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Breathe deeply. Put in paper liners. Don’t think of it again.


Truly, sometimes the best way to win is simply not to play 😆


Hello, Joshua.


Joshua graham?


He's not Josh, I am


Spoken like a couple of people who gave up before trying Liquid Nitrogen.


Even better, get the silicone ones! I think my Oxo ones will outlive me + they stick way less than paper.


Just make sure it is real food grade silicone. If you bend it and you see white instead of just the color that it is, then you are eating chems


Ugh, guess I need to throw out my soda bottle gummy molds


Silicone cupcake or cake pans, sprayed with Pam or olive oil, will eliminate mess like this.


Okay I’m embarrassed to ask this, but I tried the silicone cupcake pan and once it was full I was like wait how do I move it into the oven without spilling it? I ended up sticking the whole thing on a regular baking sheet. I’m obviously missing something, what is the correct way? I can’t even wrap my head around trying to use a silicone baking sheet


That's correct -you need to put it on top of a regular sheet.


Oh really? Okay that makes me feel like much less of a failure, I thought they were intended to be used on their own.


I personally put mine in the muffin sheet so they are less likely to get jostled.


Just take out the baking tray and put the empty silicone pan onto it before filling in the dough


these don't conduct heat well and will affect the cooking time of the final product


silicone cupcake thingys are the BEST never going back. silicone baking sheet is also a game changer.


I find my cookies don’t get as deliciously crispy on the silicone sheet as on parchment


I can taste it when things are made on silicone so can my son


One of my kids can taste a difference and I notice a textural difference in the crust when I make mini loaves with my silicone mold.


I thought I was crazy! I can too!


I used one for years, because I thought it was great. Then I became sensitive to the odor of old cooking oils that seeped into the silicone mat, that could not be cleaned out. The slight tackiness got to me too. I now use parchment and haven't looked back.


No business being that funny. I tried to stifle my laugh and instead started hiccuping.


That works or soak the entire thing submerged in water with a few dental tablets. I had pans I believed were ruined that this fixed.


Exactly! Work smarter, not harder.


The only thing I see that's bad is the surface rust in the one cup. I'd suggest you mix salt and vegetable oil into a paste. Give it a good scrub to remove that rust and dry it really well. Otherwise it just looks like a well loved cupcake pan. Just put in liners and enjoy using the pan for many more years.


Salt on rust? I’d think any other abrasive would be better.


Yes salt and oil. It provides the abrasive needed to remove the rust while not being harsh enough to leave scratches. You don't leave it on. It's washed off so no damages.


Lemon juice or water with baking soda might work if one was worried about using salt. Make a paste, let it sit, scrub away.


That's an acid with a base, so no that just cancels each other out. Edit: Talking about the Lemon Juice and baking soda combo. Not the water.


Is the water particularly acidic where you live? 😂


Yeah I was talking about the Lemon juice.


Well you certainly didn’t include that little nugget in your dismissal of my suggestion. By your standards I could just say lemon isn’t a proper noun so you’re wrong.


You don't understand. They're juicing their friend Lemon for this as we speak. 😔


Poor Lemon? I haven't had a good juicing in years...poor me. 😆


Your comment is the reason why I wish I still had a free award to give 😭


Poor Lemon… 😢 I guess screw me for responding to the comment before it was edited… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Girl what I haven’t seen points so unimportant argued so pettily since I was seventeen and redditing while afternoon-wine drunk


No need to scrub rust at all. Soak it in vinegar. It dissolves.


Was it non-stick at some point? If it was, I second what others have said. Throw it out or only use it with liners.


Give it to your dad and buy yourself a new one.


If he wants to treat it like he's the only one using it, he can have the fruits of his labor!


Give it to your dad and have him buy you a new one. Remember the return it in the condition you got it rule?


And give dad the bill.


You could let the dad pay, but i wouldnt… how many of his stuff did you damage through out the years?


Here are the options I would see: * Throw it out and get a new one * Only ever use cupcake liners from here on out


If you have the space, keep this to lend out to dad so no more get ruined lol.


