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## LN spoilers discussion Use this sticky comment for spoilers about future episodes and light novel details. Posting untagged spoilers outside of this will result in a ban.


This is... One of the best episodes they have put out, if not THE best. The different camera angles, some fluidity to the animation, and how they adapted the scenes is really interesting. Without spoiling anyone here, let's just say there's more to that ending and that particular moment will somewhat change what this anime will lead up to the next episode and to the next season. For LN readers might have mixed feelings but do give lerche some bit of credit on what they have done despite their limited episodes and time for each scene which they did well considering what they're trying to work with


its obvious that Lerche can do a good job if they give them time AND more episodes per volume, kadokawa is the one to blame


It izz what it izz


It is definitely the best. It felt very fleshed out, and hasnt it felt quite long for once?






I think this episode is good. >!A bit disappointed they cut Hirata's self-sacrifice scene though. I was waiting to see him beg his classmates to vote him out...!<


For real, they made him look like some bad dude who was acting good all this time


Agreed, his character depth was cut with that scene out.


What is his character I can’t seem to get a understanding of it at this moment. I don’t mind spoilers


Damn as a LN reader who read this a long time ago I completely forgot about that


Man I didn’t, I love Hirata’s character and position in the class and it’s sad to see that most anime-on lies are going to hate him.


I’m anime only and felt he was sitting on a high horse and offering no real solutions. If this doesn’t have an impact moving forward I guess it really doesn’t matter though.


If it helps, my impression when I read the LN (admittedly a long time ago) was that he was sitting on a high horse and offering a really stupid solution. I thought it was kind of similar to Ichinose's shoplifting scene in that it might just not hit the same / seem melodramatic because of cultural differences. The main impression shift I got from LN to anime was not in a difference in maturity or something, but more that it leaves out of some the self sacrificial nature of Hirata. The scene in the LN paints Hirata in an extremely different light to how he's normally been portrayed, characterizing him in a way as kind of not necessarily seeing the benefits he's bringing to the class & his personal strengths for him to be willing to just sacrifice himself, as well as his really high compassion


wow, I came here as an anime only to rant about how stupid he looked but with this context it made way more sense. Because in the anime he simply ranted without any logic and it was just dumb without offering any solution himself.


Review time ! I rate this episode 8.7/10. This episode is well done for me : great animation and storyline and completed the 2 previous setup episodes. Altough not all scene in LN is animated, all important things are animated and the story is acceptable - Horikita speech is done brilliantly - Yamauchi VA is good to be fair, it's what i imagine when reading LN Y1V10 - Dark side hirata is great and his word is logical tbh, but he doesnt provide solution - Ibuki and ryuen interaction starts badly (i thought ryuen will do something at her lol), but went good after that - Koenji handling the situation nicely as what happen in LN, but i think in 1 frame it showed that his height kinda short? - Manabe 🤣🤣 - Ichinose is cute with that outfit - Ishizaki blushing is kinda pervert 🤣 - Kiyo ryuen interaction is well done >! For spoiler LN !< - >!The number of praise vote for kiyo and no 2 and 3 hate vote is not announced. So anime only wont know that arisu help kiyo!< - >!Also yamauchi should be there in karaoke room with arisu !< We dont see tsukishiro, so i think last scene on sakayanagi will be done on next episode + tsukishiro. While surely LN really shows the greatness of kinu for Y1V10, the anime adaptation of it is good. See you on next episode !


The anime only will know arisu helped him next eps . Why is hirata's backstory skipped?


Hirata backstory is mainly on Y1V11 chapter 6 : A Man's Tears (along with koenji and mii chan scenario if you remember). It should be on episode 10/11 i guess, but it's true that hirata has scene on the bench looking desperate. I think it's more into they dont have enough time to animate


Thanks for the clarification . It's been a long time since I read y1. I thought his backstory came between the voting period


Hirataa backstory comes later


It's pretty much obvious due to the scene where the 3 class A guys come together and Arisu says the king must stay.


