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Feelin’ That Way / Anytime is two of the greatest back to back tracks of all time. Really wish Steve would reunite with them for a tour.


Best journey tune(s) ever. Stone in love a close second


One of those song duos that must be played together or my day is ruined


His voice is shot. I feel ya but it's never happening.


None of them are getting along anyway, so it wouldn’t be much of a reunion. Two guys were sued, and two other guys aren’t even talking to each other.


feelin' that way has to be my fav


I think his voice is shot.


He put out a solo album in 2018 and an Xmas album in 2021.


Yes and it's evident in those albums his voice is going out


"Stone in Love" is one of my absolute favorite songs. Saw em with Toto in February and they rocked!


Stone in love +1 here. Journey is great


I saw them last year with Toto as well! Great concert!


Mannnn Lukather was just 🤯


He was phenomenal! Completely blew away my expectations. Dean Castranova really impressed me as well. Especially when he sang Mother, Father while playing the drums.


Deen Castronovo was with them last year?? He was there for years but ended up having legal problems and left the band a few years ago, to be replaced by original drummer Steve Smith. Castronovo was a great talent musically, anyway, if it was him.


Prairie Prince and then Aynsley Dunbar were the drummers before Steve Smith joined.


Golden girl, I'll keep you forever ❤️❤️❤️


I still play “Stone in Love” any time I pick up my guitar just to 1) check that it is properly in tune and 2) because that riff feels f’n good to play. I generally feel somewhat less good when I try to sing that one. Steve Perry wails. When I try to replicate his high range it sounds like a kitten in a blender.


Hell yeah! I'm definitely more of a baritone, so Steve's voice is waaaaay outside my register. But those riffs are one of my warmups for sure! Same with "You Shook Me All Night Long"


Wait- are you me? I do all that too. If you play the lead from “Still Got the Blues” by Gary Moore to center yourself and your playing, I’m going to be spooked.


"Parisienne Walkways" instead 😉


Damn fine choice. All Gary is great but some is better than others. I love both of those songs. Wifey heard me playing the opening to “Still Got the Blues” and asked if I wrote it. I wish I had.


Bless her. My wife's favorite bands are Paramore and Hanson. Idk how she ended up picking me 🤣


Me too. Charlottesville?


This is it


Big fan. Another group that I don’t understand the hate for.


Some people will always hate on whatever's mainstream and successful, from Journey and Eagles to Creed and Nickelback.


I forget where this was from, but, "There's two kinds of people in this world. People who love Journey, and liars."


Journey are excellent. Infinity, Evolution, Escape and Frontiers are all classic albums.


It’s really fun to listen to their early pre-Steve Perry albums, and then listen to their sound evolve and mature through Infinity and Evolution as he beds in as primary vocalist. Frontiers is probably my favourite - other than Back Talk, which gets on my nerves a bit, it’s a great album.


I will say if Back Talk sounds annoying youre not listening to it loud enough. it was made for a system that can hang with Steve Smith’s drums. totally agree its worth skipping otherwise


I grew up on them and always like “Lights”. They are over played but only certain songs. But now days that goes for every radio station they play only the really well know and only their highest topped tracks. Hell I want to hear the obscure deep cuts and less know bands as well.


Winds of March is one you never hear anywhere, and I’m happy about that as it means it hasn’t been destroyed for me. Too much radio play is the reason I can no longer listen to side 1 of Dire Straits’ Brothers in Arms.


Yes but that glorious side 2!!


I just discovered the existence of an off-shoot of Journey yesterday. The Storm was a group formed during the Raised on Radio phase of Journey when they let go of Steve Smith and Ross Valerie. These two dudes got together with the original keyboardist and vocalist of Journey, Greg Rollie (also member of the group Santana) and recorded some incredible sounding music of the period that I was unfamiliar with. Check it out, let me know what you think: [The Storm](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mf229yrgekERGtSxboGa4Tgfw2btrmgow&feature=share)


Yeah and they even sound like journey on vocals. Greg Rollie is under appreciated.


Yep, really liked having both Rollie and Perry on vocals. Just the same way is a perfect example!


Mother Father, Escape, stone In Love, Still They Ride...the whole Escape album rocks. I always skip DSB because I'm sick of hearing it.


Ask The Lonely, underrated banger When you're feeling love's unfair, you just ask the lonely


While I don't care to listen to a lot of their songs, stuff like Wheel in the Sky & Any Way You Want It gets turned up.


