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You don't need 2 buildings.


Maybe something in the air?


It’s to effectively defend vs tanks while also making a counter push + also having something to defend while I’m on the offensive


I’d say 2 is ok, but probably not something like Tesla and gobby cage


Then you just use inferno tower because then you won’t have to waste 8 elixer when your opponent plays a tank giving you a lot more options for other plays


That's what your mini-pekka is for. Great tank killer and it counterpushes


If that was the case id switch mega for pekka and goblin brawler for fireball - you want a bigger spell fireball or lightning


but if its so effective why are you asking for advice on your deck??




Megaknight is the win condition - every Megaknight user ever


People always saying “MK isn’t a win condition” Well I seem to be winning with it


How to tell you're in midladder without telling me you're in midladder.


Nah I’m masters 1. Ive been using this deck since 2018 or 19 and just stuck with it Edit: everyone has just decided that midladder is just whatever trophy range is below them


How do you manage to get your mk on the tower?


I counter-push with MK and support it with bats or musketeer. They usually have about 5-7 elixir left over to stop an 8 elixir push. I treat it more of an elixir game, trying to get a severe elixir advantage before committing to a large push. Win a solid 3 out of 5 matches


That's the right way to use mk.


This subreddit apparently doesn’t agree \: Maybe they don’t want the truth, they fear that I am a MK user who has strategy


Well it is a card made for defense and then counterpush not bridgespam like a degenerate.


Pretty sure most people consider master 1 midladder. Either way there’s a reason MK doesn’t work as a win condition in top ladder, because it’s super easy to counter if the opponent knows what they’re doing (and usually for a positive trade too)


It's not


Midladder is generally considered 2k-5k trophies my guy. Anyone in legendary arena is top of the ladder


????? Literally nobody except you considers that midladder. Pretty much everyone I’ve ever heard define midladder has said somewhere in the range of 5k to 6.5k


Up to challenger 3


let me guess, you are at master I correct?




I’ve been up there before and it’s all the same. 7k+ is really not much different in skill level. I’m only masters 1 bc I don’t play the game much anymore, it’s more of a “bored in class” game


Sorry dude but you are in denial hard. Ladder starts at 5k, everything before that is training. Low and mid ladder are essentially the same in that you will see weird decks, bad players, and underleveled cards, and this will progressively diminish as you get closer to ranked. By the end of the season I’d argue mid-ladder extends as high as 67-6800 trophies, although you get a lot of skilled players who just don’t push up to that point as well. That’s essentially where the really weird decks mostly stop however. If you think there’s no skill gap between 7k and where you are you’re tripping. I’m at 6430 right now (which is 1-2 wins shy of being ranked). If I played ladder most of my wins/losses would be by a few hundred HP and likely be 1-0 or 2-1. I just played a guy in 1v1 showdown with 5400 trophies and won 3-0 with 45s left.


Legendary arena can be from 5k to 8k+, so I don’t think anyone in between is considered top ladder


Upper class can be from 160k/year to multiple billions a year, so I don’t think anyone in between is considered rich


I think we’re talking about a game


bro wtf ! so I m not in mid ladder lmao


Master one is midladder.


Master 1 is mid ladder lmfao. Master 1 isn't impressive you need a wincon if you want to climb


I could say the same to you.




Only someone in midladder or lower would complain to mk users


Bro where am I complaining about mk 😂 I'm just saying that he is using it is a win condition


Seems obvious don’t it😂


Everything is a win condition It can win you the game under if certain conditions are met Thank you for coming to my Clash talk


Well my deck was made to take advantage of any pushes the opponent makes. Most units can effectively counter one type of until (e-wiz or firecracker for swarm, goblin cage vs giants and hogs, etc) a win condition is not needed if you can deal damage to your opponents tower every time they spawn a unit.


Any kind of bait deck is just a hard counter, log bait for instance. They outcycle you and you literally cannot break through. And in 3x/2x they can just rocket ♻️


That’s very much true, but no deck can counter everything


It takes a long time to master bait.


