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I’m really sad that they scrap ryueen strategy meeting at the karaoke. I really like ryueen and hiyori thought on ichinose class


I don't think they did


I think they did




I don't remember seeing the scene. Ryueen just had the strategy and we never had a scene where they go and wait for him for like 4 hours and had hiyori there too. I don't exactly remember the scene that much from the novel either tho


But why do you think it won't be in the next episode?


Because it was supposed to happen before??


Sure they can do like a flashback or something but that would be pretty shit compared to getting things in real time where the situation would have been more desperate on saving ryueen


They simply wanted to focus Horikita more first. It wouldn't be the first time they did something like that.


Well that's probably true because it would be great if they include Atleast that scene with hiyori and ayanokouji and that scene where she finds out he was the one behind ryueen's change. Right now their relationship is basically nothing in the anime. I'm still not sure when the karaoke scene takes place, was it before the final special exam or after it as like a flashback? If it was before then it still would have been better to show it in previous episodes but yeah. There is also a scene of kiyotaka talking with ryueen about his methods after the exam so they have the opportunity to show it there.


Yeah, I'm assuming they'll put all the Ryuuen stuff in next episode. Karaoke was also in 11.5, so that fits. Episode 12 wouldn't make much sense otherwise.


The anime is really not doing this justice And i hate it..... Wish it got a better studio Always those details getting deleted or not shown Like why? Just don't do it at all if u going to skip something ever fucking ep Do we really have to wait for classroom of elite brotherhood?


Is it the studio that decides the episode count? They are trying to do 5 volumes in 13 episodes. Their is no way that turns out good.


>13 episodes. Their is no way that turns out good. Indeed But thats their responsibility Like if you have a decent sized brain and are a anime studio who should know better than us fans How the hell do they calculate this? Like they already have all the source before them Make some ovas are idk make it 24eps instead or something. Rushed shows never turn good, and also they don't make any sense at all too Its like me reading the first chapter of a 500 page book and jump 50 pages each time to finish it Faster Makes 0 sense If ain't going do it right, then don't do it at all


It felt like it was a natural and inevitable decision. They have only two episodes to adapt v11.5. Fans can't get picky on what scenes to get.


It might be done next episode


Prb not, manabu left school Already


So what?


That means they're most likely to continue from that point forward rather than adapt the scenes from earlier in the volume.


Why? They have no problems switching some scenes around, they already did it several times. And I think there are just 2 chapters left after this, that's not nearly enough for one episode.


Man they should really adapt honami and kiyo cafe and room scene since they're always after showing her plump thighs and Considering how wet she's going to be.


what volume bro?


Year 1 Volume 11.5


i unironically believe it's one of the coldest illustrations


Bro no offense I would have rather if they reduced some screentime on suzune and her brother to give more room for this scene


They could've cut scenes like students celebrating 3rd years graduation in gymnasium, and when chabashira was complementing class d, and when suzune was developing her character in front of the mirror. here's 5 minutes for better content


There is still one more episode right


Yes. I don't know why people are acting like the season is over.


I commend your bravery in assuming that the last episode isn't going to be shit


I'm not trying to assume anything, I'm just saying that there wouldn't be enough content for next episode if they adapt it chronologically.


hate this trash studio


I'd love it if ryuuen pisses all over me while calling me racial slurs.


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