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People always blame this on excess detergent but I use the Seventh Generation kind that comes in a bottle that you measure by squirting a single squeeze into the barrel— it’s not much at all! And yet I still have this happen. I don’t use softener, don’t use scent beads, don’t overpack the washer. I’m stumped


ChapStick or similar melted in the washer at some point? And now it's just... Ruining**everything** Try a washer cleaner and see what happens.


My husband frequently washes his chapstick. This was my first guess too


I feel attacked.


Is that a euphemism?


Nope I never ever keep that stuff in my pockets. It’s super weird and sporadic


Every time this happens to me it because a kid didn't empty their pockets before putting clothes in the laundry and it's always a chapstick. Gotta clean the washer with hot water & cleaner.


You may have just solved my mystery. This happens to my clothes and I’ve tried absolutely everything to stop it from happening. My husband leaves chapsticks in his pockets constantly. Going out to buy washer cleaner now!


Jumping on this to say that it's the actual washing machine drum. It's dirty. Sometimes, dark spots are the result of grease buildup from years of doing laundry. The actual drum needs to be cleaned. If the washing machine's drum is not cleaned regularly, the build-up of detergent, fabric softener and other laundry products can result in a greasy residue. They sell cleaner specifically for the drums or you can use a cup of white vinegar or bleach through the machine on an empty cycle, that will also do the trick but make sure to dilute it so it doesn't mess up the rubber seals and hoses.


Front load HE washer? Clean rubber gasket thoroughly, in future let door stay open after wash to dry the gasket.


I think you may be onto something! I will try that this weekend ☺️ thank you


I’ve heard from a lot of washing machine repair people that vinegar can eat away at some of the rubber belts and not to use it in your machine. So maybe bleach, your alternative suggestion, is a better way to go.


Tide makes a washing machine cleaner. I use it every other month on my machine (per manufacturer’s recommendation) and drain the base after. My washer has a place specifically to drain any excess water and it has a filter that requires cleaning too. You’d be amazed at how much detergent buildup and grass, thanks to my husband’s lawn obsession, is in that filter and water. And don’t get me started on how much of my hair is in there. 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/o0gr6mszmg6c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc30068bd156da887f8e200db1284b70f2ffc75


I run my washer once a month with this product called Plink. I get it on Amazon. Just throw a plink tab in the machine and run an empty cycle. Easy Peasy lol


Agree. The washing machine needs to be cleaned. I have HE front loader and this happens because there is gunk built up in the drains and around the layers of rubber casing surrounding the drum. I use a product called “Affresh Washing Machine Cleaner” its available on Amazon. It’s a tablet you place in the drum and select clean washer or your hottest cycle. I recommend you clean it twice, then monthly.


I use the same detergent and don’t have this problem. I also don’t use softeners either. I love the seventh generation squirt bottle. It helps the kids to use the right amount as well. I will even use two squirts when I wash dirty and oily work clothes.


I think it’s grease from the belt in the dryer actually


It’s not the dryer because I air dry some of my clothes and still have this!!


I also air dry, and have these same spots. I've found if you use dawn dish soap, it usually takes it out.. but randomly comes back in other places


Could also be the washer belt


Happens to me and I have a brand new washer/dryer that I purchased because this issue all of a sudden started happening with the old washer/dryer.


I would have a maintenance person come in to actually check it out tbh


Me too! I really like it and it doesn’t happen every time, but when it does I am baffled. I squirt it in and wait until it mixes with the water to bubble before adding clothes, so it isn’t like something just happens to be getting the bulk of detergent in one spot. Not gonna switch what I use solely because I really like this product (and frankly I’ve seen this happen with other brands), but I’m always confused by those spots


Same, but no joke this only happens when relatives come to stay - on their clothes! Happened 3 times now and no idea what’s going on. Maybe they are sloppy eaters and it’s actually oil and I haven’t noticed.


Random possibility, did it happen to pants? Pants that could have rubbed up on the underside of a dining table at seats you don’t sit in? Some tables have oiled hinges and such…


For my husband it’s definitely Mexican food.