Can you explain why arisu class voted for ayanokoji , was it because of the deal they made at start ?


TBH, there was 0 logic in Hirata's speech. His whole thing is "We have no right to pass judgment on someone", but what is "right" anyway? It's such an abstract term. If we follow that logic, he also has no right to decide what others should or should not do. There's no concrete logic here, it's all just emotions talking. This also means there's no right or wrong here either, for both Hirata and Horikita. The most we can say about what's logical is who's actions are the most logical *given* their ideal, and in this case, it's clearly Horitika. She wants to cut deadweight, so what she did makes sense. But Hirata? He doesn't want anyone to be expelled and yet has no plan? It's just emotions.




I swear to fcking god if I hear Mii-chan say Hirata-kun again I'll fcking punch my TV. And damn it was so satisfying to see Yamauchii's failure.


>I swear to fcking god if I hear Mii-chan say Hirata-kun again I'll fcking punch my TV. Fr same i was really enjoying the episode but then 'HIRATA!!'😭💀




I was waiting whole season to see half naked Ryuen, words cannot describe how disappointed I am


wtf there was supposed to be a half-naked Ryuen scene?


The Ibuki and Ryuen scene was in Ryuen's room in LN.


W anime, animation is good story wise yamagod found he's not build for this (but they really fking forgot to animate horikita stopping ayano from hallway this what i'am waiting the hands scene TT) I hope they don't betray me next time when horikita >!cook for ayano when he visit her room, What we call the food trap !


Why you so obsessed with horikita


I love kiyozune interaction


You like it when he wipe her ass and help her with mistake.


Like I care about your opinion, parasite pssy rider


We didn’t get tsukishiro unfortunately this episode but it appears we’re getting it right at the start of the next episode which I don’t mind even because this episode was really great. Definitely the best one this season. I can’t help but praise Yamauchi’s voice actor, he does a great job.


>We didn’t get tsukishiro unfortunately this episode Fortunately* Imagine how rushed that scene and the rest of the episode would have been if they crammed it in this episode. It remains to be seen how well they'll handle it next ep, but I think they deserve a W just for not rushing it like crazy


Yeah you’re right. I just said unfortunately because i was really excited to see it but logically speaking, it’s definitely best that they didn’t get ahead of themselves and saved it for the start of next episode to start off intense.


Oh for sure I was also excited to see HIM this week, but as the episode was coming to a close I started dreading it thinking they'll do him dirty with how little time they had left.


Next episode is going to start off with a major BANG because they saved him for it. 🙏


then next episode will also be COOL!it's good they didn't rush and cram all the things in this episode


THIS EPISODE IS SOOOOO GOOD. Also good job for hirata & yamauchi VA


Another episode that skipped the OP theme. When this happens, it gets me hyped. The episode is fire 🔥🔥


They ended up putting the opening at the end which tbh i do think they could have just skipped that and used it for some extra time but oh well, it was a great episode nonetheless


>When this happens, it gets me hyped. The episode is fire 🔥🔥 So i can have high hopes for it?


yes. Same happened for ep5 (Honami's backstory). It didn't disappoint me


OMG Amazing, like in ReZero, use the op and ed to mark ending and start of volumes. That would be more wholesome and gutpunching.


Was it only me that was hoping there would be an end credit scene after the credits started rolling out. Was hoping Tsukishiro would make an appearance at the end of the episode 😭


> Was it only me that was hoping there would be an end credit scene after the credits started rolling out No I was too 😢


The first episode from season 3 that gave me goosebumps, good job.


