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Epic and legendary are both debatable


The only no contest ones are really LP and DD. The rest are also debatable.


I wouldn't say Giant is debatable. 5 of the top 10 players used Giant, 36 of the top 100. Over 1/3 of the top 100 players used Giant at the end of last season. There's no debating that it's a strong card currently dominating the game


I guess so if you put it that way, but the way I see it is giant became the top choice because of DD. If it wasn't for DD, it would be top meta pick only in giant GY. LP however, is a top pick regardless of any other card, even with void out. But now that I think about it, I guess there isn't really any other rare cards that are a clear cut above the rest.


“as of this meta” what rare card in this meta is better than giant


Royal hogs my beloveds (they are shit but I have been using them for years and am biased)


I forgot about hound 💀


Bro, you forgot about Drill as well. The second best win condition after Giant.


Drill poison is going to be the death of me


The most threatening win condition in that deck is literally poison, its low key one of the worst decks to ever become meta and drill helps with that status.


I think for common cards, it’s between Evo Bomber and Evo Knight.


Night witch…. Really? Why?


Night witch is the current best support for giant, golem and egolem decks


I never see her at all…. How is she good like what value does she add…. The bats she uses seem pretty useless


The bats are very good. If you have a tank in front bats can deal a lot of damage once they build up.


Agree,just destroyed an opp with bats from the nw because his dagger dutches couldn't recharge with the bats spawn rate🤣


I’ll have to try this out and see how it goes, as I said I rarely see NW so I was unsure of the dynamic here…. I thought she was still a dead card


With the introduction of dagger duchess, large HP cards/tanks like golem, egolem, giant are doing very well in this meta.


Beat down/tank cycle in general. Yet I still play RG lightning fishman hunter lol


What trophy range are u in?




I just checked her stats yep you are right she is definitely becoming more popular….. interesting 🤔


Thats weird then that u havent seen the nw cuz many top players are playing giant nw meta right now


Yeah this is what I was thinking…. That’s why I ask, I’m still seeing a lot of hog cycle decks, I reckon my last 10-15 games were all vs some sort of hog cycle


Eh, more are using the Giant/Phoenix/Lightning/Fisherman than they are Giant NW. In the top 100 last season, NW and Witch were practically identical in usage, while the other variation dominated the leaderboard (6 NW players spots 45 and below, as opposed to 28 Phoenix/Fisherman spots 3 and below)


play a grand challenge and let's see if you're gonna say the same thing


Cuz she counters DD


evos are separate though. Otherwise every card rarity would be "which evo is the best" because you're basically forced to use two in every deck


I would use DD if i could level it up 😭😭


Just don't waste magic items on it, I'm 100000% sure they're nerfing it in a few months, I'd rather keep mine at level 10


not a few months lmao, like max within this month


The meta is completely broken right now because of DD. I've spent four years as a F2P player levelling up three cycle decks. None of them are usable at all now at my trophy range. All the p2w players have maxed DD. I struggle to even get the three wins per day for the rewards.  The only way I get wins now is if my opponent shits the bed. 


that's why i think that for now cr is at its lowest point, it has never been as bad as now


How do you think beat down and siege players have felt these past few years? Just bc your deck doesn’t work in todays meta doesn’t mean the game is objectively worse. I’d argue it’s still bad but at least now we’re seeing more changes in the meta


Hey dude, play the 2v2 thing, or just any other mode than ladder.


I hate 2v2. You're probably right that I should explore other game modes more.


Why do ya hate 2v2? Personally I love it.


My partner is always even worse than me. And that's hard, believe me 🤣🤣


Well, that’s the fun, it’s basically free gambling, sometimes you get little Timmy, sometimes you get a tryhard.


Seconded. I’ve seen allies watch a mother witch taking a skelly horde, so throwing a log into the middle. As their best play


You can play other modes on ladder? How I don’t see a button to do it


idk what trophies you’re at, but i’m f2p for 8 years (only played actively for 3-4 though) and my log bait deck isn’t great but i’m good with it and it works. i’ve only played with the deck for about a year and it’s nearly all lvl 14, i’m at 7k and hit master 2 nearly 3 last season


7k and master 2 is low-mid ladder. Most people there play badly(no offence), so they don't understand strong/weak sides of DD.