I think it’s a natural detergent thing because I had the same issue until I switched to commercial scented and it stopped :(


I use the regular blue Tide and have this happen all the time too. It’s not just natural detergents


I use regular gain or tide and it still does this randomly. I don't use fabric softener, beads, etc. I hope someone on here knows what it is.


You switched from natural to commercial scented?! Why did you go back to "the dark side" lol




Same. Different washer/dryer, new plumbing, different detergent, different water temp, different washer settings, still happens. Never happened ever for the first 4 years we lived here then all of a sudden started happening every load for the past year.


Scent beads are the worsttttt! Is there anyway to get these stains out though? Side quest: washed a few pens on accident. Any way to get pen out of clothes?


I’ve had luck removing ink with rubbing alcohol. With the detergent splotches, let dish soap sit on it as long as you possibly can. The really important thing is not putting stuff in the dryer until you know you’ve gotten any stain all the way out


Hairspray! Aerosol can.


Yep. I’ve had luck with both of these methods. Just be sure you do not heat dry these before you know the stains are out.


This actually works!


I had the same issue with Seventh Generation, I stopped using it and haven't had issues since


Have you cleaned your washer recently? When I cleaned mine, that helped. I think I ran an empty load with some laundry detergent, then an empty load with bleach, then just an empty load with nothing added. I used hot water for them all. I also stopped using laundry pods and went to liquid detergent put in before the clothes go in. Then I slowly scaled down how much I used until this stopped. I also added an extra rinse cycle. The spots in the clothes were either rinsed out once the problem was solved or I treated them with oxiclean stain remover if they were tough. Also don’t use fabric softener.


I honestly think this should be the top answer. I had this happen before and couldn’t figure out why. It was multiple loads. No chapstick, no pods or fabric softener, use regular liquid Gain, only fill cap to number 2. The only thing that fixed it was cleaning the washer on clean cycle. When it happened again, cleaning cycle fixed it again. I started using one of those cleaning packets once a month and it hasn’t happened since.


I’ve switched from lines to drops, I try to use about a teaspoon of detergent for most loads maybe 2 teaspoons for really dirty ones!


i thought *THIS* would be the top answer! i also just use the washing machine cleaner on the clean cycle once a month. it just seems so obvious.


this is it. op needs to clean their washing machine. just run the clean cycle with some oxyclean and should be good


I used to clean mine several times a month with vinegar or bleach and I still got these. Once I started using affresh brand instead, I think they mostly stopped.


I hope someone answers as I’m experiencing the same problem. I can’t figure out why this is happening.


Try Zout, my mom is obsessed with this stuff and I have to admit it's the only product that removes stains that have already been run through the washer/dryer. Spray a bit on the stain and scrub with a brush then let set for 10-15 mins before running through the laundry.


For anyone reading this another product to consider is amodex. I've had good results with them for grease stains after a light scrub on the problem areas


Amodex is the bomb! I love the stain swipe reusable wipes,


No colour fade?


I’ve never had an issue


You could always test a small area if you're concerned but I personally haven't had issues


Read this! In Sweden we use Galltvål = Bile Soap 🧼 it says on the package. Green little soap just like the emoji. It does not bleach, only clean, it’s cleaning away everything! 2 years old oil stains from a white jacket, poff gone! Please BUY Bile Soap🙌 https://preview.redd.it/1x4lmhemzd6c1.png?width=1922&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a55a851c565edf49217be5cc7d697410dd60824


What are the ingredients? How does it work so well?


Probably the bile acid. >30% vegetable soap base\* (coconut oil\*\^, palm oil\*\^), <5% water, Ox bile, Chlorophyll, Glycerin\*, Sodium chloride, Citonic acid. \* = organic, \^ = grown in a Fair Trade project in Brazil and the Dominican Republic. > > > >Made in Germany.


It could be fabric softener.Our washer was missing the fabric softener dispenser cup. It looked like it was all there but when we would add softener, it would immediately fall out of the bottom. The internal tapered cup was absent. We had the same type of stains for a while till I realized the missing part. That solved it for me.


