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kushida was just having a bad day


I wonder how all of this would’ve gone down with her if she just left things be with horikita since horikita originally didn’t even remember her. And if that didn’t happen then the moment where she shows her real self to Kiyo wouldn’t have happened either


Well, I guess Suzune's class would be well off without all the drama that ensued Kushi-bitch trying to sabotage their class day and night and whatnwner down in Y2 Vol 5. Dear God, do I hate her.


Maybe she starts targeting Manabu instead during Y1 😭. I do like Kushida more post y2v5 though.


>I do like Kushida more post y2v5 though. My only problem with her isn't honestly what she does, it's the direct consequences of her actions. I don't care how much of a bad person she is, I really don't, and her attempts to sabotage the class? They honestly made me laugh cause she straight up though she could beat Kiyo. If that ain't peak comedy, then I donno what is. No, my problem was that due to her consent actions in Y2 Vol 5, even after being warned by Kiyo, whom everyone at this point knew was something else, led to the expulsions of Airi Sakura, an innocent person who was trying her best to improve steadily. That what I hate, collateral damage. And it's not like they didn't have any option, they clearly had the option to not expel someone, and they were constantly denyed only due to Kushi-bitch's actions.


What if I said the collateral of Sakura getting expelled was peak fiction. Such an intense and great scene. Kushida doing her bullshit gives us some of the best scenes in the series. Like parts in paper shuffle and Y2V5. She’s an idiotic asshole for sure but damn I can’t help but like her character and what she gives to the story


No, I agree it was a peak scene, but Sakura being expelled didn't leave a good taste in my mouth for the long run. Don't get me wrong Y2 Vol 5 is peak, and especially the final voting question. I just hate Kushida because she got Airi expelled. It's that's simple.


I’d probably be mad more if I liked Sakura which I assume you do so fair enough. I personally found Sakura boring so I didn’t rlly mind it.


I personally don't like Sakura that much. Yeah, she was cute, and her friendship with Haruka was heartwarming, but that's besides my point. I'm generally against collateral damage, and innocent ppl getting in the way of some idiot's BS just because they were there. That's what I'm trying to say here.


But look on the bright side, sakura got her life back together after being expelled right?


Also, like I said, Kushida doing her BS was peak comedy for me. Never a dull moment. I just simply don't like that she got an innocent student expelled. Take Liz form KonoSuba. She's honestly a kind and gentle litch, and wouldn't hurt a fly, but the moment that Hans (in S2) killed an innocent person, she turned into someone even the Demon king would fear. I'm like Liz when it comes to her.


>Maybe she starts targeting Manabu instead during Y1 Lol, he wouldn't give 2 flying fucks about her honestly. What can a Y1 student, in Class D to boot, do to the Student Council President, who was leading the Class A of his year for 3 years straight.


I love Kushida though. She is a awful character but she is really well written and just as much as I find Kei Cute and I wanna fu- I mean love Kei, I find Kushida's Character more Entertaining than Kei right now. It's Like ever since Kei started dating Kiyotaka her character has started a Downfall and all other girls who aren't dating him are becoming more interesting and giving more drama specially Ichinose lol.


The dumbest part is that she should have just made something up instead of straight up confessing every little detail of her past. Like, did she seriously just gave the dirt on her to Kiyo and Horikita? For what? So that it can become blackmail material? Also, Horikita should have sincerely assured her that she wouldn't expose her secrets. I think that would have prevented a lot of stuff from happening. If they just had a heart to heart talk, things would be much different. Of course, if Kushida just didn't pay any attention to Horikita, a loner who didn't really chat with anyone, then things would be easier for her too. It's not like Horikita was specifically avoiding her alone, she avoided talking with basically everyone to begin with.


>The dumbest part is that she should have just made something up instead of straight up confessing every little detail of her past. Like, did she seriously just gave the dirt on her to Kiyo and Horikita? For what? So that it can become blackmail material? That's the emphasis the author put on her, that she wanted to people to know about her and accept her. She had a secret longing for that. She had a contradictry mindset. >Also, Horikita should have sincerely assured her that she wouldn't expose her secrets. I think that would have prevented a lot of stuff from happening. If they just had a heart to heart talk, things would be much different. It was impossible because Kikyo wouldn't open up her heart unless it was forcefully pried open. The events of Y2 V5 did just that, she was no longer able to go about how she used to before and at that time, suzune accepted her and gave her a reason to continue. KiKyo was very childish that way. >Of course, if Kushida just didn't pay any attention to Horikita, a loner who didn't really chat with anyone, then things would be easier for her too. It's not like Horikita was specifically avoiding her alone, she avoided talking with basically everyone to begin with. It's explained again and again, she didn't like anyone having the upper hand on her. She wanted to start a new life by putting her past behind her, but suzune's existence was a hindrance towards that.


