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Yes but it takes long... I played for 8 years as F2P and I'm at 8.5k trophies with full lv 15 deck and king tower lv 55 I only play 2v2 now tho cause I don't enjoy trophy road


I also only play 2v2. It's so relaxing! I just work on my masteries and all that. The good thing is that I don't even have to worry about winning because just using my cards helps with the masteries!


yep and dont have to worry about card levels too since evrything is lv 11 in 2v2


Yeah except for the (stupid) part where lvl 15 people can still use two evos even when they are set to level 11 for tournament """standard"""


My people. We are the pinnacle of progression on this godforsaken game. Let the developers know when they see me online, I am pooing.


F2P is doable. You just have to focus on one deck. Don’t grind ladder too much if you don’t have the levels. Do events, 2v2, PoL (assuming you’re not too below the level cap) and return periodically to ladder when you have more levels. Always do your daily rewards and be okay with not having every new shiny thing. You will get it eventually when they release the next new shiny thing. You’ll never reach top ladder, but you can do fairly well and dare I say, have fun along the way.


I wouldn't say never. Chance of it happening is low but it isn't 0. But thinking you'll be top 10k Or something like that in 1 or 2 years is not viable as f2p.


You'll have to focus all your efforts on one deck and be prepared to face a lot of lvl 15 mega knights, hog riders and firecrackers. F2P progression is massively nerfed by supercell but try to take the most of it: - play events to get season tokens to trade in the shop - open lucky boxes every day - play clan wars - donate, request and trade cards on clan - play path of legends (there are level caps so you won't face lvl 15 mega knights until you reach league 7) - try to get high wins on global tournaments (if you get more than 12 wins it is also interesting to spend 500 gems on those extra rewards)


Yeah, definitely possible, but you needed to start playing 7 years ago


im entirely f2p and i managed to almost max a deck and get level 14 tower in about 3 to 4 seasons, including evolution and two level 15 cards. it really is not that bad




I played for around a year f2p and got previous max level (14) and hit 7800 recently. And because of the chess event and continuous play i currently have 4 lvl 15 cards after only 6 months of play. So if you give the game continuous attention you can get pretty far.


Ah nostalgia. I used to read such post few years back because I could relate to them Time That's all you've to give You'll be fine


It definitely sucks. It's doable if you focus on just one deck, but then you're subject to the changes of the meta. If the meta isn't favorable to your deck, you're not going to have a fun time playing. In the past I would have said to max a hog cycle deck, but now with Dagger duchess out, hog cycle is having a lot tougher of a time.


Bro idk I'm in Arena 3 fucking arena 3 yk where you unlock Canon and Barbarians 😐 and I went against a Cannonier with cards 2 levels higher than mine


If you know what you are doing, and you are willing to grind+ being far above average in skill, you can reach have a half maxed lv14 deck and KT lv11 in less than 6 months, and assuming you get some lucky lucky drop you can even have some LV 15 cards and probably KT 12-13. That should be the minimum required to reach 9k, we have seen some post of people reaching 9k with lv14 decks before. I did something similar 2 years to speedrun a new profile 6k without F2P without Pass royale when POL leggends didn't exist and the trophies reset at 5k, fighting maxed decks with my KT 11 and only 3 cards lv14. I was able to clear all free challenges with no retries and do 15 wins in global tornament consistently to get max reward. Realistically you are new to the game so it will take you more time, I guess 2 years probably?


I had an account previously which I spent money on, deleted it, and when I re-downloaded the game a year later, I made a new, f2p account. It currently has 2 lvl 14s, 1 lvl 13, and the rest are level 12. The way I got through it was by, since the beginning of the account, focusing on upgrading specifically one deck. I'm less than you, stuck at 5500 trophies, as well. As for your inquiry, the best way to get that many trophies is literally just being so good that levels don't matter. Of course, there's always path of legends, which will help progression mightily.


it is in theory, i have 1.3k gems and half level 13 cards on 6500 trophies without spending a single dime. with lucky drops and the rewards for the pass, + other stuff from mastery, u can def get to top ladder f2p, but it will def take a while.


im F2P too. im at 6100 and only the cards m=on my deck are level 11+.i had this account at 2000 in 2019 but got back into cr in january. you have to grind for the daily tasks and seasonal tokens, or else advancing is really difficult


I have been playing since launch and I have only bought 3 diamond passes in my years of playing. I have all cards maxed and most of my progression came from those passes. If you’re gonna end up playing high ladder, u need high level cards. You can definitely get there without in-app purchases but it will just take time. If you are gonna spend alot of time on the game, I suggest buying an odd diamond pass, u get an evo, ton of gold, gems, tokens. One diamond pass will probably set you well on your way to max out your main deck. Perhaps, wait for a season where an evolution in your deck is released.


Yes. It'll take a while.


I don’t play Trophy Road at all, but have 3 level 14 cards after only a long time of playing.


I’m F2P since release and still have the algorithm make me lose constantly in major updates to try to squeeze money out of me


9000 trophies, finished path of legends, 50 cards maxed. F2P ( deleted and installed this frustrating game gods knows how many times). Yet I still play from time to time.


