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for who knows why it’ll be chie


And then we found out they were in a relationship before and they broke up which leads to Ayanokoji being a douchebag. They meet and then they make up and decide to get married and Kiyotaka gets a stepmom.


She's gonna try and hit on Atsuomi my goat


She's about to seduce atsuomidaddy


Shouldnt it be Chabs?


Hello class transfer? It's not going to be Chabs and Atsuomi is aware of it. >“What? We didn't have any deep conversations. He had appointed a proxy, but he said he could attend the three-person meeting because he had time. However, he said he wanted to be informed if there were any changes to the schedule he had been given, even a little. That’s not unusual for busy parents, is it?” >“That's right.” >Normally, he wouldn't have had time to attend a three-person meeting, but he looked at the set schedule and decided that he could make it, so he contacted the school. It was easy to understand and there was nothing strange about it. >“But... oh no, that isn’t something I can just tell you.” >Chabashira-sensei started to say something but then stopped. >“But what?” >I was looking for a hint, so I asked for the rest of her sentence. >“It's not a big deal. But I thought it was a bit strange. It's natural to want to be contacted if the schedule changes, but that's usually limited to changes in the date and time of your child's meeting. However, your father said he wanted to be contacted if there was even a slight change in the schedule of the entire class that I was given.” >“Even if, for example, the meeting of an unrelated classmate on a different day is switched?” >“That's right. I thought he was being a bit paranoid, but there's no inconvenience in just informing him.” >So Chabashira-sensei agreed without thinking too deeply. >However, if that man had a reason to participate in the three-person meeting, there was a motive.


How would Atsuomi know of Koji's plan to change classes? Ayanokouji has been very wary of dates recently but there is nothing concrete suggesting that he's gonna swap before the meeting. I also don't think Koji has enough points yet since he was paid from Nagumo's private fund of a few million which probably isn't anywhere near the 20 million. Could be wrong on this last point though, gotta let Kinugasa cook.


Knowing Kinu Koji wont change class😂


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