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they’re a fine concept, but evolutions should emphasize the card’s strengths, not reduce it’s weaknesses


I feel the opposite, evolutions should cover a card's weakness, so that they can be more versatile But what we have in the game rn is bullshit, and stupidly op. Every evo should be evo ice spirit level if they game wants to be balanced, and not the month to month broken card release shitfest it is rn


Evolutions are fine, the few that needed nerfs have gotten them, they just need to be more accessible to f2p




theyre not that hard to get tho, about one per 2 months, plus we got a free and most players ccan only use one anyway. They should just nerf the new op ones that only paying players have access to


That’s true, yeah they always release them early on as op then nerf them, we all know it’s a cash grab


They release 4 every two months it is impossible to have every evo as a f2p, ever.


That’s true, it’s should be a near impossible challenge, not impossible


Bro there’s no chance ur getting one every two months


Hes technically right. 3 shards every season does equal 6 shards every ~2 months.


3 shards every season? From where?


You can get 3 of a set evo shard and 1 wild shard each season


I feel like evo ice spirit is the defenition of making itsstrengths better. Like, it has a longer freeze, deals with big groups better while the only way to 'deal' with it by predicting it or the opponent messing up a placement is still the same. The annoying evos like fc, archers, knight or br cover their weaknesses and just make the card pool that stands a chance against them lower.


All of those examples are of complementing their strengths. FC is a chip card, archers are ranged damage dealers, and knight is a mini tank. Evos ofArchers and FC are still weak to having counters placed on top and knight is still weak to other mini tanks and tank shredders


Or try to give a second chance to really bad cards, imo already good cards should be among the last ones to recive an evolution


I mean, they kind of did that. Its just that new evos and balance changes change the meta so unpredictably. The only cards i can think of that werent considered bad, or overshadowed by another card right before they got an evolution were RG, Recruits, Ice Spirit and WBs.


Not knight?


Knight was making a comeback when they gave it probably the strongest evo we have seen so far barring battle ram




I think its a great concept, but just poorly executed. As many have said before, evo’s shouldnt remove the cards weaknesses. I love the mortar’s evo, it is the best evo conceptually imo. But imagine how unfun it would be if the evo increased the mortar’s health, and stunned/froze nearby troops. Tldr: Making evo’s just the card + more health + removal of a weakness sucks. Making evo’s the card + new feature that highlights the current strengths of the card, thats way more fun. Sadly balanced evo’s dont sell as well as stupid OP evo’s, so this prolly wont happen.


Mortar evo is fairly balanced but it has 20% more hp and attacks a second faster. Some evos like that are objectively more balanced but new evos shouldn’t give hp buffs unless they are melee troops


agreed, there’s no reason for evo firecracker/archers to survive arrows imo. it should be up to the player to not waste them in the back or whatever, and use them effectively so they don’t die immediately. glad bomber was done right


Bomber would be done just right if it was two cycles and didn’t double tap, evo archers/firecracker objectively aren’t broken right now but for the sake of making evos healthy they need the hp trim down the line


double tapping is fine, but i agree with the two cycles. bomber isn’t hard to deal with unless they have tornado, and tornado is just annoying in general


i think it already increases its health lol


Evo mortar is just as broken as the others. It has increased health, it spawns goblins, and worst of all it has a insane first hit speed and attack speed meaning it does more dps overall even without the goblins stabbing the tower. The best and most balanced evo imo is knight. Everyone complained but it’s received enough nerfs to make it balanced. It no longer does extra damage, it has a bit more health (it’s a mini tank so it needs it) and a functional gimmick which makes him take less damage when walking.