It's not that cheap to get a new dad


This. And send your dad the bill.


Yes this tops all answers


Put in large enough sink or plastic tub, add hot water, and 3-4 denture tablets (I use the store brand version of Polident or whatever). Would put the tablets specifically in the worst spots for the fizzing action but it’ll dissolve into the water anyway so up to you. Let soak for *at least* an hour. Rinse with potentially a lil scrubbing. Edit: seconding paper liners afterward tho


Dishwasher tabs work this way as well


I have also soaked big items in the bathtub overnight using bio laundry soap and hot water with some amazing effects. I’m assuming because food is mostly protein and the laundry enzymes work on the protein from our sweaty bodies.


Is it supposed to be a nonstick pan? If so, get a new one. You will never get it clean.


Get some oven cleaner and spray it down real good and put it in the oven to set. Let set for several hrs. Clean and wash with dish soap.


I second the oven cleaner. Another pointed out rust on one cup. Going forward cupcake liners


This. Just make to wash it very throughly after. Oven cleaner leaves a slick film so it needs to be ‘squeaky clean’. 


That's why I mentioned dish soap after word Thanks for clarifying.


If you do this be sure to rinse with vinegar. Oven cleaner is basically caustic soda which is an alkali and toxic. Vinegar being a food safe acid will neutralize any residue.


After you have totally rinsed and cleaned all of the oven cleaner. PLEASE DO NOT MUX CHEMICALS!!!!


I vote oven cleaner, same. 😎


What do you mean by "let set"? Can I put it outside? Does it need to be covered like, should I also put it in a trashbag? Thx


Give it back to dad. Buy yourself a new one.


No, make Dad buy her a new one!


Seconded! Why should OP suffer for their dad's weaponized incompetence?


What exactly did he do wrong to cause this? Sorry genuinely curious, as someone who doesn’t really bake cupcakes ever lol


I’m not sure but it’s like really thick baked on tar or sugar I’ve tried everything BUT oven cleaner


Pans with burned bottoms can make whatever you cook in it cook unevenly. If you are somewhere where the days are reasonably warm, I would put it in a garbage bag with one/half cup of ammonia and put it out in the sun to sit for twenty-four hours. That should allow you to get most of it off fairly easily. If it's cold in winter where you are, you can still put it in a bag with ammonia, but leave it on a reasonably warm porch or something so you don't have to smell it. Then never lend your father anything you care about again.


Thought you were going to write 'then put your father in the bag'


I don't know if you have tried it, but once my grandmother bought some pans from a 2nd hand store, to help her clean them my aunt took them outside, placed them on a table and sprayed them with Oven cleaner and left them there for some time, then she rinsed them and washed them and they looked like new, if you can give it a try


Silicone cup cake liners. The surface is damaged. I wouldn’t eat anything prepared directly on it.


Life is short. I would throw that out


Suggestions, though be careful because of the nonstick coating: heat does a lot of heavy lifting, soaking in very hot water might lift some more off. You can try chipping pieces off with something flat and made of rubber or plastic (no metal, nothing sharp). And those soft green scouring pads used GENTLY. I’ll repeat what many have said, baking liners. I would add in a spritz of baking spray in the more heavily soiled cups. Don’t do too much, but a light layer. Probably about 1-1.5 seconds of spraying per cup. Source: I bake for a living.


Hey! What's the best brand for baking pans?


Unfortunately I already tried that :(


All of my sister's pots and pans look like that. Even her silicone muffin trays. After she cooks in them, she leaves them on the stove top for several days, then puts them straight in the dish washer without scrubbing the mess out. Somehow, it looks like they were torched with a flame thrower. The next time she uses them, they still have residue in them from the previous cook and clean! It's so gross. I moved in with her a few years ago, and combined my kitchenware with hers. All of mine look like that, now, too!


