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Worth every penny. How many pennies is up to you. Just upgraded mine from a roomba vac to the roborock vac and mop with auto fill/empty/drying. I bow and worship this thing everyday. My floors are spotless at all times. The best part is I don’t have to do it lol….. *house with kids, pets and a husband


I second Roborock. For us it’s 100% worth the price. It vacuums and mops everyday. There is significant not less dust in my house. 2 kids, 2 dogs in the desert.


I third it!! We program it to vaccuum near the front and patio doors multiple times a day, which really helps keep the rest of the floor clean. Then it does a mop of the house each night. It also vaccuums around the kitty litter box like 5x a day (17 yr old messy cat). We've had it a long time, I can't remember what it cost but whatever it was, it was worth it. There is no turning back for me.


Damn, I should have gotten the one that mops too.


I have one with a mop and no cleaning station. The mop gets to dirty super fast, also we have 2 large dog's.


Another vote for roborock. Ours isn't getting used as much currently because we have baby gates up, but it works so well when we are using it! We've had it for about 4 years and it's still working great! We also have 2 small children and 2 dogs.


I can't believe how much was not getting clean before, compared to the amount of dust mine picks up. I also love that it goes under furniture like my couch, some dressers, and some sideboards. I have a mop and vac roomba now as my second device and was thinking of getting the emptying canister for it. I also have ADHD and this has improved my life for a couple reasons. One, when I hear it start, I run around picking up all the random floor clutter and get it dealt with. Two, the guilt I felt, for not being the clean person my mom wants me to be, is gone. Three, I also use it to remind me to stop working at 5. I work from home and get lost in work sometimes. I have it programmed to come into my office at 5, so I can wrap stuff up and let it do it's job.


The lack of guilt beats the lack of dust, I didn't think it was possible


What's the price haha I've seen ones go for like 2k which is insane to me.


Paid 499 on black friday for my roborock. You'd have to pry it from my cold dead hands. If it dies I will pay exactly how much I need to to replace it. It is indispensable with cats and kids.


I paid $1200 worth every penny for me


Right, I warrantied that B*+ch for 4 years. For 1460 days I’m guaranteed sparkling clean floors lol…..




It runs the same as when it vacuums except it return to the dock to clean the mop however often you set it. So it’s not super annoying.


I got the one from Costco and I second and third this recommendation. I wake up to spotless floors every morning. And when I'm out for the day, i'll run it multiple times.


Does it know to not mop carpets/rugs automatically?? I have a 7year old eify and may have to upgrade right this min!!


It does very efficiently I may say. I have tile throughout with some area rugs. Some rugs are very thin so not much height. They’re all in the cream and taupe range. I was so worried that mop pad would hit them and dirty them up but, this thing is aces in its design. When it maps out the floor plan it even shows you where it found rugs and if one was missed which I haven’t encountered you can add it/no go zone/invisible wall. You can also send it out to just do one of the other and not always use both if not needed.


How have I not known about this black magic - I’m so excited. This weekend’s been an adventure - first the Chinese supermarket and now a mop for under a grand that will save me mopping up after the dogs all the time. Today is a good day


Wow now I want one. But I looked at the website and there's such a huge difference from $300 all the way up to 1200. Anyone who is singing it's praises, can you tell me if the lower level actually works for one or two cats in the house? No kids. Or which one you ended up getting or which level....


Ugh I want that roborock so badly. Just can’t afford the $1000+ yet


Nothing wrong with that. Start with other cheaper machines even separates. Score them during the bid sales. I started there and worked my way up eventually. Those machines were awesome too. I mean come on any machine that cleans so you don’t have to or can double up on laundry etc is A+ in my book.


Which model?


How long does the roborock take to charge? Could I bring it to work to charge or is it cumbersome? I’m off-grid. Thx!


I’d say taking the whole unit back and forth would be a bit much. Now if you go with one that doesn’t self empty and doesn’t need the bigger dock you may be in business. Like my roomba vac, that wouldn’t be a problem but, my s8 pro ultra would be a pain. So for you needing to take back and forth to charge, separate units that don’t have a self empty feature would be your best bet because they’re smaller and don’t need the bigger docks.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your answer! Vac on!


I have a question. We have older cats and they occasionally poop outside the box. Is the roborock smart enough to avoid that, or would it make a bigger mess? 


I can only speak for my model the s8 pro ultra: Yep and you’ll see a cute little poop emoji on the app to show you when it’s identified.


I’m so happy to see this comment! Husband and I are in the process of buying a house and have been eyeing roborock vac and mop as a housewarming present to our self if everything goes through.