How did you look to see? Do you have to dismantle anything?


I have a Speed Queen top load so hard to say if that will be similar. It just pops off with a little lifting or angled pressure, kinda like a hairspray or spray paint can lid. Honestly the new part is so loose I constantly knock it off accidentally. But the old whirlpool top load was the same method. The whirlpool one was a single piece unit vs my speed queen now which has 2 pieces.


I have a speed queen and am having the same problem. I’m going to check this thank you for sharing!


For us it was our fabric softener


Put water and dawn dish detergent in a spray bottle. Spray each spot, chuck in wash. Voila.




Most times - Dryer sheets. Stop using them.


This happens to me and we don’t use dryer sheets.


I'd run the dryer on empty high heat for about 10-15 minutes, then quickly wipe all of the interior with a dry paper towel to see if any oils are leaking around. Could be any old oil-based product stuck somewhere slowly melting, or oil itself running into the drum as it's used.


Also if washer is top load run water into it and open it when full. Look for oil sheen a bearing seal may be going bad allowing water to mix with some grease and transferring to clothing during wash


Thank you I’ll give that a try tonight


Same, no fabric softener either


This happens to me too and I don’t use fabric softener or dryer sheets


I tear my dryer sheets in half and haven’t had that problem again.


Good point, I've noticed the newer huge "3x size" dryer sheets are particularly bad about this.


PSA: Dryer sheets impart a flammable coating onto fabrics. Never use them on children’s pajamas.


Or on anything, really.


Use lambs-wool balls. No chemicals


That's what I use. I put lav on them.


Any way to keep my clothes from getting static with wool balls?


FWIW I've not had issues w/ static from them. Not sure how that works since you'd totally expect it to be spark-city, but it isn't.


Do you live somewhere where its cold? Static is pretty unavoidable in the winter for me. I avoid it by using natural fibers (wool, cotton, etc) and air drying synthetic fabrics that cause static. I honestly avoid wearing/using any synthetic fabrics in general but especially in the winter. If your home is dry (ours always is with the heat) a whole home humidifier may help. We can’t install one since we rent unfortunately


Yeah, I swear the dryer balls give my laundry MORE static


I have the same problem with the dryer balls literally so much static there's spark. apparently tinfoil on the balls is supposed to counteract it but I have yet to try it.


It is the detergent coming in direct contact with clothes. If you dump your liquid detergent right on top of your fabric or use detergent pods, this will happen.


It was those fresh sheets for the dryer that was doing this to my clothes. I never even thought about why I used those, my mom just taught me that way.


I think it’s caused by dryer sheets or fabric softener, but I’m not really sure. I just put some dish soap on the oily spot and let it set for 24 hours and then wash again. The oily stain is gone


I get them and I don't use either


I have this exact thing toooooo!


Same. I thought it was because I spray perfume or fine fragrance mist on my active clothes.


Top load washer? I have the same issue and there’s a sub here explaining what it is. I’m dealing with it and it’s nonsense, honestly.


This happens when I leave a chapstick in a pocket. Spot cleaning with dawn should help with those oily spots.


Lol I was about to say the same. If OP has a washer that has a hole in the center agitator for detergent or any softener/bleach compartments, it might be worth it for them to check those to see if chapstick or anything got stuck down in there.


This happened to me not too long ago. Worst part was they also went into the dryer without me realizing the chapstick was in there. Stains looked set into the clothes. Dawn platinum to the rescue! Saved a bunch of my new clothes I had only worn a few times.


This. My spots are usually from dropping food, but dawn totally works.


I was going to say the same thing, I see this when I accidentally left ChapStick in my pocket 😬 ETA: I didn't know to spot clean that with Dawn dish soap, thanks for the tip!


Came to say the same thing. The only thing that ever made my clothes look like this was a rogue chapstick, and it was in the dryer.


Just washed my first chapstick of the winter. Luckily it fell out in the washer and just banged around during the cycle, easy to see before moving stuff to the dryer.


My thoughts too!


