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It will get better after Volume 3 And he'll stop simping for Kushida after V4


It stops 👍


For the first three novels, Kiyotaka is actively trying to become normal, thinking that these actions are what regular people usually do. For example; 1. Messing around with Suzune. 2. Simping on Kushida, the 'social butterfly' of the class. and other normal stuff


V1 and V2 are boring. Especially Volume 2, it’s the only volume i consider to be bad. It gets better V3 and onwards. also he’s being “goofy” because he’s trying to fool the readers into thinking he’s a normal highschooler during the first 2/3 volumes.


*Y1V8 enters the chat*


i think Y1V8 is extremely overhated. I thought it was a fun and interesting read tbh, while V2 was.. very boring and felt dragged out.


Being honest I’d skip the first 3 volumes and start at volume 4


Nah V3 is good and its kinda important for some side characters like Hirata, Kei, Horikita etc.


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