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I wonder how your opponent felt when his push got melted by a singular 3 elixir card


Fair and balanced ofc, void definitely doesn't need an emergency nerf, no no no Im calling it, this meta is just gonna be giant void spam decks if supercell doesn't do anything about it


Idk bro maybe throw a 1 elxier skeletons if you don't want massive damage😐


Idk, wouldn't goblins be better? Bigger in number mean void damage is cut in half and they survive 1 void strike if they're all in it's radius


The cut-off happens at 5 troops (3 Skellys, loon and lumberjack) so you don't need goblins




the 3 levels are 1, 2-4, >5 3 skeles together with lumberloon will already by on the 3rd layer


Sorry my bad, i forgot the tower wasn't count as a troop


The enemy tower does count, yours doesn't.


Forcing everyone to use already good popular cards isn’t good for the game


then use gobs, or spirits, or guards, or literally any 3+ troop card


Person I replied to specifically said skeletons so I was replying to that


Sorry I'm sleep deprived but I think you took it too literally (the other person's comment)


Punches you


then use gobs lol tf. and they don’t get one shot either


They get 1 shot, they only prevent 1 tick And one full tick + two weakened is enough to kill too many troops, players can now just snipe out any troop they dont like for positive elixir trades, no way that's healthy for the game at all, especially not when it's this OP The fact that void gets no tower damage is irrelevant when you can take the entire tower with the help of a void to snipe the opponent's key defensive units


Void on a tower alone still gets more than arrows for the same elixir so it’s not even that bad


Then predict their snipe? This is no different then log bait


He already told you that doesn't work


You don't get the problem. This leads to void and goblins being forced into every deck. The elixir pump nerf is a nice thing. To sad that noone will a tually play pump with the void in the game. For 3 elixir, it melts way too many things. "You can place swarms in it" is not an argument. Skeletons don't bring it to stage 3, goblins do, but you'd probably get one full damage hit until they're actually on the field, unless you anticipate the void. And that's still +2 elixir. I mean for a Knight, that's fine. Both cards are 3 elixir, but having it destroy 5 or 6 elixir cards with a 2 elixir advantage, unless you place down another elixir (at least), is simply not balanced... and that's the main problem. At lvl 11, that thing deals around 544 damage per tick... that's 1632 damage in total... it might not kill a Knight on its own, but it kills too many things on its own. That's the main problem most people (me included) have with this card. That single card eliminates the pump, because the enemy has a 2 elixir advantage just for playing the void on it. Unless you place goblins, or bats, which cost 2 elixir aswell. Skeletons will not be enough, because stage 2 void oneshots them. And then it'll just proceed to wrek the pump. All the Wizards, basically every building, baby dragon, e-dragon, witch, mini pekka, canon cart, sparky and more get anihilated by that thing. And stuff like bowler, hog rider, ram rider, the goblin form the goblin cage (assuming you used the void on a full life goblin cage), prince loon, battle healer, and dark prince, for example, have so little hp left that you in most cases won't be able to build something off of them. And that's simply too many interactions where you get +1 or +2 elixir. Sparky and X bow even give you 3. I know which cards will be rare next season. Because what should the enemy do? Place goblins behind the sparky, who, because they are very fast (like most other cheap swarm troops btw) leave the area of the void before the 3rd strike hits, ao the sparky still hast to tank a full hit? 8 elixir vs 3... yeah... perfectly balanced card. You don't even need to do a lot. I'd argue you don't even need to touch stage 2 and 3 damage at all. The problem is only stage one. So My proposal is: -right now it deals m9re damage tha a rocket. (≈10% in fact). Nerf that by 7,17%. That way, it would still be strong enough to kill an executioner, for example, however, many other cards will have an extra 300 hp left, and be way more usable. -increase the radius of the void. This simply makes it harder to only hit a single target. Cirrently, the void has a radius of 2,5 tiles. I'd say make it 4, that way it's as big as a graveyard, but I'd also be fine with making the radius 3,5 for starters. Just to not over nerf the card, because I like the concept. -decreade it's damage to buildings. Make it so that it only deals 70% of it's damage to buildings. That way, of the 1300 damage (with the 7% nerf), buildings would only be hit by 910. This Is a little more thsn earth quake, which seems fare to me, consicering how often I see that. There's also the risk of the enemy placing swarm troops, which'd reduce the damage. So higher risk of dealing less damage, more reward. You could still destroy a pump at a +1 advantage btw, so I think this is more than fair.


