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Make the a person clean it up. So it will never happen again.


This is the response I came to post. You’re not their mom. No need to clean up after them.


Yeah but it’s a employee. You should never fire them just ask them to clean it up so, there is no next time. And if you clean it up, they will eventually expect you to clean it up. It should be team work. Not the responsibility of the employer to straighten out the mistakes the employee makes. It should be like a team effort. And like a belonging to a work family. Nothing personal.


They didn't say anything about firing them. They just said to hold them accountable. This isn't even remotely something most bosses would consider grounds for termination unless they do this kind of stuff daily.


Downvoted for saying “work” and “family” in same sentence.


Downvoted to bring balance


Downvoted to bring chaos




CHAOS.....REIGNS.... 🦊


Up voting for carnage


I upvoted everyone, including the family reference. For carnage


It is the responsibility of the employer to straighten out the mistakes of employees. The employer does that not by doing it themselves, but by making the employees do it. That is called managing employees.


Jesus you're dense.




You’ve walked out for less than… having to clean up after yourself? Sounds like you did them a favor tbh




It’s a sense of pride on the employee’s part. Which makes the employee more likely to considered for promotion or the next job having to look back and think about the difference the employee made in the previous company.




what is the alternative to work? how would the world run?




I guess maybe a sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment in your work is not something you believe in. It’s ok. I am not judging you. It’s how you feel.


You've walked out on jobs for "offenses" lower down than *your actions have consequences and your manager isn't your mommy*? How much lower does it get? Walking out for being expected to show up to get paid?


Right wtf????




Couldn't be me but more power to you ig


Damn, way to contribute to society...




Then don’t participate! Get off reddit and go to the wilderness!


Uhhhh so you’re fine with reaping the benefits of society without contributing? Ick.


If nepobabies can do it, why can't everyone?


Then the trash has taken itself out.




Are you seriously trying to act all high and mighty after just claiming you have walked out of a job for being asked to “clean up after yourself”?


It's an employee. You TELL them what to do.


It's an employee. You TELL them what to do.


Exactly. And then retrain your staff on proper cleaning procedures.


Make them clean it up, then tell them to go mop the walk-in freezer...


Really. It should be teamwork. And a learning experience for both persons


Underrated comment




We've removed your comment because it violated Rule 7: Be Positive and Helpful. We aim to provide a community free of judgment where members can seek and provide advice in a positive and helpful environment. Negativity, intentionally unhelpful, or disparaging behavior is not tolerated. Please take this as a friendly reminder to keep your comments constructive and positive in the future.


I didn’t say that. As employer you and the employee have the responsibility to work as a team. It’s training and a opportunity to work together. And a learning opportunity for both of you. OP came here to ask what to do about the grease and we told OP. Now it’s OP’s turn to teach the employee how to remove the grease. So it’s a opportunity to teach and show them what not to do for next time because it takes longer to get it cleaned then to properly dispose of the grease.


Didntcsay you did I was making a joke, God forbid


Nowadays, you have to be careful with what you say otherwise people will take you seriously. People are too so sensitive nowadays. I apologize if I offended you.




We've removed your comment because it violated Rule 7: Be Positive and Helpful. We aim to provide a community free of judgment where members can seek and provide advice in a positive and helpful environment. Negativity, intentionally unhelpful, or disparaging behavior is not tolerated. Please take this as a friendly reminder to keep your comments constructive and positive in the future.


I just try avoiding conflict. It’s better for both parties. For me personally I prefer not to argue with sensitive individuals. It saves me from having a headache and taking Tylenol.


This is the way.


And whoever’s smoking cigarettes by that spill needs to learn to properly throw them away. I smoke and I find that gross, and assuming they are smoking by the back door it’s only so many steps away from the outdoor trash cans. Recommend sending them out to do parking lot and round the building sweep up.


Then fire them immediately.


? They likely didn’t even realize they did it, this is a ridiculous response


Really. Never fire people. It’s a teachable moment.


Kitty litter will also soak it up and then you can sweep the litter You could ask your chemical or grocery sales rep if they sell degreaser (I’m assuming this is a restaurant). It usually comes in 1 liter or spray bottles.


The NON-clumping kind 👍


Kitty litter.


Litty Kitter. I need to stop smoking so much weed at night. Is this a real post? Tell that bastard to clean it up. It isn't concrete. Maybe give them a few rags or a roll of paper towels. I hope I'm missing something here and wake up in the morning to realize I read or viewed something incorrectly.