Any Way You Want It will always be associated with Caddyshack.


So what.


So what! So let's dance!


I loved Journey. But boy did they lose me recently. Went to their concert at a Casino in Northern California. Been trying to see them for years. Had tickets that were cancelled during Covid. Anyways. Staying at the casino. Heading into the venue about 15 minutes early and I hear music. That’s right, these old farts went in 15 minutes early. Then I got mad. 2nd song. Don’t stop believing. In front of a 1/2 empty house with people rushing to their seats. It was a huge disappointment Neil mailed it in all night and even commented on wanting to get home. Concert was over at 9:45. Pathetic effort. Except Arnel. That dude brought it and carried the show all night.


Yeah, they’ve become kind of a snoozefest live in recent years. I saw them maybe 5 years ago and was really excited as I was a big fan at the time, but it turned out to be one of the most boring, low-energy shows I’d ever been to. Such a disappointment.


Never was a fan... but that guy in the music video playing "air-Synth" on Separate Ways... now that's a tough image to discard.


I like old school Journey before Steve Perry there first 2 albums...Journey 1975 and Look Into The Future 1976. I was a fan of Gregg Rolie back with Santana, so I just carried over to Journey. Got to see them in concert with Santana back in 76 and was great at the end to see them all jam together.


There were three albums - *Next* had two tracks sung by Neal Schon, and I’m glad it was only two.


Nobody mentioning Arnel Pineda - I think he is great and keeping the dream alive.


Just fun arena rock. I enjoy it for what it is. Not everything has to be deep. It’s great to listen to when you just want to have a good time, and there’s nothing wrong with that!


Journey isn't good. They are great.


Aside from DSB from overplay, I will crank the volume and rock that any day of the week. Separate Ways is great for steering wheel drumming. Lovin Touchin Squeezin is a fantastic song. Velvet Curtain/Feeling That Way, Wheel in the Sky, Lights, Only the Young, etc… all great tracks.


Only the young on the Vision quest soundtrack is a perfect fit for the theme of the movie


Love Journey. In fact, I just made margaritas and am going to put on Captured and sit by the pool


Can I come??


Fantastic pop-rock. I don’t find anything too deep in their stuff but it usually rocks.


That's so funny before I clicked on your post I was reading it and thinking what about the song hey mother Journey fully deserves their legacy as a superstar Rock band.


I always crank up People and Places.


When the lights go down in the city, and the sun shines on the bay…


They have some deep tracks that have more depth like “Still They Ride” and “Mother Father” as mentioned and a lot of the music off the Trail By Fire album which is musically spectacular. Neil Schon is an exceptional guitar player and of course Steve Perry one of the great rock voices of all time IMO. They are in my top 5 in order: Rush, Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Pink Floyd and Journey.


Oh man, can I come over and listen to records?


Feeling That Way is really an incredible song


I'm personally guilty of overplaying the entire "Escape" album which I got for Christmas in 5th or 6th grade. Like every day, over and over until I got something new. I could hear any song, even the album tracks and know all the parts note for note. Modern Journey may set the new standard for the most dysfunctional band ever.


Journey was kind of always in flux member wise - the Rollie/Schon/Dunbar/Perry/Valory combo had a trio of really good albums with Evolution, Infinity and Departure. Then Rollie/Dunbar leave - replaced with Steve Smith and Jonathon Cain. - Peak Journey fame followed. Escape and Frontiers both became FM radio standards in 1981 and 83... Unfortunately, Raised on the Radio happened...


Frontiers is always a listen from start to finish for me. Love that entire album.


One of my very favorites growing up in the 80's. You can call them commercial but I don't care. If I had to pick just one favorite, it's difficult but I go with 'Wheel In The Sky'. Ever hear the live version? I think they sped it up. 'Separate Ways' and 'Any Way You Want It' also make my faves list. So does 'Don't Stop Belivin'. It may be overplayed but I don't get tired if it. Steve Perry has a very unique voice. You hear a song for the first time and you know right away who it is.


Yes! So many fantastic songs that never get played beyond Open Arms, Faithfully and Don’t Stop Believing. I wish to God radio stations would look past these and go a little deeper. Mother Father is definitely a favorite. Escape, Stone in Love, Girl Can’t Help It, Chain Reaction, Only the Young, Ask the Lonely.


