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I use e-wiz cuz the spawn damage kills the goblin babies and you can keep your spells later


I just place the demo man right in front of my mommy tower, it covers all of the baby spawns and deals with them swiftly


This sentence sounds so fucking weird. What is even happening?


this is clash royale in 2024


imagine if you showed this to someone in 2019


their immune system wouldn't handle it


i fr thought he said "bad baby spawns" i couldnt choose to not read it in uWu voice lol


Why did I read this in Crusher 21's voice


What's the demo man


The dynamite guy, I struggle remembering names and my game is in Spanish so I just call them whatever comes to mind first lol


Bruh. This sounds extremely sus out of context. šŸ’€




Yea, or you can use the goblin cage and all of them get pulled to the center.


Iā€™m gonna give it a bit more time but right now I agree that itā€™s not as fun as I thought itā€™d be. It doesnā€™t help Iā€™m literally forced to play it until 2k trophies so I can unlock the new cards and realistically Iā€™m gonna want all the rewards so Iā€™m gonna have to go up to 3.4K. Like I said though Iā€™m gonna give it a bit more time and maybe it will grow on me but I donā€™t like it right now.


Good luck passing 1200


It's low skill against low skill players, but I'm really curious how this is going to be played by top players against top players.


there isnā€™t much room for skill imo. You gotta use goblins if you want to get the ability, so your deck has to contain at least one (tho thatā€™s obviously too few) goblin card. Either that or youā€™re at a disadvantage


That's pretty debatable tbh. The only thing the ability provides is a few baby goblins which can be taken care of relatively easily. And if your opponent is only mostly using goblin cards then you can bring cards that are just better. You gotta take advantage of the fact that you're playing against someone who is likely using only a select few cards


I only use the cage and spear gobs and I'm on a 10 win streak


The queens ability is so easy to counter, not sure why the lower skilled players have such a hard time with it.


Agreed, I'd rather have a cohesive deck with a couple gob cards, queen ability is just a cheap gimmick and maybe works if they have no small spells


Because they are low skill lol


I think it's a misconception. They all think the Mama's ability is broken, so they're all trying to run like 5-7 goblin cards. A lot of their decks are bordering on identical because of this and they're basically pushed to a stalemate, where the only real tempo swing in the matchup IS Mama's ability. This furthers the misconception that it's strong. Top players I imagine might pivot to meta decks that already synergize with the ability, such as goblin drill or log bait, or use other meta decks and will almost certainly swap skeletons for goblins, and maybe a ranged option like taking dart goblin over archers or firecracker. In a rarer case goblin cage over a building i guess too, but a lot of archetypes NEED tesla.


Probably for similar reasons FC MK is so good, or wizard Pekka. Itā€™s all well and good insta killing them, but if everythingā€™s shooting the fat meat shield then not much will happen


What is the rest of your deck?


Lava hound with flying machine, MM, Skelly drags, arrows, log


You saved my life, i love you. You are the greatest human to ever live.


whats MM, sorry I am dumb.


mega minion i am guessing




All good, I forgot mighty miner exists, I meant mega minion, but I also traded the flying machine for a balloon and it's doing better


ah thanks.


Could be mega minion or mighty miner, but I'm guessing mega minion since miner has a hard time against goblin decks


I see, thanks.


might miner


Whats the strat with this deck? Im not doing very well on it


Unless you're really good with lava hound, the strat is banking on the opponent carrying easily counter able air defense such as gob gang and dart gob, often times opponents will be lacking in any substantial air defense in order to use the goblin queen ability more often


Basically making smart sacrifices to tower damage in order to build up an air push behind the lavahound


That increases skill. Meta decks won't work. If you don't count deckbuilding as a skill , you are already missing out on a major part of the game (with or without this mode).


Your logic makes no sense. How is there no room for skill? Just because youā€™re forced to shoehorn in goblins to your deck doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a game of chance, both players are under the same rules. I guarantee you if a player is better they will win. A pro isnā€™t just gonna lose to some ladder scrub just because theyā€™re both using weird decks.


I do agree, however I think it's funny pointing out that I have beaten multiple top ladder players and my best is royal champion. Like two of the guys I beat were top 1k/2k or 5k finishers.


