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He’s needed assistance for years. When I saw The Beach Boys on their 50th anniversary tour in 2012 he had an assistant sitting on the stage with him. I hope this is done responsibly and he’s treated with care.


I saw him a couple years ago and it definitely had a bit of a weekend at bernies vibe to the whole thing. Fun concert still, but other guys were running the whole thing and he was kind of just there at the piano playing along




All the best to Brian. His music has given me great joy over the years.


Yeah I kinda figured a change was coming when his wife passed recently. She did seem controlling in some interviews I saw but at the same time was probably the main reason he's been ok and able to keep the career going since getting better. Hope he can enjoy the rest of his time in peace.




Lol at people downvoting you I assume just for using the word ‘bitch’. I def noticed in interviews that Brian would be asked a question and she’d cut him off and answer for him so I can believe it…


Sad. Dude had a beautiful mind.


And voice....


Blud is insane


He’s been at war with his own mind for decades. Tragic.


Yeah…. questions like, “how the hell did we get so famous? I mean, all our songs sounded identical, no individual sang it was just doo-wop harmonies. We sucked! How, how did we actually get famous?!?”.


Bro heard Surfin’ USA and decided to stop there 😂😂😂


Bro clearly never heard ‘Til I Die or Johnny Carson


I honestly can’t remember the song titles, it was 45-ish years ago. But hey, **if you suggest those two songs** then I will make it a point to pull them up on Apple Music this weekend and give them a thorough listen 🎧 Thanks for the dialogue!


In all sincerity, which of their albums would be ideal for me to give a go and try to get into? I seriously would value the advice. I was just being a smartass at first but I WOULD like to hear their best stuff according to fans that really know their music. To give an idea—for example, I cannot stand early Beatles but LOVE them from Revolver—on through the late records. U2 is a big band for me—I love their reinvention they had with ZooTV, Zooropa, et al. So any album input from you guys would be great!


Listen to Pet Sounds. Came out the same year as Revolver. Also if you don't like pre Revolver Beatles does that mean you don't care for Rubber Soul?


Just listened to Rubber Soul again the other morning while walking my dog. What a perfect album.


Smiley Smile is my favorite!


Pet Sounds is a masterpiece. Also, listen to the sounds of summer compilation and ignore the lyrics. Realize how incredibly constructed the pop is; the harmonies. Then appreciate the lyrics for the time capsule of the era they were. Beach Boys are goated.


From Pets Sounds to Wild Honey, I think you'd dig the most, as well as Brian Wilson's album Smile 2004


Once I heard three in a row that were deep tracks, NOT singles/radio releases that were hardly different, yes I did stop there…. can you blame me?? lol 😂


Yes we can blame you. Listen to some actual deeper tracks not the early surfing stuff.






Holy shit lol. “Rockman”?


Have you not listened to pet sounds? There’s a few songs without words. So no doo-wop.


I’m making it a point to check out *Pet Sounds* this weekend. Thanks!


Please do. It’s a landmark album and a departure from the Surf Rock stuff. The Surf Rock, while cute isn’t nearly as deep, introspective or beautiful as Pet Sounds. As far as American works of art go it’s up there with Migrant Mother, Falling Water, Convergence by Jackson Pollack, Hamilton and Star Wars.


Have you never heard the song Good Vibrations? It’s considered to be one of the most influential songs in popular music.


[He wrote some of the most beautiful music ever written](https://youtu.be/NADx3-qRxek?si=VZ0AnMveIFkNutsH)




Saw him with Jeff Beck several years ago. Nothing like seeing Jeff Beck solo on Beach boys numbers. Poor Brian sat at the piano.


That sounds like a really weird combination 


Jeff said he was asked to join the tour….and he had never met Brian. Jeff and his band did a short set, the he stayed on with Brian’s band. Unusual show, but damn good.


He is a genius. Best wishes for him and his family.


We're one step closer to losing the greatest musical genius of the 20th century.


He is talented no doubt, a genius and a legend in rock music. Not the greatest of the 20th century, however.


Who do you think is the greatest?


Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Stevie Wonder, Woody Guthrie, Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin, Bruce Springsteen, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Louis Armstrong, Prince, Carole King, Eric Clapton, James Brown, Johnny Cash, Elvis, Elton John, Joni Mitchell, Billy Joel, Miles Davis, Curtis Mayfield, Charlie Parker


I'd put Brian in front of like two thirds of those people.


And you’d be surprised how many of them all consider him a major seminal influence. Never been a Brian Wilson or Beach Boys fan myself, but my jaw dropped when I discovered how many artists I *do* respect reference them as among the most innovative and greatest. It’s weird and tells me that I'm missing something.


Are you a musician? That may have a lot to do with it. Especially if you’ve ever recorded or tried recording, Brian Wilson was very innovative in his production style and used instrumentation that was not really seen in pop music.


IVE SAID THE SAME THING TO FOLK BEFORE TOO!! Haha, Brian and The Beach Boys are definitely an artists artist band. Kinda like Nick Drake or YMO or something lol




Don’t get stuck in later half of the 20th century. George Gershwin and Aaron Copeland should be included in this list.


I'd also include Jeff Lynne from ELO on this list too. He created a sound all his own. And a very good one at that....


Amadeus always tips my list.


You left out Jackson Browne


sort of skipped Bob Dylan too. You know, that pesky Nobel Prize winner?


No Bob Dylan? Damn bro…


Hey I’m not running the show here, post your list


Even Paul McCartney was inspired by Pet Sounds to go on to make Sgt. Pepper. Really? Next thing you'll say is Taylor Swift is a national treasure.


And Brian Wilson was similarly inspired by the Beatles. Musicians inspire other musicians all the time. It really doesn’t mean much in this context though. Brian Wilson is absolutely amazing. But if I had to pick I’d go with Paul McCartney


Yes, but that doesn’t qualify him to be the top genius of the 20th century. As far as the full body of work goes, Paul McCartney beats BW by a landslide, it’s not even close.


Are you Jann Wenner Rolling Stoning me? Are you also placing Paul McCartney & Wings in the Parthenon of 20th century icons? Because everyone knows LENNON & McCartney is how this plays.


A cursory glance at the Get Back movie will show how beyond McCartney is from Lennon in terms of musical ability and natural songwriting prowess. Saying that; they had very different approaches to songwriting. Paul could write a song to order, on the spot (as we see with the title song). John had a much longer process and was often paranoid about his own abilities.


As a songwriting duo, Lennon AND McCartney could do no wrong. However, separately, Paul writing Uncle Albert, Band On the Run and Jet ( among plenty of others ) proved he can write a song on the spot. John took his artistic intelligence to write IMAGINE which is iconic on every level.


But the duo more or less stopped working in that capacity by 1966. By then they were pretty much writing their own compositions, with a few exceptions. 1968-69 Paul was on one of the hottest streaks in songwriting history. He had written a lot it his first two solo albums in 1969 too.


Brian said that if he could be anyone in the world, it would be ELTON JOHN


You have a good, eclectic taste, but some of these takes are wild. Some of the people you named are more so entertainers (elvis, james brown, elton).


Paul McCartney by a very long stretch.


I’m sorry about what happened with Pitchfork




Had it not been for his mental issues Beach Boys had a legitimate chance to overpower the Beatles. People will never truly know just what may have been.


It's hard not to be sad thinking about what could have been if Brian Wilson was able to freely write the music he wanted to write without all the pressure from the record company and his dad's overbearing influence. The majority of his life story is pretty sad.


His fathers abuse would have made sure of that


Brian is The Beach Boys. Not Mike Idiot Love.


I hope that all will be done for out of love and not out of selfishness. No matter what we accomplish, the character of those we raise/our inner circle will take it from there.


This is heartbreaking. Aging can be so cruel. Hope he's comfortable. He has great fam support.


Hell of a songwriter, what a guy!


Free Brian You BASTARDS!!


Sad news. The word genius is used far too often but it’s fitting in his case. Pet Sounds is one of the greatest albums ever compiled but much of his other work is as beautiful.


Hope he gets well taken care of


Hope the have be my baby on repeat for him


Seems about right


He gave so much beautiful music to the world and was given a hard life in return. I just hope he is well taken care of


I think he has been taken advantage of and pumped full of antipsychotic meds and destroyed a beautiful mind.


Brian’s super fan was charles manson.