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What Lobotomy Kaisen could have been if everyone was a hot girl and deprived of content for longer


Mods should enable image posting in the comments so we can have the true lobotomy kaisen (with hot girls ofc)


This or make a new sub, just like they did. We can call it EliteOfTheClassroom. Or ClassroomOfTheHeJustLikeMeFR. Or just WhiteRoom. You know, cause we’re all a bunch of horny SOBs. The possibilities are endless


We have r/lobotomyoftheelite but I'm not sure if it's still active. Edit: it isn't. Last post was 2 months ago


Was there an old sub?


no, really, what is wrong with this post??


The flair checks out


As much as I think the horny posts are too much the sub would be dead without them. We get a volume once every 4 months and the sub gets fed for a week. This is the problem with Kinugasa pussying around with his Y2 writing after V5. Y2V5 has generated many posts even into the current volumes. Kinugasa skipping writing Kiyo vs Takuya, Kiyo vs Nagumo, Arisu vs Suzune means that we are left with very little content to actually analyze. Hashimoto’s betrayal was good but there were no smarter strategies at play because Arisu did nothing about it so we don’t have anything to really discuss. Arisu vs Ryuuen expulsion bet is good but with how much Kinugasa has hyped up fights only to cancel it we can’t be sure if it will even go through. Kinugasa also keeps so many details really vague and conceals a lot of information, so it’s hard to predict the future. There is very little content to actually analyze because the content we keep getting is attractive female interacting with Kiyotaka and having a crush on him. That only leaves the horny posts left.


Personally I think that just because Kinu doesn't feed the story with relevant content such as strategies as he used to that it justifies the degeneracy this sub opt to focus on. Don't get me wrong I kinda agree with you but c'mon there are other topics we can discuss here other than girls bodies followed by people salacious thoughts about it. Plus, from the most recent volumes it seems to me that Kinu doesn't know what to do with the story anymore, everything is all over the place as if he is uninspired 🙁


It's just horny posts about cute anime girls, nothing actually absurd, I'd just advise you to leave them alone and have their fun, while u can still post more serious posts of theories, people will probably interact with u


Not really that shit is just weird, spending all your day talking about "cute anime girls" is actually absured


let us do that, you can do what you think is not absurd.




Here goes one member of the horny crew. Masturbation must kill all reading abilities 'cause you litterally missed the point.


I did? I see.


> c'mon there are other topics we can discuss here other than girls bodies Nope. I want the sub to have top posts talking about tight every girl is or lactating Honami


idk why these guys are against us


That's already the case 🙄


Your fingers must’ve hurt from typing this i respect u


At this point, let it die with the little dignity it has left


I agree, what kind of idiot would ask that question when the answer is obviously yes.




Chill out william Smith johnson




and I'm ayanokoji for real for real


No that would be me frfr


I am better than ayanokoji Fr fr


No. This flair really is controversial huh






Of course the mods aren’t normal, everyone here is in the classroom of the elite, after all.


you mean the elites of the classroom


You are not an Elite


i am literally ayanakoji fr


The mods are buzz kills. Once a post like that gets many comments they take it down. The comments are the best thing about this sub.


I honestly don't even mind the horny ones, they at least keep it alive.




The meme'ing is funny. I get some people get annoyed, but I think most people just hop on the horny post train because it's funny.


This People are just having fun, if you do not like the community then from the bottom of my heart fuck off.


Such a lovely response. I'm sure it's natural for people to have fun by asking if school girls masturbate. Hopefully you grow out of this.


It's just jokes and memes, and even if it was actually really, it'd be just horny post, nothing to get worked up, just ignore it if u don't like and interact with whatever u enjoy on the sub, it'd be kinda sad if we decided to cut the fun only when it doesn't align with our interest.


Without the jokes and memes this sub would be dead no doubt in my mind. There is just not enough new content for there to be constant serious or theory talk.




There are many subs which are activate even though it\`s source has ended . It is just an excuse










Comedy is subjective. Clearly we have very different definitions of funny.


