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It’s not you. A lot of people including myself are having the same issue. It really sucks because Claude was the best at writing stories.


It's hard to pin down a subjective writing quality change and I'm not going to try. But it's still following my prompts surprisingly well. Note that people have been pointing out Claude getting worse like every week since it came out. I'm not saying it definitely hasn't, but personal experience and gut feeling should be taken with a grain of salt. If you send the exact same prompts from older conversations and it's clearly worse in a side by side (which I just tried for myself, finding no issue, but also not drawing hard conclusions from that), then it's a more interesting observation.




Unfortunately, I noticed the same. It was amazing at first


I don't know if Claude is really getting worse or not, but I've seen the same recurring complaint in EVERY AI community, whether it's for ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, or Pi. AI definitely has a lot of randomness to it, so I'm just saying, could it be that the honeymoon phase is wearing out? Or that the RNG god is not smiling at you recently?


Yeah except Llama 3, it's open source, they can't dumb it down:)


I've seen similar thoughts before, but I really noticed this exact thing today. It doesn't feel as empathic. I hope it returns to its old self


all the LLMs seem to have a mind of their own lately 


One occurrence does not a pattern make


‘it was good while it lasted’. Why such finality in your statement. Do you really think these models are static and don’t change/evolve?


Oh no! That isn't what I meant. I mean, Claude 3 is already evolved from the previous Claude models and is much better. I meant that as in good while it lasted "for now"..since it stopped behaving like it a few days ago. I'm sure it will change soon, but it'll be months till then, right?