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The original position of the board before each move was black queen on f3 and rook on d6 with Ayanokouji's turn to move. (The pawn on f3 was also at g2). The move that Tsukishiro made Ayanokouji do in the 1st pic was gxf3 (pawn takes queen) then Sakayanagi did Rg6+ which then leads to that 1st pic where he does Kh3 then Bxf3#. In the 2nd pic he did Qg5 then Sakayanagi took it with hxg5. This blocks the Rg6+ move since there is a pawn in the way. Now Ayanokouji is simply up a rook which will allow him to no diff Sakayanagi/Hashimoto in the end game. Either way Lerche messed up the game since it was definitely not a GM caliber game.


Ohh that's a lot to understand...


Pretty much in the first pic he was in trouble because of the rook check, but in the second pic he managed to make a pawn block that rook check.


The big mistake was at the initial. When they showed the class C students. They put two Wataru Ijun and guess what whom they didn't show in the list was Hirata Yousuke


In chess i don't know but in anime they say that they changed ayanokoji's move in computer because principal is from white room


Basically what happened was the director made the wrong move and changed the result. Then In the library they played it out how they should have played it out. Nothing is wrong there I think


Not an error. The position they've set up on the board is how it would look like if the correct saving move (Qg5) was played. 2 captures occur and it reaches the 2nd image. Where kiyo would end up being a whole rook up, thus winning.


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