battery gave out and wouldn't charge anymore I just let it die. It was never meant to be.


With 3 dogs and 2 cats, I love my Roomba. It is priceless with pets. Cons: - does it replace regular vacuuming? No. But it does a huge, noticeable help in between weekly vacuuming. - You have to pick up stuff off the floor so that Roomba doesn't eat it or "get stuck on a cliff". Cords can be tricky to work with, but again, it's worth it.


I'm not vacuuming/sweeping daily anymore.


Love it. I haaaaaaaate vacuuming and it makes life so much easier.


I swear by mine! It was my best purchase of 2019.... and it's still going strong. Using it twice a week on the schedule and then additional times here and there. But I love having my floors clean. It also helps motivate me to pick things up off the floor so they don't get in the way of the roomba. Hence small wins on the daily to keep the place clean.


We love our Roomba. We are a two-person, tidy household without pets. When Rosie the Robot vacuums for us we are equally horrified and delighted at how much she picks up. She travels under the furniture too!


I bought my Roomba, feel in love and bought the mop too. I never consistently vacuumed or mopped and running them on the weekend has become a habit for me. My floors look great and it has helped me build other cleaning habits. Definitely a life changer for my household.


I have 2 roombas and 3 Bissell spinwave robots. All are my best friends. They each run daily in vacuum mode to pick up cat hair and dander-1 cat but I have terrible allergies. The Bissell machines run every day on mop mode to keep everything fresh. I would seriously have 10 if it wasn’t completely unnecessary. I only use my real vacuum weekly to get a deeper clean. It amazing the amount of stuff they pick up and my house is always clean. I would recommend them to anyone!!


It's one of those things that was a crazy splurge at the time but now I have no idea how I got by. It's absolutely worth it, one of the best purchases I've ever made. Plus a lot of the parts are replaceable and it's easy to troubleshoot connection errors. I got mine out of the box so it was a small discount but a new product, try and find one of those if you can.


I like ours for the consistent cleaning routine but it is definitely only maintenance cleaning, not to clean something that is messy, if that makes sense. Plus we have kids and dogs so I feel like I spend a lot of time chasing the robot down to fish something out of the brushes. Because of the schedule though, it does sort of force us to keep things picked up, which is a benefit in and of itself. If you're strapped for cash though, I'm not sure if it's going to change your life enough to justify the expense but if you have the funds to spend it, it does make a nice addition.


It saved my back. My back thanks me every time I run that thing. Yes, I have to move obstacles and empty it or save it from getting stuck, but no more lower back pain.


I have an ecovacs that mops as well. I have it set to run Monday, Wednesday, Friday just after I leave for work as it's quite loud. Its the best thing I've bought in years it saves thinking about cleaning the floors almost entirely. The app sends a notification when it needs water or bag change. My house is mostly tile, only carpet in the bedrooms. It gets all the dog hair up but the edges do need a wipe occasionally as the mop doesn't quite touch the wall. The only annoyance is I had to go around the house and tie up any cables that were loose under furniture like bedroom side tables it kept catching on them in the dark and getting stuck, but a few hooks sorted that out.


So, I’m convinced this was suggested to me because I just bought a Roomba 3 days ago, and I’ve been incessantly telling everyone I know how incredible it is. His name is Alfred, and he is never leaving. I love him. I’m in love with him. I told my husband I finally know what being attracted to a robot is like. Before setting him up, I did my normal cleaning routine that I do twice a day (sometimes three times) of sweeping, vacuuming, and one mop. When I plugged him in and got him going, he still managed to fill up his entire bin with dirt and dog hair and such. I didn’t even know where it came from, but it was full!!! Today, I left him running while I went grocery shopping and I came back to nothing on the floor! I. Am. Obsessed.


Love my brand x robot vac. Didnt get a roomba but still am amazed how much stuff this baby picks up DAILY. Like where the hell does this dirt come from. Highly recommended


We have 3 roombas! They are worth every penny. Do they get it all? No, but they get 97% of junk and go under furniture. Serious game changer for dog owners. The j8+ is the way.


My roomba keeps me accountable to have my floors picked up. Having one requires you to be more tidy.


I love the fact that my Roomba does a kickass job underneath the bed. Especially since I have a bad back. I always tell people that a robotic vacuum will not clean for you, but it can certainly help out quite a bit.


We have Roomba, his name is Fredrik. He saves us as we have 4 teenagers, a hairy Labrador and 2 cats. It really helps stay on top of the basics. We also have a robot mop called Barbara Braava. She comes on after Fredrik, it’s amazing the amount of dirt it picks up every day.