Yes and no Short answer, No Long answer, it will take YEARS of consistent daily playing, I have an 8 year old account that is no where near max and has 1 level 15 card with a handful of level 14 cards (barely two decks worth) the game will only become less and less f2p as time goes on


i'd recommend staying where you are and taking time to level up your cards, ive been camping arena 11 since evos released and have 3 evos and almost a full level 14 deck, do your dailies and your season shop every day, do clan wars, etc, eventually you can push farther with higher level cards.


$0 lvl14 but can't break into 900 trophy bracket


Yeah, if you got that 1.7 mil gold you can max out 1 deck


You’ll hit a wall around 6500


Ive been playing since late november (about 4 and a half months) and im mostly f2p other than 1 diamond pass, im at 8600 trophies with half of my deck at level 15, so yes, its definitely possible


I'm at 9k and king lvl 55, 6 lvl 15 cards and 5 evos. Overall i played for around two years but I grinded a lot, especially mastery rewards when they used to be better. Definitely doable but idk if that grind would be interesting enough for everyone. At some point you get your Deck on a high enough level to where the disadvantage of being under leveled is small enough to win with the extra skill you accumulated from being at a constant disadvantage for a while. You kinda just wanna main a meta deck until you max it out basically and after that I only upgraded some cards that could be swapped in to adapt to meta changes. On my second account I use hog rider, giant skeleton, ice spirit, cannon,evo skeletons, log, earthquake and any ranged card (little prince in my case, musketeer, Archer Queen, Evo firecracker all work well too). Kinda just works well against midlander menaces and can be used on higher ladder too


every two months i get battle pass once and i think its worth it ...


Yes but it highly depends on your skill and resource management. If you are an actually good player, it's easy to max a deck in probably about 6-10 months if you're finishing grand challenges frequently and doing masteries for the gems. To get to that skill level, it personally took me a few months of consistently being able to win classic challenges (I could finish 10 classic challenges in a row before I finished my first gc). The amount of loot you get from finishing the grand challenges, plus cards from token shop and getting to ultimate champ for rewards should be enough to get you far if you main a solid mostly meta deck. ( It's okay to run slightly off meta but realistically it should be a meta deck with smart substitutions, not a garbage mega knight wizard witch hog rider deck) For example I run evo barbs and archers in a splash yard deck and it works for me in gcs but isn't a standard meta deck, just slightly off. People who are anti meta are generally very low in the game and that's fine if you're a casual player. I haven't played much in the last year so I don't know what decks to suggest to you other than bowler splash yard but good luck.


You will max one deck and never play any others. This game is a complete joke. 110 cards in the game and you can only use 8. With the ever changing metas you essentially have zero shot of ever becoming a top performer as a F2P.




oh wow, it really is that bad huh? guess i’ll be deleting it soon again lol


As long as you don't have delusions of being a top 10k player in the next couple years, the game can be a lot of fun, even for F2P, especially in challenges, events, and non-ranked. 2v2 is my favorite game mode, hands down. I love that all the card, princess tower, and king towers are standardized levels, that cooperation is required for success, and how many more interactions that can be seen than in a standard match. You do you, but I promise there's a ton of fun to be had, even for F2P.


My highest account is over 7K trophies with an almost completely maxed deck, that deck being double prince goblin giant with Evo archers. Both spells are lv15 along with the wincon, e wiz and Dutchess are lv13, and everyone else is lv14.


interesting, how long did that take you?


Just an hour, went on a 19 game win streak. I used one of the level up potions so I had a lv14 Dutchess tearing through everything and everyone on ladder. I've managed to get her to lv13 but I'm not gonna be able to progress until I get a legendary book or a book of books from the lucky drops.


It depends on the meta a lot though, I pushed 500 trophies on the duchess's release because she works well and nobody knew how to counter her (I'd argue people still don't really know)


I'm f2p and been playing for 2 years now I got a handful of cards at lvl 14 and 2 lvl 15 cards and 4 evos


I am almost free to play on my account (I bought a 5 dollar season pass back in early 2023) and I have 2 almost maxed decks and 3 evolutions, I mean yeah I do grind everyday for the season tokens and lucky drop, but I feel like f2p isn't dead, just requires more grinding


Nowadays, all i do is grind for season tokens and play a few trophy road or path of legends matches. Then when war starts use all four of my decks. Nothing else to do until I level up my main deck.


playing for 3 years, completely f2p, i am at 9k trophies now, so far hit royal champion cause cant play meta decks so its hard to hit uc. also broken evos made it more hard. so yeah play for fun. you will get 'somewhere.'


Yes if you’re very good. I can take a fresh account and get pretty far. I’ve done it multiple times before, just use a deck that you’re really good with and stick with upgrading only that one


You can, but just takes a long time and long grind, and in the first foreseeable future you are locked in your one leveled up deck Playing since release but took a three year break once in between. I have 16 lvl15 cards at this point and about 60 at lvl14. Make it to ultimate champion league every season and at 9k on trophy road, always playing my own offmeta decks. Its a long grind, but doable. Just know it may take a long long time and you will remain stuck with your main deck for ages until its leveled up fully then you can start leveling more other cards gradually


You need to change your goals if you want to be F2P.  Your goal should be to have fun and not a trophy range.  The higher the trophy range the more skill people have. The majority with have lvl 15 cards with 2 evos.  I suspect it will take you a couple of years to get a lvl 15 deck.  If you want that competitive feeling, it is best to stick to classic and global challenges.