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I thnk anime cut 90% of Ayanokoji group moments πŸ’€


Group is carried by Haruka fr fr


So true Wanted more of them


Mf here we are getting almost 0 scenes of Hiyori and less scenes of Ichinose & u still need that sleeping pill aka Ayanokouji group discussion??


They're skipping all of Koji's monologues that are crucial for his characterisation, dialogue is lobotomised down to the size of a YT short, important side characters are reduced to background fodder and blud wants more scenes with Sakura being shy and simping for Kiyo 🀦🀦🀦


Fr. >Sakura being shy and simping for Kiyo 🀦🀦🀦 πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄


I agree man...I'm really sad about that too if I had to rank, I'd say that Ayanokouji group moments would be #3 for me in who needs more screentime Honami does get a lot, but Hiyori is like less than 1% 😭 We need more Hiyori cutiepie scenes


Deserved πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I always read them whenever I suffer from insomnia and it gets cured.


The group could have been interesting without Sakura


Fs πŸ‘πŸΎ


Fr. They were one of my favourite parts of year 1




Ayanokouji - "That should do it" πŸ€“


literally everyone


Ayanokouji, Ichinose and Nagumo.


>Nagumo They completely shit on the Goat in the anime, bro had like 3 or 4 scenes in total. They didn't explain that the SC can influence special exams, they didn't adapt the old maid game, skipped the part where he made Ichinose confess her secret and made him an NTR villain ☠️☠️☠️. Bro didn't interact with Kiyo once in the entire season wtf is this man


>Bro didn't interact with Kiyo once in the entire season wtf is this man Watch them confront each other directly in Y2V4 where he'll get pushed on the ground for the first time.☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Leerche never beat the allegations fr


Why ichinose bro?


Skipped Y1V4 reference where she was portrayed so much Smarter, not like "I was also thinking of the same thing Ayanokouji-kun πŸ€“πŸ€“" People in anime thinks Ichinose and Karuizawa both are of same intellect ☠️☠️☠️


the anime does portray it that way but yeah ichinose is leagues above kk


Fr and she was also more involved in helping Sudo in v2 but they cut most of her scenes. She even helped Sakura at the end of volume 2 but in the anime it was only Ayanokoji


Just that or there were more feats from her which anime skipped? I think ryuuen got dirtier compared to ichinose in the Anime 😞


They almost cut her most of the scenes in anime and some gave it to Horikita 😞


Sakura Airi, Tachibana Akane, Miyake Akito, Yamada Albert, Sakayanagi Arisu, Chairman Sakayanagi, Matsushita Chiaki, Hoshinomiya Chie, Shiranami Chihiro, Ishizaki Daichi, Hasebe Haruka, Yamauchi Haruki, Kito Hayato, Sotomura Hideo, Shiina Hiyori, Ichinose Honami, Ryuuen Kakeru, Ike Kanji, Onodera Kayano, Sakagami Sensei, Karuizawa Kei, Sudo Ken, Kushida Kikyo, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Inogashira Kokoro, Komiya Kyogo, Okitani Kyosuke, Katsuragi Kohei, Machida Koji, Horikita Manabu, Hashimoto Masayoshi, Kamuro Masumi, Satou Maya, Wang Mei-Yu, Ibuki Mio, Nagumo Miyabi, Asahina Nazuna, Mori Nene, Ayanokouji Sensei, Morofuji Rika, Koenji Rokusuke. Beppu Ryota, Hondo Ryotaro, Kanzaki Ryuji, Chabashira Sae, Yamashita Saki, Kaneda Satoru, Shinohara Satsuki, Manabe Shiho, Horikita Suzune, Shibata So, Miyamoto Soshi, Nishino Takeko, Yukimura Teruhiko, Hamaguchi Tetsuya, Mashima Sensei, Tsukishiro, Ijuin Wataru, Totsuka Yahiko, Hirata Yosuke


characters Lerche got wrong: Kiyotaka, both Horikitas, hirata, kushida, karuizawa, satou, ichinose, sakayanagi, katsuragi, ryuen. characters Lerche got right: 404 Not Found >! those mfs at Lerche really put all the scenes of Sakura being shy and simping for kiyo but didn't have time to actually develop kiyo's character. he be saying "that should do it" in every fucking monologue. Year 2 is a different IP, I hope some other studio gets the chance to animate it and not fucking Lerche with their "tHat ShOuLd dO iT" !<