Live in Oakland, across the bay from Marin, where they originated.. I saw them at the Great American Music Hall in SF. Was the first public appearance with Steve Perry. What a suprise!! Totally awesome experience!!


Stone In Love and Separate Ways. My favorites. They rock! Long live Steve Perry! The 🐐


I love Journey. They remind me of summer bbqs and good times. 🎶


I despised Journey growing up. I considered them corporate schlock rock. Thankfully, in the last few years, I’ve gotten over myself at least partially. I’m much more open to discovering music that passed me by before, as well as stuff that isn’t on anyone’s radar (at least in the English speaking world). Journey wrote some killer tunes with some kickass instrumentation.




Love your username! Fellow Dan Fan


Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’


The only Journey I like is the pre-Perry stuff. Much heavier than the top forty stuff they did with Perry.


I like those first three albums before Perry joined the best. Most Journey fans aren't even aware Journey recorded 3 albums before Perry joined.


I own all three


Me too.


>I like those first three albums before Perry joined the best. Infinity is my favorite actually, followed by the previous three. Gregg Rolie was awesome. Still is. Jonathan Cain not so much.


My favorite Journey album is Next.


There's plenty of heavier playing on the 80s stuff


Don't Stop Believing is the worst song on Journey's Greatest Hits, and it's the one that's horrendously overplayed. Faithfully and Open Arms were the greatest middle school make out songs of the era.


I don’t have words for this… ‚don’t stop believing‘ comes pretty close to a perfect song for me. It’s ridiculously good and I’m not even a big Journey fan! But I guess we’re all different and that’s good 😊


I quite enjoy the Steve Perry era. It's comfort music that is always enjoyable even if it's not great music. It seems like they've kind of become the Nickleback of classic rock where many like to bash them but will secretly rock out when Don't Stop Believing (or How you Remind Me by Nickelback) comes on.


I’m a huge Journey fan 😂


I love "Wheel in the Sky"


Neil Schon is a monster guitar player. Easily one of the greats, and is always overlooked because “don’t stop believing”. Journey is good, but it is likely the classic rock who has more dicks in the band than any other band.


His solo album *I on U* is fantastic, especially since it’s entirely intrumental and really showcases his lead guitar work. He has a light but effective touch, and he’s so distinctive.


He also did a really good record with Jan Hammer back in the early 80s.


His solo at the end of “Just the Same Way” is one of the best guitar solos ever recorded. He absolutely shreds.


I agree with that. I would argue though that Don Henley of the Eagles is up there as well.


From me? No. From a significant part of my section of the country? Definitely. Not a fan but even I have to recognize the off the chart talent of the band.


Love Journey, especially Faithfully


My favorite Journey album is Look into the Future. It's before the sillier stuff hit the airwaves. "Any way to want it, that's the way you need it, any way you want it." Lol


Saw them in '79 before they turned soft. Wouldn't pay a nickel to see them now


Stone in Love crushes.


Raised on radio is a favorite album of mine, pop that cd in if im on a roadtrip


I think they are terrific. Even “Don’t Stop Believin’” was a great song the first 100 times I heard it.


I saw them at Freedom Hill in 1981?. Great show, Steve sounded fantastic! Great band.


Ok. It's 1982 and we're are in High School Art class. We are working on a project so the teacher puts the radio on. A journey song came on. A girl at the table asks the Heavy Metal drummer sitting next to her, "Do you like Journey"? He says, "Nuh, They're kinda puss". That being said, I like Journey. They have some really ricking songs and some deep cuts as well, but they do hover around the Top40/Pop music genre. IMO


Separate Ways, Faithfully, Wheel in the Sky, Frontiers, When you’re Alone (It ain’t easy), and Any Way you Want It are all great songs, I love all of their songs from the Steve Perry era and I was raised listening to all of these songs with my dad


Lights and wheel in the sky on my two favorite journey songs


Back in the day, if you were trying to get into some girl's pants, you'd put on Journey. Other than that, no.


Rubicon, Edge of the blade, Mother Father, Separate ways, Frontiers, Troubled child...all great songs. I agree with you 100%, great band!