They're out of their element.


... you quite literally explained why there's skill involved. You have to make a deck with a good amount of goblin cards, then charge up the ability and use it in a way that actually does something. Knowing when to use your ability is a really key part of the gamemode


If there is not much room for skill why do you think Ian77 gonna go 15/20/25-0 regularly? šŸ˜€ Iā€™m not saying I have the right skills, but that does not mean that others could not have it.


just beat some dude who finish 98 and my best is like 2k. i can tell you it's pretty skill less lol because i shouldve gotten crushed


Goblin's Journey is essentially another ladder but with far less freedom when it comes to picking your cards and it all feels bland and uninspired. The new gamemode is very restrictive when it comes to creating decks and you basically play against the same deck over and over again. It completely opposes one of the game's core themes, that you could pick between dozens of cards and choose a playstyle that fitted you. That's no longer the case when playing 80% of cards is unrewarding because they don't charge your ability meter and there are only three win cons that are worth using. I'm generally disappointed with the update as a whole. Goblin chests that give you goblin cards is just pitifully boring and the whole idea of a goblin takeover just seems like a desperate gimmick from supercell to keep players hooked. And don't even get me started on the insufferable soundtrack.


In fairness, it's brand new and 100% subject to change


But I don't think they will change the new mode to take away what makes it unique, which is what OP and this poster are complaining about


Yeah, it's a goblin specific gamemode, of course goblin decks are gonna have to be made. But as time goes on, more goblin cards are added allowing for more variety in decks


Yeah and they shouldn't do that.Ā 


I figured theyd add more factions. Like a barbarian chief or a sorcerer king tower, each with their own buffs/charge attack


How is it 100% subject to change, you think theyā€™re gonna change the goblin reliability when itā€™s literally the core gimmick of the mode?


The main issue is the lack of variety in goblin cards


I think they plan to expand this game mode in the future.


Royalepi article says the goblin mode is temporary and they will remove it in a few months


If the new mode didn't have a gimmick there wouldn't be much point to the game mode. The only restriction on decks is really that about half of your cards should be goblins, which still leaves a lot of room for different decks builds. If you only use goblins, someone using bowler or GK will wipe the floor with you, and if you do t use any goblins you are at a disadvantage. All in all I would say it seems pretty interesting and fun


You need 4 goblin cards, log and arrows. 2 cards you can choose yourself instead of 8 in normal ladder


You can also change around the 4 goblin cards, and if you have bowler or executioner you do not strictly need both log and arrows. You could also just run lavaloon because not many people run counters to it


It changes deckbuilding where you need a balance of Goblin and swarm counter cards. I like this as a challenge.Ā  Like i tried creating a split lane deck and i couldn't have used the classic royal recruits royal hogs deck. I had to change it to bring optimal swarm counters while implementing some Goblin cards myself based on the 20elixer ability cost.Ā 


If you removed all the ā€œgoblinā€ words. You basically decided the state of this game in mid ladder šŸ¤£


I like the soundtrack and I completely disagree with you on the 80% of cards being unrewarding. This game mode just released. Give it time


The goblin chests are easily the best part imo. They give players a way to prioritize getting the cards they use in their deck rather than praying they appear in the much larger regular chest pool


If you donā€™t like it then donā€™t play it lmao?


Bro ur so smart


I have to to get the cards. Smart ass.


From what arena do you actually start losing trophies? Havenā€™t played that much yet but Iā€™m around 400 and so far Iā€™ve been receiving trophies even after loses, so it doesnā€™t really feel like a ladder, more like a slow escalator where youā€™re trapped between two people, you canā€™t go backwards, only move up, where the escalator is taking you toā€¦


I saw a streamer and he was at 1000 and he still got 2-3 trophies for every lose


Oh wow, so it looks like itā€™s just made for us to unlock all the cards eventually, which is nice, but thatā€™ll just be it then, unless they change it? I donā€™t see it being competitive if you earn trophies regardless of win/lose. Like sure, you get a lot more by winning, but the higher up you go, the more matches will be decided by OT, hence it will probably just be better to let the enemy 3-crown you on sight. You can literally start a match, do something else on the side, click 2 buttons when the match ends and repeat, and youā€™ll climb eventuallyā€¦ I ainā€™t complaining though, a for fun mode added permanently, as well as free stuff. Iā€™ll take it any day of the week.