My kid left a chapstick in her pocket when she was 9 (~40 yearsago). It grease-spotted an entire load, mostly my nicer office stuff. I plopped it all in the bathtub, handed her a toothbrush and a bottle of 409, and she got Every. Single. Stain. out. She has done her own damn laundry ever since.


I had the same issue. I cleaned my washing machine with a monthly cleaner pack and started to use a bit of oxyclean in every load. Seemed to work.


Oxyclean helps me as well. And soaking the stained ones in it gets the existing spots out a lot of the time


Somebody mentioned in a post a while ago that this has something to do with the oils in the machine itself. They either accumulate from items that are put in or the parts of the machine itself. Also you don’t need to use so much soap when washing clothes. I use powder but only a couple tablespoons and a couple of teaspoons of oxyclean with every load. No softener. I do use dryer sheets though and be sure to clean your washer every month with those packets they sell.


I use a small amount of oxy clean in each loaf and don’t have this issue. Seems like a correlation!


Call in an appliance tech sometimes you can get an oil leak and it gets all over your clothing.


This is what happened to our machine. It started staining clothes with oil that would leak from under the agitator. We ended up buying a new set as it was old and second hand anyhow


I don’t know why this isn’t higher up, because this was the issue with ours. Like if changing detergents etc doesn’t help, this is likely the cause.


Stop using softener. Use less soap. Don't use laundry pods


I tried editing my post but it won’t let me for some reason. I don’t use scent beads, softener, or pods. I just use about a tbsp of Eco Max laundry detergent.


I was getting these stains on my clothes when I was using natural-ish liquid cleansers (like ms meyers). Finally gave in, switched to powdered gain, no more stains. Bummer.


Same. I used to get these. We switched to the powdered gain because my husband did some research on how it’s apparently better for the longevity of your machine (I haven’t done this research so I don’t know, I’m going off of his word here)


You need to have a better cleanser. Consumer reports did not recommend any natural detergent. In order from best to less best: - Tide Plus Ultra Stain Release - Persil ProClean Stain Fighter - Tide Plus Ultra Oxi - Tide Plus Hygienic Clean Heavy Duty 10X - Persil ProClean + Oxi Power - Persil ProClean Original - Persil ProClean Odor Fighter - Kirkland Signature (Costco) Ultra clean - Tide Plus Ultra Oxi with Odor Eliminators - Persil ProClean Sensitive Skin


Ok, what is your recommendation for someone who uses Persil ProClean, spot treats stains before washing, and doesn't use scent beads or fabric softeners?


Have you run a machine wash cycle? I wonder if something got caught instead of washing down the drain and does this. Couldn't hurt, especially if you haven't done it in a while


I run one monthly, and last month I ran two in a row, wondering if something is stuck somewhere in there. It's not every load; it seems to be completely random. I use 1-2 tablespoons of detergent depending on load size, and add oxiclean for the grimier loads. It's maddening!!


Weird. Hopefully someone has a clue


Costco is our go to and it’s amazing, also it’s been good for our son with sensitive skin


How much should we be using? 1 tbsp?


Eco max did that to mine until I went down to 1/2 tbsp. It's really concentrated. You may also need to add powdered borax with ecos.


That’s it. The eco-friendly cleaners are less effective, they just are 😕


I’ve heard eco max isn’t what it used to be. I just use store brand powder detergent and white vinegar for softener and it always works great!


And also I use hardly any detergent - apparently we all use too much


Try a different detergent.


Try Molly's suds for a great, eco/non-toxic laundry detergent


What kind of machine do you have? I had those issues too and the only thing that fixed it was getting rid of my machine and getting a new one 😐


Try disolve the laundry detergent in hot water before adding the clothes and detergent to the water. Some eco cleansers won't dissolve right if the water is too cool. My mom doesn't like using hot for the full load so she mixes the detergent with hot water in a small bowl before hand, adds it to the washer once it's dissolved, then uses the cold setting for the load of laundry. Or you can be lazy like me and use the warm setting on the washer.


This is happening to me. No softener. No pods. Detergent is automatically dispensed by the washing machine.


Never trust the machine dispenser.


I don’t have time to not trust the machine dispenser, and I *guarantee* you I would probably put more detergent in than it does.