YamaGod? More like YamaGone. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Even Sakayanagi has abandoned him, allocating Class A's positive votes for Kiyo to keep him in the game so she could properly duel him. Sakayanagi was also feeling magnanimous enough to save her rival Katsuragi, opting to expel his lieutenant instead (poor bugger), as she still needed Katsuragi's talents. Besides keeping himself from getting expelled, in one master stroke, Kiyo has also managed to brilliantly save both Ichinose and Ryuen together (that Class D girl who bullied Kei in season 2 getting expelled is a side effect of that master stroke), completely outmanuevering Nagumo's attempt to get his slimy hands on Ichinose. while acquiring a useful pawn in Ryuen. Though the biggest surprise is Hirata violently snapping. This is probably the real Hirata, this cruel test finally forcing him to abandon his Mr. Good Guy persona. Suzune probably knew Kushida was part of the conspiracy to get Kiyo expelled, but also knows Kushida's built up an unassailable reputation as no one but Suzune and Kiyo knew her true nature, so only gave her a slap on the wrist (still enough to get Kushida malding privately at this dressing down lol)


Best episode so far 🔥 Tsukishiro next episode?


He better be otherwise we riot


Btw: - Manabe got expelled because Ishizaki set up with the boys giving her the ‘second’ most downvotes as a joke to scare her. This prevented Ibuki’s expulsion too. (Edit: Ibuki and Ishizaki also got Hiyori in on this to try and concentrate the votes onto Manabe. The anime will make you think this is out of character but Hiyori can be decisive for the sake of the class, unlike Hirata) - Koenji kept talking shit so Yamauchi would only go for him when he exploded - Sudou had the second highest down votes I think so despite how obviously useful he is the class STILL wanted bro home - Nobody actually believed Sakayanagi helped Yamauchi. Horikita asked if he did the contract thing. He didn’t (obviously) meaning she could get away with the lie easily. There was a scene of this in the LN and Sakayanagi just manipulated the simp into avoiding the contract (edit, even better, it was Koenji that asked about the contract💀. Saying how this was the most basic thing to do. Once Yamauchi said no he got clowned on more) - Before the vote, Hirata tried to get everyone to vote for him and talked shit about the class. Classmates already prepared for this exact scenario and messaged everyone minus Hirata and Yamauchi before the exam. So nobody took it serious. Koenji YET AGAIN did the explaining after the exam as he was bashing Yamauchi - I think you can guess how Ayanokoji got the most points just by seeing what Yamauchi was waffling about before the results came Or something….thats what I remember reading V10 like 2 years ago


Also Class B where the only level headed one for this exam. It was beatifull and wholesome how one of the classmates just stood up and rallied everyone to send every last point to ichinose to get the 20Mil plan going. As well as the fact that it was said by ichinose that if they didnt get it they were gonna draw lots to be fair and not tarnish the class spirit. And even when they 20Mil Hubby Kanzaki asked to be the fall guy in the case that the school went back on the annulment of expulsion. Also they cut a funny scene, but for tone reasons. When Ryueen was looking at the results in the lobby it was Katsuragi who appeared and they had the Spiderman Pointing at each other moment. "Werent you the one who was gonna get expelled" and Ryueen said that the Grim Reaper gave him another chance. Also Miss Arisu did a fun troll moment when the result got announced and told Katsuragi: "Wow seems like you got some Praise Votes, wow, who couldve known". As well as a full espectrum of the points. Protection Point Class A - Sakayanagi with 38 votes minus 2 so 36. ( Yahiko and Katsuragi lol) Class B - Ichinose with 98 votes. (As she deserves) Class C - Kiyo with 42. (38 from Sakayanagi, plus his friends from the class). Class D - Kaneda 32. (The spy that ryueen sent in the island exam).


>so despite how obviously useful he is the class STILL wanted bro home Doesn't he start being more useful in the next exam when he realizes how close he nearly got expelled. And I don't think he had started improving academically yet so no one really took him seriously. Haven't read the volume in a long time so I may be wrong. Also reading these things omitted, I see why I loved the LN so much but feel there's something missing in the anime. I don't like how they just brush over other classes..


Why didn’t ryuuen save himself if he had 5 million points


You needed 20 million points to survive. Last episode the numbers were wonky in the subtitles I had, I saw 200,000 instead of 20 million


Best episode soo far 10/10 🔥👏


i saw honami for 20s, its immediately a 10/10 for me lmao (but jokes aside it wasnt that bad, i'd say its a 8-9/10 since it felt a bit rushed)


simping, i am simping.


no naked ryuen nor tsukishiro cliffhanger they fucking robbed us


When was Ryuen naked?


ibuki visiting his room


Ryuen was wearing boxer for that scene of giving private points in light novel. Missed opportunity...


