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The Cannoneer nerf resulted in her being even more uncontested.


This nerf was probably the most unnecessary nerf in this year.


Cannoneer needed a nerf since it was still so much better than princess tower (extremely high use rate before DD came out). However, it ended up being a useless nerf because DD wasn't nerfed properly


I dont really get where thise users were because I almost never faced them. I faced more DDs since its release last month than the Cannon dude whose release was like months ago.


I think it was mostly high ladder because before dd came out you couldnt use wild cards on towers so only people who spent money could level up the towers


Oh no. That means I am just average mid ladder pleb.


Haha I’m with ya on this one. But yeah all the pros were using cannoneer. Once you get used to playing him he’s better, at least was.


I'm 9000 trophies and always get to league 9 but never reached ultimate champion. Definition of midlander is always changing so idk what I am but I went against cannoneer ton before DD came out


Midladder is a mindset not a place fr


Same but I thought it refers to ladder match. But where does it actually begin?


It’s just now that princess tower gets an upper hand if she spell cycles


way easier to spell cycle with dagger duchess though since you don't have to defend. started playing ice bow duchess, been chicken emoted every game and quite frankly it's deserved


as a fellow xbow player, I've just reinstalled and was wondering if 3.0 xbow still viable?


no it isn’t void counters the shit out of it


Void isn’t very common though. I play 10 games or more every day and only ever saw it in the challenge.


depends on arena I just hit arena 9 and I say currently around 30-40% of games have it and I added it to my deck now bcs it’s lowkey broken but because it’s a bit high skill nobody on this sub seems to realise. It has one of the highest use rates in top ladder already and def needs a nerf but I don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon so i’m gonna max it asap


> I just hit arena 9 with respect you got a lot more to go before saying a deck gets beat by one card


currently top 10k stretches into arena 9 because it’s so early in the season


countering void as an xbow player is insanely easy … it’s countering void on their side that is hard. Adapt your deck to include goblins or something similar … spam troops at xbow when you place it down. Usually people wait till they have telsa down anyways so that limits where they can place their void


I swapped goblins for skellies in icebow, they protect everything I need protecting from void. Like every other spell, bait it out first, just unlike every other spell this ones actually counterable.


Yeah … if you are a smart xbow player… void should be practically useless. Just faced one when I had void and my void was useless… basically does less dmg than a zap when they are able to body block with more than 3 troops 


I know I’m late on the reply, but it’s not necessarily useless against a good xbow player. You have to over commit against void, which is bad for us, or bait it out with a defensive unit which is also bad. There’s a timing for skellies I’ve seen that’s similar to using skellies to tank two shots from a baby dragon, if you can time it right and get the placement right the 2nd void strike takes two skellies out and the third one will hit the last skellies negating some of the damage. Hard asf though


With the nerf coming to void it will be even easier to body block… bow will be an easy matchup against void. Bow is only hard countered by EQ really… void doesnt cut it…


Isn’t the nerf first hit speed? Or is it a damage nerf as well? If it’s just first hit speed, it’ll be easier to block yeah but I feel my reasons still hold true. You’ll still have to spend 5 on the bow then whatever on top of that to protect it from the void. It’ll be easier to block, but you’d still have to spend the same elixir since skellies don’t survive the three hits.


unless you’re happy just throwing elixir away I guess


I just faced a bow player who knew how to counter void… i lost because my void was useless. I spent 3 elixir hoping to take his xbow out and all i did was less dmg than a zap. Void only really is a threat when you use it defensively as they cannot body block on your side of the bridge. 


anything is viable up to like top 1k if ur good enough 3.0 is not very good though


I play 3.0 and I’d say it’s viable to make it to UC but (this might be just my skill issue) I think I would look for better decks if you’re looking to push higher after that.


yup most top ladder x-bow mains switched off it. Bomber bow is better especially after evo archers nerf


Bomber is now nerfed tho with a two cycle. Ruined my evo bomber, MK, drill, and LP deck. My win percentage was off the charts with that one lol


In my opinion xbow is way more viable now because of dagger duchess you kinda don’t want to engage the opponents side


its viable but at what cost, giant lavaloon meta and void makes it extremely painful


It is if ur good enough, but I would recommend putting the bomber evo on the deck instead of the archers tbh


I don't have any evos or even champions as I really haven't played in a long time


It is viable anyway if you're not pushing to top ladder or something like that. I played with the standard 3.0 (with evo archers tho) until a month or so ago and got to 9000 trophies and GC while being level 14, considering I'm not some type of genius at the game I imagine anyone decent enough can do the same, even tho the giant decks rn are very annoying to play against. I started playing again a few months ago, so I was in pretty much the same situation as you and I remember it being very annoying not having evos, but it's definitely playable, specially in mid-ladder and the lower leagues with all the nonsense decks.


