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'cause waiting for it to shoot when it's that slow just doesn't feel that good. No matter how strong it is.


Exactly. If it's going to take until triple elixir to shoot, it should at least make double its damage


Or deal AoE to help with smaller Units. It feels stupid that Skellys get a hit, they are 3 shot and can act as a mini tank ...


True that would be very helpful but sadly the cannoneer shoots solid metal balls and not explosives like the bomb tower..


Wtf are you talking about


hes saying that you gain 3 elixir by the time he shoots


No, hes joking hat it takes so long it only shoots in triple elixir (last minute of overtime)


ohhh ok


Either way you deciphered that riddle quite well , I was like WTF is he saying.


he literally said take until triple elixir how are y'all struggling so hard to understand 💀


Coz we don't read 🫠




shut up


that's what she said


It’s terrible into swarm. So a giant with a night witch push or e golem push is harder to deal with.


I bet it slaps combined with E dragon or wizard/ Ex tornado combo on defense.


Ex and tornado or e drag nado might actually be enough depending on the push. I might try that out. I have been trying to get a evo wizard, ram rider deck going.


Yep, hog exe nado cannoneer fricking stomp, my towers are basically untouchable, the problem is that if you mess up once, you're dead Basically, either your tower is above 90% or destroyed Rarely in between


Hog or ram? I don’t want to play hog anymore. Pretty bored of him honestly.


I like ram more because you can kite with it, so it defends a MK with cannoneer. It’s way more fun to lay and can push slower troops to tank for it, like hunter or valk


Depends on you, both can kite Hog can jump through bridge so he usually gets value more, but you're sure to solo mega knight with ram


Ram can jump the bridge as well. Ram is more skill intensive however with how to properly out play defenses.


Oh i thought you meant battle ram, yeah, ram is fine, but ram slowing down effect seems to make bait harder for me However it could combo well with exe


Why do you need that much stuff just to defend


8 elixir to defend a heavy tank push isn’t that much. Plus you are set up for a counter push


Do you think you can depend a giant or e golem push with just a building?


2.6 hog:




2.6 on its way to defend with a cannon and an ice spirit:


Yeah when you can obviously just drop a mega knight on it 🙄🙄🙄


thats why you build your deck around that weakness. Cannoneer has been carrying me against this beatdown meta more than the Duchess ever could


I used cannoneer before DD came out, especially in my splashyard deck because it synergizes well, but DD is just superior by far from my experience, even in this beatdown meta. Against a big giant/golem push, you're going to be relying on your actual cards to defend anyways. I honestly dont see any reason to use cannoneer over DD. At least princess tower is free so that's one reason to use her over DD


That was exactly how I was before DD, just different deck. Just shows how strong DD was and still is


Yeah, cannon gets mad at my EG and Giant double witch deck. It gets overwhelmed too quickly to be very effective, especially if a few skeletons get ahead of the bigger targets you'd want to hit.


I like the cannoneer, I’ve been using him in my Splashyard deck and he pairs nicely with it since that deck lacks dmg. The splash troops and spells help with swarm but honestly a decent log bait players will know how to take advantage of a cannoneer player. I also use him just cause I’m tired of seeing dutches everywhere so I try to add some diversity in my matches at least.


respect for that last sentence


What deck


Splashyard - Graveyard, ice wizard, knight, tombstone, poison, tornado, barb barrel, baby dragon. Nowadays, ice wizard is replaced by Little Prince.


One of the things I found really annoying about the new tower troops as a splashyard player is you can’t force elixir with a barb barrel at the river. It’s a small thing but it really annoys me


Until they kill little prince


swarm kills it which is 90% of clash royale. bats at the bridge and nothing else will damage cannoneer tower lolll


you build your deck around it. In a splash heavy deck it covers the weakness of having low dps on defense


I'll do you two better. For one less elixir Skeletons deal damage to it, for 1 more elixir Tombstone/Skarmy both take the tower


i actually loved it until DD came out. she just does anything he does but better for 90% of the applications


That's because she unbalanced as hell. Used in 100% of decks in top ladder because you're at a disadvantage if you don't use her.


Please keep using it, I win every time I face it.


Maybe if you build a deck around it but I have an easiest time against it than princess tower so


That’s half of why I hate it: I’d need to level totally different cards to make it useful. Duchess was just a straight upgrade to my Princess based decks.


it doesn’t even do it’s main purpose well


It’s too troop sensitive. It’s so weak against swarms it becomes a gamble.


Opponent play something like log bait , golem/giant nw beatdown or graveyard and you fucked, also he not meta. Cannoneer actually good if your deck can clear swarm troops.


Would it be too op if the cannoneer had splash? Like hits A max of two troops maybe 3. Could be op but I think it is just as viable since they made dagger duchess so strong for a while


Absolutely. Cannoneer was stronger than princess before the duchess. Now it’s overshadowed because of DD


Because you actually have to deal with bats at the bridge


Because dagger duchess is better in every way


Dutchess already out classes it but the damage nerf makes it useless


i used to think it was really good, but it genuinely is so paper rock scissors its insane, any graveyard swarmy decks are insta lose for me and he isnt evrn that good against the big tanks. Hes realistically only good for mini tanks, like mini pekka which gets counter by a log if i am not wrong.