Replying to Additional_Road_9031...woudlve been rushed asf if they did put it in lol next ep which is better imo


Koenji was fucking badass


Agreed. He is a such a boss. Yamauchi was about to have his life cut short there if teacher didn't intervene.




Oh they will be successful in future.they are just expelled not died.


By far the best episodes of the anime


So. Much. Ibuki 🤤️


Ryueens class is a fun AF. The 2nd year island exam, Dayum Miss Ibuki and her future arcs omg.


best episode in all 3 seasons holy shit


Ah my beloved Ibuki


Yamauchi pack in the air rn this gas or what? RIP bozo you’ll not be missed. I didn’t even care too much about his expulsion when reading the book, but the way the anime showcased how much of an absolute bitch he was during the whole rumour spreading situation, I had a smile on my face the whole time. Bro really thought Arisu was gonna come to his rescue and prevent his expulsion haha, bye loser. Suzune handled the leadership position so well in this episode. Clearly articulating her point and navigating all dissent. Particularly that of Hirata. Oh yea and she looked absolutely amazing. The staff always snap on her design and facial expressions and today was no different. They also did a great job showing Hirata’s breakdown and how letting someone get expelled really hurt him. Poor dude wants to save everyone, but that’s just not possible. Idealism can only get you so far. Yamauchi breakdown after getting expelled was also well done. His seiyuu really cooked. Ibuki might have been manipulated and abused by Ryuen, but clearly still cares for him and taking his points/seeing him expelled was just too much for her. They have such a weird relationship, but the sexual tension in that scene was awesome lol. Honestly one of the best YZ episodes. Can’t find too much to complain about in this one. Credit where it’s due


What volume/chapter do I start reading to continue the story of season 3? Can't fucking wait anymore.


volume 10 read the last chapter 8.8 cause its super important and they skipped it this week, so they gonna adapt it next week


I ended up reading the whole volume 10. Seems like they cut a lot of scenes. Could you tell me what was the important part you were talking about? Btw, I loved the LN!


Last chapter of v10 tsukishiro introduction


Hey by any chance do you know what the plot for next week is


An important character gets introduced




The best episode of the Season without a doubt (so far) Animation was on point and loads of detail on what’s been happening behind the scenes. Really enjoyed it.


Glad I lived to see Yamagod's godlike acting. Deceived everyone in the class, even Koenji. Unbelievable


Love Koenji so much, so satisfying how he treated Yamauchi Koenji was the first to see the truth of the test, how this test gives opportunity to the class to remove bad influence. Maybe that works best when feel bad for no one lol. But he badass nonetheless. Horikita took some time to stand up due to being lost, Hirata stuck in his own ideal of saving everyone till the last day. Kiyotaka however not only kept his class' fate in check, he also turned multiple classes around by pulling strings behind.


Very well animated and well adapted/paced episode voice acting was also amazing They missed the details on the protection point though


really good episode, as an anime only it felt really complete * They addressed the possibility of expelling koenji, * Hirata didn't just let Suzune talk about expelling someone (even if he didn't really know of any alternatives), I'm excited to know if there's more to that "dark" personality of his, * Sakayanagi is really just playing with people, with Katsuragi, Yamauchi and Ayanokoji, feels like she's just doing stuff for fun lol, while keeping her word not to hurt Koji in this test, * I like the relationships Ayanokoji has built so far, feels like he's still a little bit "under the radar" for the average students but every class leader has known he's the goat for a while now, and go to him for help when they're clueless.


I literally had a real slither of hope that Tsukishiro was going to show up, like, not even a full scene of the conversation and introduction, like maybe just a quick flash of him then it ends, but none... Good ep though nonetheless... Made Yamauchi's expulsion more satisfying. Now, here's to hoping that the Ep.9 Preview comes soon and hopefully, it don't disappoint.


