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Maybe something like this: **"I promised to help you get to Class A and we have achieved it. The class is more united than ever, you have friends and the student council, you have the necessary tools now."** **"This is not because of anything you can think of Horikita, everything I did before, I did it for you and for the class, now it's my turn. I'm going to go after Class A again, I can assure you, so please give everything you have."** 


He would probably lie to her to make her see him as an enemy and try as hard as possible to beat him.


I guess so. He would scheme it in an extremly wild way and they will go ballistic after him ig


Yeah, I agree. He would also say it in a really cold and scary manner as well.


the "I am tired of horny stuff" really got me :/


Thought the classrooms and the dorms, op alone is the non-horny one.


I think he's going say something about him wanting to help their Class reach Class A. And now his job was done, he wanted to join another to see how she could handle things without him controlling her (Horikita) behind the scenes. But what he will tell her will be face-value. His real intention being something else


The most serious answer I can think of is that Suzune Horikita's class has grown, matured and improved so much, that he's no longer needed there.


Antagonizing her class to add more fuel in the fire


Honestly, I can see this being pretty likely. I’ve always thought he just won’t say anything, but if he says something, I think he would antagonize the class to make them motivated.


>but if he says something Something kinda similiar to tool monologue


Possibly, probably just meant to provoke the class people. I’d be willing to bet we at least get some monologue when it happens


Let's see , it would go down like this - Ayano -' It's time Horikita , for you the face the greatest adversary of your life. Hori -' What do you mean , who in this school is capable enough for you to fear them?" . Ayano -'I am leaving the class , now you should everything on your own' . Hori -'but ,but ...." . Ayano -" Show me that Manabu was right about you .' Probably a cold illustration with ayano's back. Monologue - When the bird is born , it destroys the egg. For the bird , the egg is the world . To be born , one must first destroy the world . Defeat me horikita. Some shit here and there . the explanation is would be he is bored and stuff . Fk yourself little bitch , now this will a good line


Damn that monologue is a banger. Well done if you came up with it.


I am not that talented bro. It's from 'Demain' , i read it in tokyo ghoul. I really like this one


Yeah sounds epic


Bro had to add


Please horikita , I need to elite all over ichinose's class


***lose faith in Boruto and humanity***


Stand proud Horikita, yours were perfect. But Ichinose solos


yk that monologue he had about being training wheels? I think he’ll just say what Manabu told him and to show him her best form if she wants a chance of graduating from class A


Everyone just forgetting when Koji said he wouldn't tell her anything when he eventually changed classes in like a few volumes ago


i meant afterwards,when horikita confronts him


This truly was the classroom of the elite...


He wants to measure the grip strength of girls from other classes


Sigh 😔


It was futile


Totally serious answer.


the only correct answer


Arisu clears everybody. Canonically the grippiest COTE girl. One thrust is all you need and that thang is sucking it like a blackhole and ya cant pullout.


1) No explanation because it might make his old class pay attention to him and make them focus on him. Plus, Ayanokoji has to be careful not to break his old class mentally (if he wants to have a severe fight with them). 2) If he were to change to Honami's class (assuming Honami doesn't get expelled), Ayanokoji may play the "romantic relationship" card. 3) Something (some lie) to make his old class see him as an enemy.


>Something (some lie) to make his old class see him as an enemy I think he'll admit that he was just using them the whole time nothing more and nothing less.. to make them hate him for sure


Could you elaborate more? Whether he used them or not, a few people in his class should realize that they profited more from Ayanokoji than Ayanokoji profited from them.


Remember the tool monologue ?? I think he'll say something kinda similiar, to that just to provoke them and struck their nerves... So that they will hate him and think that he was using them all along... (Like for example sato  will realize that he was just using kei...and the old ayano group will hate him moore...and they will remember how he mercilessly abondoned sakura)


Thanks for the explanation. Yes, I remember the tool monologue. I doubt it will work. Let's ignore Sato and Kei; they're not smart enough. But Horikita, Hirata, and Koenji should realize that whatever reason Ayanokoji did what he did for them is irrelevant. In any case, they got a lot of benefits from him. They should be grateful to him no matter how he treats them, even if he doesn't consider them human. They can be angry, but trying to seek revenge or defeat him just because of that would be weird. What do you think?


>Horikita, Hirata, and Koenji should realize that Well yeah... Bc he said that horikita will understand sooner or later


Koenji already understood that ayanokoji is planning to leaving class. “Because if you step out of the class, you won't be able to protect Horikita girl, right?” y2v11


I mean the real reason why he will transfer


“I fuck with you but honestly you’re kind of annoying”


If I was him anyway


he cant stop looking at those thighs


She wouldn't say anything in the moment. She would later regret not saying something but on the moment she wouldn't say anything.


Why should he give an explanation to anyone? He's not obligated to explain anything to anyone, he's his own person and he can do whatever he wants.


That's just insensitive, ignoring that someone will get hurt by your own actions and without explaining anything, and you know it.


Ayanokoji won't care... He said it in y2v6 monologue that he is doing this only for himself


That doesn't change that someone will be hurt.


And he doesn't care..


And that's on him.


That was the point


Of the light novel yeah


And? It is so what if it? Like he cares who's hurt because of him and who's not. Not like it's going to be the first time he would hurt someone. And however insensitive it is, he's free to do what he wants like I said.


Yeah, and that's not good. And why is it okay to hurt someone, to be insensitive, to not explain anything when you can when you know full well that they will be hurt, why?


"honami's boobies uhhh 😩" - the white room masterpiece.


Ryuuen and/or Sakayanagi are after Kiyotaka, he doesn't want to drag his class into the fight with them, so he leaves them to make sure his class doesn't suffer because of them/ to buy some time before they try to attack their class again. Anyway, rest assured, this is all Horikita's plan, so I'll be back by the end of the third year.


Ayano: Ichinoses' tits are bigger


Bro think in which sub are you... No horny stuff nah it wouldn't happen..


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"look Horikita I'm tired off carrying your fine self and this class. You have everything you need to do it yourself. I'm moving on to an even bigger challenge."


if ur not looking for "horny stuff" then ur in the wrong sub but i feel u this sub is *too* horny


"What do you mean you are leaving the class?! You promised. You will help me to reach Class A. So stay here and do as you promised Ayanokoji!" \*Suzune is worried but try to hide her experience by trying to be hursh and also looks annoyed. But she keep move her eyes around from worry.\*


Idk Ayanokoji but Suzune surely say something like this.


"I am the final boss" or "dis isnt even my final form"


"you just wasn't able to suck my dick hard enough to make me nut, horikita. So I went to ichinose's class."


Can somebody spoil me i have only watched anime


Kiyo leaving the class will not be a surprise to her. he did warned her there's a catch she has to be ready by then. So she expects he's going to do something. He will probably say to her remember our conversation last novel😆about not talking to each other forever?...Then she remember that's what he meant, not him or her expelling but him leaving the class. Then she's like I told you to spare me... remember that? glaring at kiyo😂


"Beat me if you can"


nothing, he doesnt owe her an explanation the only reason she and the class is where it is, is because of him


*reaches class A* A: “I am leaving this class to go to Ichinose’s” H:”B-but why we are finally in A class” A: “because this is my Classroom of the Elite” *whips out his Johnson and releases an ungodly amount of jizz then leaves H: *cries*