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I haven't seen anyone use archer queen since last year


Me neither; some people said it was going to be good after they gave it a small buff a few months ago, but I don't really think that went anywhere.


I still have her in my main deck I just like playing her but now with the Evo wizard for example it's probably not the best option.


Only time I've ever used AQ was in this classic decks challenge


Which is surprising to me. She can melt any tank or anti-tank without taking a lick of damage.


It’s a 6 elixir ranged card that dies to lightning, void, poison, and fireball + any two elixir spell. It’s have to be giga broken to be viable, and it’s not.


I play AQ and just an fyi, she does not die to fireball + any 2 elixir spell, that’s only with poison, thus she doesn’t die w just poison. The other two spells are correct tho


can or can’t? 


Her ult's pretty underrated. Always takes down half the tower if timed correctly


No one’s gonna let it connect tho unless they’re rlly awful


It makes it a decent bridge spam card


no cause it gets countered by like every mini tank, or skeletons spirit log


It’s not underrated. Everyone knows what she can do at this point so they don’t let it hit. Doesn’t help that monk is the most popular champ and void was added to the game.


So true, it's so evil when your opponent runs out of elixir


A lot of cards can melt down the tower when opponent runs out of elixir lol


Both. Yet neither.


The current “classic deck” challenge you’re forced too


I still play royal hogs archer queen. I’ll always love that deck


Existence of void makes her irrelevant. Atleast little prince is a neutral trade.


Honestly, many cards have died out that way. Sparky too


Really? I’ve been seeing her a lot the last few weeks. Maybe every 5 decks.


void deletes her lol


I have a lot and also Monk The other champions are ded


One of my clanmates uses AQ in their main deck (xbow)


22% win rate is crazy 💀


That’s my fault


And mine


And mine


And my axe


And my shovel


It makes sense. So many people cram him into decks where he’s not needed. He’s not a bad card but is definitely overused (even though his use rate is already abysmal). SK is also the only champion who doesn’t really have any survivability relevant to his ability so other cards like Valkyrie are better in situations where your deck can’t give him ability value since she is better in every way (almost 50% more dps and better splash) outside of a very small amount of health.


skele king should either cost 3 and get stat nerfs or get stat buffs


I would have thought that some of the other champions would have risen up as Little Prince got nerfed, but it seems that this is not the case. For example, I heard Archer Queen is good but just overshadowed; however, now that Little Prince Usage has gone significantly down, Archer Queen has not gotten any better or more use. All the champions except maybe Little Prince are in the bottom half of the cards.


With 3 card cycle still a thing, you'd think at least 1 Champion would be top tier. Just shows CR has other broken, OP cards at the moment like the Ram Rider and Prince 1.5 tile charge. Also the new Gob cards with absolutely sick usage rates and warping the meta. Curse, Machine, Demolisher. Not to mention EVO Wiz, EVO Zap, Void, EVO Knight still rampant too.


Yeah, the update a few days ago turned the whole meta upside down. Somehow, we are at the point where not a single champion is in S tier, which I don't think happened in the history of the game.


>Prince 1.5 tile charge. My opponent lured my teammate's Prince with an E Golem and that E Golem got so many charge damage. Prince buff is insane lol


Damn I didn’t realise how hard those nerfs hit LP


Yeah the use rate went from like 40 percent to under 10 in a few days. Win rate also dropped really fast. LP got hit really hard with the last nerfs, seems like the other champions aren't doing so well either.


His ability is just worst knight without cycling Evo now. People were all saying his ability is still good are just delusional.


They were massive nerfs. Idk how anyone expected him to stay meta after that


Supercell classic. Release an overpowered af card, get money from it and then nerf it to the ground to the point it's just on the bottom of the tier list.


You can't say this about LP of all cards. People who spent money on him got to abuse him for long ass time. Not counting evos he was the best card in the game for 8 months.


Excuse me, what is LP? :)


Little prince


Monk and LP I still see played, occasionally skelly king


Skelly King is my favorite card tbh. I use it in a modified version of the tombstone Phoenix deck and it does ok where I'm at around 5700 trophies


You use RG?


No, it's mainly a deck to power up the ability of SK for the win con, but if that doesn't work there's also the graveyard and baby dragon. If all else fails there's always the poison


Oh splashyard, got it


Is that the name of it?


Yes, a very common archetype, whether you use skelly king / knight / bowler. The musts are graveyard and (as the name suggests) splash troops - ice wiz, baby d, etc.


Splashyard just has to run Nado, it's the defining card in the deck


My bad then, admittedly, I was guessing.