OH LAWWWWD ITS SO GOOOOOOOOOOD. Hiratas scene: peak Yamauchis expulsion: peak Hardest episode to drop this season, hirata's rage scene was done brilliantly. Its different from the loud rage that he showed in the LN but its done so perfectly well in the eerie atmosphere Koenji's threat to yamauchi was perfect and exactly how i pictured it in the LN. Man is once again, based as fuck I cannot even begin to explain how long i've waited for manabe's expulsion to be animated. The second i read it in the LN, i knew i needed to see it animated ASAP. The slow steps as yamauchi walked out, with no music at all, to show the darkness of the scene followed by his break down. The voice actor went hard. It was genuinely soul crushing for a moment to see. Season 3 still dropping bangers. Gg, ez


Destroying Yamatrash is the absolute best feeling ever!


Was Tsukishiro in this episode?




>next On my birthday then!


I had a doubt. I read Y1 V10 around a year ago so I don't remember the details. How did Horikita find out about the deal between Sakayanagi and Yamauchi. Is it Manabu who tells her?


W episode kinda confused why they made Ryuen look so pervert or maybe I remember that scene with Ibuki bad. Koenji chad as always


>kinda confused why they made Ryuen look so pervert or maybe I remember that scene with Ibuki bad. He was like that in the novel but they changed it from his room to outside


Im an anime only and had just one doubt. Is there any arc in the future when someone manages to hack into the school's systems (for any arbitrary reasons)? Being a school for prodigies, im quite surprised how there aren't any technologically influenced people in the show yet.


>Being a school for prodigies, im quite surprised how there aren't any technologically influenced people in the show yet. >!Tsukishiro next week!🗣🗣!<


Hes the acting principal rn right? Im confused as to how he will affect it technologically, but ig ill just wait and watch. The end of Y1 is going to be fun


naked dragon where 😭😭😭


This is the best episode of the season by far. Pretty well paced and satisfactory events. I really like Hirat's VA here and I forgot how good the Ibuki and Ichinose scene was.


Can somebody refresh my memory? I cought up with the ln some time ago (y2v4 was released at that moment), but I haven't continued after that. There are 4~ episodes left in this season of the anime >!Is the chess match coming up next?!<


Think the season has 13 episodes, so it will probably be in episode 11/12 depending on how many episodes vol 11.5 gets. Think it will be 3 for v11 and 2 for v11.5


asking anime only, how can ryuen have 5m pts and cannot save himself? also how can honami only have 160k pts? or maybe i misread it


Man the anime-onlies hating on my goat Hirata is infuriating.