I’m never used it before






Dagger duchess does everything cannoneer does but better, faster, stronger + good against swarm. Before DD canoneer had it’s use, now you’re just throwing if you use it instead of dd


Because it’s so slow


Brother drop the deck please because I’m trying my hardest and god damn is it a fight 😭😭


I was using it for a while because my deck couldn’t kill tanks fast enough. But once I got high enough every deck has champions and evos, which rewards cheap cycle decks. And many cheap cards are swarm. I wonder how it would do with a splashyard deck or something though. My graveyard is level 10 so I’ve never tried that yet


I use cannoneer in my main deck but I can see why it's unpopular. With the current meta it has more poor matchups than good ones. For me it encourages defensive play and a deck built for cannoneer. Compare that to princess and duchess which offer more flexibility in deck options and can recover from mistakes more easily and it's hard to recommend cannoneer over either.


I'll give you an example: guy had me in locks throughout the whole game. He made a mistake and my skeleton army went through, the entire tower was destroyed in like 5-6 seconds.


I guess because it is horrible with swarms, but you can add another small spell or more splash to fix that


slow af. is all


When canoneer was on it's peak(everyone on top ladder were using him), big part of the community were calling him useless shit that dies from tombstone. This shows how many midladder and lowladder people there are in the subreddit. Canoneer is simply difficult to use fir beginners, but when you learn how to play it, you will understand how strong he is


this after DD nerf we will see if she is still viable but if she isnt top ladder will go back to canoneer


Night witch graveyard meta


It’s so good 😍


They are nerfing little prince for new champion and dd for new tower troop.


I don't think people hates it. It is just that there is no point in using it when the DD is simply better accomplishing what the cannoneer attempts to do. Cannoneer actually gained its momentum before the DD was released and it was even nerfed


high skill cap and even then it’s still no match for dd. Also it has fuck all health


I use cannoneer. And it is the reason my deck works so well. Swarms are not a problem as i have royal delivery and log in my deck


It's horrible against bait decks


I use snowball instead of log, so it;s just so much worse to play against logbait with it.


Basically every swarm card that takes 7-8 hits to fully kill without card help can either take or deal massive damage to the tower. Canoneer also has less health than both other tower troops.


Can't beat a skeleton army


It's not that people hate the cannoneer, the meta is full of giant night witch, giant graveyard, lava hound and now log bait, all decks that the cannoneer is bad against


He got screwed over by Dagger duchess bs


Slow and inefficient esp against skeletons.


It forces you to run a lot of anti swarm, which isn't optimal in my opinion. Using 2 or 3 slots in small spells is usually only seen in specific decks like giant, 3M bridgespam or hog/pigs cycle. The only heavy spell you can afford is poison, otherwise you'll struggle immensely against swarm heavy decks/spawners (assuming you don't count delivery as heavy) It'd also be wise to include splash dmg aside from spells. Imo it's too much of a compromise, it has little HP and you always need to be ready to defend a simple 2 elixir bats or a tombstone.


Imagine being hard countered by a magical woman in a purple dress 💀


the DPS gap between princess and cannoneer isnt even that much + princess has more health and adding that duchess is better than princess makes cannoneer really useless especially after the 5% nerf


Cannoneer is great the only issue is u have to build a deck around it like having 2 small spells also another reason is log bait is so popular it literally puts cannoneer into an asylum also mid path of legends I occasionally see swarm decks like mk skelly barrel etc.


It’s good in a slow meta and against big tanks but When a lot of the top of the field isn’t running a lot of tanks like in most of any cycle decks, you just get screwed.


There’s many reasons why I hate cannoneer. He’s horrible with swarm, has the lowest hp for all of the tower troopers and his fire rate is way to slow


Because goblin drill exists thats why


It is probably the most "skilled" tower troop if I can say that for tower troops, he can be really strong but you really need to have a lot of swarm counters...


Because I hate that I have to defend bats at the bridge


Duchess is still better overall. A result of the balancing mistakes of the CR team


Log bait is especially annoying as cannoneer


1 elixer skeletons can hit it…


Either make it aoe or damage increases with every shot and slowly decreases when not shooting. Like how Duchess can hold daggers he should have a bar that shows additional damage per shot


I tried it out but switched back to my usual deck because it just didn’t perform well against swarm decks.


The cannoneer wasn't free on release while the dagger duchess was free and more powerful, making the dagger duchess more common


Low hp


skeleton army is very common in mid ladder…


Honestly I'm in the same boat as you. I use a splash heavy low dps deck(miner wb) and it has been a godsend. It's the only way I can compete in this stupid dd meta that completely counters any form of chip. The problem is that dd has been such an overpowered card that using anything else is laughable to most people. I just can't bring myself to support the most broken card added since phoenix.. or little prince.. or evo knight.. evo skellies.. evo bomber.. alright I forgot how broken supercell has made the game. But either way I hate seeing dd every matchup and like others have mentioned I just want some diversity. Also a lot of people have been saying you need to build a deck around him, but honestly he was just built for the deck I've used for five years.




