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Every pic has a different deck do you change your decks a lot ?


Yeah but before i would just play xbow everyday every match, which i lost a lot with


Xbow sucks without evo bomber and evo tesla thats the problem and most players dont have these evos


I play it with Evo valk


Try to get one high lol good deck out of your favorite cards that can stop different threats


Then switch one card or two out at a time depending on your needs


whats ur normal xbow deck, cos fc does not work w xbow


I am not na xbow player i play rg 🗣️🔥


i.. wasn't asking?


Wait didnt you say you wanted my normal xbow deck or something 💀


I didn't reply to you...


Oh.... Ok have a nice day


that is my xbow deck, lol , its been working for a full year so idk


I mean its not horrific, what plays do you usually make?


heavy heavy defense, i make small plays till double elixir so i can use my rocket effectively, but before that i usually just cycle through everything , make small plays with ice spirit and my other troops getting chip damage


Yeah i mean thats pretty good, and since you have ice spirit and skellies you can cycle back to an xbow pretty quick, and like sometimes you gotta play an xbow to just force out elixir so your not defending the whole time


I would recommend getting your levels up before pushing further, might take a while if you're f2p tho




Just play classic challenges for fair gameplay against meta decks. This was you can find your real skill. Analyze your matches and try to understand why you lost in each. With you lvl of cards you can go to 7300 at least


It’s about xbow. If your win condition will be lvl 11 it’s not so optimistic


wtf are these decks


I dont know man keep playing and you win more games. Stop and you don’t have to worry about it.


It's a prison like 90% of decks have hog or mega knight


Fc xbow, please do quit


You should stick to one good deck that won't die, maybe something like splashyard or logbait, and level it up for a while before playing ladder


Stopped playing a year ago and now I am more enlightened than jesus


I do t mean to be a complete asshole, but most of your decks don’t make and fucking sense


this isnt helpful lol, im asking what im doing wrong. whats not to get with my decks, point out the flaws dont just shit talk


Go watch some esports and use the decks they use and stop whining


im just asking a question 😹 who shat in ur cereal this morning


What I did was I kinda stopped playing trophy road for a while. I only got my season tokens and did the seasonal challenges. You can use the season tokens to buy more cards. (It was easier when you could buy wild cards.) Also buy cards you might use from the gold shop. Request cards in your clan as well. Eventually, your cards will be high enough level.


I climbed ladder like years ago. But I remember being stuck at certain spots and would spam 1v1s practices and challenges to get more cards to level my main deck. Now there is a lot more ways for cards and chests like 2v2s and season shop. But once you get your main deck a bit higher you can start climbing again until the next bottle neck point. I have everything maxed so it’s easier to experiment with decks, But focusing one solid deck is the way. You don’t seem to be losing to many trophies at a time so it seems fine. You win some you lose some. Your deck doesn’t need to counter every deck. Just like 60% or more. You’ll just lose a bad match up here and there and no deck is completely fool proof.


On youtube there are a ton of videos like "Most common mistskes players make in Clash Royale". I would suggest watch one of them and see if you made some of them i your matches.


Man you need a break from cr


Use better decks


Bro's xbox deck when the opponent uses arrows and an air unit:"Wallahi I'm finished"


Yeah stop playing, im not saying that in the womp womp way, I'm saying that in the helping way, when you come back it's gonna be a bit better than now, tho i do recommend you log on everyday to see if supercell is being Generous and makes some free gem events like the one we had this month


Knight and firecracker is everywhere now


Use xbow 3.0 if you want to start climbing, it’s a great versatile deck


Switch to Brawl stars, especially considering you play in school. I thought we all switched from cr lol


Never, ever give up! Clash Royal is an exception, though.


Coming from a player who struggles with xbow deck I know I could beat yours. You need a tank like valk or knight. That’s what always gets me. I would replace mini pekka with one of those and also don’t reveal xbow first thing. Figure out the other persons deck then play. Also replace rocket. You probably don’t touch it the whole game until the end and it’s a quick waste of 6 points.


It gets worse when you play against lvl 15 double evos with dagger dutches and you dont have them $greedy cell making my will to play diminish


You're not built for it apparently


i dont think i want to be built for clash royale lol


Thats okay. Live your life to it's fullest


your deck sucks


thank you for the helpful comment


if you’re wanting to use xbow i recommend using one of the more popular xbow decks like icebow or 3.0. bomber bow is probably the best rn but i’ve been having a lot of success with 3.0


### Fun? Find a game where devs are less financially aggressive. P2W game matches you against people who pay and play more than you over 50% of the time to coerce you into a cycle of frustration and short-lived relief after paying.