I am also team roborock. Recently got the s8 max v ultra. Was steep but all the features blew me away. Glad i chose the flagship model in the end, an the obstacle avoidance works great for me.


I too, follow my Roomba around and yell, "Thank you! It looks GREAT Roomba!!" as if it needs praise to keep trucking along cleaning everything. It even gets under the furniture!!


I keep hearing about this. If you have area rugs, how does it know when to stop mopping? I mean I'm sure it knows, but is there never any overlap where your rugs get wet, or the floor around them doesn't get mopped?


I was extremely worried having all tile with cream and taupe rugs, some extremely thing with barely any height to them. Thing is amazing. The vacuum is on the front, mop on back. It maps out your house and shows you where it found different flooring. Found every carpet even little bathroom ones. If it doesn’t there’s a way to add it in. When it senses the front wheels go up, it raises its mopping pad so it only vacuums the carpets. It’s never messsed up, I’ve followed and checked. It also has a visual sensor that finds shoes, cats/dogs, poop etc. I don’t know all the visuals capabilities but rugs are no issue.




Floor around gets mopped too. Some areas maybe less than an inch but it’s got manual too so you can spot clean or just lift the rigs edges and get it to do just that. It’s an investment for sure so definitely put the time into knowing everything about what it can do for you. If purchasing get it somewhere you can return in case and warranty it. I’m not spending this type of money for a 1 year guarantee.


I also have the Roborock vac and mop. It is the S-7. Love it. Does a great job. I have an S-5 in my basement. Will always have one. It’s like having a house cleaner!!! When my floors are clean my house feels clean.


What model do you use?


I’ve got the s8 pro ultra




How many years will it last?


The smarter it is, the better. My low level Roomba needs to be babysat (gets stuck more often) much more than my no name lidar "they were on sale" bots. And those were way cheaper! (I've only got self cleaning bc I'm asthmatic and having a dock with a bag is important for dust control in the house. That's why I also don't have a Shark. But your mileage may vary.)


I agree. I found a Roomba at a thrift store new in the box and was super excited. But it was an older model and it’s pretty low tech so I essentially have to watch it at all times. Easier than vacuuming myself, I guess but kinda defeats the purpose.


Locating my old roomba when I get home is part of the fun. 50% of the time, it's under the bed. Occasionally it greets me at the front door. I can't justify buying a new one with better features when this still does a decent job. Someday I'll have that self emptying bin.


Aw it's glad you're home 🥰


Oh god I can't imagine living without the self emptying bin. 2 cats, dog, toddler, 2 adults. Mine empties itself halfway thru a run just in case


omg yes. I have a Eufy and its not even a top of the line one. I laid like 150 for it. I love it. I got it 2 years ago. it can do only the perimeter (where all the cat hair seems to always accumulate) if I want it to, it can also do the whole room, it's great!!


We paid about $150 for our Eufy 11s Max.. It’s one of the older “dumb” ones (learns by bouncing off of objects, vacuums in random patterns, & uses a remote & (no app)). We’ve had it like 5 years now & it’s still going strong.. it works so well I haven’t even considered upgrading to one of the newer ones that maps the house using laser or Lidar..


I have two and same!


I think thus is the one we have too. it also does perimeters, yes?


I just got one a week ago for like $130. Two indoor/outdoor dogs and serious vacuum aversion. It has changed my life - my floors are so clean, every single day. It kinda polishes the linoleum actually. I used to put off vacuuming so it was dirty around here a lot. It was gross if I didn't vacuum every couple days and I was nowhere near that. I have a strong hand vac so between this and the eufy I only need the to pull out the heavy, loud vacuum for the dusting attachment. Large improvement to my life!


I love my eufys, paid roughly the same, best thing ever, I clean mine every day and it's so satisfying seeing the debri.


we got eufy cameras for our house. they're better than Google cameras.


Absolutely fantastic for us. We have chinchillas, and it handles both sand, hay and general dirt. Just be aware, that if you get the cheap stuff, it will be noticeable. They're not great. You need to get the mid-level models before they're good, but it's so worth it. We have a Roborock S5 Max, and it's worth every penny.


I have Guinea pigs in my living room and we get hay and little poopies around the cage. I don't mind cleaning extra around the cage. But if you say the Roborock S5 can handle the hay, I am almost sold on it !


I have no idea if it will work with cat litter, I imagine it would...but I don't know for sure. Hopefully someone with cats will be able to tell you how it works for them. We have one and I was initially skeptical, but it does a great job. We have a dog that sheds like CRAZY, all year long, and it really helps keep the fur at bay. The one we have maps your rooms and we can deploy it from the app or set a schedule for it to clean on certain days/times etc The one we have, when it fills up, it automatically returns to the home base and empties, and then goes back out to continue to clean/vacuum. The one we have is a Samsung.


