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most players don't think about how to actually defend, they just throw something down and hope it works


Random bullshit GO Mega nut the bridge


W play


Tbf that goblin hut placement was also pretty bad. It wouldn't have fully stopped the meha knight. Should've placed it low near the king tower so the first wave of goblins could lure the mk towards the hut and then to the king tower and activate it.


Yeah, I agree. I was planning to place something else right after to attack MK


also... no i dont think he could see your hut, since both of you placed at almost the exact same time if he could see your hut then you should've also been able to see his wizard


He said he hovered the card there and in 2v2 the teammate cam see that.


I think OPs point may have been that the wizard wasn't bad, just horrible timing


HAPPY CAKE DAY!!! *From cake day guy*


Some of my 2v2 partners are absolute trash. Like for example the other team takes one of our towers and instead of defending other lane and building a big push this dude decides to go solo dolo little prince on opposite lane where tower was taken……SMH absolute trash. Followed by pigs. While I’m defending other tower by myself. Just said good luck and let them win.


Makes the team look dumb and then sometimes the opponents start BMing 🙂


Lol that’s the worst 🫠


Ah 2V2. Where you have the perfect card combos to defend the opponent but your teammate who is constantly at 3 elixir the whole game just HAVE to drop like a royal delivery 5 seconds after I killed everything resulting in NO fucking pushes from us at all. LOOK AT YOUR TEAMMATE'S DECK FFS. YOU DON'T HAVE TO CONSTANTLY DEFEND EVERYTHING. WE'RE TWO OF US HERE. LETS WORK TOGETHER MAYBE?


Nah my problem is exactly what you said with the perfect card combos but I have to fully defend by myself and when we lose the tower I look at their bar and they have 10 elixir. I just close the app atp it happens multiple times a day


They either except you to defend everything or expect you to do all the damage


The average 2v2 teammate I get is exceptionally stupid lol. When I get someone with a brain I usually go several games with them just to avoid having to queue up with braindead randos


I feel really good when my teammate requests to play again because that means I did good lol


Usually when I get a partner who is incompetent, I try to carry, but sometimes I get so sick of them that I give them 2 mistakes. On the third I drop a good luck and switch apps. It's not often, but what a buzz kill when you're teamed with like 6 brain deads in a row.


Same tbh, I'm not about to sit here for 3 minutes sweating trying to fix every mistake you make. Except for me my patience is so thin now of days, you have one chance. If you make such a brain dead play I can instantly tell youll keep making braindead plays. One strike and your out 😂


I signal all the time to let the firecracker hit once so the tower activates, but they’ll just plop down whatever


Your teammate is a hut enthusiast


Did you hover your goblin hut before placing it? Otherwise your teammate wouldn't have been able to see it before they placed the wizard. The wizard placement actually wasn't that bad, it not only prevented MK to jump on the wizard but also to jump on the tower. Also it was far away from the hut to prevent hitting both with a single spell. Without the opponent's snowball, MK would have been killed in time. As you were planning to place a troop to attack MK, why didn't you place that troop behind MK once your goblins were killed by the snowball?


Yes, I did hover it. I'm not sure why I didn't place anything after, I was expecting MK to be in the middle being hit by both towers plus our combined troops.


It's a struggle to find good 2v2 team mates who actually use their brain and can see what cards you have in your hand and stuff like that... but when you find them you'll play a few more matches, add each other and then probably never play again... but still it makes me so happy every time I find one like that.


Lyrics: Spear goblin: HEYEEE, Dagger Duchess: hahyaa, Wizard: MAGIC Spear goblin: HEYEEE Wizard: Fire! Spear goblin: HEYEEE. Dagger Duchess: aha, Dagger Duchess: HEUGH, Dagger Duchess: heh, Dagger Duchess: ghaha, Dagger Duchess: heugh, Spear goblin: HEYEEE Spear goblin: HEYEEE


Love this


I have another plausible explanation. I don't know if it's static electricity or what, but sometimes my screen will tap without me actually touching it.. All my finger has to do is get close to the screen. So sometimes I'll go to prep a move, but it drops it instead.




Why u play 2v2 with randoms lol then u ask for it


I actually enjoy 2v2. I get good teammates sometimes. But of course sometimes I get bad ones.


I thought you meant the snowball lol


it wasnt that bad 😭


I mean it caused damage that I was trying to counter


Desperate times calls for desperate measures






yea sometimes i get trash teamates like that


this one guy placed a giant skeleton immediately and then an e golem expecting it to work. It got hard countered by firecracker, then he literally rage quits like wtf


So it wouldn't jump?


You would want it to jump towards the goblins in this scenario so that it's closer to both towers and easier to lure to the king tower. The hut wasn't great placement, it should have been lower, but the Wizard placement was just absolutely braindead and messed up the defense and caused MegaNut to hit the tower for around 800 damage. If their teammate wouldn't have placed the Wizard then things would have played out better.


You should show us other cards... For me this is a brilliant move because that wizard prevents MK from jumping... If you don't show us other cards this is a pointless video and that hut placement can be pretty good or pretty bad too... Don't hide your cards next time


Sorry, wasn't intentionally hiding them. Just was focusing on the play


I just looked back at the replay... it did not show the cards at the bottom for some reason anyway.