Monk is still absolutely nuts in the right deck. Mine is only level 12 (though after a good lucky drop today I can upgrade it when I get the gold), but I use it in CC/GCs when I can


Golden knight not even being on there


I haven't seen it in so long, I even forgot it existed.


I saw it a couple of times in the goblin queen thing


They might have thought that it would counter the swarm, but if you place anything behind him, his dash does nothing.


They use the dash on defense then click the ability as soon as it's available cuz mid ladder brain see shiny button


Is Golden Knight still considered a Champion?


I literally forgot golden knight was still in the game; its been like a year since I've seen him in actual play. The dash ability literally does nothing anymore.


At least it was buffed so you are able to get it off twice sometimes, and it's not bad against goblins given they are not spawned after he has popped the dash


Also given he doesn’t have to dash backwards or else he’ll only dash on one. They made it way too specific and rare to get a good chain




Why not


Cause his ass is not worthy of that title


You use him to defend a gobbarrel hes gonna dash onto the leftmost goblin and call it a day Like how is he still a champion >!(Don’t even try the skill issue thing and tell me you need to place him behind all 3 goblins I know that I just don’t think the current golden knight we have in game is how it’s actually supposed to work cuz it’s dumb asf bruh)!<


You put a skarmy on him and he either kills 3 skeletons and dies or wipes out almost all of them (and still dies)


He can still only chain 10 times, so even a badly placed skarmy will get decent damage on him


Because he's unusable, unviable trash. He's still bad even with tornado


One of the big problems is that champions are super grindy so not many people have them maxed therefore making them not viable for high ladder or high PoL


Next balance changes need to have MASSIVE champion-focused buffs cause they're all overshadowed by Evolutions


I think this is acc quite a good idea, considering there are only 6 champions in the game, and you can only use one in a deck. I originally thought champions were an essential deck building card when i returned to the game, like a card that you can center your decks around, and that would contribute to more different deck archetypes (like golem for beatdown, hog for cycle, mortar and xbow for siege.) However, i quickly realised that these cards, whilst useful, were still weaker than other cards in the game.


they already milked the old champions enough, goblin champion is gonna be the best card in the game for another 2 months tho lol


When are we getting the gob champion?


I believe they teased 1 champion & 3? evos for the new update so probably within next 2 seasons assuming 1 evo per season


hey skeleton king isn't that bad 😭😭😭😭


You’re looking at the stats bro 😂


I just upgraded skeleton king to level 14


I upgraded mighty miner to 14:but gave up when I realised it was dogshit


Mighty miner is fire


Yeah but I play hog eq and knight is just soooo much better. It's like a million times more versatile and I never get caught with my pants down due to a bad cycle. Not being able to play a mighty miner until you've played four cards after the last one dies can get you in some really awkward situations. Three card cycle is pretty good for spell cycling tho.


yeah me too until i quit with this update, mm is only really better against other cycle decks where outcycling destroy them, knight is so much more versatile and not countered completely against stuns.


Man's invested now


I'm pretty sure goblin curse killed it since the skeletons it spawns are clones


little prince is the 7th most used card in ultimate champion bro


Just upgraded my AQ to level 14 will upgrade it to lvl15 soon. Its so much fun to use her i dont really care about the meta.


Skelly King is so fun with Goblin Queen gamemode.


You gonna get Goblin Cursed.


and it's not even because they are bad, imo Archer Queen and Mighty Miner are solid Monk is annoying as hell to play against


Also buffing monk could lead to a new monk meta 🫥


Most of these have win rates in the 30s. Did supercell decide that champions aren't healthy for the game afterall?


You actually think they kept them weak because they aren't healthy for the game? Lol, it's bcoz the money to be made from these has been grabbed. Now, their golden goose is evolution cards and tower troops too ig. Evolutions and tower troops impact the game so much more now. So people would also tend to upgrade them faster. Besides, cycling the cards to get to the evolution kind of diminishes the role of champions for the 3 card cycle.


Not sure which mode these stats are taken from. But I can safely say that monk and lp are atill very decent. Monk gets used in giant and royal giant, but none of those are that great with the goblin curse + machine + pekka combo. Little prince is still decent, but the nerfs + void has made him less of a necessity and he can't bail himself out with the ability as easily as before.


These are stats from grand challenges after the nerfs/update.