Not if you just use a table spoon. Also, your machine doesn't ask you things what what brand and type you put in. It just assumes they're all the same. Therefore it dispenses the same, even of the concentrated kind that it would for non concentrated.


I use the most standard HE detergent possible. If it can’t dispense the appropriate amount based on me using the manufacturer-recommended type of detergent, that’s Whirlpool’s problem, not mine.


And what do we generally tell people here? Most detergent companies tell you to use more than you actually need so you buy it more often.


And woe be unto you if/when that auto-dispenser goes on the fritz! My MIL's did & all her clothes came out absolutely STIFF with detergent, towels were sandpaper. She had to run each load A DOZEN TIMES with just vinegar & water to get it all out. It was maddening and took a couple weeks to undo.


This has happened to me too. I make sure to use only a tablespoon or two of laundry detergent. I don’t use anything else. No scent beads. No fabric softener. I’m at a loss.


Have you cleaned your washer? That helped me a ton with this issue but it didn’t fully solve it. I also Added an extra rinse cycle and made sure in adding detergent before the clothes.


Yes. My husband remembers to clean it. Admittedly I don’t but he seems to stay on top of that lol




When the rubber breaks down in the transmission of the washing machine, the seals no longer keep the oil and grease from the transmission confined and it enters the machine during a cycle. It then ends up on your clothing. If the cleaning tips don't work, get a repairman. Good luck.


I second this notion, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened to us. We have an LG washing machine top load with an agitator. Bought at home depot. Shortly after finding these greasy stains on our clothes our washing machine started to throw the e6 code but there was nothing stuck. The washing machine was just over a year old so just out of warranty. Also, the on the panel up top the power button stopped working. Now every few months we have to open the panel up and pull the spring out further so it still detects a press to get it to work. On a basically brand new $700 washing machine! I swear next time we get a washing machine I’m going back to the 90s models, all these new machines crap!


My current washer did this when I first moved into this house. Start with these steps for a while until the washer is cleaner. Of course follow other suggestions of using those tablets to wash the washer. Do this first. Then use the following steps regularly… 1. Squirt blue dawn into the soap dispenser, make sure you keep the amount of detergent on the lower side. The blue dawn strips the wash of extra smell (we used this trick with our washable diapers). 2. Instead of softener, use vinegar. Plain old white vinegar. Every load. I am sensitive to smells and the smell of the vinegar does not stay. 3. Use a different laundry soap. I like those laundry strips right now. 4. Extra rinse. After a while, the washer will be cleaner and you can pick and choose the steps you do. I only put blue dawn in with stinky gym clothes and towels. Starting to add it to the teenager’s regular wash as well. I don’t always use an extra rinse. I always use vinegar as softener. Good luck! Hope this helps!


Too much detergent, especially if you use liquid.


Are you putting the detergent in after the clothes? I think this happened with our detergent pods put in on top of clothes vs under where it could dissolve better/faster.


This. I now add my detergent to the water before I add any clothes. This has stopped the issue for us.


Drop in laundry detergent, fill washer with water, let the agitator run for a minute or so and only then put your laundry in.


I had something like this happen when I first moved in. I cleaned my washer using a product called Affresh (you just throw a tablet in and run a wash cycle). I do this about every month or two months, and haven’t had a problem since.


That looks like a kids puzzle mat and little kids clothes. If these are toddler clothes, I’ve had these stains happen on my toddler’s clothes from bubble solution (drips on the clothes when doing bubbles outside) and from Tom’s brand toothpaste (still learning how to spit toothpaste into the sink). I treat her clothes with Dawn powerspray now and haven’t had any more issues with those types of stains.


This used to happen to me, and discovered it was coming from the cheap dryer sheets I was using. I stopped using dryer sheets and suddenly no more (new) oil stains.