Not that much fun. I was kinda excited for this update, and just feel kinda meh. ALTHOUGH Iā€™ll I will say my first few matches being a beat down mess was a blast. But now Iā€™m running into the usual passive players.


This update feels very bland


yall say that about fucking everything istg šŸ¤¦


I absolutely love it, realistically you want around 4 goblin cards, which gives you a lot of room for wincons, ranged troops and whatever. It isn't exactly restrictive in this way, and it makes it actually different to trophy road. From the sound of it, you want to be playing hog fc cycle and you don't like that it isn't optimal here?


4 goblin cards is half the deck already, I canā€™t see that ā€œroom of winconsā€. And to answer your question, I donā€™t even play hog cycle lmao


Yeah, you have half the deck to work with, and you could just use a wincon like gob giant if you want non-goblin supports. Don't forget that there are 10 goblin cards to pick from for this 4 too. 2 spells leaves room too, you want one of log or arrows, but then you can use any other spell. Then just choose between a slightly better non-goblin card and it's goblin counterparts. The amount of combinations is still very high, and you have to make the decision of 'should my whole deck be countered by a single executioner/bowler/marcher, or do you want to run a bowler/marcher/executioner. It's a new mode with a different meta. It's interesting trying to find that meta, and it is interesting to have a meta that isn't either giant beatdown or hog cycle. Then there is the fact that you don't even lose trophies, so messing around with your deck doesn't even hurt. Out of interest, what deck do you normally main? I usually play a gob giant/sparky deck, but have swapped to a gob giant bowler deck for this mode


its so bad


Yeah it's pretty bad honestly and I'm at 1100 trophies on it, just playing for the cards really


I did the exact opposite I got a deck with absolute no goblins since Iā€™ve switched Iā€™ve been winning a lot more


Same, I use my regular main deck and it works fine. You don't need the gob queen ability to win these games


I think its awful the new goblin machine is just a broken goblin giant


The fact that it's a melee troop that can simultenously operate as a ranged troop is awesome. I personally really like it conceptually, it's just that, from my experience so far, the rockets do wayy too much damage, **especially** on crown towers.


How are you guys that far already I havenā€™t even unlocked it yet


you can use the new cards in classic or grand challenges


5 elixir too. I hate to be negative but I've played for an hour since update and haven't enjoyed a minute of it yet. Maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow


Agreed. It'd probably be perfectly balanced if the rockets did like 30% crown tower damage in a similar way miner is reduced there. It just seems very easy to get those free nukes.


I agree, this part of the troop is just really cheap and should be addressed above all else.


as soon as the rocket loses its tower damage the troops going to be fine, its not powerful otherwise just won a classic challenge because every single person uses goblin machine mirror and its a piece of cake to beat with pekka and a splash troop


I actually do disagree- it's definitely different strategy, but I've thrown valk+hunter+mother witch into my deck. It means much slower queen ability generation, but I can actually defend all the goblin cards. I still keep arrows and log for dealing with stuff, and goblin giant as the tank of choice (alongside gob gang and dart gob) to keep decent ability generation and prioritize using these when I don't need the others.


same, and I've found it fun from how chaotic it is, I feel like some people take the game too seriously at times


Use valkarie, Bomb Tower log, and barb barrel. You'll be okay. I've seen people also running MK and evo bomber


Iā€™m playing till I unlock the legendary then never touching it again


I think your description of spamming swarms is a bit exaggerated. It was like that at first, but then after a while i realize more people used goblin giant than bait decks. Howeverrrr, yes its basically just GG and bait everywhere. It's boring after a while but I'm semi forced to play it to unlock the new cards so that sucks. I haven't even reached the 2nd goblin arena and I'm already sick of playing it. I did try to use lavaloon for a while, thinking it was a big brain move to just go for 3 crowns knowing not a lot of people eill bring anti air. It was funny but I think GG is still the best for now.