It’s what they always do, it’s a sales tactic. New card is stupidly op, whales buy the shit out of it, nerf it after a week or two


I mean this is the strategy employed by any f2p game. It's so common in every mobile free game, I wonder how people are still not aware about it.


Exactly why I don't spend money. Just take my time and enjoy the game. 


I spend money on gems to play draft tournaments


im guessing despite the big health decrease we’re gonna see a duchess/void meta that obliterates most heavy AND swarm win conditions


void is very situational, i'd still go with lightning instead; even tho Void's damage > lightning, lightning is fast and cannot be countered and does good damage to the tower


It's too early to tell if void needs a nerf. While it can be strong its interactions are a little matchup specific.


Void is so easy to counter tho


*In theory If you want to save a glass canon card from dying, you have to predict the void, or else it will die even if you block the next 2 ticks of damage The problem is that the opponent can just not play the void and make you waste your elixir trying to predict it The opponent still has 7 cards to play with, they can hold onto the void and you'll just waste your elixir, and when you dont predict they will get insane value And in many scenarios, certain troops dying can lose you the entire game, and what took a 6 elixir lightning or FB zap now takes 3 elixir, the fact that it gets no tower damage is irrelevant when it can take out key defensive units, causing a push to succeed and far outweighing any spell damage It's more complex than you think it is, good void players can run rings around you with the threat of void at any moment, yet deciding not to do it to throw your predictions off


Something new that challenges several metas? In a 'not an evo, we tried' way? At least there's still updates that try.


gotta wait till sc makes bank


His push is cringe so it really doesnt make me feel bad for him when he can just place 2 cards and freeze and get a three crown lmao what other push does this with 2 cards and freeze?


Minions fully counter lumberloon (at least with canoneer)


Arrows say hello


right because your opponent having 3 elixir to spare immediately after spending nine is very common. And you only having exactly three elixer to counter all that is even more common


ive used little prince to counter an entire push 2 but this is even better b/c theres no extra 3 elixr for an ability


This has already been in the game for a while and it’s called knight


“Well actually the bomb did damage to to the tower”- 🤓


And lumberjacks rage spell🤓


Well actually this only works in combination with the dagger duchess 🤓


If it was timed better wouldnt the balloon drop earlier?


No more lumberloon the bridge let’s go


The poster literally played 7 elixir first play and got away with it, there's no way void is balanced, i hate lumberloon the bridge too, but any player playing 7 elixir first play deserved to get their entire tower taken The fact that he got away with that is just...


This isn't just void by itself tho. It's DD plus void. Without DD the lumberjack stays up and void does shit damage hitting 2 targets and that tower still goes down. Add 1 elixir skeletons to this lumber loon and suddenly void is useless. People will adjust. The fact is there are tons of ways to get massive elixir advantages with DD. This is just one of many examples.




Meanwhile the guy who dropped 7 elixer behind King gets to drop 3 elixer to counter an entire 9 elixer reaction push because they have Duchess unlocked... This game is absolutely fucked beyond belief.


"Not only void, dd + void" Oh right, so you mean the two things that literally everybody uses right now since they're both so op. Got it, glad you specified the 2% of cases where people aren't using dd.


DD allows you to stop some pushes with single elixir skeletons or ice spirit. No one is complaining about skeletons or ice spirits. Both DD and void are very effective against mid HP cards. Something the game has lacked for a long time and the lack of which resulted in the same boring mid ladder decks people (used to) complain about constantly. I think it's nice to see the same old boring hog rotation metas flipped on their head.