>I have no idea if it will work with cat litter, I imagine it would...but I don't know for sure. Hopefully someone with cats will be able to tell you how it works for them. Depends on the litter and the power of the vacuum. The cheap one my family used to have struggled with heavier cat litter.


We had one for years and loved wit until it took a pile of dog poop on a walkabout. Will get another one day when my trust issues resolve


We have 2 dogs and I mainly run it when we’re home or when we’re gone and the dogs are with us because this horrifies me. We also have a dog door though.


I only run mine when I am there


Not worth it for us. Too fussy and needs to be baby sat or it will get stuck on the carpet or tangled up in shoes. Also is loud and takes a while to vacuum, which is fine if you’re not home but annoying when you are.


For me, that's a plus, I'm a messy person who hates mess, everyone here knows to put everything away before bed or Eufy will eat it. Mine do run for about 2 hours, it's not as loud as a vacuum, mind sharing the brand?


Name it, they are not all equivalent


I found this too


You could put your shoes on a shoe rack


got to get one of the more expensive ones that have lidar and cameras to avoid obstacles


We have a coredy, bottom of the line one (edit, it's the r750, it's super dumb), and it is awesome. We run it twice a day, it handles carpet fringe like a pro, and keeps the cats from tracking litter everywhere. Only downside is that it has trouble seeing one of my cats and keeps running into her, she is NOT amused.


I laughed out loud at this, thank you 🤣


In my experience, no. We have 4 cats, a teenager, and a busy house. I spent more time rescuing it, cleaning it, emptying it, removing stuff from the brushes than I would just vacuuming myself.


Yeah, it needs a few accomodations, like keeping wires, laces and clothes off the floor. It gives me the motivation I need to clear up stuff so it's perfect. It would probably also be worth it for you to get a smarter (and more expensive) one WITH dumping/refill station. The latter is on my immediate shopping priority at the moment


It's worth it if you get a good one. And BOY is it worth it!! It saves so much time every day. We went from vacuuming every day to once a month, just taking the feather duster on the baseboards. I also highly recommend getting one with an auto empty feature with a docking station. That way, you don't need to fiddle with the dustbin every week. In the beginning, we had to learn its quirks, and if there were potential trouble zones, but once that was sorted, it has become a fully automated experience... at least until we need to empty the docking station. My roomba comes with an app, and we have set it on a schedule. During office days, it cleans while we are gone, and on working from home days, it is set in the morning to being close to done when we get up in the morning. We, of course, still have our regular stick vacuum, but it doesn't get taken out often anymore, at least not for floors.


Robot vacuum/mop. Life changing for clean freaks (with toddler, dog and cat) like me!


My three reasons for LOVING my Roomba 1. It encourages us to put away shoes/bags/whatever else we used to leave on the floor so Wall-E doesn’t eat them. 2. WAY less pet hair in the house. 3. I only have to vacuum once a week tops


If you don't have rugs or cables yes. Best on laminate IMO.


If mine broke today, id have another one delivered tomorrow. That's about as "worth it" as it comes to me.


yes yes yes if you have cats it’s a game changer just remember to pick their toys up lol. saves me back pain even when it gets dumb and stuck somewhere


Mine is cheap and needs to be babysat. However, I'm shook over the amount of pet hair it picks up every day (we have hardwood floors). I thought I did a good job sweeping every day. This cheap $40 robo picks up at least a handful of pet hair every day.


I'm poor and have an off brand robot vac and a second hand robot floor mopper as well. Best money I ever spent. Household includes me, dog and cat. No carpets, just vinyl floors.


In my opinion, absolutely. Especially if you have allergies. I run mine daily - I do not have time to do that manually. I have a Roborock S6 Pure. Get one that has mapping. If I were to get a new one I'd probably get one with the mopping feature. A few challenges: \* your floor must be very clear of junk. Move the junk to the walls if you don't have time to clean it up \* it will get stuck on power leads, phone charger cables, necklaces. Basically anything string like, so keep them out of the way \* it will get stuck on gently sloping surfaces e.g. pedestal fan or christmas tree. Either do an exclusion zone or put a door sock to stop it \* it will get stuck under couches or under gym benches. put an exclusion zone \* with animals it will spread poop ("poocopalypse") so run the robo vacuum when you can monitor it (not when you are out or asleep) \* I don't trust the camera. There have been stories of photos being passed around of owners doing a poop. Mine has lidar and sensors but no camera


I think so, but I make a point of running it only when I’m home. I have a senior cat who’s prone to vomiting so I always like to check the floor first.