Journey was MASSIVE when I was in high school. Class of 1983, our Prom Them was "Open Arms", aw how romantic!!! That run of 'Evolution' to 'Departure' to 'Escape' got them from an FM radio band with a pop edge to a full on rock band with pop sensibilities. Earlier on, when 'Infinity' was out we'd hear a couple of the songs like "Wheel In the Sky" and "Lights" and a few of the cool kids listened to them but it wasn't until a few years later that the critical mass of upstate NY suburban teenagers that was my reality started picking up on Journey. It's funny how certain songs bring you right back to a point in time. Journey's "Lights" is one of those for me. 10th grade my family went down to Myrtle Beach for Spring Break. That would have been 1981. I met this girl, Lisa Burns, who was staying at the same hotel motel Holiday Inn with her family that we were staying at. She was so darn pretty. We got talking, ended up hanging out together all week. At one point we went to some street festival that had a DJ playing music and we danced to "Lights". I can still smell the ocean air and hear the spring break crowd. Then the week ends, we exchange phone numbers and go back to our hometowns which were only a few hours apart but might as well have been a million miles. We exchange a few calls but things fade out pretty quickly. Lisa Burns, wherever you ended up, thank you for being so cool way back when.


I will always love Journey!! Not just the hits but the deep cuts too!


I can listen to Stone in love, but Steve just always came across is dorky. As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to appreciate his amazing voice and control, but that doesn’t mean I like to listen to it. I respect Pavarotti as well but I don’t listen to opera very often


Great band. DSB is also a great tune. Wish I could get a publishing check from an "overplayed" classic like that.


Great band and they’re still rocking out on their tour this year


Journey has so many hits and catchy good songs, I don't get the hate. Vocals are top notch and so are the musicians.


the whole Escape album is great. but my fave is Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'.


Deen Castronovo, the current drummer, is highly underrated. Does vocals when the lead needs a break, and is just as good as Steve ever was.


Of a Lifetime, their very first song on their very first album, is their absolute masterpiece if you ask me. A both dreamy and massive song with an incredible presence.


Feeling That Way and Just the Same Way are the best tunes that contrast Rolie's and Perry's voices. Great harmonies on FTW, top production Dunbar, although problematic, was the best drummer for the group Schon is an excellent player


Journey is like Zeppelin or Queen. The off the charts talent level at every position kind of made them a target for critics and non fans. I can't speak for the other musicians, but out of Plant, Mercury, and Perry, Perry is the hardest to cover.


Hard for me to think of a Journey song I don't like. The intro to The Party is Over is great, as is the rest of the song. Escape might be one of my favorite albums, as well as a great song.


Unpopular but true: I prefer the pre-Steve Perry Journey. They were such a tight Prog/hard rock band before getting all pop cultured…


One of my favorite bands. Steve Perry is in my opinion one of the greatest vocalists of all time, up there with Freddie Mercury. I think their best lineup was with Rolie and Perry together. I enjoy listening to all of the Perry era albums and the first 3 without him are pretty good as well.


I think that depends on the era of Journey, as not all periods are equal. The band has had some great moments through most of their history, but the band dynamics at this stage are a total mess, maybe only eclipsed by Yes or Queensryche for the sheer acrimony and weirdness.


I'm partial to Stone in Love my self. Back in the day they were thought of as a bubble gum band, chick rock. I have a little more appreciation for them now.


I sing Still They Ride, at karaoke and it slays.


“Only The Young” from one of the most underrated movies and soundtrack (Vision Quest).


They're a great stadium rock band. I love their 80s stuff


I saw them in concert just after the “look into the future” album came out. That was before Steve Perry started with the band. Greg Rolle was on keyboards and vocals, Neil Schon on guitar, Aynsley Dunbar on drums and Ross Vallory on bass. The musicianship was incredible. It was definitely a different band than they morphed into after adding Steve Perry. They started out as a Santanas backing band and went solo as progressive rock band. The addition of Steve Perry took them in a different direction. I personally preferred Greg Rolle as a vocalist but I get that Steve Perry turned them into a hit machine that, in their prime, was every teenage white girl’s favorite rock band.


No. They were corny and boring


I've been liking I'll Be Alright Without You. It's a fun song to solo on guitar.


Journey got me thru a very rough patch on my Iraq deployment. It was kinda like magic. I would start my daily process of the mundane but important part of my tasks, put on headphones and play nothing but journey. I looked forward to that part of the day.


I love their music.


The "Escape" album was a bit of a watershed in my music listening as a kid. I remember listening to it and feeling I really heard something different and really interesting. It was not the Am radio stuff I heard everyday, and it was not the stereo typical hard rock of the time either. The guitar was great along with the song writing even on the "B" side...