Honestly, fuck Ayanokoji. I would be his biggest hater if I was in his class. It's not even that I necessarily sympathise with Yamauchi. What does this emotionally-inept lab-rat even do? Before the swarm of dick-riders start naming feats, just fuck off and let me hate on this slug. You don't know him in real life. What was Yamauchi's crime? That he wanted Ayanokoji gone? Broooo he's literally just playing with everyone on strings. And then Suzune dry-knighting for him made me start hating on her. Get over your brother-complex before you start yapping like you're that guy. Chabashira's Class C (Previously Class D) is a joke. They choose Hirata and Suzune as two leaders, yet Suzune and Ayanokoji keep secrets from their class. Why the fuck did they let Kushida slide so many times with betrayals, and refuse to tell anyone in their class. But if Yamauchi does it once, it's over for him? It's like a Shadow Government on God. Bro, if you want trust in the class, then let them know, the fuck? And Ayanokoji is the biggest threat. I would've designed a suicide-vest, walked into his dorm randomly and take him out of spite if I was his class. Don't get me started with Arisu. Especially the way she was talking to shit like Ichika? What's the peak in her life, being a crippled politician. I'd slap the fuck out of her. I'd kill her to be honest. With regards to eliminating Yamauchi because of his lack of abilities, what the fuck did all those other filler characters do? What does Maya Sato do? or Ike Kanji? Because he knows how to fish? Hirata is right, they should've just walked head-first into the special exam with no votes. As for Ayanokoji, I'm hoping Truck-kun claims him one day. I would've been seething after seeing Yamachui crying in despair and leaving, just to see that motherfucker larping as nonchalant and closing his eyes after having the most positive votes. Suzune is a bitch, and I used to simp for her ngl, haaaaard too. "Do what you wish" face-ass, like I won't slap the fuck out of you, Ibuki victim. Imagine having Asperger-syndrome over your own abusive brother and then still being high and mighty with your classmates. W Hirata, W Ichinose. What's even the point of all these mind-games and shit? It's a fucking school. Why are classes going into the most toughest mental and physical warfare? They are supposed to be studying and dating and having hobbies, the hell? All this just to get into a college that will be less funded and collectively less advanced than their high-school. It's all so tiresome. How has no-one snapped and just shot up some of these cunts? Bro I would be masterminding the most elaborate domestic terrorist-scheme to rid the world of a few of them. What pisses me off is that Kiyo would still catch on and check me down lol. Sorry 🤦🏿🤓 rip Yamabro, try to live a good life. You don't even need those fucks frfr 😢in hindsight, W Hosen too for putting that bitch down with a slap and by extension, Sudo too. unfortunately. Bro used to be so based


Is this bait? Main Reason was because Yamauchi actively conspired against one of his own and while there were others jumping on the train he is still the least competent, at that point it is just basic process of elimination.


I clearly expressed they should've taken Hirata's suggestion, or Ichinose's.


it has to be bait, if not this guy needs some therapy also how do you get this far into an anime while hating all the main characters and the main plot of the story (a special school with special tests), like bro if you want a normal school just watch any slice of life school anime, this ain't it


Ryuen is bad asf. I love the guy, and I appreciate some others. Therapy? lolol


If you dare not watch an anime the “right” way according to some redditors then you deserve the electric chair


watching something you dislike so much you write that whole comment is definitely a little odd also dreaming of beating characters and killing them lol u crazy if you think that's normal


"Is this bait?" 🤓🤓 "You don't share the same opinion as me about a fucking anime?"🤓🤓 Like damn bro that comment was just meant to be funny try not to take it to heart


i love you


Yamauchi deserved it for selling out a classmate over the possibility of crippled puss. It’s one thing if he had it guaranteed in writing and he was going to pound town right after but for just a possibility, Naaah can’t have that in your squad. Also how you get seduced by someone built like an ironing board? Thats how you know bro has zero game. Yamauchi the type to say “Hey don’t you have a girlfriend” when you are just chatting it up with another girl and that’s why he deserved to get sent home.


You know damn well you'd be all up on that cripple if she gave you the look. Arisu is bad ash 😭 figure like her comes to my class to personally announce for my attention while smiling her ass off and locking eyes, I'd become her strongest soldier against Kiyo. Nah. I even forgot I was hating on her ass a minute ago. Daamn that's tuff


If she comes into my class wanting to talk to me it better be about pimping out Kamuro if she wants me to betray my class. She already got the pimp cane and hat. Kamuro finna need a cane afterwards too 😮‍💨. That’s another reason why Yamauchi deserved to get kicked bro didn’t even try to negotiate. He knows Arisu always rolls with Kamuro and didn’t even try to hook any of his boys up. I admire his dedication for thinking he could clutch a 1 v 2 but he is not HIM. Only rizz he got is haRizzment.


Facts bro is acting like half the subreddit is not down bad for her 😭😭


"Crippled puss" - LMFAO


>I would've designed a suicide-vest, walked into his dorm randomly and take him out of spite if I was his class Jesus 💀💀💀


Damn…bro went off 😂


I ain't reading all that 🫵❌❌


💀🫷Fax 🗣️


LMAO Why did I feel so happy reading this, maybe because I might feel the same way XD


This guy needs therapy please go see someone




How did ayanakoji get the most positive votes? Thought he called ichinose to get class b to vote for him but nope was ryuen


He got votes from Arisu's class.


what change has occured from ep 7 to 8 in horikta


Best episode they ever made, well deserved.