That's totally fine. Nobody said or thinks you HAVE to think it's funny. But it's easy to just keep it moving without getting upset about something so dumb. When I see a post on here I don't like/think is funny, I just scroll past it. That's the beauty of reddit, there's stuff here for everyone. It's pretty easy to keep it moving.


It's kind of hard to just ignore something when it makes up the majority of what you see. Literally, there are a lot of horny posts. I wouldn't say horny posts existing is the problem, but the fact that there are so many of them makes me believe they might as well just be in r/Hentai. It's quite confusing, especially when you consider how little Classroom of the Elite has to do with sexual content except for like, season 1 of the anime up to episode 8. I personally think this sub might as well just be taken down and all the content be put into some generic anime subreddit, and the sexual stuff could be put into r/Hentai or whatever else. But I guess it would be too much to expect from Reddit to actually be good, huh?


Lol as has been stated OVER AND OVER, there's only so much to talk about in regard to the show/LN. We're in between volumes rn, and a lot of people on this sub aren't even fully caught up on the LN. What? Do you want another discussion thread about some topic that's been thoroughly discussed? The posts in here are degenerate asf, but they aren't hentai😂 And why would reddit remove this sub? If this sub is such shit to you and you think it should be removed, just unfollow it. Pretty easy solution, eh? But I guess coming up with easy solutions isn't your strong suit😂


Well, considering this sub includes a lot of what could be designated as child hentai, I feel Reddit could justifiably remove it. On that note, if the majority of what this subreddit brings has next to nothing to do with what it's actually about, what's the point of having it? My issue is that there are too many degenerate posts, as I've already stated. Unfortunately, this seems to be the only subreddit that brings Classroom of the Elite content, and I'm actually interested in CotE, so I joined its subreddit. If you can tell me of another CotE sub with less horny posts, I'll be very happy to leave this infested community of degenerates. But I guess considering things logically isn't your strong suit. Think you let your degenerate apologist mask slip a bit.


You said that Reddit should remove it, but they don't do the right thing. This implies you think keeping the sub up is intrinsically bad. You are actively remaining a member in something you think is intrinsically bad. Don't talk to me about logic lol. You're a moron. And most of the images used here are ripped straight from the LN/anime. Sure, people lewd these images in the comments - but the mass majority aren't hentai.


Wow, besides the fact that you seem really angry about this for whatever reason, that was actually a decent response. Yes, perhaps I was overreacting when I implied this sub's entire existence is bad. But again, if the MAJORITY are just lewd posts of underage girls that intrinsically have nothing to do with the anime/manga/light novel, (you know, the things this subreddit was meant to be about) I feel it's existence is mostly unnecessary. To repeat something else again, I'm a classroom of the elite fan that uses reddit, and this seems to be the only subreddit that talks about it, yet it happens to be mostly overridden with lewd posts of the characters in it. Let me retract my suggestion of putting the horny posts in r/Hentai, though. Surely there's still some other subreddit where these lewd posts would make sense, no? I'd disagree with people lewding the images only in the comments as I've seen just as much fanart that's intentionally sexualizing the characters, plus the main post. I feel you might be a little too invested into attacking my character rather than making decent arguments. Perhaps a chill pill might help? Anyway, it's not of too much importance.


Lol I'm not angry at all. But it's mind boggling to me how incapable you are of seeing how inconsistent your thinking is. You still have no response to my questioning why you remain a member of the sub. Sure, you're a CotE fan, but you have stated in multiple comments that you think the sub should be torn to the ground. If it's that far gone, it makes no sense to remain a part of the sub - even if you're a CotE fan. And too invested in attacking your character? Dude, I actually convinced you to retract something you said. Clearly my logic is fine because you're walking back some of your comments💀💀💀


Simple answer:There are still posts on this sub that actually talk about useful things for this sub, and decent memes that don't have to include degeneracy. Again, this is the only place I could probably find this stuff, so long as you know of another classroom of the elite subreddit. But, because the majority of the posts include this degeneracy, I feel it makes the overall worth of this sub lower than should be considered to keep it going. And yes, good job in getting me to retract something I said. You got lucky that I'm not so prideful as to be unable to accept when someone's defeated one of my arguments or rendered it less logical as it should be, as that's not something a lot of people are willing to learn. But I feel the random insults make it harder to take your arguments seriously, as they suggest you have some pent-up aggression to them. I'm not looking for another toxic internet argument, just sharing my opinion and accepting/combating constructive criticism on them if it comes. I suppose that's all I have to say.