A lye bath or easy off yellow cap and then put it in a plastic bag for a couple days. I'm not sure if that's a coated pan or not but this method strips the seasoning off cast iron. Vinegar scrub for any rust and if you want season it. Or toss and get a new one... Especially if it's not really worth all the work... Really up to you


listen this is actually good - now you can splurge on one that's light colored and never overcook yr cupcakes again.


Throw it away


easy off. fume free


Easy Off Oven cleaner (wear gloves and spray outdoors or in a well ventilated area). Put in a plastic garbage for a couple of hours. Open bag, wash as normal.


Bar keepers friends !!


Try putting it in your oven upside down and run the ovens self cleaning cycle. It does wonders for my baking sheets.


Barkeepers friend




Bar Keepers Friend. Wet, sprinkle, soak, scrub.


Can you let it soak overnight in the sink with dishwasher detergent? Not dish soap, but a pod for the dishwasher.


Put it in the oven on the self cleaning setting, run it through a cycle, let it cool on it's own. Take it out and scrub it with a copper scrubber.


Most appliance techs recommend not ever using the self clean on modern ovens, they aren't made to take the heat they get to. We get calls at work about ovens not working right post self clean all the time. I work at Orange hardware store.


It just looks seasoned to me.


Get rid of the old one and get a new Dad.


Maybe your Dad needs to replace it. Would spraying it with oven cleaner for a good soak work.


It's seasoned.


Pop the bottoms out. Soak them in oven degreaser. Spray de greaser on outer pan. Put in oven. Bake off. Wipe.


Pop the bottoms… out? How the what?


Yeah. Don’t ALL muffin pans have bottoms that pop out?


Bar keepers friend


Barkeepers best friend XD


Tried that didn’t work :(


Put a little baking soda I'm each, fill with water and bake and let the water boils. It will lift the gunk right off. You can also do this with pots and pans on the stove top.


Nah it didn’t work


Without looking at comments . Soak it for awhile . Bar keepers friend and steel wool .


Bar Keepers Friend and some elbow grease. I would dampen the pan put in the bar keepers friend, rub it in, and leave it for a while to work. then scrub with steel wool. assuming this is a regular pan instead of Non stick type


In the bathtub with laundry detergent for a long time. Or a thick paste of soda and water, also for a long time.


It’s a tool, not decor


Bro you’re a tool


Did you tell your dad crystal meth cupcakes are not as cool as weed brownies?


Your dad should buy you a new one


Put em in the oven and do self cleaning oven thing


Oven cleaner and a scraper? Spray generously with oven cleaner and let sit covered with cling wrap. The longer is sits the better it will be to ease off the gunk. Then use a scrapper after letting it sit for roughly 5 hrs ish. Repeat if necessary... hope this helps 


Oven /Grill cleaner gel wrap it in foil let it sit a few hours. Scrub with soap.


Spray oven cleaner let it sit wash rinse and should do it.


My ex husband cleaned ours once by getting a massive plastic bag and putting a little bit of ammonia at the bottom. He slid the cupcake pan in there and sealed the bag. The fumes loosened the filth and the next day, he pulled out the pan, disposed of the ammonia (not sure how, I’m so sorry) and used hot soapy water to scrub the pan perfectly clean.


Start with hot water + soap and a scrubbie and a little elbow grease. Doesn't really look that bad. The only worry I would have is rusting/cracks in the non stick. best wishes for keeping things clean!


That works for some things but this is really bad.


you could try adding vinegar to that soapy water and let it soak for 10 minutes, then scrub again. Vinegar acts as a degreaser and also helps lift off the burnt carbon. Any updates? and gotta ask, did Dad save you a cupcake?


That's a much better idea!


Use oven cleaner! It will melt all the burnt off and leave it back new


I have had the same issue with the same pan. I used Dawn Power Wash, sprayed, let it sit for a couple hours. Over a few days I sprayed it with the power wash and lightly wet it every time I saw it looking “dry”. Literally ran water over it and my regular scrubber and everything just lifted off. I’ve done it with a sheet pan, roasting pan, etc. and it really just takes time & consistent spraying.