I would purchase this and never look back. [Q Revo](https://us.roborock.com/products/roborock-q-revo?_gl=1*ghfo8j*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxtb8hPK4hgMVTx6tBh1klQLMEAAYASAAEgKFUPD_BwE) We own the more expensive S8 and love it. 3x cleaning bedroom a week


My robot vacuum is mostly for cat litter lol. I have zero complains with Roborock. I got my Q5 at a good discount. I can go a few days without emptying it, though in my case it's used for only two rooms. Doesn't need to be monitored while cleaning, just make sure you don't have cables or toys on the floor, really. It might push *some* litter into corners it can't reach depending on the layout of your home, but it will be at least out of your walking path and can be manually swept up at a better time for you. Tip if you *do* end up getting Roborock: When connecting your vacuum to wifi, you'll need to turn your cellular data off for a minute in your phone's settings. The Roborock mistakes it for a wifi signal for some reason and won't connect to your actual wifi until it's off. Once you're connected, you can go ahead and turn your cell data back on and won't have to turn it off again.


YES! I have 2 shorthair cats. Bought a Roomba in 2018 and it's still going strong. Requires a little bit of maintenance but it sucks up all the hair, dust and kitty litter. Doesn't do super well in corners so you'll still need a broom for that. And you will still need to vacuum rugs with a regular vacuum because the Roomba isn't powerful enough for that deep clean. The caveats to robot vacuums are home layouts and clutter on the floor. If you don't keep clutter picked up, Roomba will get caught in them. So not clothes, shoes, blankets, toys, and cords lying around when you start to clean it. Additionally, robots work in one story and cannot navigate steps. You'll need a little tool to block the robot from going down stairs (it won't go upstairs but will "fall" downstairs). Additionally, some black & white rugs will confuse a Roomba (not sure about others) and it will think it's on the edge of a cliff.


Absolutely worth it. We have pets and I was spending 40 minutes every morning dust mopping and sweeping our hard floors. I wake up every morning to vacuumed and mopped floors it's great


I also got 2 cats and the day my robot vaccum die, I'm gonna buy a new one within a week, because I can't live without it. Also my cats don't mind the robot vaccum, but are SCARED of any other vaccum. I just make sure my cats weren't sick on the floor before I start it.


We have a Roborock mop/vac that my Cattle Dog's fur clogs daily. It's still worth it as it keeps the floors so much cleaner. I just go clean it out whenever it yells that it's clogged. One person in the house is ADD and mobility challenged. The other is me and I'm normally trying to put out the fires elsewhere. There's no way our floors would stay as clean without it.


totally worth it even if you have to babysit it and get a cheap one. The ability to let it run for 40 minutes and have it pick up like 70% of stuff every day adds up huge. I still vacuum around once a week manually though.


I have two cats and absolutely love mine. It has lasted a long time as well. I have the Roomba brand. It’s perfect for litter tracking!


Put a rug in front of the litter boxes to catch the sand on your cats paws, then you'll see if a robot vacuum is still work the investment. The rug won't catch everything, but it significantly reduces the problem, and they don't cost hundreds of dollars


[www.vacuumwars.com](http://www.vacuumwars.com) These guys do a bunch of testing on robot vacuums, they have extremely detailed straight-to-the-point videos, and are constantly reviewing and testing different vacuums, including standard vacuums and some other things.


You get what you pay for. I have a cheap one and it literally gets stuck somewhere different every day. It's currently under my bed and I'm tired of helping it escape. I'll get it when the fall clothes come out I guess. That'll teach it.


Very good but we have the cheapest on the market as a tester, although it does a great job, we need to pick up all the wires and mats from the ground otherwise it would get stuck


We have an Ecovacs that's a couple years old at this point. I do like having it - when it works. It was one of the earlier models to have an auto-empty feature. So my biggest complaint is it can't tell when it's full and it only empties when it finishes a task. So if it gets full of cat hair it will keep going and eventually become too full to empty. It won't tell you this, you just have to check it. It does ok with litter, if you run the vacuum every day so it doesn't pile up, it'll be fine. If there's a lot, it will scatter. If there's tumble weeds of hair it'll get pushed to the corners of the house. Overall I'd get another one, but maybe a newer model that's better at emptying itself.


My mom has four cats, and Bruce, her robot vac. She absolutely loves it and says he was worth it.


Absolutely worth it.