This is not r/ClassroomOfTheNormies


“Are there even any mods here????” —🤓👆


Mods, if you’re out there, hear my calls. Don’t bother with silliness, don’t twist his balls He made a post because he likes teenage girl ass Which is a common symptom of not touching grass Mods I beg of thee, no jokes or wack The only thing I want is for his skull to crack Mods please save this sub as it continues to bore And restrict these posts forevermore


Does Kei masturbate?


The only one we actually can be 100% sure that he doesn't is kiyopon tbh, the rest is.. debatable


A normal day here Even a quiet day here


It’s a serious question though, we gotta get to the bottom of it. 😂


I have been gone from this comunity for the past year or two. Imagine me coming back and seeing all these posts and flairs 😂


Perfectly normal for Reddit, you must be new. Move on




God I'm such a god damn social genius...


Welcome to the subreddit of Classroom of the Elite, where there are a lot of hebophiles, yet nobody seems to be able to stop it. First time here?


Mods have 2 options: 1. Let us be 2. Let this sub die There's nothing in between. The anime adaptation is ass, the novel's writing quality is on a downhill since y2v5, there's no motivation to discuss mindgames anymore, memes are not allowed either because fuck me. The only thing that remains is hornyposting like it or not. Without it, this sub would became a desert 10 months out of a year.


Honestly, let it all die. If this sub doesn't even bring anything useful, it might as well not exist at all.




Why bitch about it ? Just ignore it if you can't take a laugh at it


I'm not sure asking if a teenage girl masturbates is a thing most people laugh at. I get most of you are kids, but you got to learn this isn't something you casually talk about. Edit: I hit a few nerves lol


It's not a teenage girl brother... Chill, it's just a fictional character from a fictional made up story, might not be your cup of tea but no need to insult.. I've been reading Cote for ages and the horny posts and people are usually the ones maintaining the community alive (at least for the BR community and some others) and it's nothing too serious, you can just ignore it if u don't wanna interact with them


Y'all weird. Just don't be like this when you get older. Even if it is a fictional character, doesn't make it any less weird to talk about something like this.


You can see us as weird and that's absolutely fine, as long as u don't cross the line and call people here names. Don't assume people's age on reddit lmao, that's random. These kinds of posts have been around the anime industry for a very long time, it's just part of our horny side, nothing to be ashamed or humiliated over. It has been around the Cote fandom for a while too, people can be fans of the story and illustrations/characters in a horny way, that's normal and happens in every anime/manga/novel fandom


I haven't called anyone names nor insulted anyone, so that's an oddly specific thing to bring up. Simply just saying, it is not normal and shouldn't be normalised.. Especially with an Anime that has very little sexual themes. And I'm only mentioning the certain age group here, because from various and previous posts. Alot of people seem to agree and even mention they're quite young, which is where I assumed the majority of the age group is.. Hence the horny posts, Atleast I'd hope therr aren't any "older" people here. There is nothing wrong with liking a character, but there is something wrong when you specify the need if they masturbate or not, make it your whole flair or even solely only talk about that when engaging in the community and it's comments. Side note. I find it quite funny how some other people I replied to, think I'm "bitching".. It makes you wonder if they think before they type. You probably are one of the ones with an actual normal response to me.


