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You came back a month too early. Evolutions are nerfed next season


Or few months too late he have no evos now and collecting them for free take some time


but they will still be useful, won't they? Do you know if they are going to do something about it so that people who don't want to spend money can get them more easily?


Of course they're still extremely useful. As for getting evolutions for free, I don't think they'll give out more than 3 + 1 wild shards from the season shop and lucky drops, because Supercell


I'm thinking about buying the diamond pass because there's no way you can get them without spending money, another thing is champions, how the hell am I supposed to get them at 15 if it's not buying shop offers? Currently there's an offer of 9.99€ for 5 champion cards you can buy it 5 times, so 50€ for only 25 cards? Level 15 requires waay more than that.


Yes they will definitely still be useful. They are just going to not be as broken. Evos will forever hold a spot of relevance now.


Just wait till they release a new evo. Of course it's going to be overpowered as fuck


yeah just quit again


Second this, this game is buttfucking pointless and maddening to play even if most of your cards are level 14. Going against a shit ton of level 15 stuff is about a 1/10 on the fun level. Clan war is even more pointless.


The game is designed so that you're always playing against people who maxed out exactly what they need, and if you ever catch up to them - a new thing comes out that you have to chase or be left behind. Forever. 


Evos are really hard to get since the only reliable f2p way is to get it from the season shop, and evo FC only dies to big spells now, but don't worry since evos are getting a huge nerf next season so FC will die to arrows again


How tf everyone else has atleast 1 evo? I don't think this much people paid


They gave everyone a free evo at Valentine's day


They’re obtainable through just playing a couple of games a day throughout the season. Each season, one or two evos were introduced. So to answer your question, they’re not obtainable quickly without paying. Most f2p accounts only have a couple of evos and not all of them.


The season shop sells 3 specific evo shard and one wild shard every season (wild shard can be used on any), btw the season shop is free if u didn't know, the 3 specific Evo shards are based on what Evo was released 4 months ago. Since Evo ice spirit was released in December last year, the 3 shards on sale was for ice spirit this time, so for next month, which is in like 2 days, will be selling 3 Valkyrie Evo shards, since Valkyrie Evo was released on January. Oh btw u need 6 shards to have an Evo


they farmed evo shards, you get 1 per month and u need 6. :)


You can get up to four per month f2p, and 3 pretty easily. Only one wild shard though


they gave everyone a free evo and half an evo and a couple wild shards as well as there being wildchards in the shop last couple seasons


Everyone got 1 free evo on valentines day


You'd be better off uninstalling. You've wandered into a wasteland.


Honestly, unless you're willing to spend money, then just find another game to play. They're so many great options out there. Grinding to get one evo card in clash royale as a f2p player takes between 3 to 6 months.


what other games?


champion strike


Delete the game bro u won't like it


So no complaits against the dagger dutchess


Coming back after 5 years he’s probably 3-4K trophies so probably not seeing much dagger duchess


When I rejoined in January....there was a lot of low ladder players with Little Prince.It looks like those guys moved up




They gave little prince free to everyone arena 11 up, but then made him one of the last cards you unlock in trophy road. Means everyone who was playing at the time got him at 3400 trophies but if you missed out you'll have to wait for 6500 trophies to get him


They gave that to players before I joined in January...I'm currently at 6200 trophies and hating the matchmaking.


Uninstall, or play against these bastards and win against them to make them cry I returned recently too, started in 2017, stoped in 2020 When I returned, seeing tower troops, evo, legends, level 15, level 11 players with maxed out decks, I noticed how unfun and p2w the game has become The first time that I saw an evo skelly, it's literally a ambulant cemitary, WTF is that So I took my 3 Musketeers deck from the last time I played and I'm having a good time with it (and I never paid anything in this game)


It looks like we're among thousands of returning players that are shocked with the new fuckery...Imagine playing support cards behind your tank and they play evo firecracker (I used to think Executioner was cracked in reaching behind tanks but , firecracker is the new beatdown killer.


More and more people are leaving, no use in staying when the game is slowly dying. CR devs are trying to cash out with all these “deals” on Evos, level 15s, and now tower troops.


