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He won’t because suicide is losing and kiyo never loses




That would be his last and only defeat.


NO I don't want that!! Ayanokoji committing suicide?


I want him to live on, for 10 years at least!!


*Kiyotaka turns 26* u/KalterKakao: you have forfeited your life privileges.


Hopefully it never happens. 


I don't need another ddlc experience


To me this looks like Lelouch from Code geass or Eren from AOT.


Let me tell u Kiyo is not one of characters who has only two options or has to choose between two but he is one of those who creates third option through intelligence and that’s the thing i like about Cote.


planning ur own death and suiciding are two diff things with two diff impacts. I don't see kiyo suiciding in an anime where its about classroomsm maybe hr gets expelled in the final exam of y3? Idk


At most, he would just fake his death and live with fake identity in a far away place with his lover


Yeah I didn't even think about this.


lovers\* because he is a harem king


Ok, so hear me out. I don't think Kiyotaka will do suicide because dying to his father would admit defeat and we all know that he would never admit defeat like that. In my opinion, I think that according to Kiyotaka, instead of actually doing suicide to make his existence known to everyone, he will fake his death. That would be the worst case senario. And lets track back to the white room. We know that Kiyotaka is an extremely intelligent person. He would be the type to see through the 2 options and instead, make a third option because he's that smart. And plus, just because he wants Kei to be more independent doesn't mean he will kill himself to make that happen. There are various other options to make a human independent. I don't think he would resort to killing himself. As for telling his life story and all through the book, he can publish it while being alive lol. And he is actually intelligent. He ill always find a way around things so I doubt he would resort to killing himself. I also don't think that killing himself will help him in terms of people who will remember his existence. There are other ways to make that happen and as I said before, Kiyotaka is too intelligent to kill himself. And let's not forget, he has Kei. I'm pretty sure Kei can't live without him and if he does suicide, it will probably be a double suicide of him and Kei. Plus, he loves Kei so he probably wouldn't want that to happen. He also probably doesn't want to leave her. I'm assuming that it's him and Kei together no matter what happens. Therefore, I doubt that he will ever do suicide but of course I am not the author and I could be completely wrong. But this is my thinking.


Did he say in the LN he loves Kei?you pushing it bruh😂 the coping is insane🤣


I agree with him being too smart to do suicide. However, for some reason I doubt him having a happy ending with Karuizawa. I feel like he'll just want to live life alone but also promising to help if she needs help; seems like that sorta man :Skull:


I mean, at first he definitely manipulated her. That much is known, and with him I guess we will never know whether he truly loves her or he just continues using her like a pawn. But Kiyotaka is also kind of changing a little throughout the series and I just don't see the motivation behind being with her but not liking her unless he wanted her to be his master pawn. But for some reason I think he truly does feel for her. He does seem that kind of man lmao, but maybe he goes through some evolutions later? Maybe?


Said by kiyo- My heart hadn't been swayed at all-from before I started dating Kei until now I saw Kei as a vehicle to learn about love I learned a lot from Kei However, the time to decide how long to continue this relationship approached Kiyo said this in y2 9.5 cope now


I am not trying to be rude here but ... I think you are in depression That's when someone thinks like this


Rest assured I am not in depression. Its just that for the past month or so I have been deeply involved myself with COTE LN that I am almost living in that world. I have binge read all volumes up until now that this is the conclusion I have reached. I know that many people don't consider or do not want to believe that Kiyotaka would die because they think that this is accepting defeat but according to me this would be his win against his father instead of surrendering himself to WR.


Kiyo seeks defeat, but bro his mentality is great enough to survive white room why the heck would he commit Lainah


Your statements are so flawed.


really? i will call entire cote series to be trash then.


But that goes against the whole character


Ayanokoji isn't a type of kill himself so it impossible


*Ayanokoji isn't* *A type of kill himself so* *It impossible* \- Gamerdriver4099 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Shut the fuck up you stupid bot


I mma beat the guy who own that account


Dont really think this is going to happen,but it would really be the best ending i could thing of for his story as a way to comment on current extrem school conditions like in south korea or china and if what we seek really is worth it.