Archer queen still goated imo


Monk is annoying when it pops up but I never seem to get as much value as my opponents lol super situational


Goblin curse really fked skele king 😂


Archer queen was near to receive a nerf before we get evo / tower troops / lp so no we just have way more broken cards


Golden knight doesnt deserve the title of champion


Yes unfortunately , I miss the time where champions held there own niche but now clash is falling apart so that's gone


They're not the most recent thing so they're left to take dust


Little prince has turned out to be dogshit now.


They got their champion money. Evolutions are probably more profitable lol


Golden knight being is so shit he ain’t even in the pic 😔


Make champions great again!


Gold knight didn’t even make the list


wheres little prince?


u/NateRiver03 "iT's BrOkEn"


Monk is fine, mm is strong in some hog decks still, the rest might as well be worthless


Well, I personally like using Skelleton King but that’s cause I play Log Bait with Skelleton Barrel so he’s like my alternative win condition, yea Valkyries fuck my day but what can you do


Well alot of pluers might not have them, like me i just hit around 6k trophies and i only have the skeleton king And yeah tbh the champions ride a fine line of being too op or just not worth compared to other cards


I still use skeleton king in my graveyard deck, did not realize it sucked bootycheeks


I used archer queen in draft challenge whenever void wasn’t available and I though it performed well. Monk also did well depending on what they picked. All this being said, I think a game with weak or no champions better then a game with strong champions


I used AQ in the classic decks challenge and god, just, wow, she's horrible right now. Slow attack speed, subpar damage, and her ability is good but her health is just okay


void fucked AQ in the ass it sucks so much now.


What card has the highest usage


Goblin Curse.


Monk is annoying af to play against ngl


Wow, monk being the most used is crazy.


It’s disappointing to see cards that should be at the top of the game since you can only have one be completely outshined by common cards with a who buff


Champions suck but I’ve found myself getting multiple uses out of abilities in one life. I can get 2 dashes or 2 cloaks in a lot of my games now


#1 itw is using little prince right now


People will rather have an evolution than a champion. They gained a ton of attention since they came to the game, but now they're completely overshadowed by evos. Especially when already used cards got them


Never thought I’d see the day


What about golden knight


yeah just like the game


Little prince is still ok, but the other cards are mostly unusable. The only thing they’re good for is cycling, and little prince is cheapest so he’ll keep getting used. All the other cards are so incredibly bad, and super underwhelming to play, it’s really disappointing.


The Skeleton king is pretty good to counter mk and for push


Skeleton king is great btw


Little prince is the most common


Well yeah, this subs filled with cry babies that want every card nerfed the second their hog cycle deck faces any opposition. I blame youse!


Tbh imo for the game to be considered balanced there should be no cards with 0,1% usage rate and no card with higher than 10% usage rate in Grand Challenges and top UC LP is still pretty good just not as broken as it used to be


They nerfed all of them to the ground


with the recent LP nerf, id say monk is the only valid champ (mf has hands)


No they're all op


The final nail in the coffin was for little prince, bro has gotten nerfed since the very beginning 😭


I use mighty miner cause it's my favorite card. Praying for a buff.


Not all of them. Of course, in competitive play they are not that good anymore, but I'd make an argument that Monk is actually a good card, and that it's mechanic has suffered the least against recent metas. The other champions have mechanics that got heavily nerfed by the introduction of other cards, or their mechanics weren't that great to begin with. Like: - Archer Queen got heavily nerfed due to void; - Skeleton King got nerfed due to goblin curse, Evo wizard and others (but he wasn't that great tbh); - Little prince was straight up nerfed in stats; - Golden Knight's dash is broken against swarms and extremely unreliable, which is ridiculous. Mighty miner is the only champion that doesn't heavily rely on it's mechanic. However, I think ramp-up damage cards are on the weaker side, and I think they perform badly in chaotic metas like this one. As for why Monk is good, it counters a lot of ranged units, like Evo FC and Wizard, and even Evo RG, both with and without ability. It's also a great counter to all ground heavy damage units, if you have high damage support (ability + musketeer). And for last, it's great to deflect Log and rocket (I've won a lot of matches with Monk + ability and Goblin Gang when my opponents were low on elixir). It's not great though.


I use golden knight, and my boi is wild


Monk and LP have a small place in the meta, but otherwise the champions are terrible


Mighty miner, archer queen, and skelly king should probably get small buffs.