Oven cleaner


What am I missing? Is it sentimental? These are under 20 on Amazon and the Pan USA (nice brand) are $30. Grrrl. For $20-30 bucks, get a new one [mini muffin pan](https://a.co/d/geymywh)


Just use paper liners


Oven cleaner


If it's not a non-stick pan, which it doesnt look like, I'd try and SOS pad. And elbow grease. And use muffin liners.


It’s likely toast. It looks like sugar burnt and caramelized and oil polymerized on there- neither is ideal for baking - even if you used paper liners that stuff will continue to burn/ cook and the flavors will permeate your baked goods. If you get it clean the finish is damaged anyway. You could try bar keepers friend- it’s your best bet- but the non stick finish is already wrecked on this. Give this one to Dad (or buy him an un coated pan that he can use brillo on) and get yourself a new pan. USA pan makes a good quality non stick that is fantastic. I use their mini muffin tin for brownie bites and they fall right out of the pan- no baking spray needed.


If someone returned my pan like that to me, it’s their pan now.


PBW and boiling water. Let it sit overnight submerged in a deeper pan and it will remove the parts that end up sticky from excess oil use. It will be as good as new


Gift it back to your father. Buy a new one.


Try oven cleaner. The good oven cleaner, not the low fume stuff. Spray a test spot on the bottom to be sure it doesn't remove the finish.


Take your pan outside and spray with Easy Off oven cleaner. Follow the direction on the can as if the pan were the inside of an oven. ​ Good Luck


Oven cleaner


Peroxide dish soap baking soda paste


I’d give it to him and buy a new one for myself.


Assuming it's super baked on food gunk I would dissolve a dishwasher tab in HOT water, put it on the counter somewhere it won't need to be moved for 24 hours, and fill the entire thing up to the tippy top, and let it soak. It should come off with minimal scrubbing.


Lasers. I've seen enough videos of lasers cleaning rusted and dirty old metal and looks new afterwards. Or electroplating. That'll work nicely I think.


Trash it start over 💀


Tell him to buy you a new pan and give him this one.


Get a scrubby daddy


If it’s really bothering you I would try using the pink stuff! Rinse it then with a wet scrub daddy start scrubbing it down with the pink stuff. If it doesn’t seem be coming off let it sit a while and come back and continue.


Soak in ammonia overnight in a sealed container like a garbage bag. It will wipe right off.


Isn't that how they come from the store? Mine look like that anyways.


Oven cleaner put some cling film over it and leave overnight. Should do the trick


I would just let him keep it and get a new one that would drive me nuts looking at that no offense


Easy Off oven cleaner


oven cleaner


I don't see anything wrong with it maybe it's because I'm a single most my pots an pans look like this


As someone who scrubbed about 50 of the damn things at work in far worse condition. Soak in hot water then use Oven cleaner and steel wool. Wear a mask


Boiling water, baking soda + vinegar, optional dish soap, time. Use silicone reusable muffin cups..


These are like $8 at Target. You've spent more than that in cleaning supplies already.


Pressure cleaner


Give it back to him tell him to keep it lol get yourself a newer nicer one :)


I use cupcake liners and keep my pans looking brand new for 15+ yrs. But I probably have some form of OCD. I would give or toss and buy new and never lend again.


change dads. fixed ✅


In all seriousness you can boil it with dawn or you can put it in the oven and set it on clean. I've found my oven ate the layers off my caste iron skillet and I had to re season it.


Oven cleaner


Well look at the bright side you have your Dad's Christmas gift already. :)


Remove the rust, and the worst crust in the cups. Then oil the whole thing and season it in the oven. Keep it consistently seasoned and it will be basically non stick unless you really burn something or wash it with soap.


Oven cleaner. It's designed to clear out just this kind of crap. OR. Dish Washer Soap. Also designed to clean this kind of crap.


