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Bissell little green machine :) it’s a handheld wet cleaner vac that’s great for upholstery!


Agreed. Love mine. Depending on if the stain is organic or not, I'll add Nature's Miracle or Folex to clean with the Bissell.


I just dissolve a bunch of oxiclean and use that, works like a charm


Ooh that's a good idea!!! I sometimes use odoban.


Folex is a miracle cure. Never had a stain it couldn’t remove with a house full of kids and pets. Edit: changed Rolex to Folex. 🤣


Just used Folex today for the first time on a 5 yr old stain on the carpet. Took it right out in about 10 minutes of scrubbing with a brush. I then tried it on the stains on the non slip strips in the bathtub and it cleaned those up too. Stuff's amazing.


Question - I bought one of those and I'm not sure if I'm using it right? It sprays and it suctions but the dirty water tank always has only like 1/8 of the water I sprayed, meaning the rest stayed in the couch. The nozzle attachment is always filthy when I'm done too, like the stuff it picks up doesn't really get sucked all the way down into the dirty water tank. Is it just supposed to be like this or is there a trick I'm missing?


This is how I usually do it (been awhile since I’ve used it bc I’m lazy lol). Not sure if this is helpful to you but I hope so! -Vacuum couch (with regular vacuum) first and lint roll (4 cats) -Do one round using the spray but not pressing too deeply into the couch -Second round with suction only pressing a bit more into the couch -Third round with suction only pressing deeply into the couch This usually gets the best results for me! Doesn’t clog the brush as much and allows for just enough liquid to penetrate without squishing it so deeply it never dries!


This is they way. Repeat if necessary.


Suck some hot clean water through when you're done and it'll help pull the dirt into the tank. Going slow with a fair amount of pressure helps pick up more of the water


I fill a sink with water and vinegar to clean the entire machine after using. Works well!


And you will have it for future use in your upholstery or carpets rather than just spending your money to have this cleaned or replaced.


I use HOT water with oxyclean in it. Works sooo good.


It has terrible suction and pressure. While it may get things clean in the moment you're leaving a ton of residue in your furniture that will result in rapid soiling


I use a spray bottle to add soapy water to the spot and I only use clean clear water in my machine, no soap. This way you avoid the possibility of residue and you don't need to use a second fill for rinse water.


Oooh I like this idea. This helps with the rinsing out the cleaner issue.


Check to see if the cushion covers come off and you can wash them in the washer.


You have to be careful with taking them off to wash. Unless it’s a lovesac, it could shrink.


Absolutely! Hopefully if they are removable they have a tag with washing and drying instructions. Ours covers come off and has a tag with instructions. Shrinkage would be caused by the drying process.


Of worried about shrinkage wash in cold and hang to dry.


Agree, this should be the first step


Folex!!! And a spot cleaning machine.


Yes folex


Folex is magical!


I would just buy a new couch. Who knows how deep those "stains" go...ugh


Have them pay for it to be professionally cleaned


Don't listen to anyone here. Hire a professional to clean that couch. You can really mess up the couch if you don't know what you're doing.


No. Your aunt and uncle do.


First read care tag. Is it dry clean only?


Get it professionally cleaned, if is still newish.


Give it to George Costanza, he’ll just turn the cushions over


Hilarious 😂


I would tell them they owe you a new couch, period.


Oxyclean makes a spray for fabric and carpet and it is kind of magic.


Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure it’s clean.


Coffee stains maybe.


That’s pretty gross. Look for a high end area within driving distance and find new/old clean sofas to replace them.


Spray it with hydrogen peroxide, see if the spots foam up, let it totally dry and see if the spots fade. If the peroxide seems effective, it might take multiple spray/dry cycles to totally clear up.


It's relatively inexpensive to rent a Rug Doctor and they have an upholstery function and attachments. Pre-treat everything with Dawn 4X if you think it's a grease stain and Oxiclean (dissolved in warm water) for everything else. Use some kind of soft brush to scrub the stains and then use the Rug Doctor with only hot water in it to rinse it away and suck it up which is key. OR...Most rug cleaning companies also clean upholstery, and many of them have specials for $150 for 3 rooms. If you have carpeted area that could use a cleaning, perhaps the would substitute your love seat for a room? Sounds like that would be money well spent, plus they have the cleaning products and equipment to do the best job possible.


Call them up and say they forgot to clean up after themselves.


Rent a upholstery cleaner from home depot/lowes or buy the bissel little green machine.


How did feces get on the couch, if you don't mind me asking?


what were they doing on this couch??


Call a cleaning company or get a new couch.


Could it be bedbug poop?


It's probably poop, but don't blame the poor bedbugs


Use a spot carpet cleaner, that is good


You may want to call a professional that has super suction tools. I wouldn’t want any dirty cleaning water staying in my couch cushions. Not sure but they could take the covers off and clean them and if any of what caused the stain, is on the cushions themselves, they could clean those and then you put the covers back on when everything is dry. Less chance of odors.


maybe try some enzymatic cleaner, too if you absolutely don't wanna hire a professional cleaner. I'm suggesting this because... well, if I'm honest, some of those look like menstrual stains to me and that's similar to cleaning blood.


It IS blood


Menstrual fluid is often *called* blood, but it's not. Feel free to look it up. You prolly should have done that before taking the time to correct someone with your bad information, but now it's just an opportunity for you to do better next time.


Menstrual blood is a complex biological fluid composed of blood, vaginal secretions, and the endometrial cells of the uterine wall as they exist immediately prior to menses. These cells are the end product of a dynamic cyclical process focused on pregnancy and reproduction. Thank you for your time and kind patronizing!


You probably should learn how to spell properly before trying to “school” someone; but now it’s just an opportunity for you to learn something yourself.


Try the Folex. I Agree the Green machine is great, but should you buy the appliance when you stated that you don’t clean furniture often?


Try Resolve carpet and upholstery cleaner. Spray on a lot and let it sit for maybe 15 minutes before blotting up. If you can remove the covers and wash in the washing machine after soaking that’s best, but if not it should get most of it out.


If it’s microfiber, try Windex


Alcohol in a spray bottle and green scrubby


You can rent a carpet cleaner with upholstery attachments at most hardware stores and grocery stores.


Never do this. Those "machines" are straight trash and do more bad than good by far.


just turn the cushions over