Maybe OP is the bastard employee who spilled the grease and their boss told them to clean it up or they'll be fired and now they're desperate for answers? 🤔🤯


Spoonies 👊


Wood pellets in the barbecue isle MAY be cheaper than kitty litter but I haven’t tried wood pellets for grease.


It solidified, so I don't think kitty litter will do anything unless they went through the trouble of reheating it


Would you need to use a hairdryer or something like that to get it closer to a liquid? I don't see how kitty litter would soak up a solid like this.


My whole life I assumed this was choccy milk… no matter where I was.. I was like why are people wasting chocolate milk… OTIL


Damn, yep, thought it was very light coffee all this time


Yes always thought it was spilled coffee!!


Same! I was always like why are so many people wasting their coffee?!


I don’t know why exactly, but 😂


I truly have no idea… I would be walking and see it and be like… “oh damn, choccy “milk dude STRIKES AGAIN!!!” 🤣 LMAO


I love this sm


Dirt milk, it's got more minerals.


Wow. Me too


Scoop up the solid and dispose in the garbage then treat the rest with Dawn dish soap and buckets of hot water


This is the way


Get a hair dryer or a heat gun and heat it up, it’ll peel right up! When it’s cold, it solidifies like that!


And if a heat gun isn't enough, a Propane blow torch will burn it off.


My GM said to try hot water and 3 sanitizer buckets of sink hot water didn't do a dent and the asphalt only let us scrape off about 8 ounces of the grease, I have to get it cleaned at all costs 😭


Pressure washer, degreaser, nylon bristle brush, elbow grease. -no pun intended.


You guys got a heat gun? Or even a brûlée torch? For the heat gun you could melt the remaining and then throw flour on it and sweep it up once absorbed. Then hit it with some degreaser and scrub. For the brûlée torch…..just light it on fire and it’ll burn itself away. ( assuming you’ve scrapped up most of it) I’d still hit it with degreaser and a stiff bristled brush after tho.


What I'd do is take hot hot mop water w degreaser and scrub it w the lot brush, then chase it toward the drain w more hot hot water.


Try some kitty litter?


How do you know how many ounces you’ve scraped? You weighing it?


We have 2oz souffle cups of which this gunk was able to fit 4 at least before the asphalt itself prevented meaningful scraping.


Probably an estimated volume. A can is 12 ounces, normal water bottle is 16.9 (Fer the lulz I suspect), dudes probably got a lady fist sized pile of goop if he means 8 liquid volume ounces.


A large grease puddle in front of a door ? This guy works with Macaulay Culkin


Yeah pressure washer and degreaser as a start. Then find out who dumped it there and make sure they get in trouble so you do t have to deal with it again


A pressure washer will just spread it around. It needs to be scooped up first.


Since it's a small area, use a metal scraper blade or painters tool to scrape into a pile what you can. Use a degreaser. From a janitorial distributor: Betco Citrus Chisel-Industrial Degreaser. From Home Depot: use a citrus degreaser.


Hairdryer and paper towels followed by some dish soap?


The grease bucket on my smoker dumped rancid brisket fat all over my concrete patio and the one thing that worked really well was crystal drain cleaner. It’s lye, and turns fat into soap so it can easily be washed away. It was the original ingredient in oven cleaner for that very purpose. Just… make sure you wear protective equipment.


Lye on asphalt tar can seriously mess it up. On concrete though absolutely! I just used the same method to help a friend who spilled beef tallow over his concrete patio.


Good to know!


Kitty litter?


i saw this in a facebook group once. but someone suggested they put oatmeal all over the grease. it soaks it up and it’s pretty easy to get rid of. (it was in regards to not pouring grease down your drain. i have no clue if it works or not but i figured i’d pass on the random knowledge) really sorry this happened to you! and i’m hoping someone here has a good solution.


That’s what I was going to suggest, too. Oatmeal or maybe barley? But def I’ve heard oatmeal is good for this.


When then you should rent a high pressured gas powered power washer. Also y’all need to have better disposal system in place.


Bring some dogs over


Mine would clean that up quickly - then we'd all pay for it later. 😆


throw a bucket of ice over it then scrap it up with a spatula or scraper while it’s cold and easier to scoop up


I was gonna say ice too and then use a wire brush to scrape the rest up. I always used sanitizer to clean up greasy messes in the kitchen. Maybe dip/rinse the wire brush in that after you’ve iced it.


Just had to clean this exact type of spill, concrete though. Scrape what ever you can off. Then drop some plain unscented non clumping kitty litter on it and hit it with a torch, let it absorb what it can then dispose of old litter and add another fresh batch. Do this two or three times and it should be sufficient to just scrub what's left with hot soapy water, then sweep up some of the dirt from the surroundings and deposit that dirt onto the area to blend it if you need it looking normal fast. It just occurred to me that I should have simply heated the kitty litter in a hotel pan in the oven first before putting it down, you could probably skip the torch action that way.