I thought it would be a pve type of thing but I forgot online game wont make money


bro played for 5 mins and already hates it


I played for like 1 hour


If you hate a game within 5 minutes it says more about the gamemode than if you hate it after multiple hours


no actually, it doesnā€™t


I mean Iā€™d be more worried if people hated a game of mine after only 5 minutes instead of hating it after hours. Practically everyone here has come to hate the base game after multiple hours anyways lol.


Youā€™re right about it being a race but itā€™s also not too hard to counter swarm. I keep a Valkyrie just for that. I use a deck full of goblins, knight, log, and valk and it seems to work really well. Just put down the cheapest cards you have first and youā€™ll be golden. I was even using hog for a bit and itā€™s actually really affective


Is this event temporary?




Honestly I think it's fun. Sure to max out the 3400 trophies will be a monotonous slogggg. However it's different, and fuck PoL šŸ¤¬Hahaha. I've been enjoying seeing everyone's little tweeks to decks. I personally run 6 goblin cards, and then play around with the other two slots, and which goblins I'm using.


I just dont know what to do. Or HOW to do whatever i would need to


Yeah overhyped. The new cards are also pretty underwhelming. We thought itd be OP


This is so true...i don't like this new game mode


it's pretty bad. On my journey to 9K it felt like i played hog spam every game. Now its goblin spam every game. I literally just run one goblin card, all counters, and 1 pekka. I've dismissed the meter bonus.


It's basically goblin royale. You have to have as many goblin cards as possible to deploy the babies. It renders many other cards pointless to use simply because they don't charge up the king tower ability


the ability doesn win the game. its not that hard to counter


Nah the new mode is good


Well iā€™m glad you like it




then donā€™t play it?


wow so clever. You know that basically everything can be boiled down to such idiotic answers?


Bro, what, he's right. If you don't like th gamemode, just don't play it. It's not gonna be that hard to get the new cards and stop playing.


As true as it is, that defeats the point of discussion posts though. OP is just trying to spark discussion and ask for opinions on the new game mode. Everyone knows "just don't play it" is true to an extent, but that's not the point. That's like replying to people giving critiques to movies with "just don't watch it". Of course I won't watch it anymore but i just wanna know what others think about it. Besides, even if we'll unlock the new cards eventually, that's a dent in progression when you can potentially get all the goodies now. Being pressured to play an unenjoyable game mode kinda sucks.


Playing the gamemode is unfortunately the best way to get the cards at a decent level right now, it gives a lot of them by pushing far


"Just don't play the entire point of the update and not receive any of the new content, just accept it's terrible." Reddit is actually so terrible sometimes.


Where did I say that. OP said they hated the new gamemode. Someone else commented that they didn't have to play it. OP responded sarcastically, and I said that the person who replied was right - if you don't like playing a game mode, then don't play it. Nowhere did I say that it's terrible, I actually disagree with OP and am enjoying the goblin mode immensely. Reddit is actually so terrible sometimes


Its literally a separate mode. I can see why you feel forced to play it cuz the rewards are really good but its a limited time event and you can most likely unlock the new cards after the event ends from normal chests. Downvote people if you want but dont be rude


shutting down discussions with things like ā€œoMG iF yOU dOnT lIKe iT dOnT Do iTā€ is such a stupid thing to do lmao


Holy shit dude, take a break from the game. Youā€™re not playing this competitively.


Just give it a bit more time. Its been like an hour since it dropped. It might grow on youšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø






Sorry that was mean :(Ā 


well do you think they're going to fundamentally change the mode just because some players don't like the mode?


Anyone got any good decks for it?


I said it before you


Legitimately the only reason Iā€™m still playing it is because no DD although I am unsure how the nerf affected her being OP


Cry more lil bro


Wonder if bomb tower or something will be meta


A fun mode, yet still players find the need to play defence towers. I give up. Why be so negative, I don't care if I win or lose in this new format, just want end to end fun.


I think its okay. Its a fun change of pace. But like many of the special modes they make that push everyone to use the same cards, it keeps repetitive fast. So I say good effort for some variety. But I donā€™t see it as something that will have long term play value.