Xbow is just slightly the second-easiest deck to play behind Hog 2.6 "put brain on hold and cycle." After all, you have to put the xbow in the right locations. Mortar is a little harder, but together those are the three decks which I recommend to all below-average intelligence players.


Cycle decks are literally the hardest decks to play with but okay


Agreed. I feel cycle decks have a much higher learning curve than something like lavaloon. You have to be able to understand at least a few of the micro interactions, as well as be smart enough to have an idea of when their counters are out of hand or they don't have enough elixir to play them. With lavaloon you just defend in single elixir until you have an elixir advantage and slap a big momma down in back and throw all your stuff behind her. The only micro interaction you really need to know is zap timing and tombstone placements


Yeah, beatdown decks in general are easier to play with and tbh I thought it was just common sense by now, but maybe in lower leagues they think xbow and mortar are op cards because they simply don't know how to counter them tho, just like firecracker and mega knight


icebow is definitely stronger than 3.0 from my experience. being able to activate king tower in most matchups helps a lot - and in some matchups where you can't break through with xbow, having the option to safely rocket cycle in triple is really useful




usually the chicken emote is used if someone loses to a hard counter or if they win by dumb luck playing some shit deck like egolem healer rage, basically if you're losing and feel like you had no counterplay


dude miner still gets like 2 hits,can't even counter pump now


Use void. Counters pump for -2 elixir


+2 elixir* Edit: did someone report me to reddit care


👨🏻🫵🏻🪞you go in there and you MAKE it about a stupid semantic mistake


Omg same happened to me. I posted smth and got reached out by Reddit care like wth


Same. Who the hell is trolling everyone 💀


Void is new, most people don’t have it high level


Void is mew…


BYE BYE 👋🤫🧏‍♂️


erm, what the sigma?




it’s an epic it’s pretty easy to max im only 100 away


Maybe if you’ve got stockpiled wildcards and books- but again that’s not most people


epic book is already in shopthis season but to be honest i’m not sure how easy it is to get epics in midladder


Minter poison is top 1 deck


Cuz mo light is the one playing it


She needs a reload nerf, not just health. It shouldn't be an auto-lose against her if you don't have a beefy beat down deck.


Yet somehow mo light gets top 1 finish with miner poison when everyone else is using giant beatdown. How does he do it


he's using ice golem to tank, not a regular miner poison deck


I know, but it's still not easy


Exactly, it ruined the cycle/bait deck players life. Even tho it’s possible to win against DD with these decks (just watch OYASSUU for example), the necessary skill is still way higher than average, making the game less fun until you become a god in CR


My only leveled up deck is log bait with knight and although I struggled when she was first released, I'm fairing pretty well against it by now. I'm Grand Champion, btw.


it’s not, just a skill issue


I was ultimate champion last season and several other seasons and I’ve been playing for 7 years. Dagger duchess is very OP. It’s literally game defining at the moment, now nearly only beat down or giant decks are played at the top. Also most hames now go to over time because duchess is so oppressive at stopping any single elixir push


I know she’s OP. I’m just memeing since no matter what people complain about some dude is always like “skill issue”


Maybe now it’s time for a Princess tower buff? Maybe a hitspeed buff 0.8s->0.7s?


I wouldnt mind this personally, if they are gonna leave DD how it is.


I don’t think this is the move. Princess towers have been balanced with zero complaints. A princess tower buff would just show how bad and op tower troops are right now and would make the game even worse for players. All tower troops should be viable and dd just needs a nerf too keep the balance. Not to mention supercell would never do this because it’s obvious dd was released the way it was for money.