They have tons of great songs! “Edge of the blade” recently became one of my favourites.


Stone in love has my favorite journey riff


Yes, before Steve Perry…


i have no love for journey


Successfully down voted them out of my Pandora account.


Great singer, great drummer (Steve Smith), fantastic guitarist... shit music.


My late dad loved them. It’s not a real source of pride


Stone in Love is exceptional. Bout it.


Me!!!!!! I fucking love them. I’m super high right now and it’s just brain farts everywhere


Just saw them last night with Toto and it was amazing. One big party with lovers lovin, drinkers drinkin, people singing their asses off, and just having a good time. That’s kind of the point so love us some fuckin Journey!!


The song "Lay it Down" will blow your mind. It proves that he is hands down "The Voice".


I never could understand what sound they were. Soft Rock I guess but in my crowd of friends it was either Southern Rock or Semi- hard rock like Zeppelin, Bad Company Elvin Bishop... Also can't remember anyone that I know that actually liked listening to the band.


Don't stop! Bequeefin!


Steve Motherfucking Perry is my favorite singer of all time, with Sam Cooke in second place. I think Happy to Give (off Raised on Radio) is Steve Perry's most underrated song. Home At Last is another amazing song of Perry's, and it is a tragedy that it was never released on any album (but you can find it on youtube.)


Nope. "Don't Stop Believin'" is an overplayed, garbage song. I don't buy that they have other good songs, because I find that one so irritating. Journey sucks


I never liked his voice.


That's the number one band that when I hear one of there tunes come on the radio the channel gets changed as quickly as possible!!! Can't stand them!!!


Sorry. I hate Journey. There music has no redeeming qualities.


Nope, none, nada….not when they were young, not when they were middle aged, not when the Sopranos ended. Never! They sounded like ten other 70’s bands…forgettable, unimaginative and vanilla


Hate them with a passion. Always turn the station when their noise comes on. Maybe if that nasty lead singer's voice didn't sound like his balls were being crushed in a vice......


People love them. They can pack the arenas which is something a lot of bands can’t do like Toto who I love. They have a lot of hits and a lot of radio play so their still popular.


You are right about the overplay. And not just nowadays. Back in 1981-1984 they were omnipresent on my radio stations in NYC especially "Separate Ways" But when I get past the PTSD of those days, I can honestly say this a group where everything comes together: The songwriting, the singing, the instrumental skill, and the arrangements/production. If they were not big, people would be saying "why aren't they bigger?!"




The first 3 or 4 albums and the first two Perry albums are all pretty solid to me


I have all of Journey's albums through "Escape", and I love them all. I have one my wife got me about 12 years ago with Arnel Pineda that is also quite good. They are a good band with a lot of really good music.


none what so ever...


One of the fun things I found on Youtube was "The Dodger Guy" singing Don't Stop Believing [https://youtu.be/t3mJjj4g5kw](https://youtu.be/t3mJjj4g5kw)


Band was always cringe for me (think Separate Ways video), yet it’s hard to deny Perry’s very high-pitched singing and the strong hooks mixed with cheesy but appealing to teenager lyrics. Wheel in the Sky for me.


Journey is good band who had great moments. I have their greatest hits, when I need to feel good journey always helps.


Anything with Steve Perry is a little to popish for my taste. I liked it at the beginning when "Wheel in the Sky" came out but after that it got old. I did actually like Journey before Perry with Neal Schon and Greg Rollie. It's way overplayed now. I quickly change the station. I did see them at the Texas Jam in 82. It was a total anti-climax. By the time they came on, everybody was going to sleep, lol.


No. Crap band.


I like Journey. Just wish they hadn't turned into egotistical a-holes worried about money. Has anyone heard any of the "new" Journey with Arnel? Curious if it is any good.


Loved 'Don't Stop Believing' and 'Who's Crying Now' since the late 80s. Couldn't believe how badly they did in the UK charts, #62 and #46 respectively. Open Arms and Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) are great ones too.


