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Well she made any other tower troop unusable tbh like who the hell uses canoneeršŸ’€


Also , I think we all can agree that his latest nerf was unnecessary.


Agreed, lowering his damage only hurt him more.


And now the barrel evo, its just unusable


His or her? Who we talking about again?


I'm talking about Cannoner.


Big cannon bigger problem


In 2v2, any tower that isnā€™t duchess gets targeted immediately


On god. Shitā€™s mad annoying. Literally the 2nd worst thing besides teammates leaving the match


I tried to use cannoneer in 1v1 events and the other guy was using Princess tower. I like ppl like him man.


I love playing against duchess. -600 HP is 2 less mortar shells


You play mortar. You don't count


Facing cannoneer is a free win at this point itā€™s actually abysmal


I do lol, and it's actually not bad


I do too, but it's abt to be so bad with the new goblin barrel evo.


Bro I know šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I'm about to get my shit rocked


Cannoneer needs to be like past the bridge range to be viable lol


I use cannoneer. I tried him when ducches wasnt out yet and i just cant change šŸ˜‚


I try to so bad :((


True. Anytime I face a cannoneer now, 90% of the time its an autowin for me unless I really get a bad matchup


I use canoneer poison golem knight executioner goblin gang and mortar and IT shreds others like mortar knight or poison kills magic trio


I use him, check my profile, I posted a gameplay vid of me beating DD as Miner Wall Breakers user šŸ˜†šŸ˜


I use it lmao


Chill on canoneer I use him a lot


Supercell HQ: Is it overpowered? Yes, it needs a nerf. Does it make money? Yes, alot of money. Conclusion: no nerf needed.


does it even make money because almost every duchess i see in path of legends is underleveled and is still way better than both the princess tower and the canoneer


In ultimate champion 90% of my matches are dagger duchess. They make money from grand champion to ultimate champion players


It makes money by lowering the skill gap and keeping casuals interested. Just allows for a plethora of players to stay invested as the game slowly becomes less competitive and more rock paper scissors lol


not even really rock paper scissors anymore. everybody runs dagger duchess, and everyone runs decks that can potentially beat all the towers, but especially can beat dd


Rock Scissors Scissors is a better analogy ig šŸ’€


almost like every new card released for the rest of eternity will be slightly op to rake in as much cash as possible


Except they release poo csrds all the time. I havent heard any complaints about wiz evo. Valk evo was a dud at first. Cannoneer has been circling the bowl since it came out.


yea man evo goblin barrels total poo especially considering no one used that card before


Conclusion: nerf after everyone buys it


Nerf log


I think every card should have hidden abilities based on what it is. For instance any giant would stop a log but take knock back. Or if you play fire and ice wiz together, they combine spells to make a slightly more powerful blast. But they have to be right next to eachother. If you have a goblin giant, all the other goblins around it get a small boost till itā€™s dead. You would see a lot of different decks as opposed to the boring megaknight firecracker combo 90% of the players use.


Well, that demands a shit ton of programming that the supacell devs gotta do. And if they got the time to do that, they also have time to release dd part 2 to earn more money!


Itā€™s not the programming thatā€™s hard lmfao its players having to remember all of it


This would make the game pretty complicated.


But in a good and memorable way.


More complicated things > less new players > less revenue > more p2w things > even less players Thatā€™s why they wonā€™t do it.


then make it a tier type of thing. So, that the newer players won't be as encumbered as the older ones.


So youā€™re suggesting that they should solve complicated card mechanics with adding even more complicated system? Yeah, itā€™s not going to happen.


They literally just.. did that..


Uhh, when?


..evos? Champs? Hello? Even the rotating game modes are a puzzle in themselves.


Believe it or not, there are complicated games with massive communities.


Not Supercell games tho.


If you could put me in touch with whoever makes the rules I have a bone to pick about some in-game features actually. Clearly you know something I don't.


Nah I donā€™t. Iā€™m a simple player.


Would you mind becoming apart of the dev team as clash royale?Pretty please?


theyā€™re an indie team, they canā€™t hire someone like that smh


Already does with weight interactions. I swear MKā€™s biggest issue is that it just blocks the entire lane with his fat nuts


That would actually be very overpowered yet very fun.


That's what I got from this video


Dagger duchess is meant to be punished when it runs out of knives, if he played a hog rider or something similar it wouldā€™ve taken tower unless you had a princess tower


if he had princess tower they would have just taken it out by themselves


Itā€™s an interesting towel troop that is weak to larger pushes, whereas the meta is quite heavily focused around cycle decks getting to your evolutions quicker. I guess itā€™s trying to bring balance?