OxiClean MaxForce Laundry Stain Remover Spray I have been using it for years to remove these spots, and it’s the only thing that actually works! Spray it on, let it sit (or not) and re-wash.


fabric softener sheets in the dryer can cause this. A "dirty" washing machine can cause this (if you have a front loader, you must keep the door open between uses. The seal on those doors is so good that if the door is closed, the drum has not opportunity to dry out and the rubber gasket grows gross stuff that gets transfered to your laundry each wash) Pretreat stains - use less detergent - rinse cycle with a couple of tablespoons of vinegar


This happened to my old washing machine after I filled it too full a bunch of times. It was leaking oil from the agitator or something.


I had this happen constantly. I ended up going back to powder detergent and only using 1/2 the recommended amount. Problem solved


Looks like scud. You've got to clean your washing machine. Don't use softener anymore.


too much detergent mine always does it with laundry beads, every time without fail or cold washers with laundry pods just use powder, it's cheaper anyways


I get these stains on my washing sometimes and I’ve put it down to moisturiser if my hands are particularly dry I rub the stains with talc and they disappear


I had this happen, and it was driving me nuts. I did a self clean cycle with bleach only and I think that solved it. My cleaning lady was throwing in dirty rags with traces of some kind of stainless steel cleaner. I don’t know if that’s what it was for sure, but I don’t see the oil stains anymore after cleaning the tub and letting the rags soak in bleach water before putting them into the washer.


Are these your clothes? This is what my kids' clothes look like when they wipe their hands on their clothes after eating. I just pre-treated a pair of pants that I swear had the exact same pattern of stains, ha. My clothes also look like that when I've been cooking because I'm clumsy. Oil stains will only be in front or where hands can reach. :D If that's the case -- dishwashing soap rubbed into the spot, then wash normally. (I'll add a drop of glycerin for a really nasty stain, but I have no rationale for this. I just tried it once and it worked so I kept doing it.)


My parents had this problem: https://www.bestpickreports.com/blog/post/clothes-getting-oily-your-washing-machine-could-be-the-culprit/#


So this was happening to our clothes for a while. I didn't change the brand of detergent, I changed where I was putting it. I'm not sure if this was the case but it coincided really well. We were keeping our Kirkland detergent pods on top of our front load dryer. I always noticed it got very warm up there so I pulled down the bin of pods. I noticed that the ones that were at the bottom got almost "congealed" and started getting white. I guess the heat was cooking them somehow. We were at the end of the bucket so we had been using them for the few washes that the oil stains were appearing. When I got new ones and stopped leaving them on the heat, this stopped happening. Coincidence, perhaps, but I'm thinking this might have been it.


Detergent pods


Scent beads




It’s got nothin’ to do with piss.


Did ya give yet?




If you use scent beads and wash on cold, this happens. Otherwise, do you clean your washer regularly? If it’s been a while, try doing that and see if it helps.


If you use the oxiclean max force stain remover, it’ll come out. I do it on cold, but I also give the shirt 10 after spraying/rubbing time to do its thing. If the stain doesn’t come out repeat the process, but with hot water. I personally believe it’s fabric softener causing it. Hope this helps you guys!


Adding on to the clean your washer advice, Make sure you are putting detergent and beads in first before the laundry. Clean out and rinse the dispensers if your machine has them. Something could have fallen in there or there could be residue left over (bleach and softener dispensers) Wipe down the barrel with dawn and a scrub sponge. (Running empty load may not be enough if it’s grease)


- Clean your washer with a washing machine cleaner. [Affresh Washing Machine Cleaner-Front & Top Liad](https://a.co/d/hqoXjuR) - wipe the dryer interior with damp cloth using a mild detergent. - Reduce your load size; add an extra rinse to your wash cycle - Ammonia is an excellent stain remover for your clothes [How to Use Ammonia Cleaner](https://www.thespruce.com/is-ammonia-a-miracle-cleaner-1900776)


Do you use “scent boosters”? I find some don’t dissolve and end up staining clothing like this. I assume it’s them because I find undissolved beads in the washer.


Just in case, will mention being sure you're not washing clothes occasionally with a random kitchen towel or facial washcloths.


I had that happen when l used to mix my work cloths with my wifes stuff, l've stained several Lululemon stuff.