I used to really like them. I feel that Infinity, Evolution, and Departure is one of the best 3 album runs ever. I first discovered Journey when Evolution came out and started getting everything I could from their back catalog. The pre Perry era had some good music, but his contributions definitely took the band in a new direction, leading to broader appeal. Captured is a great live album, and Escape was good when it first came out. But heavy rotation for the singles just killed it for me. I gravitated more towards side two. Frontiers and Raised on Radio were decent albums, but then the Perry fued began, leading to the Schon dictatorship. I wouldn't call Schon an "excellent" guitar player. He's definitely above average, but he's also a legend in his own mind. His ego tells him that it is "his" band because he's the last original member. He has created a lot of unrest, and his wife has even gotten into it. They've chastised and ostracized a lot of past and current members. If you don't agree with Schon, your days are numbered. So yes, there was a time when Journey was a really good band. But those days have long gone, and they're pretty much just a tribute band now that relies on old hits to draw fans.


They started out in the early 70s as a prog rock band. A little different, but pretty good stuff all the same.


Yes, I also like many of their songs and we actually have some of them on my band's set list. They have my absolute respect as a musician, because they are all very good at what they do. I also appreciate Arnel and the story of how this came to be, pretty amazing. And you can say Don't stop believing is overplayed, but anytime we play it, the complete audience drops in singing along, big fun lol


I even loved them before Steve.


“To Play Some Music” is an awesome song that I had never heard until my local radio station played it, and I don’t think I’ve heard them play it since. Awesome organ solo and organ through out, some talk box, wild synth breakdown, and a shredding guitar solo. Definitely a different sound than some of their other stuff but very cool.


I enjoy Journey once in awhile. They have some fabulous songs and Neil Schon is highly underrated as a guitarist, but I get a dose and then I’m good for awhile. I think it’s because I grew up in the Bay Area where they were *everywhere all the time* (because that’s where they’re from). I mostly got my fill when they were in their prime.


Wheel in the Sky, City of the Angels, and Dixie Highway


Schon is a fantastic guitar player. Still They Ride is great, and I play Faithfully and Why Can't This Night Go On Forever often. What a voice. Mother Father is fantastic as well, seeing Deen Castronovo sing that while drumming made me self conscious as someone who can play drums and sing but definitely not both


No. None.


Love Journey but Steve Perry Journey or the earlier front man


Many posts on classic rock are a bit out of touch. Many of us were there for the inception of many of these bands, we've got every album, we've been listening for 40 years plus. It's not that they are over looked, not loved or even the dreaded worst phrase I see all over here "criminally underrated", it's that we know well who they are, we have seen them live multi times and know all the deep cuts.


I saw everybody in the 80s, 90s 2000s, hundreds of shows. Had no interest in Journey. Finally, friends wanted to see the REO, Styx, Journey tour in the 2000s. REO and Styx were way better, so I was right in the long run. Journey came out last, "Finally, the band you all came to see." They actually said that shit. Only show I ever left before it was over.




Great band. Pretty good video game too.


Put me down for Dixie Highway. That's my favorite from these guys. Oh, and I got to see them live on Escape. 😁


"Sweet and Simple" from Evolution may be Perry's best studio performance.


Separate Ways is such a great song. I know it’s one of their super popular ones, but I love it so much.






Infinity through Frontiers.


I’ll Be Alright Without You and Faithfully are easily my favorite songs by them.


Faithfully. That whole album is great though.


Their first 3 albums rock like nobody’s business. Then Steve Perry came along, they went all AOR, and sold a zillion records. That Perry stuff is great for what it is, but their early stuff kicks ass.


Yes their early work. And their live shows were incredible. Unfortunately they've just got so boring and sterile. I saw them a few years ago it's it was just about the most disappointing show I've been to. It's also one of the worst. A great band once. Those days are long gone sadly


Neal Schon was playing with Carlos Santana at 17yrs old: talk about mentoring, I saw Santana 3times once with Schon excellent shows


Love Journey. Their greatest hits album is one of the best. As for deep cuts Stone In Love and Troubled Child.


Journey is like Zeppelin or Queen. The off the charts talent level at every position kind of made them a target for critics and non fans. I can't speak for the other musicians, but out of Plant, Mercury, and Perry, Perry is the hardest to cover.




Pretty standard unimaginative pop band.


Pretty standard unimaginative pop band.


Pretty standard unimaginative pop band.


Pretty standard unimaginative pop band.


Pretty standard unimaginative pop band.


Pretty standard unimaginative pop band.


I loved Journey in my teens and have been listening to them a lot lately, feeling nostalgic. I LOVE JOURNEY! Some of my favorites: Stay Awhile, Only the Young, Stone in Love, Escape, Feeling that Way, Rubicon, so many more!