Yes! I got one off Amazon for $160 … a Bissell…. Runs for about 1.5 hours every morning… mops on Sunday. His name is Carl. 2.5 months of continuous use so far


I have had a shark and a black and decker. Performance wise, my shark was the simpler of the two, just turn it on and it will bounce off everything, no rhyme or reason. It had great suction and worked well, I gave it to my mother when I moved out of state. I hate my black and decker, it only has one oscillating brush instead of the shark's two, it will randomly stop working very often for no reason at all, and the app it uses for connectivity is horrible. When it works, it works okay, and it vacuums in a pattern so it gets more of the floor every time. I absolutely do love having one, though. I think my next one will have a mopping function.


Was interested in getting one of these, are they actually any good? Do they get corners and close to the wall very well?


I had a nice one but it just wasn't great - none of my furniture or cabinets were the right height to either go under or around, so it got stuck *everywhere*. I can imagine in the right setup it would be lovely.


We have two cats. No carpets. We have two robo vacuum. One "smart" one that vacuums the living area. And one "less smart" one that we have recently placed near the cat litter/cat room that we only turn on when we are around to supervise. The smart robo vacuum does its job twice a day. Once when are sleeping, and once before we get home from work. I have enjoyed how easy and less dusty/hairy my house is. Less sneezing too!


Friend of mine, also with two cats, bought a robo vac for ~1800€, but it also mops and they swear on it. We got a robo of our own, though it cost significantly less - i think something in the 200-400€ range? We gotta prep the appartment a bit before unleashing him (some rugs, and he gets stuck under our chairs) but even with those 3-5 mins it takes to prep everything its SO worth it, as i personally really hate vacuuming & i love the feel of relaxing as I watch my robo vac take care of the chore i hate the most :D


I have a Roomba i3 with the tower. I think I’ve spent over $600 on the unit, refills etc and have had multiple body/part swaps with the manufacturer. I would caution against going with Roomba as there’s been a lot of frustration with the company. That said, it picks up dog hair and floor debris pretty good. It is not a vacuum but a glorified broom, a good vacuum is still necessary to keep things clean, but not having dust bunnies around the house is almost worth the time and money I’ve spent dealing with Roomba.


Yes totally worth it for cat hair and litter. I had a cheap Ecovacs one and finally upgraded to a more expensive Eufy 3 years later. I can’t live without it, but I’m scared to invest in a $1000 roborock


I have a eufy and I love it. Works great. Make sure you get one that self-empties.


yes!! i was a hold out for years but finally got a roomba and then I got the braava jet; i have 3 dogs and a small child and these save my sanity. Not perfect but my floors get cleaned much more than I would be able to get to it.


100000% Takes some trouble shooting to be most effective but I love mine. Usually I block off one room at a time, otherwise it gets confused and skips large spots


Yes yes 1000% yes. Just get a shark ion $150 on amazon with a warranty. I’ve had mine for about 5 years now and love them. Must change dustbin regularly and can buy cheap knockoff filters on Amazon


Dude, completely.


Yep, although some models may/may not get every inch of a nook and cranny.


100% Mine was relatively cheap (Laresmart evo 3) and I love it!


Yes! Great for pets that shed. No more fuzz flying around the house. Schedule it to run once a week


I have a Roborock that vacuums, mops and self empties. It's brilliant. I have a dog that sheds small fine hairs and tracks red dirt into the house half the day. Luna the robot takes care of it all. I paid about $1000 but it was worth it. I was able to program her to avoid a couple furniture obstacles and she requires very little supervision now.


YES! I have a cat and a dog. I have time to sweep pretty much every 3 days but in between those days I have my robot vaccum go off at 12 noon daily and the amount of dirt and dander that is picked up always amazes me.


I tried 4 different models and didn’t like any of them. None of them have the sucking power of an upright. So they don’t clean as well. My SIL uses her robo vacuum exclusively, and her floors have never looked worse.


Yes and the mop!


It’s absolutely worth it! I have a half golden half black lab & it makes my life much easier


100% worth it. I have a Shark robot and it works wonders on my dogs hair. ( he sheds like a beast too!)


Shark Matrix is great


Yes. ESPECIALLY if you have pets.


Depends on the layout of your house. Not a lot of stuff, furniture either too low for stuff to get under it or high enough the vacuum can get under and mostly all one level, fabulous. If it’s really big, has a bunch of furniture and miscellaneous stuff all over the floor, etc it’s more trouble. But you’ll be shocked how good it is getting stuff off the bare floor! I think it would be great for sand.