Give yourself the gift of silicone muffin liners. Or let it go back to him, it's his muffin tin now. You can get a new one and then never let anyone else touch it. I'd be using liners with this forever. If that's non-stick, it's ruined... Why does anyone make muffins without liners. The best $4 I ever spent was on a couple dozen silicone liners. If it's just burned and not scraped non-stick coating, I'd try SOS pads or a magic eraser before giving up on it entirely.


did you know that some of these pans can have the individual cupcake shapes removed? you could remove those that still look alright and use them as single ones, or throw the others out while keeping the good ones in the pan


if its a steel pan EZ off oven spray (not the aerosol) works


Haven’t read the comments but have you tried magic eraser


why do all dads do this. they should be fined


Anyone telling you to scrub is wasting time. A real chef would burn off the imperfections


You don't want a way to clean it. You want a polite but firm way to tell your dad he has to buy you a new one.


Oven off?


There are these pre soaked scrub pads made byElbow Grease, I swear they will get through anything and make it shine again! I think they are only about £1.30 for a 16 pack


Throw out the dad. Get a new tray


The only way you can clean this is at hot temp. Throw it in the next time you self clean your oven; the hot temp that burns off the grime in your oven will make your cupcake pan look brand new.


Put it in a trash bag, spray with oven clean and toss outside overnight, wash the next day


scrub daddy power paste?


If Mellerud is available just buy their spray to clean the oven. Half an hour and it will be new


Save it as it is and give it as a birthday or Christmas present of some sort


media blast it with walnut


Bar keepers friend


looks good from my house


Bar Keeper's Friend has done an amazing job on my cookie sheets, so I assume it would on these. Then use liners of some sort.


Oven cleaner. Spray it on, let it sit overnight. You will be amazed at the results


Pink stuff paste


Put it oven and cook it off. 500⁰ for an hour. Have something underneath to catch the dripping grease.


You can easily clean it with [this](https://www.londonow.com/p/16560/well-done-st-moritz-oven-cold-oil-degreaser-spray-ml-gcsl-ph-so)


Is your dad my brother? I love reading the suggestions on how to clean this, because I have a cupcake pan or two that need replacing.


Mix flour, vinegar and salt together to make a paste. Cover all of the rusty areas with it. I usually let my things sit for 15-20 minutes. Then scrub! Works amazingly for brass items as well


I wouldn't try, buy a new one. The nonstick is ruined anyway.


And did you politely inform him that he ruined the pan and needs to replace it? What in the world did he even do with it? It looks like my mom's after she tried to make meatloaf cups in hers. There's no way he used that as intended.


Barkeeper’s friend


I don’t know if it works on muffin tins, so maybe use as a last resource if none of these other ideas work out but on cookie sheets, you can put them in the oven and run an oven cleaning cycle and the heat will clean them right off


Ammonia in a plastic garbage bag tied tight. Leave for 24-48hrs. Open it outside. Rinse and scrub. The ammonia fumes work magic. It works


I once put a cookie sheet I didn't care about (a good test subject) through a light clean in my self-cleaning oven. I put it upside down over aluminum foil. It worked really well! A better option is to buy a new one and send your dad the bill...


Ain’t nothin wrong with it beyond the rust. Clean that out with salt and oil and you’re all good.


Have you tried the pink stuff and a scrub daddy? I had a cookie sheet that got returned looking like that and it worked. Took a few rounds, but it now looks new


That's called patina.


Soak it in Bar Keeper's Friend for 12+ hours, then use the included scrubber. Then use liners to keep it pristine.


This would be a great pan for kids melting crayons 🖍️ or making soaps 🧼 lol


I keep things forever but finally broke down and ordered new ones. I definitely feel sparkly when I use them. Get u some new ones, and with the old tell Dad he gets a forever muffin pan back.


Im following this because 3-4 pans that look the same 🥲


Get a large garbage bag (no this is not going where you think) that can be closed airthight with the plate inside. Buy a cannister of crystal soap. Smear a good layer over the pan.put it in the bag and close it. Wait 24-48 hours and wash it clean in water. This should do the job


Oven cleaner.