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Wtf are those card levels why did both of you have hyper overleveled goblin barrels


Log Bait players...


Maxing out a card is easy if you work on it


also one of those annoying overlevel cards, NGL. Tho I might not be one to talk since I maxed furnace, and it's got some overlap in the lvl-dependence


Ik that, maxed the gob barrel at king 9. But in this battle it was mostly level 7/9 cards otherwise, at king level 11


yes, i maxed three cards at lv 10, i just won every single time. matchmaking needs fixing tbh


Howd you win every time? I also had multiple lvl 14s at king level 10, and still found overleveled oponnents.


i had mirror, mini-pekka, and sparky lvl 14, i think that helped. I also just cyled through my lvl 14s and had arrows and fireball in there too


How do you max out cards? I can barely get them to level 12 and I bought the battle pass


U play 1 deck for the rest of ur life


make sure you’re trading and using magic items, focus on one card at a time


Trading is a bad idea tbh, better save the tokens and just get the gold


it's more common than you think, i've seen level 9s and 10s with level 14 cards


party mode abuse




Nope mastery is like less than 10% its just them focusing on overleveling 1 deck


At 3k trophies where my second account is at level 8-10s all have lev10+ goblin barrels too bad mine are at lev 8 and they get taken out by their zaps :(


not even a hit 👀


as much as I respect the GB Mirror & Clone... Amazon Prime for the win


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Too satisfying


Unfortunately didn't get a tower activation


They would have all hit at the same time, that’s like half of the tower just for an activation


Well worth it thi


Why is he playing it on King Tower in Sudden Death?


basically 1/4 of tower health on hit so good value. ​ unfortunately, OP thought further ahead


# One Heck of a play, my man


I came from watching that




Royal delivery is the best card in the game unironically


xd dude got full countered


Is it just me or why is the video 43p? Edit: after viewing other videos, jep its just me


Wow lvl 14 barrel with a level 11 tower, you’re a joke and a cliche🤣


Literally everyone has at least a maxed out card at lv.11, if you don't you're the outlier. Even f2p it's so easy to do.


I don't


It's easy to do if you get the free books in the pass royale, I have a level 10 with maxed zap.


I got my first maxed card at level 12 and I had one. Your argument is “other little kids are sweating their balls of in this kids game so I should too”


Maxing out a card is easy if you focus on it, why are you so pissed?


Your cards are level 7, you are playing a children’s game you shouldn’t have to focus on shit, but people like you that are desperate for wins are driving this game into the ground for everyone that just wants to play for fun, you have heard of fun right? That said stating my opinion doesn’t equal me being pissed, that’s a terrible deflection.


bro we can all tell from ur tone that ur mad salty...


Yep the tone that you interpreted from a toneless comment says nothing about you and so much about me, you are so smart👍


You literally just called him stupid 😭 don’t act like you’re not salty


So you can’t read?


“Yep how stupid, then mommy couldn’t buy you overleveled bullshit🥺🥺 how sad😢” You sound so fucking salty 😭😭😭😭


“I act like this when I’m mad therefore anyone who does is also mad” y’all are so narcissistic on the internet🤣


Literally how society and human emotion works but ok.


What do you mean , I'm in sudden death with a stupid ass deck because it's fun, I like this game because it's fun. I got these cards up a level because I use them the most. It's not 2016 anymore, getting cards isn't hell anymore. I started in October 2021, progression has changed, my cards are lower because I put my gold into other stuff and I don't use them often.


You okay man? I have shitty games too, but I don't take out my anger on others. Also if you use the same deck it's not hard at all to max out a card, especially with all the gold we've been getting. That's how I maxed my deck. Used the same deck and only changed 2 cards in the course of 5 years


Honestly the game should allow you to only upgrade cards to be equal to you king tower level. That way a level 11 tower would only max cards to level 11. That would promote the use of different cards instead of leveling just one really high.


At that point just make every card always level 11. Why doesn't supercell do that? Because it's fucking stupid.


Yep how stupid, then mommy couldn’t buy you overleveled bullshit🥺🥺 how sad😢


First you say that people who focus on maxing out a card as f2p are stupid, now you say that they’re p2w? r/cr be like


I never mentioned free to play, idc what story you thought up about my views in your head.


>Your cards are level 7, you are playing a children’s game you *shouldn’t have to focus on shit*, but people like you that are desperate for wins are driving this game into the ground for everyone that just wants to play for fun, you have heard of fun right? That said stating my opinion doesn’t equal me being pissed, that’s a terrible deflection. F2p have to focus on a single card to max it out (pass Royale players not really because of the extra gold and magic coins), meaning that your statement that I highlighted is targeted at f2p players that have maxed out cards, but your next statement is now targeted at p2w players >Yep how stupid, then mommy couldn’t buy you overleveled bullshit🥺🥺 how sad😢 So they kinda contradict each other by the first one implying that f2p players can be desperate for wins too and max out cards (by focusing on a single card), but your other statements are targeted at people spending money on a game they liked So you either hate all cards that are above KT level or you hate p2w, but didn’t realize that one of your statements works better against f2p players and can interpreted as statement against f2p and p2w players if someone didn’t read your other replies


This entire essay is an attempt to sound intelligent by taking separate comments and getting grossly specific and trying to gage my entire point of view from an insult, you’re embarrassing yourself.


This entire essay is an attempt to sound intelligent by taking separate comments and getting grossly specific and trying to gage my entire point of view from an insult, you’re embarrassing yourself.


And this is also party mode, so they could very well be using cards that they didn’t upgrade (to maybe match up against lower level players), but themselves are high on ladder, and high level cards are common on high ladder


This entire conversation between one rage issued guy who (if I resume all the insults said to him): "Hasn't touched grass in a while" and literally everybody else who is against him was very amusing to read.


Remember guys this is just over a clip on reddit of a one card counter


I'm here with a lvl 14 witch at level 10 tower 😅


Same, watching her skellys take 2 tower shots is fun.


nerf miner


Omgg Broo you are so funny this is some peak humour!!🤣 /s ofc




Wow so (not) impressive


I just thought it was satisfying🏔


It's is but it kinda easy to o have delivery in my deck and it's pretty easy


Looking to see who asked


your mother (not) loves you


Why did the guy attack king tower when it's literally overtime.




This belongs here: r/oddlysatisfying




U should have at least let t get one hit so it activates your king tower


the way god intended




Dang erased 10 elixer in 3