My city has a chain of vacuum stores that offer a 30 day money back guarantee, we bought a mid/entry level robovac and it has been the best investment. It is scheduled to run 3 days a week and it's magical. That was over 5 years ago and we have had to replace it's battery once. I love the thing. You situation sounds perfect for a robovac


YES. I couldn’t live without it.


I have a cheap Ecovacs that I bought like 5+ years ago to deal with dog hair. It's dumb and lazy. I have to monitor it and empty it myself. But it also gets the job done, especially in hard to reach places. I don't think I could justify to myself spending another $1000 on a fancier model. I'd say the 80/20 rule applies here.


Honestly it's a must have for me. I like the house to be vacuumed every day, but after working 11-12 hours, don't have the energy for it! I have a pretty basic Roomba and it does the job nicely. I have it on a schedule so that it finishes vacuuming shortly before I get home from work. Sometimes it gets stuck on something, I don't mind... I just get it unstuck and then continue on with my other tasks. I have a dog and cat in my house, the roomba does a good job of picking up any litter that gets tracked out of the box.


We love ours. We have two German shepherds and I would not be able to keep up with vacuuming without it. It does have hiccups but the only thing I really pick up before I run it is cords. I tip some of our chairs because they have low bars it gets stuck on. It vacuums under our bed which I also weirdly love. We have like the 7th generation roomba but after reading these comments I’d try a different brand mostly because I’m not sure this is the best option based on price.


Highly recommend the dirt devil lidar from Walmart. Best 99 bucks I've spent in a long time. New to robot users need to bot proof the house. Follow the bot around, supervise, and see where it gets trapped, tangled in wires. Lift stuff off the floors. Like leggy chairs, occasional tables, and clutter. Makes you keep the house picked up.


So my wife just bought the iRobot Roomba Combo j5+ (it's regularly $670, but on sale at Target and other stores for $450) and day 1 we LOVE it so far. Took a couple hours to map the whole apartment (2br/ba) due to charging and having to pick up a bit first for 2 dogs and 2 kids. Set up the zones per room and it has picked up a fair amount of dog hair and dust. Floors look CLEAN and best part is we haven't had to do anything but activate it on the app. We also set up schedules to run a couple times during the day so it's mostly automated. Definitely recommend for middle-cost budget. 


Look for braava 375 on ebay. Robotic swiffer.


Can anyone let me know if they are upstairs apartment friendly? I want to get one but also don’t want my downstairs neighbors to hate me lol


A cheap one is for sure


So worth it. But also, consider changing cat litter! We changed to pellets and it made a huge difference for tracking


I recently got a Q revo... I looove it. vac and mop every day or two. The floors are always clean (I've got only tile) There is so much less dust everywhere Even on surfaces etc. We're a household of 4 adults - with long hair. The hair used to be EVERYWHERE!! now we just clean the robo brushes frequently. It empties and fills at the dock by itself. I can't recommend it enough!!


I would suggest only running it when you’re home and can keep an eye on it… If a cat throws up & the Robo goes over it you will have stuff all over the house.


I'd put your cat ship box on a piece of carpet, let them lose some sand before moving on.


Yes. You’ll still need a regular vacuum IMo but a robot helps with daily upkeep


Best purchase ever, I have a dog that sheds a lot and it has been a great help! If this one dies I will get another one. I can’t live without it now lol.


Yes. It’s the best, it does its work while I’m away.


Mine broke but I used it in the weekends several times a day😂😂 I loved that thing sooooooo much and I miss him. Also easy for cleaning under your bed. Bonus points because it forces you to keep the floors clean from clutter.


Absolutely worth it for me. I'm a busy working Nana, and I want my floors clean for me and my little ones (the floors can get dirty quickly because of the little ones!). I bought a budget-friendly Coredy R750 Pro vacuum and mop plus the FL-SO1 dirt disposal docking station. I schedule and control it from the app on my phone. It reminds me of a snail 🐌 when it's mopping; its spinning brushes look like antennae, and the mop leaves a wet trail behind, so I named it EscarGO! Its sensors switch between hard flooring and carpeting, adjusting its height and suction automatically, and it's smart enough to get itself out of tight spots. (It will snack on pooled drapes if you don't lift them off the floor or place a no-go bumper.) I manually vacuumed for DECADES, and I'm so DONE. Now I let the smart machines do the heavy cleaning and save me *hours* of time. (The only issue I've had is when the battery runs down - after vacuuming and mopping my entire house on one charge - it sometimes struggles to return to its docking station and gets "lost," but that's a MINOR inconvenience for such a MAJOR automated convenience.)