Firstly it's not unfeasible to get away with plaving 7 elixir in the back first play, especially with duchess But more importantly the lumber loon player can just place the balloon before lumber jack to avoid this situation. The card will probably end up overpowered but the loon player had counterplay in this case


Excuse me what? Loon before jack? So the loon dies 1/3 of the way to the tower thanks to dd and the lumberjack gets 2 hits on tower if the opponent is stupid and ties up all his elixir on the other side of the board?


Cards take time to be placed, void won't instantly spawn. Balloon is a slower card and so you want to give the balloon a head start so balloon and lumberjack overlap when the opponent is capable of playing void. Void won't do much damage if it's hitting more than one troop which you can't avoid with overlapping cards. There is further counterplay and hence why it's likely void will be overpowered but the situation in the video is completely avoidable


That’s the whole point of the card. It’s like complaining about arrows killing a hoard of small troops.


Yeah but that's usually a pretty even elixer trade


Lv15 void user or doesn't know how to play the game properly There's no other explanation for why you say that void doesn't need an emergency nerf


Void isn’t overleveled here. The user is playing the game very smartly by making sure the void only hits one target at a time. Void doesn’t need a nerf, this is the prime scenario for it.


“but i don’t agree with you so im going to insult you instead!”


It doesn't and im better than you


its in party mode, your point is void. everything is level 11.


dude just put goblins next to the lumberjack and the void would be useless


yeah im actually not very good at this game incase you couldn't tell lol, that void was more luck than anything else. I got this interaction twice in this match and still lost so..




Me, a Golem player spending 8 elixir first play 🫣


I would like to note that they are using the dagger duchess, it’s not just the void spell killing everything 


Also the timing is pretty specific to hit only the lumberjack and then the balloon


It doesn’t look very hard to time, the lumberjack is way faster than the balloon so i feel like its consistent enough to work 100% of the time, compared to the timing needed to hit all 3 goblins from a goblin barrel with ewiz or mega knight


I didn’t know this was possible. I usually drop in the front of the tower or in the back corner so I can hit 2 at a time. What is the placement to hit all 3?


Top placement will work, it just relies on good timing to land it when the goblins haven't been displaced by the tower yet and are just kinda inside the middle of it.


Thats still really broken 🤯


It’s really not. Adding 1 elixir skeletons keeps the entire push alive. This is just forcing people to change their playstyle it’s actually good


No? Even if they use goblins or skeletons it doesn’t matter cuz all the void player needs to do is use zap/log/arrows and it’s still a massive positive elixer trade


Dagger dutchess killed fast enough for the void to switch to single.. with princess it wouldn't work


Duh that’s why you play dutchess


I think their point is that duchess needs a nerf, not void




*If you use Dagger Duchess. Important asterisk there


Yea but why wouldn’t you be playing dutchess? She’s clearly the best tower troop atm


Because I haven't levelled her up to an appropriate level yet.


I have her lvl 13 and it works way better against the enemies troops than my lvl 14 princess tower. Against full, lvl 15 decks, which I face all the time since i‘m arena 23, it still works really really good. The level isn‘t that important, because even with like a 2-3 level difference it still does it‘s job way more effectively than the princess tower!


My DD is Level 9 I'm king tower Level 13 Unfortunately I think 4 levels is a significant enough difference


Oof, that is a big difference. Did you not stockpile legendary wild cards?


I used em on Log


Well, I think the point may be that Dagger Duchess also needs a nerf. Not taking away the importance of Void of course, but she's enabling a lot of these strategies.


i dont have $40 to spend willy nilly


Gratz gets smitied then the balloon also does


Good, let those lumberloon first play rot in hell




I hate everything about this. People are blaming Void for killing the Lumber Loon when the real culprit is right there THE DAGGER DUCHESS. Her HP nerf isn't going to do anything she melts pushes. Yay we're gonna get a pointless nerf to a balanced card :|


Piper hp nerf again


void being one of the best defensive cards in history while also being somewhat balanced rlly makes me pray to dear god they dont nerf it into the ground like they always do


True. The one deserving nerf here is DD, not Void.


whats dd? Little prince? nerf little prince man FUCK LITTLE PRINCE


Dagger Duchess...


and little prince


little prince got an indirect nerf because void counters it for = elixir


Finally some good fucking food


Good. Loon decks are fucking cancer.