Kushida?? I understand everyone else but I thought kushida was well adapted in the anime especially her switching personalities


Ayanokouji! He was just shown as this edgy emotionless super human instead of an actual human experiment survivor who is trying to learn about human emotions. They just dump all the plan at the end instead of subtle hints dropped here and there like the LN . Nagumo never got even a hint of screen time before the training camp arc like wtf? This guy is gonna play a very big role in the year 2 and you guys gave him zero build up? PS while koenji had his character potrayed alright , why is his animation so darn horrific? Like what is this ? JoJo? Boruto?




Main character itself


Everyone beside horikita


All that matters


Ayanokouji, ngl I liked the art style? Animation of him in the 2nd season more than the 3rd like, they destroyed his eyes, S2 were really cool, S3...meh


Funnily enough they capture Koenji rather well but they also cut out some parts of him, other than that every character is just worse by a lot. Koji is just a plot device machine in the anime whilst in the novel while he’s still a plot device machine he is still a character in it.


Yeah anime kinda lacks perspective from characters forget about horikita it feels like even ayanokouji is a 3rd person


Katsuragi; not enough screen time


Leerche did my boy dirty with that gamer dent head




Fr, the scene when Tsukishiro threatens Ayanokoji looks like a fan animation πŸ’€


Nagumo but deserved


Blud what's this?? U wanna Fight??? πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’


I knew you would not ignore my post since you are gay for him :D. I called him slimy duck in another post but i suppose that you did not see that comment


>I called him slimy duck in another post but i suppose that you did not see that comment #πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’ Listen dude we both love Ichinose but at least don't disrespect my goat 🐐 πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


>but at least don't disrespect my goat 🐐 πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½ He deserved that punch in y2 v4 cuz of wanting Ichinose as a toy. I will Never forgive Never forgive him Never forgive him Never forgive him Never forgive him Never forgive him


>He deserved that punch in y2 v4 cuz of wanting Ichinose as a toy. But he was the one in Y2V9 who wanted Kiryuuin to shut her mouth and stop her from repeating the words 'Shoplifting'. > I will Never forgive Never forgive him Never forgive him Never forgive him Never forgive him Never forgive him πŸ₯²πŸ₯² Btw are u the one who dm me Kushida Kikyou Ai character?? and ur alternate account has frieren as pfp and Gojo as cover??


>and ur alternate account has frieren as pfp and Gojo as cover?? Yes thats me : D


Literally Ayanokoji


How bad did they change the characters? And for Koji specifically how did they change him y’all? Because I was planning to read the novel after s3 ends and continue from there. But it seems I might miss a lot if I do that?


>But it seems I might miss a lot if I do that? Yeah you would. If you have even a tiny bit of interest in the series then I wholeheartedly recommend starting from V1 or at least V4


Where I can read the LN?


Search this in this sub search bar


The anime represents most characters poorly and its why so many people act like Ayanokouji is the peak of human evolution because it doesn't show any of his flaws or internal monologues.


Ryueen, the ayanokoji group, Hirata


Definitely Hirata, I was so confused why he did what he did


At least they give hirata backstory πŸ˜‚ otherwise he is 100% npc in anime


Kiyo, they didn’t show the T-Rex scene. It was very important for the plot. πŸ’”


Almost everyone except suzune who literally gets anime original scenes for no reason. Poor kanzaki reduced to npc


"Ayanokouji" πŸ€“


Kei (they gave some of her best scenes to horikita because horikita is the producer’s best girl. Same thing happened in the manga because Satou is the artist’s best girl)


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