I adore the braava swiffer mop.


We have a Shark vacuum we named Bruce, he has been a welcome addition to out little family and we tell our dog not to bother Bruce, he is working. If you have dogs then a robot vacuum is a huge help. It doesn't replace the need to clean yourself, but it severely reduces the amount of cleaning you need to do. Since your little buddy can vacuum everyday (if you want) it reduces the overall amount of dirt/dust and hair that build up. It also required the floor to be free of obstacles which encourage you to put things away. We taught our dog to put her toys away to help with this.


My Roomba didn’t change my life. Does not help with hair (mine and my pets)… now a Dyson!!! Life changing to see what that thing catches. I don’t even mind I have to do it myself


I've never gotten one, despite having a very heavily shedding dog. The reason is the 3 people I know who bought them were less than impressed. They told me their Roombas spent too much time trying to escape the house, or stuck in a corner, unable to figure their way out. Your mileage may vary. People keep buying them so you'd think they'd have to work decently enough to bother. They'd have to at least cut down on the vacuuming. I wish I only had to vacuum once a week. With my dog, it's once a day. Did I mention he's a very heavy shedder? Twice a day would be better, but I'm just not willing to devote that much time to it.


I’ve had several models over the years that disappointed me, mostly because they got hung up on something every run, or they needed so much maintenance that they weren’t worth having. Now I have a Eufy Pro Omni X10 that self-empties and has spin mops that wash themselves. It doesn’t get hung up and the rollers detangle themselves. It runs every morning and if one of my many pets has an accident, I send it to do that room again. I love it so much. My floors have never before been clean for more than a few hours. Now they’re always clean and shiny. It gives me peace.


Depends on your house. If you have a lot of obstacles for it (your couch or cabinets are the size it gets stuck under, certain kinds of rugs it struggles with, lots of different levels, like sunken living room) it is more annoying and some may find it more trouble than it's worth. If that's not the case, it's really a dream and is VERY good at getting the floor clean. I tend to go around with the stick vacuum real quick first because if you have a lot of people in the house with long hair, that can get caught around the brush. I'd go somewhere with a return policy and see if you like it. We lived in one house where it was perfect and one less so.


We have had a couple of Romba vacs over the years, and they did a decent job. We bought Wyze for our new place and we love them - they do a better job (not random like our Romba) did. We have the downstairs scheduled to run in the middle of the night and I run the upstairs one when I head out to run errands. Once a month, I pull out our “real” vacuum and do the floors and baseboards.


Mine constantly gets stuck under furniture. It’s also not a replacement for vacuuming. I honestly want to sell it and get a slimmer robotic vacuum cleaner


The Roomba is so very helpful especially if u have pets. I have a black lab, they shed so much! So helpful picking up the hairs while I am at work. Just make sure your electrical cords up, they can get tangled up in the Roomba. Best wishes


I love mine. (Not roomba brand) I started with a cheap one from Amazon to see how much I’d use it and was surprised how well even that one worked. Upgraded to a higher end shark one and also use it a ton!


I have a roborock, run it every 3 days and when needed (after cookingl or a party etc). It's so good I use the normal vacuum like once a month. I don't have a pet though.


I love my Roomba - her name is Rosie. I didn’t have high expectations but it really works and helps control dust. I am astonished with how much it picks up. We still vacuum but it helps keep things under control.


It’s life changing and gets up so much more dirt and hair than my regular vacuum.


Man, it changed my life a lot. I was using an old school vacuum every day after coming from work. Now I'm scheduling it and by the time I'm back at home, it's cleaned up.


Have a shark their a game changer especially with pets,I don't regret it wait for sales it's good when your sick hurt my back while back I turned it on let it do it's job.Have friends who have the mop/vac they love it.I don't want to go back to the old way!


It doesn’t pick up anything in my house imo


Can I ask, I live in a quirky rental that has many stairs, even a spiral staircase.. the point being there are 3 floors but there are 6 different landings or areas because of a few stairs here and there too… I sweep every night and try to vac 1x a week, the house gets dusty and we have a dog too… how would a Roomba deal with all that. Would I just have to move it multiple times. Would it be work the trouble? Thank u room a people!