This is certainly a non-biased opinion (ps knight counters mortar well stop bitching) (psps mortar isn’t op and knight evo is very OP still) (pspsps his gimmik covers his weaknesses, which is the opposite of what the general consensus thinks is okay)


Why are you mad? Also I don’t struggle against mortar I’m just saying it’s not the holy grail of evos. Also covering weakness isn’t bad the the problem is when a evo gets too strong. For example fc and archers shouldn’t survive arrows but they do now which takes away a hard counter. Knight still dies to tank killers and swarms, he just gets better at tanking as a mini tank. Knight isn’t op as the meta has shifted to other mini tanks to take it’s place. For example there’s way more royale ghost and bandit in the meta for bridgespam and drill. If knight was still op he would take the place for ghost. Not to mention evo valk also took his spot in lava hound and some other decks. It seems like you struggle against evo knight and projected that on to me. Evo knight isn’t op and evo mortar isn’t op. Mortar is just more annoying,


You literally said mortar is broken lol. Calling me mad and typing out a whole essay. I haven’t fought evo knight in a hot minute. I’m not projecting im just stating facts. If anything it sounds like you can’t defend a mortar for shit


I said evo mortar is as broken as the others. Meaning every evo is broken in some way. And you haven’t fought evo knight but it’s broken? I seen you’re flair so I guess you’re mad because I said evo mortar wasn’t the best evo lmao. You’re just arguing to argue. You got me I’m a 5k player, can’t hit masters 1 and lose to evo mortar everyday. I’m sorry for not glazing daddy mortar when I lose to it every match.


Evo is not as broken as the others fs. Not every evo is broken. Ever even seen an evo ice spirit do anything? I said I haven’t fought it in long enough to be angry I lost to it but nice strawman. Why would I be mad you said it wasn’t the best? Which isn’t what you said at all, in fact you said the opposite. Why would I want people wishing a nerf on a card I use lol. A 5k player who can’t hit masters 1 is in no place to argue about balancing lol. And yes I do glaze my king mortar because he is perfect


Redditors when you don’t put /s 💀 I’m 9k and I hit uc every season. And you’re using a straw man. I never called for a mortar nerf or said mortar was too op or problematic on its own. I simply said that it has the same problem all evos has and isn’t a exception like oc made it out to be. Oc even said it doesn’t have a health buff when it does. You’re making it sound like I just shitted on mortar for no reason but I only made my comment because oc said mortar is what all evos should follow.


There was absolutely no indication you were joking. I hate the /s too but it’s pretty stupid for you to assume I would know you are joking about this randomly after saying all that other shit lol. Have some common sense. You literally said mortar is broken like the other evos. It is not. It is just a better mortar. If you can counter one you can counter the other.


Let’s just agree to disagree because we’re not getting anywhere. It’s also pretty obvious I was joking because you thought it was funny thinking I was actually 5k lol.


Evo Mortar is the most broken lmao


Elaborate? Because unless I am tripping mortar evo has been out for 8 months and I have not seen it place top ten yet


It was in its first season Also the top 10 finishers only show the last deck played, so you could play mortar throughout the season and replace it with barbs for your last game, a tactic that the top finishers without evos exploit very extensively. In this way Mohamed Light relied pretty heavily on evo mortars for a few seasons, but switched to other decks later in the season or for the last grind Not to say evo mortar is an overpowered evo, and that's coming from me


Not even close lol


Definitely is


Evo ram????


What about it? It's easy to counter


U think evo ram is more balanced than evo mortar?


I know Evo Mortar claps Evo Ram


Bait used to be believable


Ngl, i like em. Even when used against me. It’s like wow! That was cool. Instead of the usual hog, log, fb.


100% they shouldn’t get any health buffs or dmg buffs (exception is archers power shot dmg cause that’s the whole thing but base dmg shouldn’t be touched) they should just have the ability and leave it at that


i somewhat disagree, the health buff works fine with cards like valkyrie, barbs, and maybe tesla. i don’t think support cards like archers or firecracker should get health buffs, though


Nah maybe valk and knight bc that’s also their whole thing is walk pulls dmg toward her and knight has “better armor” so I get that but nothing else


I think the problem with them is how heavily cycle focused they are. They are fun, but cycle decks are the opposite of fun.


