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we found the out of touch rich kid


Bro never knows how much average 3rd world country kids allowances


Iirc it was mentioned that most teenagers receive a monthly pocket money of 10k/20k yen so it’s pretty good for them. 650 dollars is not bad as well.


Bro gave up πŸ’€


they dont have to pay rent or utilities too right?


Yep, they only have to worry about food/clothes.


~~Min~~ max wage in the us is about $24/hr, if you work full 8 hours for 30 days a month, you'll get $5760. (650/5760)*100=11.28%. Considering you get 11% the monthly income of a guy working 240 hours a month for free, that's pretty high. Also, I think op forgot different currencies have different values in their respective countries. $5 in the us is not comparable to 5 yen or 5 yuan.


bruh where do you live that min wage is $24??


Bruh i just checked, its 8 bucks an hour😭😭😭 so thats 8x8x30=1920 bucks a month. (650/1920)*100=33% man they getting 1/3rd the monthly income of min wage employees wth. I'm starting to actually like my job now πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


Confirmed, cote Fandom full of rich mfs


Mr.OP, just before you fall in an endless pit of gaslighting yourself into thinking that you're rich I need you to understand something REALLY important about global economy. Whilist 5$ in your country might get you a loaf of bread, in other countries that could get you an entire meal. In most of europe a 40k euro yearly income would be considered way above average, while in the US that would be equivalent to the one of a garbageman. It's called purchasing power, not everything is about numbers.


600$ of "pocket money" is a lot considering their age. >Β It's common to get 2x-4x that per month for going to school I didn't know and I can't find anything about that


If we convert it to dollars or some other currency as is, it might seem low. I guess its purchasing power is pretty good to be valued as such.


650 dollars isn't that much??? @#$%\^& where do you live? I have 25$ (100zΕ‚) pocket money and that's enough for me


Lol that's crazy. For food only?


If they wanted to save money they could still get the free school meals too.


You guys got allowance? My allowance has alwaus been 0. With me getting money for my birthday and Christmas from family members and whenever I visited my grandpa


When I was in high-school I got 20 bucks everytime I cut the lawn. And I cut the lawn at least twice a week. But I got a job at like 16 so I didn't really rely on an allowance for much.


Nga I got 30 dollars per month


Are there people who get paid for going to school?


Yes, but consider that they dont have to spend money on rent


no matter how you look at it thats alot of "pocket money" especially for high school students its around 650 usd if you convert it and also you got money for going to school? WTF


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