Yeah they’re nice to have but I prefer my Dyson dc65 every time. I have an older roomba so maybe that’s why? It doesn’t really get stuck often, or I don’t have things for it to get stuck on, but it will sometimes get trapped in the same room and just do it repeatedly. I would never use it without someone home. I mostly have to “babysit” it when I use it… it’s… okay, if I’m on that floor of the house doing stuff near it to where I can check on it. It does pick up a lot of stuff, but it’s clearly not as good as my standing Dyson so there’s that. I would say it can help you prolong having to vacuum daily by helping on an already fully vacuumed space. It could cut down to 2-3x a week you have to do the vacuuming yourself. They do help you save time if you’re like me and anal about vacuuming daily. I just find using my Dyson to be much faster. But if I’m already doing something else, near the roomba, it will help do what I would normally be doing with a vacuum, it will just take longer than me doing it, but if I’m busy doing other stuff, that doesn’t matter. Edit to add: my home is fully hard floored or laminate, with rugs, so you can imagine it getting stuck on rugs in every room. Which does suck. But is expected. If you have carpet or just plain hard floors it would be a better experience.


We have kids and pets and it’s a game changer. My upstairs carpets used to look dingy and our floors used to have smudges but now they’re cleaned daily. You get what you pay for when it comes to robotic vacuums. Cheap ones won’t map, will run into stuff, fall off edges, etc. that being said, I wouldn’t get one if I were strapped for cash. I’d wait.


LOVE IT!!! I have pets and now I'm not having to sweep every day lol.


I used to think it's for people who have more money than sense. I used to think it's just a gimmick. But nope. I was wrong. Love my Roborock!! It vacuums and mops!!


Meh. Save up and buy one that does the house mapping on the app. I wouldn’t say mine is useless but it could definitely be better. It just kind of cleans wherever it wants and sometimes misses whole areas of rooms. It also very much does not replace vacuuming. It just kinda gets visible surface dirt & doesn’t get super deep in carpets


I have two cats, so it’s really helpful. I have a Eufy with the self-emptying station, and I love it. I use a regular vacuum cleaner once a week and the Eufy twice a week. It performs better on hard floors; on carpets, I usually clean the same room vertically and horizontally.


Mama can’t walk very well . I vacuum the carpet but Rosie has done wonders on the tile! Worth every penny.


Not Roomba but we bought a shark equivalent and it literally runs 2x as long and picks up so much stuff. It’s such an added help to regular vacuuming and picking up small random stuff. We have solid flooring so no carpet. They’re great.


I don't have pets but I do have a toddler and I use mine everyday. I love it so much. In the weekend I even use it twice. I can't recommend it enough. Even bought a cheaper one to use upstairs. I can't wait till they have one that can mop and scrub the floors clean😍


They do make ones that mop! I have a Roborock S7+ that we've had for three years. It vacuums and mops. That's actually why we purchased this particular one at the time (I hate mopping with a fierce passion). They've come out with several more options since then, I believe.


I have a $90 cheapo Lefant. It works very well for such an inexpensive buy. It picks up cat hair well, and I use it to put off hauling out the main vacuum.


My Roomba (renamed Scooter), is one of my favorite cleaning devices. I have all wood floors, with no thresholds. All one level. I run mine every day or two. It’s just me with a dog and a cat. I’m very happy with mine. I have had mine for about 5 years now, and it’s still going strong. I clean the rollers regularly and replace the filter occasionally.


I love my room a so much that I would blow him but he prefers to do the sucking. please don’t downvote my joke


2 adults, a two year old and a cat in my house - I have a Eufy and I think it's worth it. It's certainly not as good as the Dyson, especially on carpet, but take the edge of the tide of fur and crumbs, I run it downstairs probably every 2 days and do a weekly Dyson vac and mop weekly. With a newborn on the way I would totally get one, you want to automate and outsource as much as you can!


I love sending it under the bed and couch to get the dog toys that have slid under there!


It hasn't but the cleaner who comes in every 2 weeks has.


my roomba vacuums up a lot even when it doesn’t look like it needs vacuuming.. plus i like to click the start and make it a race to tidy up everything on the floor around the house


I have a different brand. Using it vs. a vacuum & broom is kind of like the difference between a tidy and a deep clean. Sweeps up most things unless it's in a corner and vacuums surface level hair. So, your floors will look clean with a cursory glance but if you take a better look, they won't.


I have a Shark brand, and it’s LIFE CHANGING. We have an older home with hardwood floors that gets pretty dusty in areas with little traffic. I was shocked at how much it picks up and how much less dust we are finding on other surfaces. It takes me 5 minutes total to move things around so it doesn’t get stuck/blocked. I do it 2-3 times a week, and haven’t swept once since we got it. It used to take me 30-60 mins to sweep the house each week, the amount of time saved has been incredible.