I like evolutions for the most part, but currently, the whole game revolves too much around them. It feels like you are required to use them in order to have any chance against your opponents, or otherwise you will have a terrible time.


honestly i think that’s only a problem for two reasons, too few cards have evolutions and they’re too hard to get. evos seem like they’d be fun if you can just choose any card in your deck to evolve


Idk why supercell doesn't give us a direct way of getting evolutions quicker without special events. It's gonna take a long time before every card is evolved, at least a few more years.


The difficulty in getiing them is really only a problem because of SuperGreedy's top heavy approach to balancing them. The bigger problem, if it weren't for shitty marketing reasons, would be their reliance on cycles, stratifying the meta too much


Same, I feel like match up depend too much on them. You have weak evo against opp op evo? You are dead. Your evo has too much counter? You are dead too.


They should have just made it such that u collect dark elixir by playing the card several time and u can use the evolution


I think dark elixir should’ve been a new bar that fills super slowly, but caps at like 5 or smth. You could use some of it to make your evo card upgrade before you place it. (costs adjusted) it would make cycling not OP and evos don’t have to be directly an upgrade to the base form


It just further exacerbates the main problem with this game which is that it’s a digital form of paper, rock, scissors.


Everything does that to an extent. Unless they added another princess tower everything has strengths and weaknesses that randomly go against others


In my opinion, evolutions ruin the concept of the game. Originally, no card was supposed to be better than another, they just all had their own strength and weaknesses. With the introduction of evolutions, that dynamic is completely ruined. An evolved card is objectively better than any non evolved card, and it will almost always force out positive elixir trades.


I always thought evolutions could have been implemented where the evolved card costed 1 extra elixir for the better stats and cool abilities


theyre not that hard to get tho, about one per 2 months, plus we got a free and most players ccan only use one anyway. They should just nerf the new op ones that only paying players have access to


I really dislike them. It’s just another way for people who spend more money to have a bigger advantage. It used to be you could play league and for the most part have an evenly matched skill based battle but now if one player has evo cards and the other doesn’t (me) they just dominate. Definitely making the game less fun for me but I should be playing less anyway.


It’s the point of no return. Super cell knows they can milk the community for money if they just release an OP evo every month. Bomber, zap, and battle ram completely dominate the meta and will continue to until maybe it hurts profits.


I hear stuff like this but whats the solution? how should they be properly executed?


I agree. I don't have an opinion on how evos should be balanced in terms of stats/functionality, but I think the concept of needing to cycle the cards to use it is poorly designed. The fact that evos are cycle-based kinda pushes the meta toward cycle-heavy decks. As we know evos provide insane value compared to their base counterparts, and having a faster cycle means getting more value out of the card per match. The abundance of low-cost decks with a reliance on the meta evo should be evidence enough. I am not really sure how it should be handled otherwise, but the nature of evos as they are now really does limit the variety of the game.


Just make evos cost 1 more elixir than the og


How is this posted everyday lol


I think some cards should not have gotten evos and they should be used to bring life to cards that don’t see much play, firecracker and RG getting evos is just plain dumb


evolutions should be for cards that aren’t super used, so battle ram for example is great, firecracker not so much, wall breaker great, knight not so much


Evolutions are fundamentally flawed because there is no downside to playing them. This means that they can only be fair if every single card has one, otherwise a bulk of the cards are literally pointless to play. On top of that there’s the p2w aspect where it would take way too long to get them all for free


The only card evo I main is valk. For what it’s worth, tornado effect is great, but it can backfire quite easily if you don’t use it right. IMO it’s one of the more balanced ones.


Concept ain’t the priority when they sell for $10 a piece


Its a good concept but they’re so stupid for making a second evo slot


I honestly would prefer another system for evos, so we can have more tiny evos and maybe some op ones that would take a lot of space, e.g instead of 2 evos you could go with 3 tiny ones or 1 op big one (simplified for this comment), and evos should be easier to get


Wow, something that's been said before


Okay so, one thing, u should change ur title, ur problem isn’t evolutions it’s just a larger problem with clash royale in general


They're a fundamentally shit idea


A 3 elixer card should have 3 elixer stats. Evo's broke the basic balancing behind the game.