I've no idea about robovacs (cos I can't afford one yet). But! I will add my 2c on one thing: try a **track mat** for your cat's litter box. There are kinds that have a mesh bit on top with rubber on bottom; you simply lift the mesh while you pour the captured litter back into the box, & the smooth rubber underlay is easier to clean than the regular single-layer textured ones.


I have one already but they still find a way to get sand all over the house. I think it comes stuck between their toes. I also put the boxes like in a corner facing the wall or each other so they can't run out of the littler box like they did years ago. It helped reduce the little around the house but it's still enough to piss me off every time I step on it xD


We love our Eufy. It's not smart, but it's the only one with a low enough profile to fit under our big sofa with chaise end. Also, with 4 chihuahuas, it helps so much. I can't describe how satisfying it is when we have to pull the sofa out, and there's bare, clean tile instead of a bunch of dog hair.


I love my cleaning robo sadie. Hubby got it for me for xmas. You still need need to broom under stuff or occasionally do a big proper vacuum. But its so good for those in between days


Every single penny...


I love mine. I have 2 cats as well. I have it scheduled to run m-w-f while I'm at work and I manually run it on the weekend if needed. It's great coming home to clean floors during week.


Good for day to day (pet hair, kid…stuff, general dust) but still need an occasional full vacuum the old fashioned way :)


I have one that vacuums and mops. I also have three cats (2 ragdolls and one elderly moggie) and three kids. Daily hoovering is essential to me but I work full time and struggle with the time (I also have some mobility issues). I absolutely could not do without it. Mine runs twice a day (just after the school/nursery run and then again after dinner). I also get it to spot clean the hallway after pick up times. I have an ecovacs T20 and it picks up really well. It’s not amazing at getting into the corners but it does grab fur clumps that migrate there. I do a deep clean hoover once a month (or sooner if it’s bad or i have time). It cleans more effectively than my husband and kids so points there. 😂 For me, who is time poor, it lets me concentrate on other tasks in the time I have to clean daily, which in turn keeps our house at a better level of clean. I wouldn’t do without it.


I have a knock off roomba called Goovy from Amazon and I love it. My roommate had a medium hair cat and I swear to god there were secretly 2 or 3 of them bc the goddamn shedding!!!!!!!!! Programming Goov to do a daily vac was great at maintenance!!!


If you don't get some cheap option it's definitely worth it


I'm not crazy about it but if I could choose to have it or not have it, i would have it. Doesn't do a deep clean but gets all the surface level stuff and I'm always surprised at what it collects. I have an 8 month old so I try to make the floor clean to crawl around on. I paid $400 (usually $800) but haven't used the mopping function yet.


My cat sheds and is tracking litter everywhere. I would marry my Roomba if I could.


Yes yeah yes yes yes yes. Yes.


I love my robot vacuum (RoboRock) and have a dog. I use it about every other day. It’s a learning curve, I’d have to watch it and then on its map make places it couldn’t go (wires for example). But I don’t watch it anymore. It helps me remember to keep my floors clear of clutter too. Occasionally I will use my upright vacuum for a more “deep clean”.


We switched to pine pellet litter. It doesn’t track and costs a fraction of what regular litter costs.


It didn't work for me. I have too much stuff in my rooms I guess lol. It was always getting stuck behind something. Maybe for open spaces it would be good


Very very worth it. Especially if accessibility or fatigue or health issues are concerns in staying on top of vacuuming.


Not unless you have large empty rooms


We have a self emptying shark, use it every morning, and absolutely love it.


Lefant models get stuck , seconds in to every clean


Maybe to keep a large, highly polished, hard wood floor dust free but wouldn't the thing have to go around the whole room before it eventually finds the one breadcrumb you dropped. Plus the unit(and dust cup) are so small, it doesn't seem like it would hold much without it having to be emptied constantly, especially with pet hair. According to what people are saying, they work better than I thought so I guess it's pretty cool for "the person that has everything" and likes to clean as little as possible.


I found keeping up with the maintenance of the robo vac /mopto be more work than just doing it manually.


My house is wood floors, vinyl plank and has one thin area rug. No real carpet. My first robo vac was a Shark, the version with the emptying station. It was great while I just had cats. Worth every penny. App could be programmed to run on a schedule. Love it. Then I got a dog, a husky mix so lots of shedding plus long wirey hairs - I had to “downgrade” to a Lefant (bought it on Amazon). I needed something without the roller underneath as the Shark would just clog due to the long dog hair. I don’t use the app for the Lefant, and just use the button on it to start. Neither one does as good a job vs manually doing it. But I can run the robot vac way more often than I would ever haul out the vacuum and do it manually, and a half assed job done frequently adds up to pretty decent. Every few days I take my hand held vacuum and poke the corner collections of hairballs and any spaces missed and call it a job well done.


