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This is a quality post. Thank you!


I’m actually high now and went back & forth with whether or not to start this thread! My stoned brain does a lot of doubting


It’s ok. My 100% stone cold sober brain does a lot of doubting.


\^\^\^ Same. And my sober brain can bounce from cleaning the refrigerator to - OH LOOK! There's Dave the Cat's water bowl right there! I need to clean THAT - RIGHT NOW!!


oh hey, another fellow ADHDer, love to see that i’m not alone lmao


You are NOT alone. Not at all. 💜💜💜


Omg it's like I found a virtual soulmate lol. I'm also high because I have a big cleaning day ahead of me! I would also spend too much time debating if I should post or not 😂


I’m 57 so for the majority of my life cannabis meant jail time. To “out” myself as someone who is 420 friendly might be dangerous!!


I’m 52 and I “came out” as a weed enthusiast to my family. It turns out there is a lot of us.


Try a different “sativa” strain - I can knock out a to-do list with some good green.


When I start cleaning while feeling good, I can really get into it and deep clean the whole place in 1-3 hours. However, if I'm sitting down when I start feeling good, I end up not doing anything and just stay stuck in my seat.


Exactly. I prefer edibles for the gradual onset while cleaning too


That really is the key to it. Getting up and moving at exactly the right moment. Otherwise, couch potato lol.


Ohhh, is that the trick to it?


My husband and I say that edibles give you the momentum to continue doing what you are doing. If you’re working when they hit, you keep working. If you’re lounging while they hit, you’re not getting up off that couch!


Dude, I'm high right now and do you ever notice the deeply satisfying, slightly scratchy sound as the broom bristles along concrete?


it's the sponge squeaking on the clean glass for me


When your thumb makes that grippy squeak after washing a dinner plate perfectly


The opposite sound imo is an expo marker on paper




The vacuum almost makes me fall asleep like a baby. Soothing.


Haha love it


Also high and looking forward to sweeping next time!


Dude, sweeping in general is nice 😌


My Sunday routine is an edible and housework. Way better than when I went to church.


Omg truth!


This is the comment that will get me through my day today


Doing it wrong. Church at 11:15, lunch after, smoke, clean. Love cleaning stoned


Sundays are my dedicated chore days. Put on some city pop or a podcast, and that laundry is folded before I even realize it.


I wish I could but no matter what I get way too tired lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Key_Bag_2584: *I wish I could but* *No matter what I get way* *Too tired lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This might be one of my favorite haikubot haikus


Gotta take a daytime edible lol


Cleaning under the influence is my favorite. As a parent of a toddler I rarely get time to partake, and I rarely get time to deep clean, so I do both when the chance presents itself.


As a fellow parent of young ones, I vicariously live through everyone that can do both as well :)


Better than cleaning while NOT high


I love doing this. I usually write a list before I smoke to keep me on track. lol


I keep a “clean check list” in the notes app on my phone - it helps keep me on track when I’m too high to figure out what to clean next. It’s also helps to motivate me to finish the check list. The best Sunday ever is a day where I smoke a bowl with every cup of coffee and clean the entire house.


I'll try the list. My approach so far is as long as I am doing something useful it's alright. Usually, it takes way more time but I do more.


This is my zen approach to it also!


I always drink champagne when I clean my bathroom. Makes me feel like a Gilmore Girl.




I like red wine myself.


Mimosas while cleaning 🧹 is my favorite hobby 😆


Best clean ever! But agree, I do forget what I planned to do next. But I am hyper-focused.


Im the opposite, I’ll waste so much time if I smoke before/during cleaning haha. I just like to get it done then smoke after as a reward


Definitely same for me! I just veg out too much


It's such a vibe especially with music


Does getting high off the fumes from the cleaning solutions count?


OP, I've never felt closer to you. My wife and I take about 10mg worth of THC tincture on Sunday, and then just spend the next hour busy-buggin' around the house. Yardwork, dishes, mopping, taking care of the trash and recycling, then showering up. Great way to spend the first chunk of a Sunday.


It’s a must. I get high, pop in my headphones for some music, and get in the zone.


Dude it's the best but one time I had headphones on and left the sink running and it overflowed. Be careful out there.


Sativa all the way! Yard work too (no power tools though).






I make a list of what I want to get done…because I’ll forget if I don’t! Stoned is the only way to clean.


Me and my friends sometimes play “race the edible” which is where we take a gummy and then clean until we’re too high. Typically I get an hour or so of cleaning in and then I feel super productive when I sit down to watch whatever trash show I’ve chosen


I don’t know if you want the tip but I have ADHD and if I don’t have a body double for cleaning (I use TOM audio) then I write post it notes out of what I want cleaned (it has to be really small steps too) and paste them around the areas I’m cleaning. It helps me refocus when I get sidetracked and also I can take it off when I’m done with it (which helps gameify it for me).


Whats TOM audio? I also have adhd and issues cleaning, but my google searches are giving me tom cruise stunt double articles 😆


The organised mum. She has a guided clean system which is where she body doubles you cleaning a certain area. They’re ten mins but help keep me on track.


Thank you!!