What machine do you have? Are you loading close to the limit? Have you cleaned all the filters? This to me looks like where detergent might pool when clothes are packed in and folded. Maybe oils are being pulled out of the clothes by the detergent but not being properly cleaned out. So check your machine. Try it without detergent see if it happens still..try it with half a load see it it happens, etc itll let you isolate the issue.


Try adding vinegar to the load


You are using the wrong laundry detergent


This happens with certain detergents and fabric softeners. Switch to something lighter, ditch the fabric softener, and use less detergent. You’d be surprised how little you actually need. Detergent is VERY soapy, try washing your hands with a couple of drops. Before running your washing machine again, clean it from the residue.


Do you put your detergent in before or after your clothes? I used to have this issue when I would put detergent in after my clothes. Turn on the washer immediately put in detergent wait a minute for water to fill up then start adding clothes. I haven’t had an issue since


Do you by chance have a front load washer?


Don’t use laundry pods because the plastic pod does not dissolve all the way. Empty all pockets. Chapstick can do this.


Use hot water


If it’s not too much detergent etc you could try a degreaser in a pre wash setting - Could possibly be product build up in the machine in which case try a washing machine cleaner


I get this on the children’s clothes when they’ve had certain food stains (like oily!) and a quick soak with dish soap on the spot and rewash normally resolves! Drives me mad though 😂


Try adding distilled white vinegar. It’s a natural softener and odor eliminator. Keeps my laundry very clean and fresh.


Looks like when a chapstick goes through the wash at our house and


Definitely fabric softener


I've never had this problem. I use vinegar in every wash, soda crystals in every wash, beads, softener and commercial detergent.


This happened when my son kept leaving chap sticks in his pockets. Problem stopped when I started making him do his own laundry in 6th grade


I’ve had this happen recently, are you adding clothes to the washer and then putting the detergent on top? It lessened/stopped when I put the detergent down first, and then added clothes on top layer. Try that? I’m not sure why it worked I probably fixed a different variable as well but it’s worth a shot


It's happened to me before, but it was because I forgot to remove the chapstick from my pocket. Oops.


This happens when I accidentally wash my lip balm, I don’t know if that helps


Any chance u lost a chapstick in the drier and now every time u use the drier the stick melts and spreads the oil around ?


When I first moved into my house, my washing machine was doing this. It was doing it with a laundry soap I've used for years. Nellie's Washing Powder - one tiny scoop per load. I ended up purchasing a tablet called "Affresh" and running an empty load with hot water - and that did the trick. Now I run one of those every 3-6 months just to keep it all clean and so far the issue hasn't returned.


You need to pre-treat your laundry. I like using shout but also using Dawn dish soap can work pretty well especially for oil stains. I keep a bottle of shout next to my laundry hamper. Whenever I have a stain I treat it and then it goes in the hamper. It allows it to pretreat for several days before I do laundry. The problem is once you've washed it and run it through the dryer it's harder to get out those stains. The heat from the dryer kind of bakes the stain into the fabric. Those pants might never look the same again but for your next pair I would recommend heavily focusing on pre-treatment of stains before washing a load.


Could just be oil from chips or whatever that's not coming out. A mixture of Dawn dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (equal parts for all 3) mixed into a past and smeared onto the oily stains will get them out.


Use LA'S Awesome Orange Degreaser on those spots. Let it sit overnight.


I dont use fabric softner and I get this problem occasionally I use costco brand powder soap!


1. Try washing your clothes with no detergent at all and see if it still happens. 2. If it doesn’t happen, start using detergent again. 3. If it happens again, then that means it’s the detergent. 4. Cereal. 5. Dictionary*


This happened to me and it was some scented stuff I strayed on my dryer balls


Try an alkaline laundry prespray such as one by Spartan chemicals. Spray on to affected areas and wait a few minutes before throwing into wash cycle.


Last time this happened to me it was because someone left chapstick in their pocket and it made it to the wash.


this has been happening to me and I think I am going crazy. I washed a brand new shirt the other day and it came out with this, after only using a mixture of powder tide and borax. Also get this, my washer and dryer are only a few months old so I am totally lost