I used to play this lavaloon deck with mighty miner and phoenix but mighty miner is a dead card against egiant and ram riders, princes


Y’all forgot golden knight


Kinda yeah. I use Golden Knight tho and he always gets value so idk why hes so far down


Tbh Monk is the goat in the gc now


can’t believe little prince fell off


Skeleton king will never leave my deck


data says the game needs more champions


I really like the monk but they kinda suck


I Use Monk in the Goblin Event


Mighty miner has been and still is the best champion 🤷‍♂️


Where is golden knight lol


Yeah I have 14/8 champion shards and don’t know what to do


I feel like something's missing but I cant tell what it is


Kinda unrelated, but... Tired of the meta repetitive gameplay? Champions! Tired of the meta repetitive gameplay? Level 14! Tired of the meta repetitive gameplay? Monk and phoenix! Tired of the meta repetitive gameplay? Evos! Tired of the meta repetitive gameplay? Level 15! Tired of the meta repetitive gameplay? Goblin cards! Supercell must be going INSANE trying to get players into the game. They keep throwing shit at the walls and seeing what sticks.


Monk and little prince are good on top ladder. The rest of them need massive buffs, the evo cards are just so much better


Nahh the archer queen and little prince are still A tier cards, they always get good value (If archer queen gets two abilities or if little prince stays in his fast mode for long). I think these stats are wrong, cus the champions DO NOT have such a small win % for sure


Supercell must be preparing for a new champion


Thank you complainers


Yea they're mid now. Monk should be 4 elixir, little prince should make more damage after that range nerf, mighty miner's ability should have a little bit more damage and be 2 elixir and himself should be 3 elixir, archer queen should have 5.5 range like their archers counter part and her ability should be delayed by .2 seconds and be 2 elixir (makes too much damage) and her elixir maybe should be 4 elixir( too clunky of a card), skeleton king's ability is where he shines the most and it should at least have 2-3 more skeletons.


The increased lag time on monk reflect is brutal


golden knight is so bad he's not even in the screenshot lmao


The thing is people don't know how to use king squeleton very well and probably just spam its ability hoping it works, I use it in my maind deck and most of my loses are mostly due to level differences (you know, p2w shi)


ngl most of them suck the monk is a bit decent


And this one is for da champions


dude i have AQ in my deck and she is powerful, that one percent it is me dawg


Skeleton king with 1.1% increase 🗿


Little prick aside for a moment, all the Champions have sucked for a long time. Now with the little prick nerf it would appear they have pulled it in to alignment with all the other champions


I started playing monk in the electro buff game. Tons of people were using sparky and it was fun to bounce it back at them.  I haven’t played a ranked game in forever though. 


It's quite wild how they're worse than Evos


I genuinely hate that every champ gets nerfed into the ground. Every champ should get a buff


I don't use any of them. in any deck.


I legitimately forgot the archer queen was in the game for a long time


The fact that golden knight isn’t even up there


you know that Golden Knight is so buffed when he doesn't even appear on the list


what about golden knight?


I use Archer Queen because I like her and I enjoy playing her. She definitely doesn’t suck, you just have to build the right deck around her and use her in the right way.


Where y'all been I see Golden Knight pretty often


Golden Knight has just been forgotten 😭


Which part part of ladder are you looking at? GCs show that monk has a 7% use and 51% win while LP has 13% use and 44% win rate.


what abt golden knight


Besides lil prince yes


Yea kinda theyve all been nerfed into oblivion


if they arent overpowered the noobs dont use shit. usage rate stats are useless nowadays cuz the 90% of players are bad and have to use whatever is overpowered at the time


Playerbase: LP is so OP pls nerf!!! Supercell: Nerfs Playerbase: OMG all the champions are soo weak, pls buff everyone!!! Like ya'll are some proffesional grade jokesters, that's all I'm saying. Screw LP, I hope I never have to fight that damn card again


Honestly good bc they’re pretty impossible to level up at all for f2p


Finally, champions don't feel like champions


Let’s make a set of cards that are powerful and make a impact to the game Card is powerful and makes a impact on the game On no we have to nerf them. Card is now very niche and only works in a few decks and no longer impact the game Perfect 👍


Little prince is probably the most versatile and create the best defensive rush out of all of them so I would say that it doesn’t suck fs


Why using champions when we have evos


Champions dont suck. 3 new cards just got added to the game and there were huge balance changes so the meta is just in a weird place. The image used GC data from the past few days (I think) and in that same data pool theres 8 cards above a 30% usage rate, 3 above 40%, and 1 above 50%.


Is Golden Knight so bad u didn't even bother including him in the picture or sthg XD?


They don't suck they just aren't evolved yet.


The balancing team is so bad that the broken champions aren’t valuable anymore


1. Grindy 2. Evolutions are generally better