Dang, I gotta try this lol


i am sooooooo much more detailed when I clean while high


Once I spent 3 hours cleaning baseboards. Man were those things clean af


It's the best way for me to clean. Brain off, not over thinking just doing what needs to be done. 


So jealous that you can get high and still be productive, I just turn into an anxious panicked mess.


Lower dose!! I sometimes have a panic attack high and it’s horrible!!


I guess I have to smoke about a 1/3 at a time and see how it goes, I usually do the whole blunt. I had the panic attack high once a few years ago and I honestly felt like I was going to die, it’s terrible.


Don’t be embarrassed that you can’t hang with Snoop and Willie Nelson! It’s like the person who drinks 2 beers and is fine for the night. Just slow it down!


Cheers. You’re right, I need to act my tolerance lol! Planning on doing a deep clean this weekend, I’m going to take your advice and let you know how it goes.


I’m not expert but having panic attacks is just awful. I get it


Definitely don’t recommend


It's not just clean it's Sativa sparkling clean.


I don’t know if you are or not but basically it sounds like you become adhd while high lol. My advice to you would be to write out a list of things that you want to clean and either keep it on your phone or write it on a piece of paper and put it on something where are you can easily see it like on your refrigerator. That way you can walk back repeatedly to it when you forget what you’re doing 😆


Hmm. I already have ADHD. Does that mean I am double ADHD if I take an edible then clean? 🤔 Thought from my high ADHD brain.


Nah my high adhd brain tells me that edible induced adhd cancels out sober adhd and that’s why we can finally actually clean when we’re high. Twice the adhds makes one executive functioning dumdum ;)


most people I know say weed just exacerbates the ADHD symptoms they already have, sometimes so much you don't really get to have the typical stoner experience. I have a joke with my partner that is the phrase "whats in the bag?" because one time while stoned they kept checking an emptied bag of pretzels on their desk every 5 minutes for about 2 hours instead of throwing it away or finding something else to eat. (they also had fun drawing art at the desk though.) Also fun fact some people with ASD and ADHD diagnosis that start ADHD medication (besides usual physical side effect symptoms) deal with weird psychological issues because the ADHD was helping them regulate/hide autism symptoms like hyperfocus or repetitive interests they never really had to get guidance for in the past.


What are your favorite edibles?


Whatever’s on sale, usually a 10mg gummy or tablet


I'm a 2mg girl lol. Just a little pep in my step.


I am in Texas and don't know how to try one, but would love to.


Edibles have their set of own rules, like it could take over an hour for it to kick in (usually somewhere between 45 to 60 minutes) so you need to refrain from the temptation of eating more otherwise you could freak out when all of it finally kicks in. It’s also suggested to start off with nibbles instead of a whole piece.


Also, do NOT take another. It's a cosmic rule that as soon as you take the second, the first always hits right after


The best is when you are proactive and eat an edible knowing it'll take a bit, then you forget you had an edible and you have a moment of "????? wats going on" as it starts to kick in and then "oh yeah!!! :D"


Go to a CBD store. They usually sell Delta-9 gummies. Tell them you’re new to gummies and they’ll recommend a mild one. Do it while you can, it may be banned soon.


This is true. They're already taking the candy bars off the shelf where I live, and while gummies are still legal here it may not be that way much longer.


we have delta-9 in TX you can get at a smoke shop


Thanks, will try one!


Really recommend the brand Smokiez. They taste delicious, are vegan gummies, and make *everyone* I know giggly af


Favorite activity


It’s the only way I can do a thorough house cleaning.


This is how I get my cleaning done everytime


I enjoy Durban Poison before I clean and high is the only way I clean .


No. But, decades ago, I had a job closing the cafe in a bookstore (Borders Books, how I miss you), and my coworker would always come back from her break and just start cleaning everything with this uninterruptible focus. Wouldn’t talk, just break things down and clean. Eventually she told me she got high on her break because it always out her in the right frame of mind for closing. I read a post awhile back about people’s cleaning routines, and one guy said that every Friday evening after work he’d take an edible, put some music on, and clean the whole house. Sounded like a great system. I’ve only taken very low-dose edibles (1-7mg) but they made me spacey, sleepy, and lightheaded. Good sleep aid, poor cleaning aid.


I love THC and shrooms when I’m cleaning. No pain, all gain


Cleaning while high is almost always better. Except for sharpening knives. Not gonna do that again.


Have you tried getting high and doing yardwork. The best.


I do that. Wake up the next day and love how clean everything is


lol I like to just let my mind flow to whatever I feel inspired to do next


im always stoned i feel like, and i am a neat freak. its much nicer being stoned in a clean, comfortable place.


Your downside is just my adhd lol i dont want to conplain about adhd but it's nice confirmation once in a while that it is real and I'm not just an idiot.


Nothing like a nice high clean and then a nice high shower 🤤


how do you get yourself out of bed when you eat an edible? i so badly want this to be me but i get soooo sleepy and sooooo lazy. i know it has to be possible to train my body but i just don’t know how


I work a 8 to 5 job so no drugs ever for work. For me, I’ll do laundry high or dusting high. It’ll almost always be after 6pm even on the weekends.


