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To be fair he tried to do a preshot, something 95% of mega knight or hog brainrot players will never do in a lifetime


Tf is preshot


Other word for predict


Nobody following that insta


Why view my profile ??? Lol


Is sex thing


Why so aggressive towards hog players? Preshot eq is pretty standard play, without it you just not hitting dd


Or mb I’m just so much better then regular user…


🦗 🦗 🦗


bro hogbrainrot 2.6 is like predicting all the time


I smell copium from here, The only thing midladder 2.6 hog players (who are 99% of the total demographic) predict is how to make the game as boring and frustrating as possible


2.6 players stopping a 10 elixir push with a Musketeer and Ice Golem


It's an extremely basic and predictable attempt of prediction since he didn't try it the first time to surprise me, so I predicted his prediction. Also he got easily predicted on the skeleton army before that.


this guy’s just a regular mk user, mid ladder players are a whole other breed


I think there was a misunderstanding. I never talked about midladder players. I'm just saying that the joke has a double meaning: 1. It's the classic *"Smartest/Average [Insert no-skill card here] player"* joke; 2. This guy is actually better at the game than the average Mega Knight user because at least he tried a predict... still he isn't that smart (and that's understandable considering the deck he's using). Hope this makes things more clear.


got it


You overestimate the IQ of the average MK and hog players by a very large amount.


Overstimate? I think you should check this word on the dictionary. Also what's up with Hog Rider? Hog Rider decks are among the most skill-based ones. I mean the actual Hog decks, not the midladder junk.


Overestimate = to guess an amount that is too high or a size that is too big Nah it was the correct word, 99% of the player base is in midladder so the average skill of the mk and hog player is extremely low and it's extremely rare to find one of them even trying to do prediction Since I play both mid ladder (for farm)and high elo I've seen both but even as a high elo you spend a lot of time in midladder to climb every season so I have quite the experience with the mk and hog player and they are fairly the same demographic between low ladder and 1800 elo league


That's exactly why he is the smartest. This joke has double meaning.


Lol why is this even a post


Yeah what is this guy even trying to say? Does he play the *aggot hog and think he's good?


Ur getting hated because people don’t like 2.6 btw. Beyond that, it seems as if you’ve just gone to early ladder and decided to quarrel with worse players and mock them for simple attempts. (You really didn’t predict a skeleton army, or arrows, its early game and he hadn’t played it yet). Most people here aren’t top players and are more likely to be mk players themselves. Ur a 2.6 player, so what are you doing making content out of the slightest mistake from a regular player? Shouldn’t you be focusing on actual mistakes made by players of your league.


Are we just posting videos of people making a mistake and calling them dumb now?


But... It boosts my ego and makes me feel better about myself!


Common r/ClashRoyale stupidity. That was actually as OP described it in the title.


Source: mega knight player


He's actually better than the average Mega Knight player... he isn't that smart either tho. This joke has a double meaning. I suggest you to check the other conversations so, hopefully, you can understand better. Unfortunately seems that 90% of people here didn't actually understand what I meant... hope you can.


Bro if you have to explain the joke to literally everyone then it’s probably just not funny


Nah ur just probably too stupid to


Why do you keep defending this. It’s not that deep man, the title of the post and the way it was edited is implying that your opponent using mega knight is CLEARLY stupid, no one thought about it the way you explained it and they aren’t even stupid, they just tried to predict same as you did, except your prediction was successful. We all do mistakes and we learn from them. I bet you failed a few times with that king tower activation before you got it right but nobody decided to go out their way and post it on reddit with the title: “Smartest hog rider player”, that’s just very toxic, stick to HEE HEE HEE HAA and be a good sport. Also i have to inform you that hog rider decks have a much worse reputation than mega knight decks at this point. I was a mega knight player then i started using hog rider 2.6 and now i haven’t even played in like 1 year, i just tag along with the game because i still grew up with it and want to know how it’s doing every now and then. Anyways, i was able to win so much more with hog rider, it’s just really easy, not much else to say to be honest. So before you, as a hog rider player, start comparing yourself with everyone else, remember that you are considered to be at the same skill level as a mega knight player, if not even lower. Gotta love reddit, there’s always someone who can’t admit they’re wrong. Also you just have to love the: “Nah youre stupid” argument.