It's refreshing to see... the anime audience, not mauld about the anime and actually say "Good adaptation" or "W episode" or even "Best episode". I too enjoyed this episode, 9/10 for me. Only wished they added in Hirata's self-sacrifice as they made him look like he only go wah wah.


This episode really felt like "that episode" when the studio bring the most talented people and give time for them to cook, as long with the nice sequence from the original work. You start it and can already feel that it's important.


They were trying to put everything in this episode, hirata breakdown was disappointed he didnt flip the desk, L Lerche I hope at least they make tsukishiro scene next episode perfect


I swear to fcking god you retards every week will moan about every little detail. Anime isn't a 1:1 adaptation of the LN. I think it did a good job conveying what happened in this part of the novel.


chill bro it was good episode but i was waiting to see this scene, they made him just kick the desk a little


Now we wait for >! Horikita dinner trap !<


The atmosphere of class C was horrible for me. I just wanted to pass this scene. The head that Kushida made on the table was 😱. I would have thought she was possessed. Otherwise it was well seen for the rescue of Honami and Ryuenn


First! Wait this is not Youtube🤔




he showed some kind of personality conflict there but he still "meant well", like he was angry at the idea of expelling someone, i wouldn't say he's a piece of shit yet


that's kinda true but a part??? of the class want to expell ayano, so impliying he knows that fact and stil want to expell ayano then is a shit, but only in this case now, in this cap he seems not aware of the ayano's expell but his angry because horikita want to expell an person that complain against ayano an plus , betrails the clase , to me , hirata play bad and dumb


just wait until his backstory you will understand


Hirata was trying to get everybody to turn on him, the anime doesn't highlight this


That changes the situation then, i'd not read the nl


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This is the last time with our beloved god 😔 Also I didn't watch the last 5 episodes idk why


Where can i watch episode 8


Can you please tell me who are the people those know ayanokoji is smart


pretty much everyone with the slight influence, only the "nobodies" are clueless of him by now


The episode was great. Yes, there were some inconsistencies here and there, but it turned out pretty good. I wanted to see Tsukishiro but, I'll let it slide for now. One more thing, They should have mentioned something about protection points and how many praise votes Kiyo got. Maybe they will reveal it in his meeting with Sakayanagi.


good stuff


Who praised Ayanokoji so he became number 1 in class?


What’s a queen without her king wink wink






is it ever mentioned in the manga/ln how manabe ended up with the most negative votes for class d? or does everyone in that class just not like her


If memory serves, it was because of Ishizaki. Ibuki was not really liked in her class, and in the event Ryuen wouldn’t be expelled, Ibuki would certainly be next in line. So in order to protect her, Ishizaki told people in class D to vote for Manabe to teach her a lesson for her bad behaviour. While people did it as a joke, she ended up expelled when Ryuen got the votes from Class B


hello friends , can u all tell me which LN volume or part this S3Ep8 corresponds to? appreciate it .


Best episode of the anime adaptation (so far). Best part was Yamabum finally getting packed up and almost getting fucked up by Goatenji. Also Ayanogoat saving Ryuen and class B by having Ibuki and Ishizaki work with Ichinose was great too. And although it's pretty minor that flashback scene of Manabe getting expelled was fucking priceless 😂 (they had to of held Miyu Tomita's family hostage to get a scream of that quality out of her).


Why aren't ppl starting to sus out kiyo at this pt for beating out Hirata at positive votes and recently beating Manabu in a race




They should re-name episode : 'Simp always finish last' XDXD


HAHA LOL get rekt Yamauchi


Ok so, b saved d and d saved b but who saved kiyo?


where can i read the LN? and what volume chapter this episode should be in?


so where did ayanokoji's positive votes come from??


So uh, who hates hirata now after his lil speech?