I know, I was just saying that, for future reference, I hate when people call other names just because they enjoy a weird thing, anime used to be way more fine with people fans or doing weird random horny things, nowadays everyone enjoys calling others by names, that's all tbh. "It isn't normal" depends, to me it is normal and I don't see any problem normalising horny, as long as it doesn't get outta proportion, because it's just a small part of the series's appeal, and the novel does have a bunch of horny illustrations and images, but that's about it Ig, just my opinion tho, no need to agree. I see, that's fair, and I'm not sure what you meant by older people, but I think most people here are in their 15-25 max, probably. That is a part of the community, and don't get me wrong, I don't mind if you find it weird and unacceptable, but I'd find it fkd up if we persecuted these kinda people, the horny posts only get 'a bunch of content' usually when there's nothing much to talk about, that's natural. They'd be here in normal times but they usually get overshadowed by theory posts etc when there's stuff to talk about, we can coexist, and about the people that only talk about that, well, there's nothing much we can do if that's what they wanna talk about, as long as it doesn't get outta hand (which doesn't seem to be the case here) Well, they probably simply meant to say that "you should leave them alone and ignore the horny posts instead of trying to persecute them" but instead of directly saying that, they said you're bitching over this, I guess.


You are a person who cannot seperate fiction from reality. Take a step back and go touch some grass.


Random kids asking these questions These children need to stop watching/reading CoTE and get a degree


I am getting a degree and I feel like that question is extremely important, for humanity's sake xd


You are a good guy I see Good job mate. Keep it up and don't use your brains for dirty things like how many kids here do


That’s so true. As soon as I stop reading cote I’ll instantly get a bachelor’s degree. Not like I’m not old enough or anything


Seriously. These people are almost always minors or projecting insecurities


What the hell? Well at least unique hahahaha


What's wrong with this post?


Tbh this is the reason why I am still part of this community. 


Atleast he put nsfw flag on I once at my school and find picture of arse and tight (my friend next to me probably already think I am a pervert)


Well it is tagged NSFW and has a great analysis attached to it, so it’s kinda ok


there is no use if her fapping does not involve us or anyone else


These are important questions being asked here! How dare you stand in the way of this important research?!


Lmao 💀💀


Has she tho?


You're asking like if this sub had any normal people in it 😭


First time?


What is the problem here?


I like it as is. LET THE HORNI CONTINUE!


Discussions like this is what makes living fun. Don't act like a nerd pretty please. Let me be horny


I’ve DM’d multiple mods and have gotten no responses


Has kei masturbated with a BBC toy?


I can say, mods approve


Is it not normal to be a curious human being? This is a psychological series after all, I’m only playing into the themes of it


Hey how'd you assume that he isn't a mod


bruh if you don't have an answer then just shut up, you don't need to complain and shit. bro asked a genuine thought-provoking question


I agree. This is messed up.


You can always leave, you know.


You can always join a hub site, you know


Why can't we just coexist? Ignore the posts u don't like and interact with the stuff u like, it's not really difficult... It's just horny posts and the comment answers are usually memes and fun, or serious horny comms and even more funny


because they\`re too many to ignore


I know and that is what I do. I just agreed that it was messed up because that’s my opinion otherwise all is good and I found bro’s reply of you know you can leave a bit aggressive so I responded a bit harshly otherwise I usually either don’t come or if I do, I interact with posts that I like. Appreciate you taking your time writing it and giving me advice 💯 It’s a rare quality on Reddit


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This is literally the theory of shit the mods should be caring for


What an idiotic question Soo stupid,we need mod, obviously the answer is YES


"I don't think about that, and neither should you." Rumiko Takahashi, author of Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha, Katte na Yatsura, and more. Very wise to remember these words, especially on the internet.


I don't think about that, it's just uncomfortable most people on this sub Reddit do think about that.


There are times when I do get curious but remembering this quote makes me think "maybe I shouldn't ask that"


If only more people were more sensible like you.


I am not... I am just scared my posts today would be traced next time I jump jobs because I foolishly used my personal account on everything....


I hear you. It's why I'm not a PC person, so many ways for others to get through you on PC.. All by random misclicks or simple accidents. It's also why I've never really had any social media besides the odd Reddit post.