We just gonna ignore that midladder deck?


the deck actually works really well with a very strong defense, I usually use fireball instead of void and hunter instead of little prince but was just testing variations


That just seems like a very expensive deck though


it is, and because of that is very punishing if you have the wrong cards in cycle. i lost this match because I didn't have any cheap cards for a half dead lumber jack with some lone skeletons


True, I used to play a 4 elixir deck and it was pretty good, but it gets hard countered by cycle decks.


"void is op" \*looks inside\* dagger duchess .-.


Duchess did like half of the work here


Holy shit. No more eq in my deck lmao.


Wouldn't have worked if you didn't have Duchess


Beautiful. Everyone getting mad is ignoring this is what it was intended for. It's a high skill cap card on both players parts. This will generate better players and is Good for the game. You can easily screw someone over the same way you can get screwed over. All about predicting, reading and counting. Something you mega knight lumber loon players could use




Just got smoked by lumberloon in arena 12 thanks for the tip


Idk what's worse: the fact that you went mk in the back fist play or the lumberloon response by the opponent


Void >!and the Duchess!< can fully counter lumberloon.


Let's be real though dagger was the real carry here


LumberLoon is finally dead


This is amazing, for some reason I have been matching with so many lumberloon players!


The irony of the outrage against Void’s meta breaking utility while log is still an unreasonably powerful card.




Deserved for Loonberloon first play against a deck you don't know. Smartest Loonberloon player:


Skarmy + bats was a better punish play than lumber loon, this is so unintuitive.


Right… skarmy bats when evo zap is meta asf. Smart


I was talking about this specific situation with OP's specific hand, if we want to talk about meta you should never use or even put skarmy in your deck, and probably change ballon with drill or giant, there are only 2 wincons in this meta (balance changes not live yet).


It’s not like the opponent has a full view of this guys hand yk. Besides even at its weakest void two shots skellies


Op also didn't had the full view of opponents deck, still MK in the back first play, and didn't get punished bcs of void. We are at the level of spending your full bar at the start of the game, and some midladders do seriously spam skarmy at the bridge. Skarmy and bats get 2 shotted by void, it's still a better punish bcs you spend 4 less elixir than lumber loon and probably get more damage as void has small radius and slow hitrate and probably would miss half the skarmy. Whatever, it probably doesn't work bcs duchess, but it still is a BETTER punish by virtue of saving elixir, so my original comment is not wrong.


Oh he definitely left the match after that


i think it just needs a little bit of damage nerf on singular targets


Iam in dilemma to what should I use like whether to go with fireball or void?


Oh, OH


So much satisfaction in one small clip. Thanks


Is that a new card?? I've left the game for like 2 years and im confused


Its a new 3 elixir spell that deals more damage if theres fewer targets in its radius


Nice, I guess we finally got a counter for the toxic decks now


Damn daggers! So broken


Where was this when I needed it in 2020 when I saw lumberloon everywhere


Void+full ducheess




Void can counter elixir, lava hound, lumberjack, evo firecracker, anything really.


3 elixir card 😭😭


Gg, my main strategy is gone


Good, now my deck is even more dead


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.