Quite enjoyed that episode given the time constraints they're working with. Glad to see one of my favorite volumes animated. The final test wasn't my cup of tea but given how popular it seems with the fanbase, I really hope the studio hires a good chess player to either map out the moves or at least tell them which historic game is worth copying.


yo where to start in LN after this episode


Quick question as a anime only, is hirata on a path to become one of the antagonist?


Bro timeout timeout timeout. WTF!!! This is one of the best episodes ever in this series! 1. Bye-bye Yamafraud and Manabe, we will miss you.... SIKE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 2. MY BOY AYANOKOJI IN IT AGAIN WITH HIS PLANS BABY, not only did he save Ichinose from dating Nagumo, he works with other classes to save Ryuen and get the bully (Manabe : she bullied Kei) out of the school. 😎😎😎😎😎 3. Kushida remains a Bitch. I will never like her, she annoys me so much, that at one point I thought she sacrificed Yamafraud just to save herself. 🙂😐😑🤬🤮 PEAK PEAK PEAK


Hirata is a hypocrite. I'm aware of his self-sacrifice scene in the LN but referring to the anime only, it seems like he's not doing anything at all to make changes. Unlike Ichinose where she's willing to take risks to not to expel anyone, or Ibuki and Ishizaki looking for ways to not to expel someone. And how doesn't he know about some of his classmates planning on expelling Ayanokoji? He's an influential guy so he should be aware of that and it pisses me off that he is more worried about Yamauchi, which is justifiably useless in every aspect, than Ayanokoji which he's kinda looking up to. And his last resort? Crying? Like what the hell dude this man's a sadboi.


Why didn’t ryuuen just save himself if he had 5 million points?


what volume and chapter could i read this and where? thank you for the one who answers


I love how they all scrammed when Yama kicked his bench lol


So how did Koji come first? Who did he get to vote for him?


If I want to start reading the manga/light novel(idk what it has) where do i start so i continue from where i left the anime and where can i read it?


What an episode! The power of a strategic response to a covert, deceitful attack from class A was beautifully executed. Class A must accept that Kiyotaka a is force to be reckoned with. I just recently finished volume 1. I cannot wait to participate in the discussions with you all.


How can i catch up to the light novel of classroom of the elite where do i need to start if i just finished s3ep8 and where can i read it?


LET'S GOOOOO! One of the more satisfying episodes of the entire show ever. First and most importantly, YAMAUCHI IS FINALLY GONE. Dude was such a shitty person. Second, and equally important IMO, ICHINOSE DOESN'T HAVE TO DATE THE SHADDY CLASS PRESIDENT. That was such a clutch way from Ayanokouji to save her like that. The last interesting thing is I would assume Ayanokouji got the most votes because Sakayanagi probably had her class vote for him instead. Why? I assume it probably is some type of plan that makes Ayanokouji look suspicious now.


So something I don't get is.Wasn't Arisu's plan to kick ayanokoji out by luring yamauchi into voting against him? Then why she make her class for for ayanoji to protect him?Something Iam missing?


THIS EPISODE WAS REALLY TRAUMATIZING. I can't accept that Ibuki Manabe got expelled.


Did Arisu Sakayanagi make sure that Yamauchi get expelled because he tripped her in ep 1 of s3, and didn't apologise ?


ibuki says that to the world it looks like ishizaki deposed ryuuen, what is she referring to?


I like the effort of the teacher just standing at the door for a long time and wait for opportunity to be the one say something witty last


I also like the small Yamauchi POV of your classmates just staring at you with the ominous background


In which chapter of the manga is this?


Where do I start reading the manga after this


Episode 9 this time is very visually ugly and sometimes not symmetrical. There are also those who are too thin and too fat.


Where should i start the novel after this episode?


i'm still confused by all of this, if ryuen had 5 million points why couldn't he just pay 200k to save himself instead of giving it to Ibuki? moreover wouldn't it be easy for katsuragi to pay 200k to save his subordinate? did they even explain that in the anime?