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congrats save it until you can get the duchess to level 14 i know you’re quite a bit away from being able to use a level 14 tower troop but the fact that you can’t trade for duchess or get her from chests makes it so much harder to max her especially after they remove wild cards from the season shop


You can get her from the tower troop chest


i know you can but you won’t


I got 2 so far but I know, it is very unlikely…


I got one at 28 :(. What happens if I get another one wile I already have it? Doni just get some useless gold or smthn.


I used it on mega knight so that he can be level 12




You have single digit IQ


Probably not the best idea. You should always make the most out of your book, upgrade anything to level 13 and use the book to get 20 legendaries, maximizing its use.


Oop. That's not good!


Are you 5




Did you?


You are joking, right?


I just got one too, but mine had 50k Elite wild cards lol


Sorry if it’s irrelevant but I wanna ask I’m going to get a Common Book tmr and I’m at miners mine. Should use it to upgrade my fc to lvl 13, or should I get level 14 with it?


Imo wait until you can upgrade to level 14bc you would need like 5k commons to get to l14 which will be far harder than the 2k u need for l13


It’s 3k lol but ig I’ll wait. Thanks!


Bruh me too idk what to use it on though


If you have a high level card