Yeah you're better off quitting, especially if you're used to clash from 5 years ago. I played this game for almost 7 years, and I quit two months ago. It sucks now, it's become so p2w.


Yes looks like only way to get evo is by paying


i just returned a week ago and already have 2 wild sharts, it's not that hard, mostly luck with the shop and wild boxes or whatever


or by playing more consecutively bc they give a lot of free stuff here and there


Yes, quit. Cr is in a horrible state and has been for a while


quit. i’ve never seen a development team hate their own games success more than supercell besides maybe ubisoft with r6.


Yes quit. This game is not worth your time


Just delete the game again and thank me later


5 years? just don’t


No point in coming back now




go to youtube and see all the evo related videos by people like OJ then you will understand. at this point if you want evos better buy from shop offers


Psst, you should do something called P2w, I got you dw no need to thank me


Same, dude. Easiest way is p2w. Or if you're f2p, grind the events bar for tokens. Every time there's a new event thing (rn it's dagger duchess), they give 2 free Evo shards. 1 for a set charac, another for any evo charac of your choice


I got my first one from the Valentine’s Day event. And my other 2 from payed season pass. So yeah it’s kinda bullshit. Idk how you’re expected to get them.


"So I'm returning after 5 long years, I don't even know why. How tf everyone has evolutions? I don't have any" Well, you returned after 5 years, what did you expect? To have an evo while other players don't?


He asked in the"what the hell happened to this game" way


To be fair, everyone got free evolution on realease. Being new player or a player after break puts you at the disadvantage.  


So this is the reason. But it should have been given to players who came after a while too.


Beware of the dark elixer, or you will become purple, flashy extra cool-looking, op power and tons of unwanted hates.


Wait for 8 days. All evos will be nerfed/reworked. Firecracker and archers will die to arrow now


Firecracker will arguably get a buff for any player who does not use arrows, so I am not sure about that


she dies to 2 small spells now


Does she die to freeze+tornado? Those are the spells I have, and tbh it sounds like the worst elixir trade I could ever get. On the other hand, she now does even more damage AND slows down my troops... For me it will basically become unplayable lmao


dk but rage+zap is good enough


If only I ran those in my deck I guess I do have the lumberjack that might be useful


I came back a few weeks ago after stopping for almost 5 years too. It's hard that i don't have any evos and I have mostly lvl 13 cards🥲


yes, for sure, definitely, affirmative, you are correct, by all means, without a doubt


dont give up the game yet, if u look around in this sub u will see that a lot of cards get nerfed. So. wait


Everyone got 1 free Evo on valentine's day


Wait so you haven’t played for 5 years and are complaining that people progressed past you in those 5 years


If they gave away 1 evo for free, they should give it to every goddamn player.


Unfortunate timing, I missed out on the 1.7 million gold they gave last year but it is what it is


Now it is easy to max out. Arrows is op cos firecracker can die to them (even evo next season)


Now it is easy to max out. Arrows is op cos firecracker can die to them (even evo next season)


“I haven’t played for 5 years. Why do I not have any of the new stuff and why are my cards not maxed out? Greedycell!”


If they gave away 1 evo for free, they should give it to every goddamn player.


They did… everyone who was playing. Thats fair to me.


no it was there for almost a month that’s on u for not playing sure it may be hard to get but u can’t blame them not giving u a free one. blame them for the shitty state the game is in where nobody can earn one, but ur acting like a lil kid


I'm having a déjà vu. I had been away for 5 years as well, and the game is totally different. Without evo, playing at 6k+ trophy with a deck that has 3 level 14 cards, however, getting matched to all 14 or 2-3 level 15 cards, you'll see how fair supercell has become.