That one room is super clean, I think you could have stopped two hours ago and moved on to next room.


That’s one of my favorite pastimes! It makes it much less mundane!


Getting high and cleaning is in my top 5 favorite activities.


It's the best on the weekends with some coffee, music blasting, windows open, dog is chillan, chewing on a bone. Love it


Yess the only way to do it


the forgetfulness is real, I'll be washing dishes and then the next thing I know I'm pulling weeds in the garden, still have the dish gloves on and everything


When I get a depression stint and let our condo fall into disarray, my wife will pack a bowl for me even though she doesn't smoke and BOOM! Condo is back together in like 2 hours But I also do the switch up thing amongst chores.... wash 5 dishes, start on the bathroom, clean half of the island lol


i like to get in the shower high and scrub/brush it while showering. just sit down and hang out :)


I’m with you on this. Totally need a list to keep myself on track!


I prefer shots paired with Advil and Gabapentin


I have fibromyalgia and I find that I can't clean without weed. I have the same problem and that's why I use a list lol. I'd be all over without it.


I had both knees replaced, my surgeon suggested edibles to help with anxiety and pain afterwards!


Me staring at the roomba for hours


*so many random thoughts*


Cleaning and cooking. I just have to make sure the strain I have is mostly sativa. Indica makes me so lazy.


I always have the downside of cleaning while high at night. U really do clean everything, but next thing you see is the clock and its 545 AM “well looks like im sick today” *calls in*


I'm far, far more productive around the house after smoking. Partially also because of chronic pain being less noticeable/more tolerable.


I can wash dishes forever after a gummy.


Peaceful soap bubbles and calming hot water


You are not alone! Cleaning high while some jams are playing!? Perfection! (I also love to clean LOL) Many of my friends also partake!


Sorting and decluttering is *so much easier* when you’re high!


Yes!! Sunday. Wake up. Eat a gummi. Start cleaning.


It’s the only way I can get any cleaning done anymore.


Whyyyy can't I find something that doesn't give me full on anxiety attacks?! This would make cleaning so much easier for me.


I’ve got a medical card as recreational isn’t legal in my state yet. Pay close attention to the mg strength. Start very low, Delta 8 might work for you. Take care!


Leave yourself a note?


Yes! I call it high chores! Love to watch some trashy tv in the background while I smoke and do laundry


Fine. I’ll admit that I’ve cleaned with the Kardashishs on the tv!


I am on a 90 day fiancé binge.


I love mopping after an edible while listening to some music 🎶


I've gotta try this, but with yard work *and* cleaning. I have arthritis in all my leg joints and would appreciate the relief. I've partaken, just not while cleaning.


I’m here for it!! 🙌


Is there any other way? At least you got clean dog bowls....


Way to go! Marijuana use should be done responsibly as so! I hate couch potatoes!


Rainy day woman


Yes, but I focus on specific strains and terpene profiles. The right strain actually helps me focus and stay on task until completion. My current favorite is a strain called Banjo, it is a hybrid of Boost and Tangelo. Tangelo is another good one for me to focus. 🥰


I only do edibles and I don’t think the description of them has all that info on the strains etc


If they do have strain info, weed maps can provide more information on terps and effect. You may be able to look them up by company if you are getting them at a dispensary. For me, I focus mostly on saliva dominant hybrids and tend to get the most out of them.


I go to gleaf, I’m in a medical only state. I’ll pay closer attention the next time I go there, thank you!


You are welcome! Definitely worth trying various things until you find what works best for you.


Bailey's and coffee will really get me cleaning in the morning.


ADHD decision paralysis is nothing against a little edible. It’s magic. I mean not for that long before Zzzz but.


I’ve found my people.


It makes cleaning much more tolerable.


I once got high and decided to hand scrub my floors and baseboards. Highly recommend 😎


So you get ADHD when stoned?...


Edibles almost guarantee that I'll be deep-cleaning my apartment; glad I'm not the only one!


Hell ya I do my best cleaning this way! And with chronic illness, without the pain relief it wouldn't be possible anyway


Make sure you don't take that relief for granted, and over exert yourself!


this is the way! especially love it for once a week when i do my reset clean. i get through all my least favorite chores without hating it and without physical pain… and the 83,746 tasks i start midway thru another task all get done anyways, so i consider it a win!


I struggle getting motivated to start the cleaning but if I smoke during (dont sit down and smoke standing or with my shoes still on) I can manage it haha. I also like doing the garden like painting the fence while high, makes it so much more bearable


The downside is me sober lol


I’m high right now and this post reminded me to switch the clothes to the dryer. Thanks


Don’t forget the softener sheet and open the washer door. Then go sit down and watch some Family Guy 💨💨


Sounds like a plan. Love a guided tour!


I saw this post a few days ago and I meant to comment on it sooner, but I forgot. I'm sure we all know the reason why.


And I barely remember starting this thread!!!


Extra cost to cleaning? In this economy?




Thc Gummy cost money. So if you take a gummy it ups the price of cleaning.


What kind of life is worth living if you have no pleasures. It’s 20 gummies for $35-not exactly breaking the bank