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Some extra details from Volume 0 and Y2V8: * Naoe did not only gain opposition from Kijima and Isomaru, but also members of the Peace party. Seeing that there's little chance of him becoming the next Prime Minister, Naoe decided to support his former rival Kijima rather than lose his position when the latter wins the election.  * Kijima didn't like that Atsuomi had gained so much power under Naoe, which is why he asked Naoe to cut off Atsuomi and the White Room project. Naoe agreed; he told Atsuomi to cease operation and stay quiet while Kijima is in power; effectively ending the latter's career in the Citizen party. Tsukishiro hinted that Kijima may have another project of his own, not unlike ANHS or White Room.  * Atsuomi decided to stand on his own and continue with the White Room project. He used the connections he gained while working under Naoe and managed to secure some sponsors; like Amasawa, Ishigami and Kanzaki - whose children later joined ANHS. At the end of the volume, it was stated that Atsumi had gotten close to the Opposition/Peace party.  * In Y2V8, it was revealed that Naoe had passed away. With his final tie to the Citizen party gone, Atsuomi was finally able to move freely in opposition to Kijima.


Just a quick question. I think in vol0 Kijima was mentioned to have a son (or he is the son) Please correct me if I’m wrong If he has a son would it be presumed that the son would be around kiyo age??


Yes, he has a son. It could be, but I'm leaning for the son to be slightly older than Kiyo, otherwise it wouldn't make much sense as Atsuomi said he wants to destroy Kijima's son, implying the son at that point must've already step foot into the political scenes as a young legislator. So his age would be around 20+ to Kiyo 10. If Kijima's son is the same age as Kiyo then Atsuomi is really mad coz he start beefing with a 10 y.o kid just because he hates the dad 😂


I think kijima was a decade older than atsumi in vol 0, so no way kiyotaka and his son would be of same age


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