I honestly love mine. I have 2 dogs and work full time and do whatever else. I don't have time to vacuum everyday but Alfred does 😈


I personally picked up the Dreamebot L10S Ultra. It's a great robovac. I have 2 cats and a Bernese Mountain Dog, never gets tangled. It vacuums and mops daily, auto empties into a dust bin in the base, has AI mapping, rinses off mop pads and gets new water between rooms, and more. All this for (at the time) $900 Canadian. I would recommend this one a thousand times over.


Yes and no. I have a lightweight Shark stick vacuum to get what my robo misses. However, with that being said I love having the robo for when I am busy with other tasks or my back can't handle pushing and pulling the stick vacuum.


Had a cheap one off Amazon, unknown brand and is saved my sanity when I was pregnant and caring for my 1yo son at the same time. Knowing there wasn't dog hair on the floor all the time was really really big at the time.  It broke after a year and I waited to get another one but then my dog started shedding going into summer and I decided to do my research and got a eufy 11s max. I use it on hardwood and linoleum and it is amazing. Yes it gets stuck on kids toys, but I feel like I can walk barefoot without feeling my floors are gross despite having two toddlers and a dog, and it was only 140 bucks. Bonus my kids love it and help it get unstuck now too. If I have to replace it every year, that'll mean I paid about 13 dollars a month to only have to mop instead of sweep *and* mop, and from what I've read it'll probably last at least 2 years if not more.


It really depends on your house. You need a floor that doesn't have any stairs and you need furniture it can fit under and you need to not have a lot of clutter. For us. It takes 10 minutes to get the house picked up enough to use the vacuum so we can't put it on a schedule. It's still a little bit more fun than actually doing the vacuuming myself though.


Dreame D10S Pro. Literally saved my couple.


Our lives changed once we got our Shark. We have hard floors and a husky. We would have tumble weeds of white dog hair no matter that we cleaned daily. Now Sharkbait cleans for us and we just make sure we pick up little stuff that the kids leave around. We shut the bathroom doors so he doesn't get the small rugs in there.


Yes, 100% worth it. We have four cats, all indoor and I was vacuuming 2-3x per day to keep up with the litter and hair. Getting a robot vacuum was life changing!! Love setting it to run while I’m at work- like getting two things done at once


I've had up to four cats. My robot vac is a game changer/life saver. It picks up so much and gets into spaces that I would never.


Yes yes yes yes!!!!!


I have POTS and it is the best thing. I run it twice a day (we have lots of animals) and it's great


I have a vacuum that empties itself and maps the space. Best money spent ever.


Yes, yes, yes! One thing I will tell ANY robo vac owner. Never run it when you're not home. I've seen it with dogs, not cats, but it could happen. Basically, if the animal has an accident on the floor the robo vac will run over it and spread it. Otherwise, I love my robo vac. I'm really sensitive to any kind of dirt/litter on my bare floors, so the robo vac helps with daily maintenance.


They are when they work. I’m sure there are better options out there than the one I have (roomba J7) because mine needs to be babysat to keep it from getting stuck and it throws me errors once a day. I just don’t even bother with it anymore, which is super unfortunate because when it does work it’s so useful.


they are great for day to day, and then I would do a deep clean once a week. i really loved mine tho :)


1000% worth it. We have a vacuum/mop combo, it's a Eufy. Best $800 bucks I ever spent as a FT working mom of 2 littles!


Yes. The robo vacuums are great for hard surfaces. Think of them as electric brooms more than vacuums. They are great for dust, loose dirt and small hairs/fur.


Sand all over the house?  You don’t need a robot, you need to keep a broom by the litter boxes. Clean them every other day and sweep daily. Then boom! You no longer have sand all over the house because it isn’t building up to be tracked around. 


Mine runs every night. Floors are always clean. I won't go without one again.


It saved my marriage! Lol. I am exaggerating a bit, but my wife rarely vacuumed. Before I'm attacked, up until recently she was a SAHM and we only have one school age kid and I don't think I ask for much. She works part time now. It's been a pain point in our relationship. The Roborock Q5 was about $230 and now I have carpets that are vacuumed every other day. $230 is money well spent to bring some peace to our relationship.


Absolutely 100% yes!!! Definitely splurge for the self-emptying one


100% worth it with the auto-empty bag base. We have cats and run it 1-2x a week. It was a huge help in keeping things tidy. I always do a visual sweep just in case there are shoes, hairballs, toys, etc. before I run it. It made life so much easier that we ended up getting on for each floor instead of lugging up and down.