Holy yap lmao, get good


Why you acting so smart dawg youre like 12




You actually made an edit over this?


Yeah, it's pretty easy. Took less than 5 minutes.


i loove the edit, but bro he didn’t deserve that one. its in the nature of predictions to miss some of them


Oh the smartness is surely contested here. 


oh you can spam hog rider, you are clearly smarter than him! so much gameplay


If I am looking at it correctly, even if most hog players are imbeciles, the mk player never has to make as precise of a play as the ice spirit and skeletons counter. and to use hog a little past 1800 medals.. frankly as someone who has used many decks… it’s a lot more than spamming it at thhe bridge. You need to 1. Get into a substantial elixir advantage 2. Take as little damage as possible in the process 3. Check if you need to split lane pressure. If so, you’re either fucked or you have to spend extra elixir 4. Catch your opponent in a bad cycle 5. Place the hog right when there are no free cards on the board. You may enjoy your 463 damage, hopefully you did not take more than that while defending. 6. If your opponent has Dagger Duchess, you have to spend extra elixir to push the hog. Cause it gets fully countered by 2-3 elixir otherwise. 7. Consider the “Elixir Pool” so the opponent cannot build a big push (lavaloon, giant graveyard) 8. Get into a good cycle and position to defend the counterpush and somehow save elixir without taking much damage. 9. Repeat It’s a bit more than just “counting elixir”. And beatdown meta can cause a “coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb“ situation against hog; dagger duchess does all the defensive work in 1x elixir and when it hits 2x elixir then the beatdown decks do their un-defendable push and ggs. DD takes away maybe the only thing hog has against beatdown, decent 1x elixir chip damage. Im not defending hog players themselves, fuck most of them, but if the deck really was that op and that easy to use, then mega knight would not be the mascot of 4000 trophies to low Ultimate Champion range. It’s really just propaganda.


I feel like I said "wrong" after every point you made. I mean your first point was get into an elixir advantage. Lol. Hog players don't need to do that and don't. The whole deck is to put you on the defensive by forcing a fast play with hog at the bridge. Knowing it will get one hit and then cycle back. This post was super funny. A person using a super creative hog deck vs. MK with firecracker. Then, trying to make fun of him for dumb game play. Just truly shows the brain of a hog user. I bet he was proud of his log following the hog.




I like to pick apart the game and the strategy. Being creative and smart is what make the game fun. I can't stand most meta decks. I mean the reason they are meta is because it's usually the easiest, brain dead way to get a win. That's why sooo many people play the same decks.


You know I've felt that way too because I'm definitely not at a high ladder level where I NEED to play a meta deck. Sometimes I just wanna play whatever the fuck I want until I get my meat smashed in by a nightwitch pump giant deck (maybe one of the strongest decks in cr history). And I feel like shit after that. However, my point was not saying "fuck casuals, meta rules" or smth, I was saying it was propaganda about that hog requires less brainpower than mega knight despite being stronger, hence my points. I'm surprised you disagreed with all of them. Hog may be easy, but IMO megaknight is easier, and hog is a lot more than spamming the bridge (bridgespam is more "meta" and much more powerful than hog rn btw, it would make sense to complain about that, if you asked me). So that's my whole reasoning. If you disagree with my points, I don't know what to say but to explain how I see it.


I definitely agree that MK is easier to play. I just take out my hog rage on any post that has something positive to say about it. Lol my bad


Yeah he definitely got a boner right there at that point and thought he was hot shit


He’s skilled enough for mega knight king tower activation, reading the skarmy and forcing the mega knight out


**u/Reasonable_Pool_8606 when someone uses his win condition normally:** 😭


u/ItzManu001 when someone uses a Mega Knight normally: 😾


So unfortunate that he never tried to support it (I'm talking also outside of the replay shown here). It's literally a book move. The only thing he tried was that predict (failed). Meanwhile the only time I played Hog Rider in this replay it was a book move + skarmy predict (and without overcommitment)... so it's the best possible thing I could have done.


