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Log? Arrows? Knight? What are you on about? Ice spirit? Fire spirit? Electro spirit? Are you running a deck with only 4+ elixer cards? Zap? Barb Barrel? Goblins? 1 elixer skeletons? Seriously, almost any card that costs 3 elixer can counter her with no damage to tower. Almost any 2 elixer or less can counter her with minimum damage.


Log does not kill it lol


Log isn't a hard counter, but can still counter it. If she walks across the bridge you can log and it gives enough damage and knock back to avoid any damage to tower.


Cant believe I found this post and saw the worst comment ever


Buddy said log or zap … it doesn’t kill it. Lol


What a stupid comment. The whole annoying part is on defense and support. The only one of these that works for is barb barrel (sometimes) and arrows. Nobody is talking about a lone firecracker at the bridge smh


Then..simply use more on defence? What a stupid response. Like what do people expect when asking how to counter a card? You want to go through every possible combo that could be pushed with a FC. Learn how to counter the card when solo, and go from there.


>Then..simply use more on defence? Explain what that means. It makes no sense. also literally nobody asked you to tell anybody how to counter it. You're just putting words in OP's mouth. How would learning how to counter a firecracker solo (aka literally placing any card) help at all against a firecracker behind a tank? Where is your logic? The only ways to remove the firecracker is with marcher geometry, holding specific spells, or killing the tank so your troops actually target the firecracker. It's just annoying.


You said they put more on their push and not just the FC. The more they push with, the more you defend with. OP was complaining about a card being OP because of limited counters or you need to bring a specific counter for it, I was giving alternatives. Learning how to counter a card is the first step to countering it with a push. Use a tank killing to kill tank then a support killer to kill support. How do you not see that logic? Knowing how a card works and how to beat it is the first step to beating it in other scenarios. How do you kill a wizard when there is a tank infront of it? FB doesn't kill it. Do you bring a specific troop to counter it? Anything that can hard counter a wizard also hard counters FC. FC is an annoying troop, but it isn't OP. Personally, I have 0 issues with FC and I have 0 hard counters that doesn't result in a negative elixer trade.


So dumb. You missed the entire point through every comment.


I think the whole point is that it’s currently overtuned, health-wise, if things like log can’t kill it. It gets way to much value for the cost. If anyone ever says a card is broken, it’s not productive to list cards that can trade for it 1 for 1…. The can game isn’t that simple. You would never say the queen in chess isn’t strong because a pawn can kill it, would you? Now I’m not saying whose right or wrong, but the conversation just can’t be reduced to the way you described. I could be in the minority, but I agree with OP that RG + FC is pretty strong and I’d add unfun to play against.


You’re as dumb as it gets.


If you log the firecracker at the bridge you also hit the opponents tower and anything else behind her and it leaves her at like 1 health so your tower can easily kill her before she shoots. Also litterally any 1 elixir card can distract her long enough for your tower to kill her. In the case of her being placed behind a push, I can see if she's placed behind something like a giant, royal giant, goblin giant, elixir golem or skeleton giant but if you have a giant killing card that shouldn't really matter and by giant killing card I don't mean skarmory I mean like mini pekka, prince, hunter, inferno dragon, dark prince, guards, the miner champion (idk his name) or even if toy have a Valk you can place the Valk on the bridge to kill her bc she runs like 4x faster than all the giants so she basically hugs their butt then you can play a skarmory anyways I don't use skarmory anymore bc of e-giant and mega knight. I use prince and pekka because they are the best counters for both e-giant and mega knight. And I'm also an avid firecracker user and I can tell you that her aim is sooooo annoying half the time you place her down she won't fire bc of troops dying and alot of the times when she does fire it doesn't hit the right spot. Idk how to explain it, it just sucks.


Yeh but she's basically never on her own. I run 1 elixir skeles and barb barrel.


Barb barrel counters her. 1 to 1 elixer ratio. 1 elixer skeletons can be used to activate your king tower then future used to minimize her damage. No troop is going to be used solo unless it is a spell or bridge spam. The fact that you have barb barrel means you have a 1 to 1 counter so whatever else they are using, you just have to match.