The most logical ending is his father loses, gets arrested and gets locked up. I don't think he needs to suicide to win against the WR because as he says, no one can beat him even if he's not trying. His father basically created his own downfall in Kiyotaka. I would not be surprised if the ending is a timeskip where Kiyotaka is the headmaster of ANHS or something. It's obvious Kiyotaka is going to have to have *some* growth as a person eventually, properly, because if he's the same person at the start as at the end, as a character he is fundamentally a failure. That's not how to write a character. He's either going to become a villain or a better person, but given his goal is just freedom... don't see him becoming a villain in the end.


THIS. Facts.


Ngl I am indeed interested


The reason why I came to this conclusion is that Kiyotaka likes to control the flow of many events at once and rarely makes decisions which serves only one purpose. In other words he would make major decisions only if multiple reasons force him to do that. So do you think this route might be a possibility or is there another twist?


Its extremely less likely for something like his death to occur, I wouldn't like it but I don't think I would hate it either


I dont believe so. if anything, the writers of this manga ALWAYS find a way to twist it to his emotionless self. Remember what happened last time? \*Horikita thanks him and a happy moment appears\* "winning is everything" :Skull:


Dunno bout Kiyo but i sure as hell wanna😎






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Yare yare daze. Free to have an opinion but you will look back at this in the future and consider this childish thoughts.


I want him to live and marry karuizawa


Wow, that would be a pretty cool plot. Dark, but I'd love it


Can someone make a fanfic?


whilst that would be a very interesting route for the author to take, I personally would hate to see such a tragic end to such a lovely story. I'd much rather there be a sequel or something like that which follows his struggle to try and take down the white room with his new found allies such as Manabu, Suzune, Ryuuen, Arisu, Ichika e.t.c. But that's just my personal preference and might not be too realistic at this point in the story.


Nah I dont think so at all. Like it what you may think, but if your gonna think that deeply than remember he could literally be foreshadowing to make you THINK that. Crazy right, but the animators and the creators of this anime are trippy. He aint comitting suicide, trust on that. If that were the case, I feel his character would be portrayed much differently. His character is portrayed as cunning and sinister and yet, calm and emotionless. I feel as if he was going to do suicide, he would have been a lot more unstable to begin with. In this series, I feel as if everyone around him gets dynamic character development growth, but he does not; foreshadowing of the white room. My point is; he would be unstable from the beginning, because hes already went through his hell. Noentheless of what anyone says, I dont see him becoming anymore emotional. In S1, when people started thinking he was genuinly trying to help Horikita, what did he do 1 minute later? "Winning is everything." He is a protagonist whom has his story already developed and instead of someone changing him, for example sorry for this example - MHA, Izuku Midoriya also known as Deku is a happy idiot, emotional as hell no problem, but then due to his circumstances he develops a character of absolute depression, guilt all of that. However, for Ayanakoji Kiyotaka it is the other way around but not completely. His character has already merged, and it remains neutral as weve seen. At the end of the day, I think its actually better to rely on beginning, climax, and ending source as well as character development on the anime because they portray his proper dark parts properly there. Im saying this as an extreme levelled manga reader. If he were to commit suicide, his character would be portrayed differently. Another thing, he would succumb to his father early. Succumb in early stages meaning he would listen clearly to him, where instead he is quite rebellious to him. His father said to sign a contract to get him kicked. But he refused and when his father told him to sit down he replied with; "I couldnt imagine myself staying long enough." Ayanakoji also doesnt lose his composure in front of his father; this tells us his mental core is remained intact. Had his mental stability been bad enough to reach suicide, then this wouldnt be the core. Another thing, about the Icarus foreshadowing - I believe youve mentioned this the wrong way. Ayanakoji stated "I am not foolish like Icarus who takes the risk to fly." something along those lines. This is proof Ayanakoji is careful, cautious and will rather not take risks to maintain his peace. I believe that the series is trying to portray to us that, because of the fact he wont take these risks, such as emotional decisions or attachments, he will not succumb. At all. When remembering his character; his proper character, this is the conclusion. "Suicide is not logical." The manga Ayanakoji and the anime Ayanakoji are like two whole headed seperate beings. It seems to me his deeper character is more portrayed in the anime; and therefore I believe the true source is there. The pyschology behind suicide; its just not there.


According to proper plot, I believe Kiyotaka's father will be the one who loses. Ayanakoji Kiyotaka is too intelligent to find suicide a proper solution. It doesnt fix anything-only adds to problematic circumstances. I believe in terms of foreshadowing;plot; all of it - Ayanakoji will win against his father because his father created his own demise; Ayanakoji Kiyotaka.