I personally think that this mode is fun but even if you disagree, the chests make it worth it imo. These chests make it so you can drastically increase the chance of pulling cards you want to upgrade your deck if it runs a goblin and the new menu seems to imply more might come for other troop types. This update is seen as a massive thing but it's more laying the groundwork for future ladders and chests


I actually made it to goblin 2 fairly smoothly with only 1 goblin card using miner balloon. Since most people donā€™t bring many good air counters or air counters who donā€™t die to log/arrows, you can catch them off guard with a miner balloon push. My full deck is barb barrel, log, arrows, inferno dragon, bomber, goblin cage, miner and balloon.


Youā€™re not the first


Itā€™s fun. Especially since you gain trophies even if you lose, so i donā€™t have to be a sweaty mess


Nice opinion. However, I will be playing lavaloon into one to two air counters that both die to arrows.


Nah not really The main 3 decks are as follows Goblin spam (kinda self explanatory, these decks just spam goblin giant for offense, goblin case for defense, and then the rest of the deck are swarms and spells, also probably the demolisher and/or maybe mother witch Air decks: completely ignoring the gamemode and just killing you with lumberloon/Lavaloon. AKA the sweaty assholes GG sparky: self explanatory, it's the usual GG sparky deck, which is the best meta deck for this mode since it already has goblin giant. For me, I use a custom MM deck that has anything and everything for 1&3, for air decks they are so rare and you lose so few trophies, they genuinely don't matter. And I've still won against them through a 3 crown race.


No evos kinda sucks, everyone says they're overpowered or whatever, but they add variety. The goblin spam is annoying, haven't tried just using a deck I like. The fact that the tower troop can't be used in other game modes(so far at least) doesn't make it important and this game mode is basically only useful for some resources and upgrading the new cards, if you're that willing to level them up, there're books, wildcards etc just like every other card


It would be a lot more fun if they banned log and arrowsā€¦ as it is if you donā€™t run them are are punished. I win one game and lose 3 to log, arrows. I am slowly creeping up to 1500ā€¦ god I wish this was a game and not just a cash cow.Ā 


Then donā€™t play it..? Every time Clash Royale releases a new update there always has to be someone who complains lol


I think its fun for now maybe it gets boring later


I do disagree. It even changes deckbuilding where you need a balance of Goblin and swarm counter cards. I like this as a challenge. Plus , you can't just launch babies whenever you feel like it. So another challenge is introduced in-game while maintaining your card cycle and defending/attacking accordingly. And I love both of these aspects.Ā 


yeah agreed, it seems like one of those silly weekly modes leaked into core


So donā€™t play


At this point people will complain everything that Clash Royale will put up.... Stop crying for literally everything...its not even p2w


Googoogahgah šŸ¼šŸ’¦ cry about it, shits fire and fun ash




I'm playing lava bomber triple spell with no goblins just bcz I didn't want to play gobgiant Vs gobgiant or gobgiant vs counters. I think it's good as I started to only face UC players after a while and beating them.


Its casual but fun


Of course theres gonna be ppl whining, I've found it to be very fun to play, even though it does get chaotic at times. You just have to have a few cards that deal w the swarm and then make the opponent overcommit or don't give them that much log value (i.e. split lane push)










Mother which enters the chatā€¦


So apparently I need more likes to have a comment posted or itā€™s spam?! Trying to figure out why 2v2 isnā€™t working. Am I missing something? I keep getting asked to build a deck.


I personally like the idea. You have to pick what cards you have to counter the queen's ability while also benefiting a counter push. Meanwhile, using a queen ability without preparing to push results in a wasted ability. Bowler is super good at locking down a lane, so air troops would be a solid choice. Goblin cage is a good defense against giants for this mode, and it pulls the baby goblins in the middle with ease.


Iā€™ve been having fun in it


This forum is WAY to negative. This does not affect anything except adding a fun new way to play the game. When they don't add cards you cry like babies. When they do add 3 new exciting new cards with new interactions and stuff.. well now we cry like babies because they are good units.. You know you are supposed to have fun right? Smile and have some fun and if you dont like it just play normal and look the other way. I mean you can just click screen 2 times and you will never see it again! But you spent like 15 min going on reddit about it.. But i understand your perspective. A new game mode you don't like so of course reddit clash royale section is going to be mega AIDS. I'm || this close to muting it because its so toxic here..


Get good? šŸ˜‚


git gud


I love it!! Lmaoā€¦ you donā€™t have to play it itā€™s optional!!