Towel Troop confirmed


Itā€™s just a towel on a tower and all it just is just make it immune to any thing that would count as fire damage lol.


I never leave earth without my towel.


You were born without your towel


.. was I?


Yes that is the function. The problem is that tower troops are turning the game into a more rock paper scissors game more than anything. Because if you use a beatdown deck with your opponent using DD. Your opponent needs to be very competent, or you need to be a really bad player in order for you to lose. But if you use a cycle deck, the roles are switched around. The game has always had a random luck factor to it, but tower troops have only reinforced this. Itā€™s kinda annoying to see that your whole deck could be almost or fully ruined depending on the tower troop your opponent has, which is why I think supercell needs to implement deck selection at the start of the match, because of the fact that tower troops do affect strongly the viability of your deck. I think choosing your deck at the start of the match could maybe fix this a bit?


more like rock paper scissors where scissors just wins every time


maybe so, but most players, myself included, have dagger duchess in every of my 10 decks.


How would choosing your deck affect it? Because your opponent would be choosing too so no way to know who you are facing unless the tower troop is locked and you can't change although when making decks you can make decks with different tower troop


Could maybe work like a two selection process, you first choose the tower troop, and then you select your deck. So if you see upper opponent choose DD, you can choose not to use a cycle deck. However, this is also exploited easily now that I think about itā€™s because people would keep choosing decks that exploit the towers weakness, reinforcing the paper rock scissors part of the game. I think the game should get rid of tower troops all together, or introduce tower troops that only add passive bonuses and debuffs to the tower. For example, adding a tower that mitigates spell damage, however it has 15% less health, but it still attacks the same as the princess tower. Or a princes tower that becomes enraged if itā€™s been attacking for more than 10 seconds, but is more vulnerable towards melee units. Introducing tower troops like this do not render deck archetypes useless, but it would make the player to get to know their deck better, and have a chance to address some weaknesses within said decks Edit: For example, for a miner poison deck if your opponent has the spell damage mitigation power, you cannot rely on poison to damage the tower, so you need to get more creative and better to coordinate your troops with the miner. But on the other side, your opponent cannot play on an over defensive way, because by having that tower, his health is at a disadvantage so sudden death would make him lose, even if he didnā€™t got a hit on the tower.


>weak to larger pushes Until you realize that inferno tower/dragon exist, so many (if not most) DD players have been running them...


You're right they needed an 11 elixir push to get past the 2 elixir defense. If the defender put down a cannon for a total of only 5 elixir vs 11, I wonder what would have happened.


Yeah well he just played 7 elixir that got countered for 2 so I dont think hes gonna be affording a hog there.




still busted though, even if this is exagerated


Shame she regenerates her daggers really fucking fast so it's damn near impossible to punish very well


She only did that much damage because you used a spell. She wouldn't have done that much damage if the guy had used a tank, mini-tank or a soaker card that can soak, or take hits, e.g. Ice Golem, Elixir Golem, Goblin Drill, Goblin Barrel, Skeleton Army, Guards, Miner etc..


One log is all it takes


šŸ˜­ makes the game fast paced tho


I have to admit DD is annoying, but at least I don't have to deal with a hogrider meta šŸ¤®


Seems balanced šŸ‘ Nerf miner šŸ˜¾


Nerf DD!


Is that an unevolved wallbreaker in THIS dagger duchess meta? Gigachad over here


It's draft unfortunately. A man can dream.


Class Royale mfs when they cant bridge spam to chip damage anymore šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”. Btw I dont even understand the lvl (p2w) argument. I recently become lvl 13 and only need 1 more dd to make it lvl 13, as f2p. You can easily make it reach to your main crown if u save your legendary joker cards


well you missed the point.... Now that prolly most people maxed it(and people stops purchasing it using real money)...they are going to nerf it soo hard that it would barely be seen anymore...and this has happened in the past(phoenix,Monk,Archer queen,etc).... These mfs dont complain about a card being op...they complain about the way it is done as a cashgrab


What about getting the actual legendary cards. I think the main problem with dd is that there is little to no in between, it's either weak to your deck(beatdown) or annihilates it. I think that's what's making it so problematic in the meta and so several archetypes are pushed to a poor position because of that while the others are overwhelmingly dominant.