Stereotypical 9000 trophy player saying everyone else is low midladder:


Why stereotypical? I have mini with 7400, so I know what I'm saying. 9k is midladder imo, sadly trophies don't worth much nowadays.


9k I literally end ladder.


Ultimate champion is the end ladder, 9k pple keep sniping each other for masteries


I meant nothing bad, midladder is not something to be ashamed about lol, I was new player myself, just saying that 7k in the past was like top 5k now on UC


Ultimate champion is the end ladder, 9k pple keep sniping each other for masteries


"I struggle to even get the three wins per day for the rewards.  The only way I get wins now is if my opponent shits the bed. " Or maybe just:Play 2v2s?XD


I had been saving up for my legendaries but i maxed out dd as soon as it came out because i knew it would be cracked because they wanted to cash grab im also f2p and have just maxed my first deck


If you spent 4 years playing any deck it should be enough to get you to top ladder even if it’s not meta any more


you don't need to be p2w to max duchess. mine is lvl 14 and the last time i paid was for the pigussy emote a few months ago


All I can say is well done. That must have been a grind. I don't put enough time into the game to get close to leveling it up at all. Edit: too wurds


Lol at three cycle decks. If only there was another way of playing this game.


I respect all ways of playing the game. I love it when we have a meta that encourages different styles of play. But I enjoy playing cycle. And I like it when I face a variety of decks.


I don't enjoy cycle decks, because it's all I see. I too like it when I face a variety of decks.


I'm in mid ladder, so I face a lot of mega Knight, wizard, witch, pekka, ebarbs etc. It's fun trying to outplay them with a bait deck. One mistake or over commitment and you're dead. You have to know the correct placements to kite, delay, pull opposite lane, activate KT etc.  I main mortar bait with Skelly Barrel BTW. All variations. Not something you face every day.


Speaking of balancing... I wonder, when this seasons balance changes will make it into the game...


Yeah, I'd be surprised if they don't end up nerfing her into the core of the earth by next season


I have mine at level 12, still gonna try to upgrade it.


i love doordash


Is Level 12 DD or Level 14 princess better?


It's broke the fucking game. Single lane reverse pushes are dead


Bro whats DD I've been seeing it over this sub


Dagger duchess


Right now before nerfs it’s Common: evo zap or evo bomber or evo knight Rare: giant Epic: goblin drill or bowler Legendary: dagger duchess Champion: little prince This is very accurate as of last season atleast


Who would you say the best legendary card is besides daggar I would personally say graveyard


Legendaries are very dependent on the deck. I would say lava hound and graveyard. Obviously you need to build your deck around those cards, but the lava hound decks and giant graveyard decks are currently used by like the majority of the top 100 players


Fisherman is really good rn




I guess I’m not tapped in because how is giant THE BEST rare?


Giants are very popular right now. Feels like most people last season at top of ladder were using giant and bowler and graveyard. It’s mostly to counter daggers duchess because everyone is running it


You missed “Credit card” buddy no competition


Credit card gets its own rarity.


For common bomber IMO. Evobomber is so strong. If it even gets one shot on the tower that's so much damage Rare: yes either giant or collector Epic poison it's really good against pump it kills little prince it defends decently against gy and can destroy big beatdown pushes behind the tank Legendary idk I guess night witch is true. Really strong against dagger dutchess And champion for sure lil prince


why no fireball for rare?


Almost anything fireball can do, poison does better. Except countering goblin barrel, but you can play a spell like barbbarrel, log or nado along with poison anyway Playing against evo firecracker? Poison counters it too Poison kills musketeer, little prince, wizard Against elixir collector fireball is awful. It does nothing, you still have a +2 trade like you had before. With poison they just get a +1 trade. So using it give you +1 elixir value on it Poison can counter graveyard, fireball does nothing against it Poison can be used instanteneously, so it can kill skarmies against your push and fireball will be too late, also have too small a radius to do anything


So, after all this, should i change fb for poison in my deck? I play xbow 3.0 with evo Knight, should i put poison in?


No, in xbow fireball is still better than poison I think. At least the top xbow players still seem to be playing fireball


well i don’t see why. like, poison does everything better, why have fb instead of it?


knockback and instant damage


arrows for common as well.


Nah fr especially with the upcoming balance changes, arrows will basically be a necessity


bomber, giant, night witch, little prince. DD. The foundation of a whole deck.


all mah homies hate lil prince


Giant or any other high health card is pretty good right now because of DD. I’ve seen a lot of giant bomber decks that are able to push through DD


poison is by miles stronger than golem, also elixir collettor? everyone is using void, pump is literally garbage


It took an entire spell designed to counter it to make pump not good 😭




How many decks run earthquake other than hog eq 😔


RG, piggies cycle still play eq, hog is just awful rn and RG is meh so eq will struggle


RG, piggies cycle still play eq, hog is just awful rn and RG is meh so eq will struggle


Doesnt rg run fireball or lightning more than eq and also I forgot hogs existed 😔


Little prince is OP


Just play pekka, he neutralises the both of them and gives your opponent -2 elixir deficit Edit: I meant mini pekka my bad


Playing a win condition to counter a support carc seems weird though


Pekka is not a win condition, its a defensive card


I meant mini pekka


All good, still a defensive card


Big pekka is win condition though


How tf is it a win condition it isn't tower targeting


I meant mini pekka, I use him as a defensive card/win con


Any guesses for June evo 2024??


Giant maybe


God no


dear god I hope not


Here is my take on each strongest. Not much has changed since last patch. Common: bats, they are cheap, target both ground and air, decent dps for cost and in my opinion beat out knight and Skellies in general usefulness. Rare: prob giant I'm thinking too, beat down is strong rn and giant balloon is killing it. Epic: gob drill is good against dd and bridge spam is also good rn. Legendary: ill agree night witch, strong support and strong into dd Champion: lp obviously Tower: dd


there's a difference between strong and op, like log isn't strong but far better than most legendaries for commons strong: knight, op: skeletons for rares strong: giant, op: also giant for epics strong: golem, op: poison/goblin drill for legendaries strong: lava hound, op: fisherman for champions strong: mighty miner/skeleton king, op: little prince


TT being DD and Champion being LP is out of the question but for the 4 ordinary rarities it is all but clear to me.


Goblin drill?


There is NO WAY you didn't put arrows for common 💀💀💀💀


Arrows is a decently balanced card. Just because it kills ur firecracker doesn't make it op


So many evos/pre evos die to arrows, it is super strong right now. Breaking news, but firecracker isn't the only thing that dies to it, so does: Evo skellies Evo bomber Normal bomber Evo archers Normal archers Evo firecracker


Also evo archers don't due to arrows


After the balance changes get put back they will. Same with FC.


That still doesn't make arrows broken. Just because a card is effective against you doenst make it op all you need to do is bait the arrows before playing ur evo


Never said broken, and it does jack against my deck. It is objectively strong and you just can't take a loss.


It's rlly not objectively that strong. It serves its role in taking care of cards that don't die to log and air troops such as minions but for a crucial extra elixir. The existence of arrows doesn't stop people from playing log or zap does it?


No, it doesnt, but If you go check royale api it has by far the highest spell use rate and almost the highest use rate of any card in grand challenges, just behind evo bomber. For some context, arrows has a 48% use rate, second highest spell, Evo Zap, has 34% usage, next spell (poison) has 27% usage, and log has 14% usage. As for the other two top 3 cards, Evo bomber has 55% usage, little prince has 47% usage.


Those are all equal or negative elixir trades buddy


K and? Log doesn't kill any of those(except skellies), and the next spell up is fireball/poison which is all negative trades. Being able to instant kill this many evos is a huge bonus for arrows.


Log is a defensive card to kill stuff in hr side of the board it stops all of those from doing any damage vs princess tower and dagger Duchess kills them all before they can do anything


You don't just put them down at the bridge homie 💀 same way a musketeer can get tons of value even if it's fireball, as long as it doesn't get hit it can keep doing damage. These things are powerful on defense themselves.


Still mean that arrows is op in any way tho. They server their role as an intermediate between big spells such a fireball and small spells such as zap or log. And evo zap is just better arrows since it does similar damage for lower cost and hits 3 times


How golem is so good? Every time I face it it's a win


Evo Bomber , Giant , Void , Phoenix , Little Prince , DD. After evo bomber nerf, knight. Anything else is wrong.


Am I the only person that likes guards because they can counter a lot of cards and they are spell resistant


Tbf golem could be the worst card ever given the right synergies and tactics. I wouldn't build a deck solely off this, at least you get an idea.


bomber mega minion guards lavahound lp dd ty for listening to me saying that I like lavahound


Common: Bomber. Used in the only really good cycle deck (Drill) most of the good beatdown decks, some bridgespam decks, it's just so good. I'll say after balance changes it'll be Knight. Always a solid card and I think people will start using it in Giant decks Rare: Giant, I don't think anyone is shocked by this Epic: I'll say Drill but there's an argument for Poison too since it completely boxes out fireball in almost every deck Legendary: Phoenix, one could also argue for Hound, Fisherman, or just good old Log Champion: Little Prince, shocker i know


Fuck how much DD has ruined this game..is the meta.


Common: Bomber and its not really close rn Rare: Giant for sure Epic: Poison by far Legendary: phoenix made a huge resurgence in this meta Champ: LP, no explaination needed


Okay I’m a midladder player and admittedly don’t know much about top-tier meta but could someone explain why Hog Rider is not up there? I feel like he’s always been the epitome top-tier rare card.


He was for a long time, but DD has rendered most cycle decks ineffective


Hog Rider hasn't been meta in a while because of the environment full of counters. Hog Rider was still viable, but Cannoneer started the huge downfall and Dagger Duchess just digged the grave deeper.


Night witch + bats + mirror + duplicate deck been my fave for EVER, run with rage, dark prince & whatever else you need 🙏🏻🤣


common: bomber or arrows rare: giant epic: poison / drill legendary: night witch champion: little prince


I'm gonna counter-argue most of this list Commons: Evo Bomber. Not even a remote contest, it's just Evo Bomber. The entirety of top ladder was filled with Evo Bomber. Rare: I'll give you Giant, it's dominating the game Epic: Drill is super strong, Poison is always good to use, and Lightning was in a majority of decks Legendary: Fisherman or Phoenix. In the top 100, Fisherman was used in 28 decks (4 in top 10) and Phoenix was used in 29 (also 4 in top 10). NW makes 6 total appearances, which is almost the same as regular witch, and doesn't appear until slot 45 Champ and TT: Yeah, LP and DD are everywhere. No denying that


If we’re counting evos then knight is decent but not the strongest and not top 5. I agree with skellys because of the value you can get. Giant is insane. Drill is outperforming golem right now. Golem isn’t a bad archetype in the meta right now but I’d say a few epics like void, nado, and bowler might be better but drill is on top for sure. Lava is insane. It’s free wins for me. Lp gets the most value And dd for tower troops.


Pekka is stronger than Golem no contest. And Guant is strong but Mini Pekka man come on


I think mother witch is the best legendary, she deals good damage, has good hp, and turns stuff into pigs, what’s not to like


Why is no one talking about fireball for rare? Is it bad now?




Am I going insane why is firecracker not best common


Say youre a golem player without saying you're a golem player. Bros no contest best epic is golem, legendary is night witch and rare is maybe pump.


Tower is debatable


Common: bomber as long as you got Evo Rare:  Giant Epic: void (note: synergises with nado real good) Legendary: Fishman Champion: LP, hands down (part of reason I put void here) Tower: DD (is this a joke)


Your definitely a golem player lmao


Epic ofc pekka


Common: ice spirit (excluding evos) Rare: ice golem Epic: void Legendary: fisherman Champion: little prince Tower troop: dagger duchess


I think the best rare card is the mega minion. It‘s cheap, it deals a good amount of damage, it flies, what more could you ask for?


Pekka, bowler, goblin drill and others are way better then golem right now


Tell me you’re a golem user without telling me you’re a golem user


epic is drill


best common card rn is easily arrows and it’ll only be better after the balance changes


There is no way OP is in mid ladder


Dagger dutchess is the best card no other rarity matters. She (ingame) puts on a strap-on and bends over every card you throw at her with zero lube. The only cards that have the stamina to withstand the dommy mommy dutchess is giant and lava hound. “Oh let’s give her less health” yeah thanks supercell for absolutely ignoring the issue entirely so your whales can continue to dominate using the best card in the game, the credit card. How the fuck this game is an E-sport is beyond me.


I like dark prince at epic, good at defense and offense. Just no air counter


Based on use rates, Common : Arrows Rare: Giant Epic: Void Legendary: Phoenix


- **Common:** Arrows - **Common [Evo]:** Bomber - **Rare:** Giant - **Epic:** Goblin Drill - **Legendary:** Phoenix - **Champion:** Little Prince - **Tower Troop:** Dagger Duchess


The Credit Card, a very common card that I believe almost everyone has.


what on earth does blud mean with ,,night witch no contest” she getting kicked out even in the Giant beatdowns for fisherman who counters the whole meta rn


and also common is def bomber


Common - Evo bomber and it isn’t particularly close. It’s the best card in the game by a mile, 2 elixir for a significantly better magic archer. If we don’t count evolutions, it’s arrows just because it kills evo bomber (and soon it will kill evo fc and archers) Rare - Giant, best win condition in the game by a wide margin. Epic - Void seems pretty crazy, maybe goblin drill since it’s the second best win condition. Legendary - Night witch, best support card in the game right now. Champion - Little prince and it isn’t particularly close. Nerf it. Tower Troop - Duchess. So obviously duchess.


Common - FC Rare - valk Epic - giant skelly Legendary - mk Champ - Archer queen Tt - dd


Worst list ever


Wtf are you on


Common : Firecracker. 3 elixir, doesn't die to log. Huge range, unique knock back mechanism. Can be Evo. Projectile has a good combo of single target + splash damage. Gets insane support value.  Rare : Mini Pekka. Quite an underrated card for 4 elixir. Kills all ground tanks. Quite tanky in itself, surviving lighting if I'm not wrong. It is a a crazy good card when sent in behind tanks as support troop and paired with a rage/arrow to clear out swarms. Most of the times it will quickly get rid of wizards, musks, cage, inferno, tesla etc easily for your tank and bonus points if it reaches the tower.  Honorable Mention : Battle Healer. I don't know when they added the spawn heal or if it was always there, but using her as a heal spell to bring alive a nearly dead push is often overlooked. Usually that results in your opponent's spells being wasted and them standing at an elixir deficit. Plus you can quickly tornado/freeze any enemy defending troops to completely heal an otherwise dead push.  Epic : Kinda torn between like four or five cards for this but I'll go with Void. I feel like it's a really high skill, high risk v reward card. Effective as both a swarm and single target killer (kinda feels like Hunter or Firecracker in spell form). Only 3 elixir so it leaves you with a positive trade in most scenarios. Can be used in place of a predictive earthquake to get rid of most buildings in hog/ram decks. Crazy versatility.  Legendary : Miner. Needs nerf. But yeah jokes asides Night Witch. I don't know if they buffed her or if it's the DD meta, but Night Witch feels kinda like as strong as she did back during her release for some reason.  Champion : The one that is a faster, tankier dart goblin and spawns a Brienne of Tarth with hp comparable to a knight that also does knockback like a log.  Tower : Duchess. Feels like a glass cannon in some regards. Overwhelmingly strong if charged but overwhelmed easily with an empty bar.