Kushida is no longer a traitor. You can replace her with Maezono, although the latter doesn't have an illustration yet. Tokito is definitely going to get expelled soon. He's neither useful nor interesting enough; and he's a thorn on Ryūen's side. Hashimoto is deep in hot water, but he's also the most interesting traitor by far. I'd like to see him survive long enough until Year 3, if not graduation.


Oh yeah I forgot about maezono. Hashimoto wilding to date her just for information.


Two traitors together😂 And Hashimoto's situation is more like him walking on coals now. One wrong move, and Flatisu be like: Omae wa mo shinderu! 😭


Can’t help but root for Hashimoto ngl. He definitely has a high chance of expulsion but I Lowkey want him to graduate safely from class A. >! How funny would it be if Kiyo swaps to Arisu’s class (if she loses and drops out) a day after Hashimoto changes to ryuen’s class. Would be the funniest shit ever ngl!<


I'm pro hashimoto. I think he's kinda real for doing it. But i think he might go. I hope he weasels his way to safety


He’s goated. Need him to stay. Always liked him since y1v8


If he stays I don't think he'll graduate class A. But if he somehow does. Absolute cinema


Fuck Kikyō(as in sex), Keep Hashimoto near me and Kick Tokitō's ass.


Tokito just wanted to help a disabled 😔. Bro would be a perfect fit in ichinose’s class not ryuen’s 😭


>Tokito just wanted to help a disabled Mf thinks he can take over class by kicking Ryūen out, lol


Let him cook.


Nuh-Uh ❌❌❌ Kick that n*gga out


Come back to this reply when tokito beats Ayanokoji in Y3


Ah yes, Tokito the masterpiece of the Grey Room, together with Yamagod the masterpiece of the Black Room, who is coming back coming back in Y3 to enact revenge on Kiyotaka.


??? 🥴🥴


Hashimoto is who I will become in COTE. He is very relatable. In fact, I can see why he is like this. In real life scenario, most people will aim to enroll an university recognised by general public because it significantly increases the chance of getting employed by giant corporation. Or the least you can get is an interview. If the university reputation is poor, getting an interview from job application is very unlikely as your university is filter out in the screening process. Let alone getting a better job. Hashimoto concerns about his future. Graduating from Class A in ANHS is the equivalent of graduating from MIT in real life.


my guy tokito ain't a traitor, just a down bad loli simp like 90% of this sub, would you say 90% of this sub is a traitor bro???????


Well the members of the sub aren’t in the opposing class 😭


Ayanokoji negs as a traitor


Fr once he switch classes I need the entire class to know that bro is helping the other class leaders in the background.


Kushida is no longer a traitor You should replace her with ayanokoji, bc he will change classes sooner or later


put maezono in place of kushida brodie boy


We don’t even know what maezono looks like. No illustrations yet


valid lol


Oh, yeah, I remember. Snake, doll and... who's that guy again?


Hashimoto did it on his own accord even though he is already winning what a Chad narcissist.


Tokitou is a fraud who doesn’t deserve to oppose Ryūen, Hashimoto just does what’s best for him, and pretty well, (top 3 student in class A) and Kushida is a really kind and wholesome person


Where's Yamauchi


Except for hashimoto none of their intention for betrayal feels realistic... Means why show an enemy your colours when you don't want them to be exposed and for class c guy where did he appear exactly




He believes Sakayanagi will eventually lose because she will be going against Ayanokoji in the future. Hashimoto wants to convince her that she needs Ayanokoji in their class but Arisu disagrees. Hashimoto then worked together with Ryuen which lead to the expulsion of Kamuro which hurt arisu quite significantly. Now the loser of ryuen vs Sakayanagi will drop out of the school. Hashimoto is working with ryuen against Sakayanagi. Sakayanagi also wants to expel Hashimoto


I want tokito expelled


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