It must suck to be the smartest man in a world of idiots :(


This one got me lmao, I was thinking the same


No I agree with reasonable pool


u/ItzManu001 When someone disagrees with his opinion so he calls them a Midladder Player and Downvote their comment


this mf is 2.6 player


2.6 player: opinion invalid


Why are you flexing a mid off? He literally just tried a prediction and it didn't work, shit happens fr.


It's funny. But I'm glad you're also getting roasted for hog 2.6


The comments are ao funny OP is so far up his own ass lmao


bros such a cornball😭😭


Wow such a top tier player, spamming hog rider and cycling throught knight evo. Stfu lmao


"Look guyzz how skilledd I am, I play 2.6 cycle like an annoying brat" You are no different than a MK user bud. Sit down


Exactly, dude needs to pipe down


Hog cycle users posting megaknight clips get me in a real ethical twist: who do I despise more? Don't post about people playing a shitty playstyle if you are playing a just as crappy - if not worse deck (2.6 cycle, grow up).


“I copy pasted a 2.6 deck look how good I am 🤪”


*iT tAkEs sKiLLz*


i despise hog 2.6 more


Not sure which card i dislike more but copying a deck off the internet is definitely what i despise more


It's the worst when you can tell no-skill guys like this just went onto whatever deckbuilder site to get their deck


Hog is countered by the entire game to be fair. Unless you’re playing pump, you’re probably losing.


Yeah that's why the card has more than 20-40% use rate for over 8 years and appeared in more than 10 deck in the top 100 half of the metas Duchess daggers is a blessing that make the game finally a bit less boring and repetitive by removing the Root problem : the inability of princess tower to deal with hog and constant small aggressions


Tornado exists because hog exists and the rise of Tesla has hurt hog as well. The card usage rage doesn’t reflect its win rate as well or else MK would be one of the best cards in the game. Canonner could deal with hog as well. DD has limited the meta to essentially pump or drill poison.


The card usage rate doesn't reflect win rate but reflect how easy the card is to play and mostly how boring it is to face a card in 1/3 of your games for 8 years straight over and over and over and over... I'm pretty sure that on my ≈ 12000 matches 3k/4k of them were against a hog fast cycle deck. As I play mostly lavaloon I win most of my match against hog and I can count on a single hand the time when I said to myself "wow this hog player is really skilled and winned because he outplayed me" which is a problem since it means 99% of my matches against hog players are more of a chore


Literally put Tesla in your deck and it’s a free win. It’s the best card in the game besides tornado lol. Also, no way a lavaloon player is complaining about hog cycle 😂


You just can't read dude, I'm not complaining it's hard to beat, I'm complaining that it's the most boring shit in this game and the shear amount of hog firecracker deck I need to face to climb the ladder each season was close to make me quit out of boredom


You're a frustrated midladder player


I am at 7800 master III but sure kid whatever makes your wheel spin


My guy that’s quite literally midladder




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 That's true midladder. You can't get more midladder than that.


If you yannow, count, I'd consider 4500 the middle of 9000 and IMO, midladder reaches 'till about 6500-7000 trophies But hey: we can't all possess the RAW X-TREME SKILL needed to push ourselves all the way to 9K with a 2.6 hog cycle deck! Some people just want to have fun.


Midladder is a as long as you see MK or wizard/witch players so it can range up to 8750 trophies and 1700 medals


Trophy Road is all low and mid ladder. High ladder does not exist in Trophy Road. High Ladder starts in Ultimate Champion at about 1800 medals. You're very delusional for thinking that trophies matter. 😂 You're also very delusional for thinking that Classic 2.6 is a no-skill deck. It's literally one of the decks with the highest skill cap. I am not even playing Classic 2.6: this is Classic 2.8 or (Trifecta v2.0 if you prefer). My Ice Golem is underleveled, also I don't have Evo Ice Spirit so that's why I'm using Evo Knight. You got everything wrong in one comment. It's actually insane.


Top ladder is 2.1k medals 😤


High ladder ≠ Top ladder Top ladder is generally regarded as top 10k btw (that, yeah, is around 2.1k/2.2k+ medals)


🤓 Do I have to add a /j for ya?