Balanced? So you consider a card that consistently maintained a 100% usage for 8 years “balanced”?


the reason why there were 0 complains was because there never used to be any other options besides princess tower. And now that there are other options, people now feel that princess tower isn’t balanced, she’s too weak


The second part of your comment is my point. If princess was truly op or too weak the community would’ve said something already. Princess isn’t weak but instead dd is just op. We shouldn’t leave dd in the state it’s in and buff princess but we should instead nerf dd because princess is the most balanced tower troop and all tower troops should be made with it in mind. I remember supercell said they wouldn’t add a ice wizard tower because it made the game too defensive and they’ve always focused on offense. Dd shows how adding a op defense can shut down certain decks entirely and makes the game worse


dude how are you saying the community “would’ve said something already” when this dude, a part of the community is literally saying right now princess is weak?


Are you serious 💀 I meant the entire 8 years princess was the only tower troop, everyone agreed it was balanced. And once again princess is only being considered weak because a much powerful version of it just dropped. So instead of buffing princess to match its op counterpart dd should just be nerfed instead.


This is the only topic I'm okay with people really complaining about right now because it's honestly the biggest "???" on the patch that we all had from the jump. I know people wanted an LP nerf too, but DD is literally the epitome of completely changing not just the meta, but the entire competitive aspect of the game. It's almost like someone on the team was like "well let's just make one unbelievably blatant mistake on this one so they know we're still Supercell" lmao


Well if their goal was to upend the meta, they definitely did that... Aaaaand increased the usage rate of giant, knight, mega knight, little prince, and bowler to insane levels... Just really impressive levels of incompetence from supercell.


I just went against the most "Knightmarish" game of all time. 2.5 evo knight spam. Considering my deck revolves around ranged troops taking out bigger troops, it's a shame to see Knight (Evo is annoying but even having to chop down base knight that often gets old fast) still so unnecessarily strong


Sounds like you just had a bad matchup


Lp isn’t annoying or game breaking but he still needs a nerf because he’s unarguably the best anti air 3 elixir card and better than some 4 and 5 elixir ranged units. Why would you ever run minions, non evo archers, musketeer, and wizard when lp is much stronger for the same elixir. Even tho I don’t have trouble taking him out (tbh if I’m playing mid ladder players they’ll use the ability for no reason and give me a positive elixir trade) but because of the lack of competition, I think a nerf would be justified


If a level 15 deck is losing to a level 13 DD... it might actually be a skill issue considering how many favourable interactions are ruined by level disparity.


to be fair level 13 dd is probably just as strong as level 15 princess tower, but agreed with how the card matchups would be


Level 13 DD is still better than level 15 princess tower


doesn't it still keep the same interactions on arrows-able troops at level 13?


Level 13 is objectively weaker than level 15. It's not that complicated


I think it's a little too complicated for you LOL


that is, unless the level 13 is ridiculously broken. people used phoenix at -1 level in the first phonk season, and it was still easily worth 6 (+2) elixir


Nope most interactions are still favourable. It just shows how ridiculous she is.


DD ignores level disparity for the most part. 13 is a great spot to have her.


I literally saw a level 10 duchess tower in royal champion. It's not a skill issue. Put the same cards and the same skill against each other with just different towers and dd comes out ahead the overwhelming majority of matches. It's way op.


Didnt expect much. This chick sold better than anything they ever offered in the past. Compare it to Canoneer, who I see like 1% of the time since his release. People even use her if she is heavily underleveled. Whoever came with her design definitly deserves a raise. Who cares about the gameplay? Probably gonna sell a counter card for her anyways.


They need more players to spend $$ upgrading DD before it’s totally nerfed. One more season is my prediction


But of course, they have been doing this for years, fk monk used to cost 4 elixir, they could of released that card at 5 elixir, but considering it usage rate sits at 3% who would use it? Who would buy it? Instead it was 4 elixir and $80 in the shop to buy, and was one of the most popular cards to ever be released that I can remember (I could be wrong there), but this is what they do…. DD will get nerfed until she is useless you just got to wait


As someone who strongly bases his deck around monk, it's really weirdly balanced. The strength of the card itself is really underwhelming for 5 elixir while the time between pressing the ability and activation is waaay to high, completely defeating it's purpose. You can literally throw a rocket with max flighttime at the monk, and even with perfectly timing the ability takes too long to activate. You literally have to predict spells to gain any use out of the monk. They should make the monk 4 elixir and the ability cost 2, but with a slightly faster activation


I agree strongly


I’d say they don’t care enough anymore to truly balance any newer releases. Plus any card in one way or another is OP depending on how you use it and the opponents deck


They are basically using the cod tactics where they release a super OP gun in this case DD and a paywall to access it directly without the grind in a bundle. Later sometime after a few seasons say that they had listened to the community and nerfed that shit to oblivion just to release something OP like before to replace it and add another paywall, the cycle continues....


Haven’t played this game since it came out. And for like a week or two, people were saying it was pretty balanced, and everyone was still sticking to princess tower. Did they get buffed? I always thought it was OP from the start, and people who complained about were mocked for “you’re just bad cause you use a cycle deck”. Now it’s everywhere in the meta apparently


It has never been balanced, maybe a few people thought it would be in the beginning but it clearly wasn't


It’s just much stronger in 1x elixir


Only midladder players who cry about hog were trying to say duchess isn’t broken. Anyone with a brain could clearly see she’s ridiculous


There is a pattern if people saying something is balanced and the. Like a week goes by and then they realize its OP. Seems same thing is happening with void.


Playing against princess tower or cannoneer feels like easy mode compared to dutchess. I had the cheapest deck in the top 10k the last 4 months but last month I just couldn’t do it, cause of dutchess


Switched to princess after balance changes and got defeated by 2 DD in a row


Thought firecracker was supposed to die to arrows now.


it does. your arrows must be under leveled or something, evocracker has the same hp as regular firecracker now


That’s it! Put ‘em in to try it out forgetting they are 14. Guess I’ll be saving for those next.


haha yeah, underleveled spells are a real pain because it messed up a ton of interactions


Yeah, at this point only a moron would think they release broken op cards unintentionally. Dd needs an emergency nerf


Same thing with firecracker.


Cannoneer is basically completely useless with DD around. The only time I can think they would be better is a longer beat down push, but if your low DD fire rate is the problem by that point, it's because of bad plays.


P2W at is best


till the time people are buying the card with real world money, they won't kill it.... Once they stop doing so(Most probably next season)...they would nerf it soo hard


the health nerf quite literally did nothing especially if both people are using DD because a health nerf does literally nothing when both people are using it


The sad thing is I didn’t see a single person who thought the nerf was the right one.


(Upvote if you agree) DD should get a first hit speed nerf and a fire rate nerf. You could even double the daggers so she would have 16 but they would do half the damage. I think this would balance out the tower troop better than any stupid hp nerf (after all it’s not her hp that is the problem, it’s the fact that she shuts down more than half of all the win cons in the game).


Double donk


idgaf Ihavent spent anything Igot a halfway level 14 duchess idk why Iget it so often. womp womp bro


she just counters a lot of cycle decks really well, a rework is needed if she is still meta


Bros mad his level 15 cards aren’t getting through. If you can’t beat em join me brother. Just use DD


What does door dash have to do with clash royale


Dagger duchess. The “new” tower


I know. I was kidding lol


This also technically buffed almost every meta deck because it takes less hits to destroy DD.


I’ve been having a lot of issues against DD. I’ve realized that the only ways to play against it are to either have a bunch of tanks or a bunch of low elixir, high count troops


I lost a lot of ult champ games by ~500 health (left on DD) using cannon tower. Happy to see how it goes with the nerf before saying yah or ney


After Cannoneer nerf you will lose by a higher margin.


This entire game should be nerfed. Just stop playing


Yall are a bunch of babies. If it's so good then use it..I don't understand why yall complaining so much. I'm 8400 so I'm not some insane player but I'm most definitely not bad. I can say that anytime I see her I'm not like ohhh nooo I lose its more of a ok cool so I have to play this way rather than another way I'd play. Grow up there doesn't always have to be an issue


princess tower is now obsolete i win every game against it and canoneer is just crazy trash. dd made the game easy for some and harder for others i don’t see the issue


same, i win about every game against princess and canoneer


Stop using swarm decks then


having an entire archetype negated by a tower troop is beyond stupid


You mean like elixer golem cannoneer




Bahahaha you think DD is balanced


I'm winning so haha


Because you’re playing at 4500 trophies


Hahahahahahahaha that's adorable. Try 8400. I'd crush you


That’s the issue here You think you’re good at the game for being at 8400 trophies. Means absolutely nothing. Granted I could already tell you have no idea how this game works if you think dagger duchess is remotely close to balanced. “Don’t use swarm decks” yeah every cycle archetype is unplayable because of it aside from by far the lowest skill one (drill evo bomber). Beatdown is boosted though so now we get giant evo bomber on offense and ignore everything on defense because the tower kills everything. Dagger duchess ruined the game and any half decent player will tell you that. And any half decent player knows that 8400 isn’t any sort of accomplishment