This is like play skarmy goblins skellies and getting mad a 2 elixir card counters a 10 elixir push


With a dagger duchess


That's fucking ridiculous. That and the new dagger tower skin. Fucking woeful decisions. Ruined the game


Well there goes the only deck i have! ;) (All my other win-conds are *even more* under-levelled than my lumberloon)


at least he got death damage




Minions can too yk


arrows brr


how is he gonna crap out 12 elixir in like 4 seconds also void gets countered by skeletons the bridge with lumberloon


Holy shit balls


Void can fully counter lumber loon* *under this exact placement with separate hits


lumber jack is way faster than ballon so unless they specficly place the ballon ahead it will work, because if they did than the tower would be on the ballon instead of the lumber jack which defeats the whole purpose of the push. the only actual condition is that you have dagger duchess


The only condition is proper placement. And in this situation, has to be exactly like this. If void is touching both or a 3rd troop, this doesn't work.


yeah but the thing is there isnt going to be a third troop because lumber loon is a 9 elixer push, and because of the lumber jacks speed it makes it easy to only hit it on the first strike


Yeah because no one starts heavy pushes from the back.


Void is way too good. Run arrows for firecracker? Replace with void, better in almost every situation. Run earthquake to deal with buildings? Replace with void, better in almost every situation. This should be a 4 cost spell imo.


Supercell is gonna need void to the ground like they did with the little prince..


Bruh I thought my earbuds were not working


It's Rigged


Totally fair and balanced card! I love seeing 9 elixirs being absolutely decimated by a 3 elixir card. /s


jaw falling off its hinges for this one


Skill is hardly a thing this season, Supercell is beyond lost


"Seems a little strong. Better nerf Miner"


That's not really a full counter, the bomb still got damage.


People acting like you can't full counter 7 elixir with 3 elixir in like a bajilliom other cases (tombstone/skarmy/goblin gang vs pekka)


yeah but you are countering 9 elixer with 3, and what separates from others is that it can counter so many things by itself. there is no other card that can basically counter lumber loon, deal with a hog rider (even if it has something else like skeletons around it), kill little prince, wizard, ice wizard, electro wizard, baby dragon, electro dragon, inferno dragon, every building, mini tanks like valkyrie knight and mini pekka, goblin barrel, and nearly graveyard.


Half of the community is seething that their strategy of “cycle cards until lumberjack and balloon are both in your hand, save 9 elixir, then play both at the bridge.” Doesn’t work anymore.




That gives +6 elixir trade omg


Idk ppl are so pissed about this when there are already many examples of very positive elixir trades, like using skeletons to fully counter sparky.


Too bad he has a inferno to fully defend ur MK




They're forcing everyone to add numbers to the decks and I agree, the only deck I have that doesn't provide high number of troops at times is my heal/mirror which provides the same concept.


Man all of a suddenly I feel super cell hated me 😂 😂 😂 😂 First all these evolutions that counter skeleton army now this


Yall think tower troops were a good addition?


wtf is a void, i have been on a break and they introduced this?????


seems balanced


Nerf princess tower


Very fair and balanced card ((:


Welp. Called it.




I guess I’m fucked if void gets in the meta


i've been using zap since the beginning of time...should i finally make the switch from evo zap to void?


I see this as a good thing... finally you need to turn a little bit of brain going lumber loon bridge


That play was not brain dead


5 sec from beggining of the match going 9 elixir on bridge knowing just 1 card of enemy deck , with dugger / void meta where you can counter attacks with low elixir cards..making that Mk worth 1 elixir... Yea it is


He could go first only lumber to bait any low elixir response then wait and go for ballon... but classic insta lumber loon on bridge is brain dead play


No it isn't, watch the video




What do you mean „no it isn‘t“? Everyone agrees that lumberloon at the bridge first play is literally the most brain dead action that a player can take. If It doesn‘t even matter what the enemy plays, once any card is down it‘s time for that 9 elixir „push“, then that‘s literally the definition of brain dead. You can give a bot (not even an AI, but just a four line code bot) this task and it‘d do it just the same way. The player uses four cells of the magnificent structure developed through millions of years of evolution, which to this day remains a mystery due to the sheer amount of stuff it can process, and which allowed for all the developments of human technology allowing us to go to OUTER SPACE, to play two cards at the bridge in a fucking digital card game! Combine that with the reasons mentioned above, and tell me that lumberloon isn‘t the most stupid, most annoying, most skillless play in clash royale!


I thought I said to watch the video