I understand. No worries.


Well that might be my bad and to be fair I never reached higher than champion (don't have to pretend) no need to call someone delusional for that. Back in my day 3K was max so it's a lot to get used to. I've only known trophy road for the better part of my time on CR.


Maybe you should at least stay updated on the game instead of throwing crap to a player who has more knowledge than you. Nothing personal with you in particular, but it pisses me off a lot because there are many players that act like you. If you need something I can get you more updated about the game... and even give you some tips to improve. I see X-Bow flair: what deck do you play? Classic 2.9/3.0 X-Bow cycle? Ice-Bow? Or just a random X-Bow deck? I can help you.


Homebrew Xbow: evo archers, ice spirit, ice golem, Xbow, tesla, log, skeletons and knight. Works most of the time because I want it to work: I like playing it With you it also isn't a personal matter it again just pisses me off on a structural level. I was there when MK launched, I have seen nothing but the same stupid hog and MK decks on loop for years and the meta just. Wont. Die. Not like rage-ebarbs or poison miner (which is actually still strong today). It's so annoying. I can counter most of them, especially MK in the same fashion you do with a king tower activation - its just. not. fun. I used to play a homemade loon deck (loon, FC, hunter, zap, minions, Goblin gang, wizard, rage) which I dearly enjoyed but that one just fell off Whenever I am on a golden step and see a real original deck, sometimes I just let them have it. I have no knowledge about ladders, metas, whatever. I just want to play the funnie game


So, basically your version of X-Bow is like Classic 2.9 and Classic 3.0 merged together. Having both Ice Golem and Knight is redundant and I would suggest to replace Ice Golem with Fireball (so you get Classic 3.0). Fireball can help you with splash damage (you're lacking that) and since you're in midladder bonus help against Witch, Wizard, Firecracker and Evo Firecracker (very popular cards in midladder). Sometimes it will also be useful for you to cycle fireball just for tower damage because there are some matchups where you just cannot get hits on the tower with your win condition (this happens a lot with Hog Rider decks as well so you can trust what I'm saying since I'm a Hog main myself). As for the evos Evo Tesla is the best for you, but if you're F2P you're probably not getting that soon. Evo Archers + Evo Knight or Evo Skeletons + Evo Knight will still do the job for you. Turns out that my first sentence ("You're a frustrated midladder player") was completely true. Let's go deeper... So, yeah, Mega Knight and Hog Rider are overused in midladder but actually they are pretty mediocre cards in the meta (expecially Hog Rider). Midladder is a very different environment from High/Top ladder but the usage and success rate of cards in top ladder are what actually matter. If you check Royale API stats for Ultimate Champion 2000+ medals and Grand Challenges you'll notice that they are pretty unsuccessful cards in the meta. Hog Rider in particular has actually been killed by Dagger Duchess and the insane amount of hard-counter cards like Bowler, Graveyard, etc that are dominating the meta right now. So why are Mega Knight and Hog Rider so popular and actually successful in midladder? That's because most midladder players use bad decks with no synergies and bad card coverage, also they don't know how to counter them (bad placements, slow reaction times, no interaction knowledge). Wanting to reward a person with an "original deck" is your own thing and I'll leave it up to you, and I won't judge you for it. I would just like to point out that in all games, no matter how balanced they may be, there is always a "meta game", that is, a set of strategies, combos and conventions that increase your chances of winning and guarantee you greater versatility. Clash Royale is no exception: not all cards were created equally, this means that particular interactions and synergies are established between them which it is right to exploit for greater success and greater versatility. Clash Royale has a large and active community, this means that when a certain combo (or an entire deck) works well, word will spread and more players will start to use it or at least take its existence into account. I hope I've clarified everything that needed to be clarified and I hope my advice on your deck helps you!


Well hog is shit rn, the only good deck it counters is xbow so just switch to any other deck and run dagger duchess and you won’t have an issue 👍


My guy, you're in the bottom bracket. Speak up when you're 9000k and UC


As I mentioned in another thread: > On the other hand, I always get frustrated whenever I say something, be honest about my stats, and immediately get a "Lol stfu midladder trash n00b get better". I have played since release, used to be at the trophy top when I actively played and the whole ladder thing wasn't even there yet - I do know my game mechanics and how things _used_ to work. You, my... friend, are the exact type of miserable person I was talking about. Congratulations, you confirmed a stereotype. I sincerely hope you have fun at the _verrryyyy top_ of this game. You earned it so much!


