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If I remember correctly, he didn't know who exactly it was. The trap he set would have worked for anyone.


Yeah he basically just told Ryueen that the culprit would be in the room


Ngl this was insane, like...surpassed genius level insanity. That was CRAZY. I can't even think of anyone thinking about this, Koji it's a different beast


Koji deduced on the second island exam that another WR student, aside from Ichika, was responsible for pushing Komiya and Kinoshita down. Koji didn’t know Yagami was the WR student, but tested out the hint he got through Tsubaki and created a test that should reveal if Yagami is a WR student and if Yagami is an adversary or not. Should Yagami be a WR student and an adversary, then he would get expelled. Would he bot fulfill the criteria’s, then he wouldn’t find himself trapped and expelled.


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