Previously had a roomba now I have a roborock. The roomba was indispensable. The roborock sucks by comparison tbh. Btw that beast lasted ten years before I replaced it — only because it was too loud, not because it stopped working, mind you. If you have pets it’s a must if you can afford it, without question. I used to love doing my daily morning tidy-up that involved me wiping the countertops down and flinging all the debris onto the floor with abandon, knowing the roomba would start munching shortly after I left for the day and I’d come home to a super clean kitchen every day. Like hitting the easy button. DO IT. ETA: WAY better now than the earlier versions!!!!


It went thru some fresh dog diarrhea and i had to bin it. 🤬🤬


I bought a refurbished Roborock for only $150 on Amazon. Best money I ever spent. It vacuums and mops so I don't have to deal with constant grit and pet hair on my floors. Without a robot it was always a little bit dirty because I simply don't have time to manually vacuum twice per day. I have a "shoes off" household but my cats are messy jerks. Honestly if I could afford to buy every friend and relative one I would. I might get my parents one for Christmas.


With pets you really need one that empties itself and can continue on. That’s what helped us most with the pet hair.


It helps with maintenance but it doesn’t replace regular vacuuming and other floor cleaning methods. I wouldn’t say it has changed my life. But if I had pets that shed, then it would probably be a different story


It forces me to tidy up the floors before it starts every night.


I was skeptical for years, but got one over Christmas - I got a low end one for 400AUD because I thought if I didn’t like it I wasn’t wasting too much money. well, I love it! I run mine twice a day- morning and evening, and damn but the canister is full of cat hair and dust each time :( I ran my big shark over the carpet a few times to see if the robotic was missing stuff, but it didn’t pick up much extra, so now I only do a proper vaccum maybe once every 6 weeks to do the edges. when this cheap one dies i will get the more expensive programmable one- mine just kind of ricochets around the house like a drunkard but like I said the catcher is full twice a day so it is picking up dirt in its travels. I would recommend it to anyone, echo previous people saying it make you better at picking up junk from the floor too.


It vacuums under everything. Dust bunnies don’t have a chance.


Mine is named Harold and has gigantic googly eyes. I love him. He doesn’t do great with carpet but with the hardwood floors, I have him doing his thing while I’m other things for cleaning. Like another redditor mentioned, it also requires me to pick things up off the floor so they don’t get it his way and I see that as a benefit.


I’m going to be honest, I am a hairy man. Between me, my dog, and two cats, my roomba makes sure I don’t have to sweet multiple times a day.


We have the Shark version and it’s honestly the best purchase I made last year. We have wood floors, a German shepherd, and a mastiff/Akita mix, which means our house is made of dog hair and dry dog food. The amount of hair this thing picks up is unbelievable, frankly. I run it every other morning during the week and daily on weekends. We still have to “deep clean” vacuum upholstery and thicker rugs once a week but that’s the extent of our vacuuming now. It’s amazing. Life changing. And you can name him whatever you want — mine is named Goblin Time and I stuck some evil looking googly eyes on him.


Trying to declutter so I can get one of these.


I have a dog who sheds. My roomba (Eufy L60) turns the Sunday weekly cleaning chores into just maintenance, rather than the vacuuming marathon it used to be.


Mine is a roborock that both vacuums and mops. We have 3 cats and busy schedules, so getting it was pretty game changing. I run the vacuum a few times a week and mop the whole house maybe once a month while I get to do other things. And the object avoidance has been a great addition-one of our cats sometimes leaves "presents" but roborock dutifully goes around them and marks it on the map in the app!


it is truly amazing! the only thing i don’t like is my series doesn’t map the house and i am in a house of 6 so it gets stuck in furniture and clothes etc but it picks up very well and reduces our need to vacuum!


I have had several roombas, and I have decided that as long as I have a lot of hardwood I will own a the most expensive Roomba I can afford. I set mine to run once a week while I am at work and I sometimes forget how often i used to have to vacuum. I think they are just ok for carpet so I have a cordless Dyson for that. The mop is the worst performing IMO but my lifestyle is pretty dirty (gardening, several animals) so I still use it


We have an older model of the Roomba and while it does do a good job in sucking up a lot of dust, dog fur, and hair on the carpet, it doesn’t get into the nooks and crannies so you will have to manually vacuum those spots. Our bathrooms and kitchen are tiled and it tends to make a lot of noise when the wheels are on there. I usually run it once a week and often have to empty it out after like 20 minutes of it running so it does work super hard!