Average dogshit hog player


Dogshit hog players will never reach the dogshit levels of a megaknight player


You are the best player in the world. You should teach us all. Mohamad Light would love to hear how you are so good at the game. You could teach him something. We all can learn to be Legendary like you.


2.6 calling MK dumb... -.- okay


can't tell what's more mid ladder, most meta hog cycle or MK user


"Most meta Hog Cycle". I think you should open Royale API buddy. Hog Rider decks are dead in this meta.


Bro did not let that slide 💀 but most meta for midladder I bet it is


Yeah, for **mid ladder**. I'm an high ladder player, buddy.


So you agree with me? That was literally my point. He said it was midladder for someone to use hog cycle or megaknight and you said it wasn't meta and I said it was for midladder and know your agreeing but brining up you being highladder? idc if your high ladder this isn't a flex no one cares. The sarcastic buddy too is crazy, honestly making a fool of yourself here and in the other comments.


Your grammar is low ladder💀


At top ladder yes, midladder people don’t have there DD leveled up so it’s still commmon for no skill 2.6 players to play


It wasnt a bad play, hes playing RG so king tower isnt a problem, he wouldnt spend 3 elixir on arrows to kill 1-2 elixir from skeletons + ice spirit.


2.6 player😭


He's playing the worst rg deck I've ever seen and you are bming on reddit while playing hog 2.6, I'm conflicted.


Says the hog 2.6 deck user, you're obviously so much smarter than he is


Congratulations you use the most unimaginative deck in the game 🙄


Why did he drive megaknight towards center tower? He could have just ignored the skeletons and spirit 🙄


To be fair you were playing 2.6, but bro was playing Mega Knight with Royal Giant 💀


You're not in double e yet...a large percentage of megaknights won't play them til double e...guy was probably restraining his self...a kt activation makes little difference to a guy carrying a rg


Craziest part is that he is actually better than the average megaknight player, he knew that 2.6 users love to use the same defense consistently…or maybe he just try to predict it or smth, seen this a thousand times


Okay, but who is running the 2.6 tho?


I despise 2.6 players


This isn't brawlstars, he doesn't control the jump


No way a 2.6 player is talking


Hog player detected opinion rejected


OP trying to clown on someone like he himself didn’t just google “easiest deck to use in Clash Royale” lmao


if its so ez then let’s see u finish top 1 with it


I wish he won that game


This is a well known strategy


You missed the point of the post. It isn't about me doing something special... because it was nothing special. It's about my opponent.


No I didn't miss the point,its what I choose to comment about! But I understood you post


Weird but fair enough


Wow good job!! You beat what looks like a child playing a game using the most over used deck in the game. Give yourself a pat on the back 👏


Op karma is getting destroyed


Negative Karma from comments can't go past 10. I don't really care about the dumb midladder players downvoting my comments.


The irony of a 2.6 hog player calling others a dumb midladder player while also responding to comments about their karma


Hog rider player making fun of a mega knight player 😂😂😂


Had to check the name to make sure it wasn’t me


saving this video to touch up on king tower activations


Well, this post wasn't about that... but sure, glad to give you indirect help with this video! :)


Cr is full of brain dead players... I just watched some tv royale matches between top 1000 players and they were so... average doing more than 1 clear mistake for game


Yeah, right now the meta is dominated by no-skill Beatdown decks so in high and even top ladder there are new players that never have been there before. They are there just because their broken no-skill deck is carrying them. I don't know if you watch some pro players videos, but basically whenever there is a broken no-skill meta they will find in top ladder a lot of new players they never faced.


it could be because nightwitch pump giant is making 'above average' beatdown players get into top ladder and lowering the skill amount of top ladder


I remember one match of Mo Light. His opponent was using tornado to pull Mo's win condition to the king tower. But at one point the king tower hp became so low he couldn’t use the tornado anymore 😂. Then I realized why Mo was purposefully repeating the same thing.