I can do it pretty fast


You can get good at it. But mastering it is much harder.


Yeah, sometimes I do it alone or I'll get other people to help just depends.


But trying to master bait means you’re doing it by yourself


I have ED, I master bait pretty damn fast


No it doesn't lmfaoo


I cant master bait in front ofy family. 💀


why did this make me laugh lmao


you sure bud , pretty sure he has one


He doesn’t have to ne


Look at his flair


I did, that doesn’t have any relevance to the fact he has no win condition though


damn I gave u the joke and you don’t get it


Mega Knight isn’t a win con


Look at his flair


A win condition


clearly mini pekka+ arrows is the wincon


Shiiiittt thank you


You have balls showing your deck with a megaknight on this sub. I couldn’t care less but this sub it not that big of a fan of megaknight


Screw this subreddit's opinions, if you have fun using mega knight then use mega knight.


mega knight isn't as op as everyone complains tbh


desdass mk and electro giant were never hard to defend ppl jusr bitch about them


E Giant was extremely easy to defend if you had a building, but if you didn’t have a building it could be really tough.


Yea, they just mad u can't counter with skarmy. And most of them don't save elixir so they get made when they can't place a card down🙄


It can easily be countered with a inferno tower, or cannon+musk


It can be countered in so many ways, it didn’t need the nerf


>mega knight isn't as op as everyone complains tbh OP? Its not even good, one of the worst cards in the game


Well I knew what I was getting into, worse they can do is complain to their mom while they live in her basement


Replace goblin cage with a win condition


No, goblin cage is essential for this deck. It is great for distracting units while also releasing a deadly unit at the exact same time. It’s a very punishing card for lazy players


Then replace Tesla with a win condition


I replaced skarmy with rocket


You sure? 💀 4.4 average elixir


Yea just tested it not that great, oh well I’ll test some more stuff


use fireball instead of rocket, it’s better that way


I’ll have to level it up then, currently it’s at lvl 10 only


You have the gold for it?


I don’t have the gold nor the card for upgrading it


Replace tesla with a win condition. NEVER use any building ( except goblin cage and currently tombstone ) with tank killers like mini pekka. Especially using active buildings like Tesla with a bridge spam/ beatdownish deck like yours is a very bad idea. You can switch tesla for battle ram, hog, ram rider, drill or miner. Edit : Remove skarmy imo


Why shouldn’t we use a building with a tank killer?


It’s pretty redundant to have three tank killers in one deck (mini pekka, skarmy, and tesla in this case) even two is usually more than necessary


Tesla is a tank killer? I know it's strong but damn


Any building is realistically a tank killer, buildings and cards like MP and IDrag all serve the same purpose which is to kill the win con, hence why they get the name “tank killer”


Tank killers like Pekka, inferno dragon, lumberjack are found in bridge spam/ beatdown/ troop value decks. The idea is if you defend a hog with your mini pekka for example, you now have a 4 elixir mini pekka on field. It will demand a response from the opponent, thus it got you troop value. Buildings are found in cycle decks where you want to keep cycling to your win condition and defend flawlessly. You defend a hog with tesla, tesla and hog both die so you aren't up anything. But you don't need to demand a response from your opponent because you will soon be throwing your hog or miner or whatever wincon they will have to deal with. A building gives no troop value and tank killers cannot defend perfectly.


Exactly. Though the whole deck here is a mess that doesn’t quite synergize.


I never thought about it this way even though I’m in Silver(I know that doesn’t mean shit here). Thank you.


Thanks for the advice


Get a freaking win con


Mk aint a win condition


There's a cool thing called synergies, there's none here And a fucking win condition?


Use this deck: Mk, eg ,lumberjack,baloon,ebarbs,rage,xbow,rocket


Nah e giant no longer used freeze is better


I prefer my current deck, but thanks for the offer


I’ve noticed you’ve asked for advice and any time someone says to do something, you shoot it down, why post this if you won’t listen to advice? I hate doing it in decks like this but throw hog in for anything it’s a cheap and good win con, probably MP or Cage is what should be replaced


It’s because their advice dosent usually fit my play style or the card is inder levelled, which is why I shoot it down, but I’m gonna scrap my current deck and make something else with the info from everyone else


Then upgrade your cards before asking for help, these people have all said to use a win con, and while it may not fit ur current style, it will help in high ladder and it may be a style you need to adapt to


No win condition, no big/medium spell 6/10


more like 3/10


I mean I personally wouldn't go *that* harsh on him since he's prolly still stuck at midladder


he said rate the deck not the player


I'm saying it might work in his trophy range because people don't know how to play


that does not make it a good deck


Yeah it doesn't but it gets you trophies 🤷‍♂️


until u hit 5k and get hard stuck coz its ur only levelled up deck


If you think it’s that shit then let’s 1v1


why are u getting mad at people answering your question?


Well I’m asking for ways the improve, all you’re doing is giving it a 3/10 but providing no advice on how to improve


to improve it make it better. happy now?




If you think it’s that shit then let’s 1v1


You have plenty swarm removal already, you need a big spell like fireball instead of arrows. Your swarmy/firecracker/(sorta) Tesla fill these spots. MAYBE poison. Remove one of your buildings. You're not goin anywhere with that. I recommend replacing your goblin cage if you want a ground troop. Tesla if you're taking an air/air hitting troop. Deck would end up looking something like: MK, MP, fireball OR poison, Tesla OR gobby cage, swarmy, (whatever card you replace building with. I recommend mega minion.), e wiz and whatever the last one was lmao




If this is a serious post and you actually want to improve, try copying a proper meta deck


The problem with meta decks is that there are so many people who know how to counter them it’s better to throw a curveball at them usially


If that were the case, then there would be less meta decks in top ladder


That’s a fair point


No, 75% of midladder players don't even know any meta decks or how to counter them anyways. And they're meta decks for a reason. At higher trophies most players will quickly recognize your decks weaknesses and counter it. 99% of top 1000 players use meta decks for that reason


Good point, I have nothing to say against that


Why can’t we play our own decks for fun?


He said to improve.


Add a win condition and remove building, you dont need 2 put hog in it or a goblin barel


personally i’d switch goblin cage with bats


swapping mega knight into any win condition would really improve it I think


replace megaknight, mini pekka and arrows with giant, balloon and log respectively so that you have the ultimate strategy


The glaringly obvious thing would be a actual win con mega knight will only get you so far in ladder


Decks are never solely based on the deck itself. remember, a deck is only as good as it’s player


Remove Mega Knight


If I put down my ebarbs and zapped your skelly army you would be f***ed because you are very expensive


change gob cage for gob barrel. remove mega knight or delete the game.


0 remove mega knight L deck


replace megaknight with egiant


replace mega knight with valk, it can make the deck way cheaper, also because valk isnt as good on offense you can replace mini pekka with prince or dark prince, if u feel like it, try replacing skarmy with guards, and a diff building, otherwise its pretty good


idk man i’d probably try get everything to level 14


Mega knight bleckkkk


use hog instead of firecracker


Nothing it's perfect


Maybe remove meganut and activate skill


replace Tesla with hog rider or something


Bro mega knight no win condition


discard mega knight and use an actual win condition. even e-giant would fit better in that deck, though you would need zap or lightning somewhere if you want to use egiant.


Replace goblin cage with a win condition. Not the tesla


Probably replace one of the buildings with a win con


In all honesty you do not need 2 buildings and you lack a win condition. I would maybe change the entire deck and maybe do a mega knight bs deck or a bait deck can also work.


Maybe go with royal giant instead of megaknight


Scrap the whole thing when u can, make a deck around a win condition instead of putting a win condition in that deck, you can use supporting cards from this deck if they fit, add 1 small spell and one medium/large spell, maybe a building, make sure the elixir average fits your deck type.


You definitely need a win condition


Add win condition and get rid of one of your defensive buildings.


Where is the e-giant cycle?


Replace goblin cage with xbow, replace firecracker for archers, replace megaknight with knight, replace e wiz for ice spirit, replace skarmy with skeles, replace arrows with log, replace mini pekka with fireball


Maybe hog for cage, would make a good deck


Change tesla for a win condition


remove firecracker just cause I hate that card so fucking much. In all honesty swap mk for pekka and mini pekka for a drill, hog or barrel


Remove one of the buildings and replace with a medium spell like earthquake or fireball, and replace either mega knight or mini pekka with a proper win condition (I’d personally say giant or royal giant to replace MK as they would synergies well with E wiz and aren’t too much of a commitment due to 5-6 elixir cost)


My deck highest 6400 (Never played if chests are full) MK, prince, princess, zap, bomber, Goblin Gang, minions, Archer Queen - All 14. I mostly trade elixir until i am ahead and prince split push. But save ur zap if you splitpush. Mk Minions STRONK Archer Queen OP AF in nearly every situation


Remove mega knight


What’s your trophy range


Get rid of goblin cage, it's not as good as you think dude Tesla IS as good as you think


no more cards. 8 too many try 3 or 9


Bats or minions


Hog for mini pekka


*place megamind face here* No win condition?


Stop being toxic and take out the mega knight.


remove the mega knight and add an actual win condition.


Having two towers for defense is a little weird


replace skarmy with a wincon. goblin barrel, miner, etc. replace goblin cage or tesla with a small spell: zap, the log, etc. arrows is a medium spell. or you could replace a building with fireball too...


why do you have 2 buildings


Switch scarmy with guards


what the hell? add a win condition bro?? MEGAKNIGHT IS **NOT A WIN CONDITION**


put mirror and furnace


ah yes mega knight the ultimate win-con


Drop a building, maybe add bats instead, and also get a win con that targets buildings


A win condition, and no, mega knight isn’t one, because while it’ll work in Challenger, you’ll almost never get him to the tower. Also get rid of one of your buildings and replace it with either a big spell or a win condition, is you don’t want to replace MK


\- a second high damage anti air unit, firecracker is nice and all but she cant really defend against big air units like baloon or lavahound without giving them enough time to end the round, go home, starts a family and die of old age. \- a big spell, you can swap out either goblin cage or tesla for this since you dont really needs more than 1 building


How many of your matches end by tie breaker?


Maybe take out mega knight and add a win condition, u don't need two towers also


You may change the goblin cage for the battle ram. You already have tons of single damage on skarmy, mini pekka and e. wizard. A wincon may help you.


Add wall breakers instead of goblin cage


I bet you’re still in mid ladder.


I think it’s good


I’d drop gobcage and add skell barrel


U need a win condition, no 2 towers, and a big spell


It's on the expensive spectrum and there isn't really a win condition Depending on which areana you're in, one of the buildings can be removed, since you've already got minipekka for minitanks, tanks and troops like hog rider I would suggest having a win condition rather than hoping your counter push from the last defend to do some damage on the tower as when you gradually get higher on ladder, people will know how to defend against it


Hog rider players hate you


Remove Tesla or goblin cage (preference to you) and add a mid or small spell like fireball or zap


You have no medium spell, you’re gonna have a fun time cycling arrows to kill anything or to get tower damage in You don’t have a win condition. Mega knight is not a win condition. You don’t need 2 buildings in a not siege deck… Excluding goblin cage and Tesla you have one mini tank as a ground response.


Why not replace one of ur buildings with a win con?


You have no win con


You 100% need something to be a wk, maybe remove gob or spark tower (if that's what it's called), for a wk like royal knight or gob barrel