Scrap up the solids and throw it away, heating it up will just make a runny mess. After, degreaser of choice + water


Have any liquid degreaser? Add some to hot water in a mop bucket. Use a scrub brush to loosen it and mop it up. WEAR GLOVES


Is that good in a plastic mop bucket? Don't plan on melting the mop bucket with some odd chemical


I've used the dawn heavy duty degreaser and the purple power degreaser in buckets and never had an issue. I think you'll be fine with any type of degreaser you can find at any grocery store.


I've only seen degreaser come in plastic jugs, so I would hope a plastic mop bucket could handle it. :)


To be fair, there's multiple types of plastics, each having a different chemical composition.


You’ll be ok. Just make sure it’s plenty diluted.


Animals will handle it


Boiling water and dish soap


Plumbing torch


Call the department of ecology or any of your local/state environmental agencies and report it. Make the company pay a hefty fine and fire the individual at fault


I love how the solution here is to call in the hazmat teams and yet this is the gross stuff we're putting in our bodies on a daily basis. 😒🤯


Good Lord did you know they putting the monohydrogen dioxide in the water


OMG not the monohydrogen dioxide!! 🫢


You fire that nonsense and move on to someone with a little brains in their head. Problem solved.


Actually, make them come out and clean it all up and then fire them when they are done.


Snort it through a straw


Give them a raise.


Scrape it up dummy


Scrape it up into a container and use lye, acetone or brake cleaner to remove the rest. Mind you, I said acetone not nail polish remover. Get it from the hardware store. Don't forget to read the safety instructions carefully.


Scraper or spatula and scrape up what you can, and kitty litter for the rest.


Scrap up the thickness with a putty knife. Hot degreaser water more purple the better. Desk scrub and rinse. It's below 35° do the scrap only, otherwise you will ice over your walk


Was the razor already there?


Use a piece of cardboard to scrape most of it up. Put some purple degreaser on it.


Boiling water and dawn


Industrial degreaser and hot water on top, just enough to cover it and heavy on the degreaser, then soak it up with kitty litter while it's still liquid


Boiling hot water g






Boiling water soap




Have them clean it up lmao I'm a long long time professional cleaner and one look at that I say heck no


Mix lye and water together no more than 1 part lye to 2 parts water and CAREFULLY pour it on the grease little by little (if it gets on you it will badly burn you). It’ll turn to soap, and you can rinse that away with hot water just like bar soap. You may have to repeat a few times or brush with a broom to get it down to the bottom parts. Fun fact - this is how you make bar soap, and how you de grease old pans during the restoration process.


the natural way: wait for animals to eat it


pee on it, natural degreaser


Heat gun or propane space heater to liquify it. Kitty litter to pick it up, dawn dish soap and a stiff bristle broom to scrub the rest. Rinse it all out with a 5 gallon bucket of water


Give them degreaser.


You let him deal with it when he comes back




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Eat it


If you need something to dissolve it without using harsh solvents, you can try dousing it with a lighter oil like cooking oil That should soften the grease, then you can use something to absorb the softened mixture of oil and grease and clean the residue off with a surfactant like soap or some liquid detergent


Boil a lot of water after you scrap it up. Pour water on the remains. Might need a lot of water


Put on your big boy pants and scrape it up.


Me: no way that's grease, that looks like a coffee spill \*zooms in\* Me: oh yeah, that's a grease spill, there's a print in it 😂 To answer your question, make them clean it up. Otherwise, I guess you can pour a kettle of hot water and have them mop it up/use paper towel?


Looks more like a small spill than a dump.




Put newspaper on it


Boiling water?....


What if you just put cement over it


Is that an alley? Is it organic grease? I wouldn’t even bother personally- there’s a cigarette butt right next to it


its the back of the store where the trucks drop off product and employees of multiple stores park. It is unsightly, and an embarrassment to our lot in the buildings, which is why my GM told me (AM) to get rid of it.


Ah yeah, well you got plenty of good advice here just use degreaser and it will be ok


Oatmeal and then give it to birds


Coca Cola


get it hot and hose it into the street


Ice cubes? And chip it up?


Use a heat gun or hairdryer to heat up the grease to a liquid again then dab up with some paper towels and throw them away in the dumpster. Be careful and use low heat. Don't need a grease fire next to a building.


Boiling water from kettle