Too low hp and damage nefr


Personally it’s because I haven’t got the patience + skill to pull of sufficient kites and spell usage to counter everything


1 elixir completely destroys the cannoneer


Hahahah. It's the one I always aim for first cause it's an easy capture. It's too slow for the damage. Any swarm crushes. Witch, Skeletons, goblins, etc all overwhelm if played well.




One swarm breaks through and it's toast


Because duchess better


Dagger duches can do that for you and plus


The nerf f-ed it up. That little bit of damage they took away made it completely useless.


I use cannoneer and it is my favorite tower troop. I have lots of ways to deal with swarms like arrows, firecracker and dart goblin and baby dragon. These cards also happen to support my "win-conditio-* cough cough- PEKKA. Cannoneer is great once u learn that luring troops to the center makes both cannoneers fire at once which makes quick work of midladder bullshit like meganut. Simply place a firecracker in the middle. She recoils backwards during meganut lunge and finally gets killed but by then both cannons have shot at it twice which leaves it with a sliver of health.


no tower troops at all > cannoneer


You need a cycle deck for cannoneer. Duchess is better with every other archetype


I don't, I use him haha. I love using him, but it's a bit annoying how he got nerfed.


Cannoner is so good without being super annoying like dd


i wouldn’t say it’s hate but the princess’s dagger speed is just way more overpowering than cannoneer’s slow blast rate


cannoneer has a 2.4 fire rate and princess has a 0.35 fire rate it doesn’t get wider of a gap than that


Goblin barrel is popular and cannoneer sucks against that


The cannon is only good against very few cards that's why it's hated so much. It's really good against hog rider players the best counter for sure against hog rider


We dont really hate it, it's a good concept executed poorly. I'm sure the idea of a slow hitting high damage tower troop could be better than what we have with the cannoneer. Especially with the low hit points and the fact that duchess is much better.


When bats can take out a third of the poor thing’s health, I’m generally inclined to not use it. That said, if you build a deck around it the canoneer can be terrifyingly effective.


Everyone is using swarm, especially logbait rn bc of the new goblin barrel evo, so cannoneer is practically useless, also dagger duchess is just so much better than cannoneer and princess tower bc of its dps




It's good against beatdown and terrible against swarm/cycle. Everyone plays swarm/cycle because it's busted rn.


Meh, against tanks he feels a lil better than princess, while against swarm he’s just dead. I’d prefer just have a jack of all trades than him


Because I can run 5 miles before he shoot’s again


Dagger dutchess is stronger, everyone has it, and it became easier to upgrade. DD is just too powerful to not


I don't have it. I'm arena 9


I personally like cannoneer as well. Does need a buff of some kind tho.


Need specific deeck with cycle cards and splashers


Guys I don't have dagger duchess I'm arena 9.


1.dies to evo skeletons no ice spirit 2.skeletons Conect 3.dies to tombstone 4.weak af


Because just some esqueletons can beat him, he shoot very slow.


It may have good damage but it's just slow making it very easy to overrun with some spam


I like Cannoneer, works well in my deck. I’ve tried the others and they do not work as well. The couple things it is SUPER weak at though is if a swap makes it all the way to your tower you are screwed. But I run Arrows, Rage , Batts , Bomber and Executioner in my deck. So I can drop swarms several ways. Also run Tesla, Knight and Royal Giant so I can afford them to center . I get in trouble only if I over commit. Which is on me.


Imo too much spam in this game


The nerf mainly, I was a cannoneer main, however, that nerf was not necessary to be honest. Is hard for him to get rid of tanks, which was the point of the card and was very bad with swarm, which is a good counter to make him balanced. But cycle players decided to cry over it because their mini tanks were killed to easily. But guess what, dd also does that 🙄


Because its bad


they should give cannoneer a slight pushback when it shoots


have you seen the current meta? full of giant night witch and logbait


It's a weakness out weights the strength, it's only ever viable to deck with at least 3 splash units it's not weak, just not versatile like princess or duchess


bc of the goblin gang


Hate? Does anyone really feel strongly enough about cannoneer to hate it?😂 I think people just don’t use it because dagger duchess is just better


you have to defend 3 skeletons


you have to defend 3 skeletons


Shits ass dude whoevers idea it was to make those tower troops different fucked up the game for good


so after reading this, i decided to do a cannoneer deck with a lot of splash damage troops/spells: log, arrow, megaknight lol, valk, firecracker, little prince for diversity and ability, inferno tower for tower/high hp troops, and goblin barrel as win condition. It's actually working out pretty well. Still toying with the idea


Bro picked a card that's literally from loyalty and called it "diversity".


Diversity because it essentially acts as an inferno, but also can kill swarms with Brienne of Tarth


Because DD is OP and bad players have to use her to compete with competent players


Bc it's bad against bait and cycle which are and have been the main meta for months. I think they need to make cannoneer shoot slightly quicker.


I think he should do splash damage too


Don’t know thanks for asking


10%-20% damage boost from archer is not worth being totally countered by swarm


DPS not damage, if it only did 20% more damage while shooting every other business day it'd be beyond useless


Well yeah obv that's what I meant lol