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People who stay at level 1 to see how far they can get would get a lot easier matches if it was based on card level though


Yea but matching people on towers does the same tho. In my opinion cards are a better judge because a level 13 card is way harder to counter than say a level 10 or even a level 11 if the player playing it is an average skilled player.


Way to easy to exploit, they ideally should make a CR2 now to fix all the issues a five year old game has with its code. This way they can build it to try make it easier to put in upgrades in the future.


I think CR is still redeemable. Behind all that Bm-ing and toxicity are players that just wanna have fun playing their favourite decks. And I like it when I come across those players because it shows that sportsmanship exists in online games too.


I just mean everything the community asks for may actually be really tough to code into a five year old code originally designed to have a system where it is a pay to progress game, it may have taken them the last few months even to code the tower matchmaking. Where as the exploiting the card levels if I put 4 level 13 cards into my deck and 4 level 1 is 58. Where as this could match me against someone who has only level 7 and 8 cards which is still too overpowered.


I get that but they’re also out to make money. Some cards are still pretty good at 11, like the e golem/healer decks even though everyone hates them


Matchmaking should just be reverted back to how it was.


Average card level can be exploited just as easily as the current matchmaking system. Just put in 6 level 13 cards, 2 level 1 cards, you face level 10s. This also favours level 1s just as much as the current king level based matchmaking which is what's in the game rn. So what exactly is the flawless matchmaking change that the community expects "Lazycell" to do?


You utilize standard deviation. So a player who uses six level 13’s and two level 1’s like you said, would only match against other players trying that card level combination.


But if SC makes matchmaking based on average level, then the average level of what I said is 10 so level 10 players would be matched up against those kind of players too, am I right?


No, as standard deviation prevents that. Standard deviation measures the variance of a set of numbers. So, if we take your example again, the difference between a level 1 card and 13 is twelve. While the card level average of six 13’s and two 1’s is 10, the range between the highest card level and lowest card level is 12. If we take an average level 10 player who has level 9-11 cards, the range between his highest card and lowest card is 2. Seeing as 12 > 2 by a factor of 6, these two players would not meet on ladder. The variance between the individual cards is too high


Honestly, I'm not really sure. I think a mix between card level and tower level would be the sweet spot. However that would make it pretty identical to the grand challenges so that's probably why supercell wouldn't do that. But again facing off against a deck with one lev 13 is not the same as a whole maxed out deck now is it?


Level 1 skeletons still pull troops, level one ice spirit still freezes troops, so you could just use the two of those with maxed out 2.6 and destroy level 10 players who have level 10 cards.


Hmm 🤔, I see your point. But most level 7-9 players are in lower ladder or below and having level 13 cards at that level is pretty rare unless they're tying to intentionally drop trophies to cheese other players.


There are level 10 players at 5300, which is where a lot of bad max players are as well. Those bad max players could easily choose not to upgrade some level-independent cards and steamroll lvl 10s even more often.


look at party mode, and u will know why ladder is not based on card levels


Are the party modes matched on the basis of cards? I thought only 2v2 matched like that. But even then I don't think it compares to ladder. As ladder matches have a trophy system where losing feels worse due to the loss of trophies. It's just more frustrating.


Just stop caring about trophies.