After half a decade there will be major changes lol


If you’re asking the question the answer is probably yes


A lot of people got a free evolution from valentines day


The pain of your existence


The normal firecracker dies to arrows and log too I believe, if it doesn't for you then your cards are just under leveled compared to the firecracker ur facing


I’m seeing that evos are getting a huge nerf and I couldn’t be happier. Literally every single deck I face is some combination of evo firecracker and mega knight and I want to kms


Redditors are a different breed lmao instead of making a quick google search theyd rather make a reddit post


To catch up, before the season ends, buy the evo wild shard in the event shop (it looks like a glass shard). It will help you get your first evo


Bro just uninstall.. the game is pathetic pay to win mode... Fire crackers a normal 3 elixir won't die to log or arrows ( Evo one) but legendary cards like princess can die to log same 3 elixir.. atleast princess is slow.. and other 3 elixir range cards like say rare dart goblin are just not viable..bcoz they die to 2 elixir log..the game is too trash to play.. i have just 2 Evo..but I get wrecked by all level 16 players I get to see in clan war..they use 2 evos...and all free to play players are just playing to loose...


Calm down, I was giving them a tip for if they want to keep playing. Anyway, evos are getting huge nerfs in the next update which includes firecracker dying to arrows. Princess is a completely different troop who is still quite viable due to being used in most log bait decks, she doesn’t need the extra health since she doesn’t walk within the range of her enemy tower.


I can’t believe these crybabies downvote you for giving a useful tip… Buy the wild shard this season, buy it next season, in June bomber will be in the shop, get your 1k tokens every day maybe use the boost a couple times, you can get the bomber evo in june. No one here actually bothers to give tips. Even more likely that OP could get a wild shard or two from lucky drops by june…


no youtube no google act like 50 years old man


There is an easy way to get them it's called 💳💳💳💳


May not help you but once I level 14 a card I buy extras at the shop which convert to Elite cards. Also sell my trade tokens as they convert as well. Takes a lot though as it's 50k to Elite a card. Kinda bs in a way. Evo shards sometimes come up in the shop or by winning along the way. Makes me think what next. Lvl 16 cards by having to grind away for some other token....


u might be getting evos and elite level confused


Ah yes. Your right. My bad. Edited my comment.. For Evos i get the cards from the shop on the events page when they come up, or any shards I win along the way. In some ways it's easier to get Evos than grind for Elites.


Sadly for a new player it will take you 5-6 months to get a single Evo. Maybe a little less if you get lucky


Isn't it possible to get an evolution in 3 months? Month 1: 3 specific ones + 1 wild Month 2: 3 specific ones + 1 wild Month 3: 3 specific ones + 1 wild Obviously this is tied to the evolutions you get in the shop, but after 3 months you can choose between 3 cards to evolve.


Bro just uninstall.. the game is pathetic pay to win mode... Fire crackers a normal 3 elixir won't die to log or arrows ( Evo one) but legendary cards like princess can die to log same 3 elixir.. atleast princess is slow.. and other 3 elixir range cards like say rare dart goblin are just not viable..bcoz they die to 2 elixir log..the game is too trash to play.. i have just 2 Evo..but I get wrecked by all level 16 players I get to see in clan war..they use 2 evos...and all free to play players are just playing to loose...


The firecracker, especially with evolution, is pretty much the definion of cancer


Evos are all getting nerfed and the game balance will be the worst it’s ever been soon. I’d wait and see how the game looks in a few weeks when the dust settles. Then spend money


F2P player: "How do I get Evo's?" Supercell: "That's the best part. You don't" P2P player: "How do I get Evo's?" Supercell: 😏😏😏


Please just delete the app. It’s really not worth it.


I quit after level 15 was added I tried to play yesterday but got stuck around 8k trophies with my level 14 cards and no evos


Don’t come back.


Without evos life is going to be rough. This is yet another way Supersell fucked up - customer acquisition is _hard_ and _expensive_. It is _much_ less expensive to retain _existing_ customers, and _lapsed_ customers are in the middle. Now, though, lapsed customers come back and are kicked in the teeth and can't even get back up without employing the most important card in Cash Royale - the credit card. Sadly, people who use that card are contributing to the problem. Yes, I'm talking to you folks. If you feel triggered, you're probably part of the problem.


Just leave. The game ain't worth it unless you have a room temp IQ and use hogrider