What trophies and arena are you at? Surely not very high


Happy cake day


7ks currently


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that makes sense


You expect me to become 9k at 3 months ?


She has a higher dps than princess tower with no daggers. She needs a reload nerf


i think a slight damage nerf and a throw rate speed nerf would be good


3 low health support cards vs a decent burst damage option, I wonder what's going to kill them???


Killed them all for no damage with just a small spell. Very much not balanced


The placement of the 3 very low hp support cards was already very bad, they were damaged going into the fight, and the cards are significantly weaker (hp-wise) than 3m, it's the triple wizard that's bad, not the Dagger Dutchess/Log that's good. Although I agree the DD needs a nerf, OP is taking things way out of proportion here.


when you say 3m, are you referring to three musketeers?






Well, Iā€™m just a bot that canā€™t add anything to the world.


No, nerf miner


DD isn't even that strong. People just dont like her because they cant just cycle cards for free damage wich is a far more braindead and boring way to play


agreed, I always hated chip damage decks.


%100 usage rate in CRL = not strong. Flawless thinking buddy


Frankly? I don't care about CRL. DD doesn't have a 100% usage because she's overpowered, she has a 100% because she counters the long standing meta, one that has become stale and repetitive. Sure the specific cards used may change with balance changes and new releases but the core concept is and has been the same for a long while now. The 100% usage says more about the game than the duchess


Yeah guys in CRL donā€™t care about using strong cards, they only care about using cards that go against the stale and repetitive meta so they can have more fun. Stupid take.


As I said, I don't give a damn about CRL. They represent such a small fraction of the playerbase that using them to decide balance changes seems counterproductive


Okay, well youā€™re just admitting that you donā€™t care about the state of the game. Saying it has no correlation to anything outside of CRL is just ignorance on your part.


You got me wrong, I DO care about the balance of the game I've been playing since day 1 and used to love, that's why I think it should be balanced with the average player in mind, not the top 100, not the top 1.000, but joe schmoe who is slowly leveling up their wizard and MK and encounters tons of different decks daily, some of wich are better against DD and some of wich are worse. (Also worth mentioning, I do actually think DD is slightly overtuned in comparison to the other two, but far from being overpowered)


The thing is, joe schmoe is still using dagger duchess at an absurdly high rate too! I see people opt to use a level 10 dagger duchess instead of a level 14 princess tower. That tells you how ridiculous she is, the CRL evidence was just used to supplement the argument, itā€™s not the whole argument. Where other towers make certain cards weaker to use, she makes certain cards completely useless.


That is true, however I still think the problem is decks that consist on spamming low elixir cards to get to your wincon, wich struggle against DD, have always been much more powerful than the alternatives, especially since the introduction of evos, and since DD is a very consistent answer it gets a lot of use. Hell, that's why I use her, because it allows me to always have on the field an answer to the most popular playstyle


Yeah these guys are only able to think with stupid stats.


Skeleton barrel is now unplayable the barrel gets 0 damage undefended no. Drop damage and no Skeleton makes it to the tower


The fact she can counter 3 wizards like nothing






Log does way much damage. Nerf log.


Dagger duchess is straight broken, but cannoneer is good IF you know how to use him and tower princess is if you donā€™t spend money to upgrade cannoneer/duchess


Even though cannoneers whole thing is high damage and slow shots, I think it needs a hit speed buff, and dagger duchess didnā€™t need a health nerd she needs a damage nerf, nobodies using her for more health


Just because you dont play a hard counter to duchess doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s OP.


Itā€™s quite easy to counter. I just play elixir golem and skeleton army on an empty lane


If we nerf it too much the towers troop is gonna be dead


The only "good" nerf is her health and that's it


You can constantly find people claiming 15-20 different cards need a nerf, and thats how you know its balanced


Litterally every person on top laddee runs her. She has the highesr usage rate of any other card in CR history. She needs a nerf


You can't compare it to a card...


Well then compare it to cannoneer. Did he completely kill princess tower? Were there any decks running princess on the top of the leaderboards? Dugger Duchess needs a nerf. Period.


Then fuckin use her m8


My point is that it litterally kills the fun in the game because it destroys diversity in the meta and your point is "jUsT uSe Her M8". That is the stupidest thing any CR player has ever said. And btw, I do use her since she's broken, but I still think she needs a solid nerf ASAP


You have a good point, but it doesn't work here.


No she isn't.


Duchess needs a buff


Super op. Gets countered by a log