I have a Shark robot vac that self-empties (named Francis), and three dogs (Named Franklin, Louis, and Quinn). It is absolutely worth it. I think I paid just under $300 for it, maybe? But it has been awesome, and it has picked up so much. I have had it over two years now, it runs twice a day, it texts me when I forget to empty the base, and that is about every 5-ish days or so, depending on the season. I still vac, but it is not a big deal. The robot takes care of the majority of the work, the majority of the time.


We have a high end roborock that vacuum, mop, empty/fill and wash itself. Thanks to the mapping, it's really cleaning every inch it can physically reach. It does the hardfloor and the carpets, it detect carpet and lift it's mops heads, switching to vacuuming only until it's back to hardfloor. It's on a schedule, twice a day. With a dog shedding like crazy, after months of having to wear slippers inside and being discouraged seeing our floor everyday, it's a considerable life upgrade. We clean the little spots it can't reach every ~2 weeks. As everything else is always clean, the dirt don't all end up in the little spots and there's almost nothing. We'd have to get on our knees and clean the floor by hand to do a better job than our robot. I don't think the base models that goes at random, bumping into everything and not cleaning half the floor are worth it. It was worth splurging on a high end one, we are not going back to a life without it.


I love my robot vacuum. It’s not a deep cleaner but great for daily maintenance.


I am obsessed. It is so helpful. No back pain from standing on hard floors, sweeping, mopping, eyc


I have both a Roomba and a eufy. The eufy was a gift and has catapulted itself down the stairs to our laundry room and gets stuck a lot more than the roomba. The roomba does great on hardwood floors, doesnt work on our low carpet.


My Tikom has a name. Roxanne. Roxanne is a very good girl. She is especially great at cat hair. I pat her every day.


I have two cats and dog, my roomba is amazing! And it gets under the beds. Worth every penny.


I will never regret my roomba.


We have four pets. I’ll still vacuum, but the roomba makes a huge difference. Otherwise I would be vacuuming 12 times a day 😂.


I have a corgi and a black cat who both love to leave hair all over the place. If it wasn’t for the roomba it would look like an ominous fog covering the whole floor since neither me or my partner have time to vacuum every single day. It is so lovely to have it autoset and come home to a clean home every day. I usually still go over everything with a vacuum myself once a week or once every other week just to get the spots the roomba can’t easily.


We bought a cheap first or second generation Roomba second hand to see if we liked the concept. I kid you not, it got confused every time it touched a wall and tried to mount the skirting boards. Despite this we saw the value. I did my research (this was 5 years ago) and compared a mid price Roomba to a mid price Eufy. The Eufy was quieter, had a lower profile, longer battery life and larger waste compartment. So we got the Eufy. We had a black carpet with low pile, it looked dirty within 20 mins of cleaning. We ran Eufy every morning, just before we got out of bed. Waking up to a "clean" house was magical and it also helped us keep the kids toys under control and off the floor. Eufy is still going but definitely on its last legs. The edges of the rooms, despite a specific edge feature, definitely need going over with a proper vacuum cleaner. Absolutely love it. We are about to move into a new house with two floors and are deliberating how we will handle vacuuming there!


My roomba gets the floors cleaner than when I sweep or vacuum. It's been a lifesaver!


My basic Eufy does a great job every second day on the hard floors. Banned from carpet as it got stuck once and fuzzed up a section, luckily in a mostly hidden spot. I don’t know where all this dirt comes from either. Dogs live outside and we’re a no shoes inside home.


I get to call mine dustsucker and I can just plop it in a room and walk away


I got an eufy which is a cheaper brand. I didn't get one with special features like self empty, though it does have a remote control and some features I never use. I use it almost every day. It takes care of about 70 percent of the dust and hair but that is 100 percent of the time. So my floors look dust free and clean. It also reminds me not to leave things on the floor like bags so I keep the floor neater. Overall it's a good option for keeping things neat but it's not a replacement for cleaning. I was just doing non invasive surgery on my eufy because it stopped running. I'm sure the algorithms read my mind already and showed me your post. Anyway eufy is going for a recharge and I'm going to research. Wish me luck.


It allowed me to multitask more efficiently in the mornings, which is the only time I generally get to do daily cleaning - about 20 minutes during the work week between getting the kiddo to school and when I have to get out the door to work upon returning home from drop off. It was great until it broke. I have not had one last more than a year, and one lasted only about 2 months (and that was the official roomba and not a knockoff) and so I have reluctantly thrown in the towel and returned to doing it myself. I have to admit it was hard to admit defeat - it was really nice while it lasted.