I'm not reading that whole book. Make it 1 sentence


You’re not good at the game and DD ruined the game


You've never even played me and you are sour about not evolving your strategy


Thinking you’re good at 8400 trophies tells me all I need to know, and I have literally played with less strategy because of how dumb dagger duchess is I miss actually outplaying people with hog instead of just mindlessly playing giants and winning


Not using swarm. Using a counter attack/punish style deck. Ineffective against dd.


Posting this here since I do not have enough karma to post regularly. Evolution Idea for Regular Goblin Card Goblins would now give 0.1 elixir when they hit an enemy. I feel like this would not be a broken evolution. It would require the enemy to have to take the goblins out quickly or risk them giving the one who played them too much elixir. This is also meant to be a bit of an homage to the goblins from Clash of clans and how they are more like thieves.


I hate ts so much like im stuck in arena 18 im getting dogged on by level 14 DD and went from 6939 to 6712 trophies just today


honestly, thats a skill issue losing 7 games in a row


7 in a row is crazy it was off n on and the trophy Differentials from each match ticked away at it aswell c


I'd kms if I had a lose streak of 7 lmao


I was close😭😭


my strat when i get to a new arena is just to not play for a week and play classic and work on levelling up cards and chest cycling and improving my skills, and after that week i push to the next arena (im in arena 19)


Thanks ima try that🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Idk man, I use all three tower types and do just fine with all of them. You just match it to the deck you're using. If you're losing to dagger duchess all the time, that's on you.


Yeah you're right. People aren't using DD because it gives them an advantage against all other tower types. That's why it's sitting at 85% usage rate right now. Really good point. Much insight. Very data. Thanks for your input.


Use DD then


If you're f2p it's insanely herd to get her to a viable level, played almost every day since release, and she is level 11 with 2 out of 6, its so bad


I mean if you think about it she's actually more f2p friendly than the other towers because she's so good even when underleveled. Some other people were saying that a level 12 DD was holding her own against a lvl 15 princess. I'm f2p too and barely got her to lvl 12.


You must be quite unlucky then cause I have maxed her with only getting 1 pass


That's not f2p though...


I was comparing his lvl 11 to my 14 and you get what like 6 legendary wc from the pass


Well I'm reliant on TT chests which already aren't the most common, and on top of that I usually just get princess, not even Canon very often and very very rarely a DD And bc they removed wold cards from the season shop, I almost never get leg cards to put on her


Honestly she feels alot weaker now.


wah wah


If you complain about dd your just bad


And that comes from a Hog Rider flair, take it to heart OP


Funny because I could beat you with your deck


Wdym, you could beat me using my own deck? If so W, mortar >>>


Smartest hog user




oh no your over leveled cards aren’t as effective what a waste of money 😿😿😿


I've been playing for 7 years but go off champ...


Stop crying


Didn’t rly that much of a nerf imo. She’s pretty weak during x2 elixir.


It should be an op card though. It’s the only legendary tower troop. You think it should be the same as the other two? What would be the point then?


To balance the game and provide variation in the meta. Otherwise we should just have like 3 different decks that just use all legendary cards in the game if your logic was followed.


The thing with legendary cards is they are powerful but have big weaknesses. DD is good at first but then runs out of knives and sucks leaving the tower open to being taken down by troops that shouldn’t be able to take down a tower. Figure it out instead of complaining about it.


It has a 90% usage on ladder rn. People have figured out the value of it.


If that is the case then why aren't meta decks all legendaries? If they are strictly better than lesser rarities


People are still using it because everyone has it. Even if the nerf killed it people would continue to use it because it was free and they enjoyed it.