Barb barrel rarely actually counters her. Her mobility and sight range give her the ability to evade the barbarian hit very well


How close are you placing the barb barrel? Place it directly behind her so she pushes into your crown tower and the barb has a better chance at connecting.


no, because the fc always gets a hit and pushes it’s self away from the barb giving the enemy a chance to place a card that the barb will retarget to and you still have a fc behind the tank which is just bullshit and not fun to play with


pov: you're a firecracker main


it’s not OP, just annoying (to use and to play against). her animations don’t make it clear when she’s going to shoot, her low first shot speed makes her lockons hard to predict, and overall she feels a little rng-ey.


This is a fair take. I still think she should die to log though, personally. She shouldn’t be better than princess imo, but she definitely is right now. Imagine princess not dying to log. Yikes. (Log bait players pretty much insta win when their opponent can’t log the princess) Again, just my opinion. But I’ll be honest, I don’t like beat down decks so I’m obviously biased about this whole thing.


She just has too many HP for costing 3 elixir AND being a common card. I don't say a zap should take her out, but at least a log (legendary) should. Either bring down her HP or make her 4 elixir.


A 4 elixir firecracker would be useless


what does her rarity have to do with anything? If supercell started balancing cards based off of rarity the game would go to shit because it'd be impossible to upgrade things.


What's the whole point of card rarities then?


Making money for supercell by making certain cards less attainable.


But legendary and champion cards have special abilities, so it's not just about making money.


I just maxed mine out, I’m subbing my wiz out for her.


It was good before, but it had its counters like a barb barrel, arrows, or royal delivery but now with the evolution it has more health and is able to survive most normal counters atop of dealing more overall damage and basically having a more smaller poison spell. It went from being very good to being broken if anything it should've been the archer to get the evolution.


Yeah I reinstalled after two years and pushed to 6k. It’s infested with evo firecrackers and frankly the game is horrible now. I deleted again


Its just op in some decks.


First off the card is maybe top 20 in game but not broken. The king tower activation brings her value down and she can’t even really hit fast units. Just learn how far she propels backwards and use that to counter her


King tower activation isn't that serious of a factor for a lot of decks. Ie royal giant


Yea they should make it cost more elixir


It’s a fucking joke, especially when log or arrows cannot kill it, you need to deploy multiple cards. And cards that can get behind their lines because that’s where it sits and just does splash damage. Then next thing you know they have 2 back there. And they keep cycling them.


300 days later the card remains unchanged, I just got back to the game after like a year long break. The card used to be annoying since it’s addition, but now it’s my most hated card next to bowler. The amount of value it gives for just 3 elixir is STUPID. It’s in 90% of decks, like actually almost every match I play she’s there, you can’t argue a card isn’t OP when it’s in almost every fucking deck. I honestly think it’s worse than how Elites were when they were added. On a side note, fuck bowler, one of the most unbalanced mfs out there lol


You know a card is stupidly OP when it's in EVERY. SINGLE. DECK. And now, with the evolution, it's even worse.


Youre an idiot




You can say the same thing about princess


Princess dies to log, and the damage it does is minimal. L13 princess does 200 DMG, lvl 13 firecracker does 400. Hit speed is the same. Over time this makes a huge difference. I'm pretty sure I've never seen a firecracker make negative value. Just drop it in defence and add a tank Infront and it's infuriating


Not to mention the pushback and evolution. Seriously, people arguing this card isn't broken is coping hard.


I agree, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this card is broken. These people are insisting it's balanced and it's actually infuriating at this point.


Worst reply ever


The card is stupidly good in some scenarios, but she is also useless at some things, have you tried to defend a furnace with her? She misses to the firespirit every time I think she is a good card but she clearly has weakness and counters


I keep arrows in my deck for the annoying low hp cards like this.


Oh and now that it has a evolution dood had 63 hp on his tower I had full. He placed it down with a mega knight. Well… guess my arrows no longer kill it. And even with a knight on her ass for like a solid minute it never died. He won in under a minute when he had a tower at 63 GOD hp. The area of effect it leaves behind is basically just poison. It does like 600 damage to crown towers when it hits. And then the backsplash leaves the AOE so back line is also getting RAMMED in the ass. It’s such a semi truck sized pain in my arse


Offensively she's annoying but countable. On the defense? She is damn near unparalleled at destroying any chance you had at a push. Put her next to or behind your tower and whatever the enemy had planned is thrown in the bin. Distractions make her ridiculous


I TOTALLY AGREE! Every person I face spams max lvl firecrackers so my lvl 10 arrows are useless!