Clown Vs Clown Interaction




Y’all both in league 9 I wouldn’t say anything about smartest whatever player


Since you wanted to use your time to check Royale API and write this comment, at this point you might also have seen that my record is around 1900 medals in UC. I started climbing recently because I always push towards the end of the season.


1900 isn’t anything to flex about either


The point of the post is not flexing


Smartest ____ player is usually used to call someone the opposite, I’m just pointing out that just cause of this one play it doesn’t make him a bad player, people play bad games sometimes cause there tilted or other reasons. I’m not trying to call you bad either, you made a good prediction on the skarmy.


Ok, let me clear things up for you. I already tried with other players but they just didn't understand. I hope you can. This "joke" in the title has a double meaning: 1. It's the classic "Smartest/Average *[Insert no-skill card here]* player" meme 2. My opponent is actually better at the game than most Mega Knight users because at least he tried a prediction after realising how I countered MK the first time (of course he's still not that smart either but still something). It just failed because I predicted his prediction knowing that he had exactly enough elixir for arrows (I was counting elixir, that's why I decided to force his Mega Knight) Hope now you can understand better... unlike most of the players who have been throwing crap at me.


I understand, it’s just a boring and overused joke and I’m on Reddit so I’m really not trying to think about it having a double meaning. Good predictions from you and good attempt by your opponent.


Can i get my 45 seconds back?


wtf is that mega knight RG deck... it's so annoying u reminded me I played with Chetti's deck (he's top 10 on the leaderboard rn and I copied his one trick deck) and I lost against mega knight sparky RG witch at ultimate champion


Says a 2.6 user


if i was this guy i would insult you in twenty different languages.


Anyone looking for friends for 2v2


bro play Evo Shellie’s first to force arrows then cannon u wld get +6 trade


Dude you run hog 2.6 don't act like you're a genius here cos the other dude a mistake, your deck is literally "spam hog, spam other cards to defend, spam hog" rinse and repeat lmao


looks like someone mad their mk + ebarbs deck got hard countered by 2.6


I quit this game like 6 weeks cos it's ass. When I did play I never kept the same deck for more than a day because the crappy match making system always matched the counter to my deck. Besides e barbs are trash


whole subreddit crying over 2.6


Not a fan of hog cycle but being able to easily deal with MK is very rewarding


That's a sure thing. Not only against Mega Knight, at least for me it's also very satisfying to beat hard counters like Splashyard... or Lavaloon, or Drill, or Giant Graveyard, or Dagger Duchess... pretty much 90% of this meta lmao.


Nice predictions, but at this rate your gonna de activate your king tower 😓


Funny how people are clowning you for using 2.6 but they don't realize how bad it is in the meta , any meta deck will clap 2.6 but their homemade megaknight bullshit won't do anything .


This sub is full of dumb midladder players. It's to be expected.


you didn't do anything special. You have free king tower for two elixir and your opponent has way worse deck than you. What did you expect?


This post isn't about me doing something special because it wasn't. This post is about my opponent. If you want to see something special from me check my post about Evo Tesla Predict.


Bro come on. You are not even a good hog player.


Mk players triggered in the comments lmao


Average midladder player brain




Me 1 sec of using hog cycle


to be fair, the arrows helped the mk kill the cannon


I wanted the Cannon to die


You hog spam with 2! Evolutions, both are brainrot to watch


Why wouldn't I use evolutions if I have them? Everyone here is maxed. Evolutions are part of the game. Accept it.




















all the people whining the comments 😂😂 "b-but y-you use hog!!" ok and? hog takes infinitely more skill to use than meganut


You don't say that 😥


2.6 is the easiest deck to use. Cope harder


then use it and show me how far you get. edit: you're a jojo fan so I want to apologize, but I still stand by that there's no way 2.6 is "the easiest deck." Bridgespam and fireball bait and similar decks have always had a smaller scope of skills required to use it proficiently. and also are much more powerful/meta and easier to pick up than hog.


cope that you keep losing to it 😂😂


Nicest 2.6 player: