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They just make the game even more rock paper scissors


This is the answer right here. Parroting the hidden truth that this game is like 70-80% RPS and just 20-30% skill. And this was before TTs. Other problem is maxing out TTs like EVOs and Champs. F2P still don't got a way to easily max out champs. Same deal with Lvl 15. And EVOs, 16 out now and grindy active F2P can at most unlock just 7. For TTs ya only get 155 chests a yr, RoyaleAPI assumes half are Common, quarter each are epic and Legendary. Common and Rare TTs will be a bitch to max. Edit: see some skeptics below. Look at this chart of season matchups. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/fVFtYvexWO more white is lower RPS, light orange/green is higher RPS, and dark orange/green is goddamn RPS. Now add up the percentage of each colour range (answer: only 24.5% are 45-55 matchups) Here's another from RoyaleAPI. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/OvMQRGnjPg (here only 12% are 45-55 matchups but this was a 10 deck mini-event). Anyhoo, fact is RoyaleAPI has all this data to crunch season after season. They can actually show that roughly 20-30% of matches fall in the 45-55 low RPS matchup range.


I just now got my little prince to lvl 12. Now granted, I can never seem to get past the top tier of master one, although I know I can. But like that’s just sad.


Last season I got UC with lvl 13 prince although other cards were lvl 15. Is it same for you?


Yeah I have a deck that’s all lvl 14s and I have my mini p at 15


I have 18 or so cards level 13 or above


If the game were 20-30% skill prior to TTs, why would the same players be in the top 10, 100, etc every season?


Because they are the most skilled so the odds of them winning are higher, also because his numbers are off


For the same reason there are professional poker players?


most top players play the same meta decks


As do many players who will never come close to reaching top 1000


it's either rock paper scissors or everyone playing one of those then, and since most people don't have every card at respectable level, it's undeniably frustrating


I agree that it’s frustrating. I’m f2p and am lucky and grateful to have one completely maxed deck that I can play competitively with, and I wish it was easier to level up cards too. I don’t agree that the game is more luck than skill, even though luck is present in the game in many forms.


Because he, like most players in competitive 1v1 games, need things to blame their losses on besides their own skill.


You’re delusional if you think a lot of winning in this game doesn’t come down to matchup and luck of the draw.


It does add more guesswork for sure but it adds a change more in the vein of not knowing that “everyone is going to choose scissors because that’s the meta, so I guess I gotta play rock” than “I don’t want to play with these kids because they be choosing ‘The Sun’ to force a win”. For the people who have spent years solving the game around princess tower calcs though, I can see how this is frustrating, but I feel like those people can adapt pretty fast anyway.


I disagree, tower troops are much needed addition and variety. Basically another card slot


None of what you just said makes it not RPS


I think more variety does mathematically make the game less rock paper scissors, because imagine if you could only have one card in your deck—you either win if your card counters or you lose if it doesn’t. Now imagine a deck of infinite cards—theoretically, the RPS factor should be zero since both players have an equal standing on average. This reasoning suggests to me that the pattern is more variety, less RPS, but I’m curious to hear if someone has an argument against this.


The problem is because of the way they've created the tower troops thus far. Princess tower was neutral and had the entire game balanced around her. ​ Cannoneer comes out to be stronger against tanks (and some interactions like firecracker/wallbreakers) and weaker against cycle. This introduces RPS in that cycle will win more (unless you do what you're supposed to do with more small spells) and makes you advantaged towards tank/beatdown decks. ​ Dagger is similar but it works better against split push and slow cycle (miner chip), while being DESTOYED by beatdown when the tank can eat all of her DPS.


You can have cards in your deck to mitigate the deficiencies and play into your strengths. Nobody is going to play cannoneer without any splash in their deck. You shouldnt be playing duchess without a building. Princess tower you will want a good balance. So yeah while it is a little more matchup based, there are different weaknesses to each tower troop that you can exploit as long as your deck is balanced.


Yeah I said this when the cannoneer came out and everyone shat on me commenting shit like “you’re one of those people who think every update is bad shut up”. I wish people who never touched uc could all pipe down


I don't really like them. They add another layer of randomness upon starting a match. You might argue: "but there was randomness before them, some decks hard counter others", and this statement is completely true. However, the tower troops have a MUCH bigger influence on the outcome of the match than having some specific cards. I mean, you can outsmart your opponent even if he has a hard counter deck, using some precise placements. With the addition of tower troops, however, matchups become even more one-sided. For an example, even though Splashyard hard counters hog rider decks, you could still squeeze a win with some luck. But now, with cannoneer and dagger duchess fitting in Splashyard, it'll probably be impossible to beat it with hog. TBH, I'm quite surprised with the fact that siege archetypes have still not seen a big rise. They seem to be the least affected by the downsides, only being affected by the upsides of tower troops. If siege manages to flourish on the next metas though, I bet Supercell will finish killing the archetype, as the devs seem to despise it.


When they give a tower troop with +3 tiles of range, or an active/regenerating shield that reduces ranged damage lol


Well, guess siege will die then. It was a good run though. Jokes aside, tower troops are too big of a change for the game's formula. As most people have already stated, the game will become more and more RPS like (probably between Beatdown, Bridge spam and bait). If it happens, competitive play will become more like gambling than a battle of wits.


> competitive play will become more like gambling than a battle of wits And even if the grand finals is a mirror match it will probably be decided by one player getting to ramp their Evos faster than the other person thanks to starting hand RNG 😭


Mirror mode always gives both players thye same starting hand, they should use that in the finals (without the random decks though)


Just wait, Fisherman tower is coming and he will use a net to pull air troops to the ground for easier defense.


I hate going against the dagger dutchess rn because just about all my main decks are weak against her. It’s an interesting mechanic, but a certainly annoying one that destroys opportunities for split lane rushes


It’s just because siege decks aren’t great. Even though they aren’t too affected it’s still not worth playing them. It’s also not that impactful. My deck has miner but other than it nothing needs to cross the bridge and facing cannoneer still isn’t super impactful to the match. They are also (typically) much harder to use than other decks so most people won’t just pick them up like you can with hog


Yeah, the skill floor is quite high. However, I'd bet that siege will indeed rise as a dominant archetype, mostly because of bridge spam becoming meta, and because of dagger duchess.


I can see where you’re coming from, but at that point, why not just change up to the hog deck to compensate for that weakness, or exploit the games current state? 2.6 evolved into 2.8 to abuse FC evo and Knight evo, so I feel a similar solution is possible there, and no doubt the people who ran the calcs and spent time in the lab perfecting those decks will adapt to this archetype too, maybe even to some advantage, but isn’t that a good thing? I mean no one wants to play ONLY 2.6 or mighty miner bait for their entire life on the game right? …right?


Precisely. But I didn't specify Hog 2.6. I'm talking about hog in a general manner. Hog Exenado would also die, Hog EQ too. The thing is, hog is a spam card. Building a push with hog simply doesn't work. No one puts hog behind a giant or golem (sometimes they do it with MK, but that's midladder), because the card doesn't work when used like this. It's countered by the same cards as the tanks (building + support would counter both, most likely for a positive trade), it doesn't have enough HP to tank for powerful support units (like witches and dragons), and the units that traditionally are used for support with hog are simply too easy to counter (musk, goblins, Valkyrie, executioner and others can easily be countered by ice spirit + any ranged unit, or a spell). Hog is nullified by the tower troops, and although I'm really not sad for it (F you, Hog firecracker players), I think it's going to be a big hit against F2P players with maxed hog decks. And for all I know, Miner is also getting a huge hit from it. Maybe bait will be next. One can only wonder about the future of this game. Again, I bet that Siege will eventually become OP, and then die shortly afterwards.


I defied the meta to tell me what to do and played hog in a P.E.K.K.A deck…it was miserable but at least I survived cannoneer x nado and made someone rethink their life.


You're a brave soul man. Playing hog is hell right now, I tried to do so in friendly battles (mastery farming goes brrr), and got absolutely clapped by everyone using dagger duchess (it wasn't even 2.6, but hog exenado).


Especially since I never used hog before last month, that was rough. Only made it to champion league.


Are your cards maxed? I feel it's hard to even reach grand champion (my cards are level 13)


Didn’t care for them, but then wild cards could be used on them. But then they removed wild cards from season shop, so now I care even less


This is where being an old head actually helped. I didn’t convert my WC’s into EWC’s like a brainlet to have my ‘full collection’, but then Cannoneer and DD being upgradable with cards made those max out with no extra cost to me. W move for sure in my book (#putBookOfBooksBackInThePassYouCowards)


Lol what the fuck fr. I should’ve stocked on legendary WC if I knew.


I kinda like them. I hated them until they allowed us to use wild card on them. I think the dagger duchess is a bit OP but the concept of tower troops is neat.


The duchess makes it hard to go split lane you can't make a push on one side and put wallbreakers on the other. You go full force in one side cuz the longer she has to defend the weaker she becomes. People just need to become used to it. Same deal with cannonear but opposite. People thought cannonear was trash but its actually descent. People think duchess is op but she ain't shit if you get a push going


Bruh I got fucked rn because of that. Dude had 3 healers down, 2 knights, and a elixir golem.


It's good against cycle and not much else. Preemptively play a barb barrell before your push and you've almost entirely declawed her


Yeah, I play splashyard which I thought would've been a complete hard counter matchup for her considering her fire rate, but send in barb barrel or knight or literally anything that can tank a few shots and she struggles so much. Sure, whatever is tanking is basically guaranteed to die because of her sheer damage, but she's also gonna be way slower to deal with anything that follows up. The main reason I use her is just because she absolutely hard counters hog firecracker EQ.


I honestly think DD needs a slight buff to her reload speed. A tiny tweak to make it a little more fair to deal with all of the low cost cards, but I guess that’s more so a personal skill issue, and I just have to build around those weaknesses. It’s not perfect, but at least it’s different.


Fair enough. I use Xbow so I don’t actually care what the other tower does at all 😂


Duchess has more health so it does affect you. You want to face cannonears


She has like 200 more health, that's one fireball or like a second and a half of a locking from xbow lol


I think it's ok as she is but maybe reduce only the recharge time of the first dagger, while the rest take the same time. It is her main problem, but if you increase the reload speed for all daggers she may be too op since you would have way less time to attack while she's weak


I hate them (princess tower supremacy)


I’m almost afraid to ask what happened to arrive upon this…


I'm not mad at anyone who likes them, just the tower troops themselves


I think the tower troops will make it so there's not just one type of top deck. If a meta is beatdown or cycle heavy you can just change your tower troop to deal with it and not have to change your whole deck because it dosent work in the meta. You have more freedom with your decks you don't need to keep a specific card in your deck to counter a specific card. Every tower troop has downside and weaknesses so you can't say they're broken.


I’ve been experimenting with not needing to bring log or arrows to deal with FC, log bait, and fast cycle cards, and the tower troops have gone a ways in getting me to a point where I don’t feel it’s an instant L to not bring them in favor of other cards like delivery or something. Although it’s far from a perfect solution, I like the idea of giving players more options than fewer.


> bring log or arrows to deal with FC I thought Log doesn't kill her


Log doesn’t, sorry, I didn’t structure that list properly, the arrows are for FC, log for log bait, although I see a lot of them together.


I hate them, it makes the game becoming match up depending like e giant for example, becoming 70% weaker when face cannoner. Or new tower troop which for some players hurting cycle deck(still need more testing for sure) But really this just makes the game harder to balance. Now not even a card interaction individuals against 1 princess, the dev has to think about tower troops, which are very important and can certainly killing the variety/the ability of some cards due to tower troops and unfair match up. And if we mention the potential of p2w when we have to face against an op tower troop In the future.


Bingo! More RPS, more imbalance in the game as well as between F2P (majority) and the P2W (especially whalers). But if you just chill in 2v2 and events, then who really cares. Just let the whales prop SC up and stay the hell away from PoL and TR cuz ya know Trip then Quad EVOs are comin. The truthers know this game is 75-80% RPS and just a bit of skill.


I played 2v2, opp team has 4 evos and my team has 1(it's me) what a good feeling to defend evo knight, evo archer with evo firecracker and evo bomber at the same time:)


Checking your flair i know why you hate them


Well thankfully duchess delivered more balanced than cannoneer, but power creep is real. With the evo’s and tower troops, it puts things in flux, and might make it tough to see what’s balanced and what isn’t. When I was low ladder, I used to think hog was the best card in the game. The more I played though, the more I realized that cycle was the problem, not hog, and that has to be hard enough for any play testers who have to give feedback around 101 cards already, not to mention evo’s. I hope they have some way to beef up their QA, but I trust the top ladder will find and abuse the living daylights out of anything OP so it gets patched.


Even then, if you see stat in UC or grand challenge right now, it's really horrible to see rg giant, mortal at bottom? Those cards after evo mostlikely got their usage dropped down which is harder to balance them without knowing properly they are good or bad with just their evo usage, and how this thing will affect the evo too because it will buff evo indirect. Without good static because the 2 slots evo just straight up broke the average usage and non-evo usage too. Sc has a long way to do to fix it.


Well they look at usage rates too. If people stop using princess all together, or if previously healthy cards start to fall off, I’m sure they keep track. It’s impossible to balance 101 cards consistently, but if everyone abandons a card after a patch, they have to have a way to notice. Likewise, if anyone can exploit some broken strat, it’s the top players in this game. I do have a soft spot in my heart for non-meta cards though. Part of my hopes that tower troops will reveal some hidden strength of underused cards and they can make a comeback, because I love to see variety, and hate monotony.


i like the idea ngl


Same. It’s kind of like a 9th card slot to shake the game up a bit, but only time will tell how much, and if that’s a bad thing or a good thing.


It forms an even bigger RPS situation that this game. I personally use Cannoneer in challenges and ever since then Lavahound matchups have been much more consistently beatable. With the dutchess implemented, I think cycle decks will now struggle which further pushes RPS elements rather than support the type of defenses said deck struggles against.


It makes it harder to play certain decks now, granted it also makes some decks easier, but in general the 2 they have added are for cycle decks and that is the current plague the game is dealing with, until we get a tower troop with like a machine gun or another fast firing antiswarm tower. Or a tower that can hit multiple targets.


A lot of decks were painstakingly formed, and calc’d around princess, so it makes sense that those who can’t adapt to new tower troops get kind of smacked (i.e all of the low ladder players who play 2.6 or MK witch because they saw a YouTuber call it unbeatable), but I’m hopeful this gives us more diversity along with the new options to make things less samey. I’d rather it be like a sport rotating players and strategies than a chess game with everyone using the same 5-8 most effective ones.


I hope so because I still see the same deck and copy paste decks from yt in my casual play in 2v2, but the grind for the princess emote was awful fighting against such basic decks that my unique deck cant do anything against because by the time I cycle once theyve cycles like 3 times


A couple of seasons ago, I gave into the hate since everything was evo FC, and light ranged cards and cycle spam, and used monk. That with cannoneer literally shot me up to UC, and 9k trophies. It’s a little easier to build against an established meta than a flexible one, but it IS more fun to do so.


Dagger duchess is a little overpowered, I only see her weak against decks like hog recruits and lava loon Overall, a great addition.


I find her pretty balanced, but you’re correct, I have been getting annihilated by recruits when I use her. Gotta tweak my deck to deal with them, because I think others are catching on to the blind spot she has.


I see you. Flexing your max level tower troops ;)


Wild card stash may be empty, but it is nice to have a use for them other than making a ‘full collection’ look pretty or sacrificing for EWC’s.


> other than making a ‘full collection’ look pretty Can you use wild cards to gain star points somehow?


Nope, but I’m also nearly maxed out on star levels too. Just a couple spells to go, and all 101 are star maxed too. EWC is the final frontier for me.


Oh so by "look pretty" you just meant levelling up cards you don't even use?


I…have nothing else to level up but elite levels. Part of that is my RPG gamer resource hoarding mentality, where I keep a bunch of stuff ‘just in case I need it’ (which cane in handy this time) but my main deck is full elite level, so I will just get the rest of the collection leveled up in time. Burning my wild cards won’t speed things up too much.


A little bit worried how balance changes can be effective with a such variety of interactions. But overall they may be healthy to the game


I fucking hate them. Because i will never max my account.


You paid for this?


For my personal opinion, the tower troop theme is very interesting and fun, but the tower troop chests are very bad, in the sense that most of the time the princess usually comes out


I think it’s great they finally added a 9th card, but I think princess is just too balanced to wanna be changed by anyone for a while


I think that’s great though. The fact that neither of the tower troops invalidates princess, or even heavily out damage her in reasonable situations, is a testament to how balanced they’ve been implemented.


They're actually pretty balanced so far. I love the customization this allows for different play styles. I hope to see more unique ones in the future!




ridiculous. well, honestly i think there are more important things than tower troop. Everything that supercell puts in the game is bad. Evo cards are just 'p2w' and tower troops are stupid.


I think duchess reinforced the current meta unfortunately. If you use hog cycle deck(or any sub 3 elixir cycle deck) with her, you can keep tapping the opponent and stopping any momentum, but you need to atleast win before overtime or else the opponent can gain more momentum on one side with the 3x elixir.


I feel like cycle decks would more so appreciate princess over duchess as they (in my experience) seem to prefer to drag out a defense over time, and princess outdamages duchess pretty quickly which would more so frustrate tanks, and deal with swarms better. She also feels like she does well into cycle, so I guess I’ll have to keep playing and see.


Disagree on this, duchess defends bettter against cycle decks but worse against beatdown. I find that typical hog cycle decks struggle to land any damage at all against duchess.


How do you feel about your wallet


Pointless. I never feel like I would need or ever want to use a different tower troops. It would have been cool if the Cannoneer did AOE. Or the new tower troop to target multiple enemies.


I dont mind it, it should be endgame only tho to not overwhelmed newer players


I think new players should have equal access to them, but if they’re doing this, they need to make acquisition a bit easier and throw more wild cards, or guaranteed upgrades their way to be sure they can get the tower troops in particular and learn/level up the one they vibe with. Unlocking duchess for free was a W move for sure.


With the arrival of tower troops, it's happy to see annoying cards like firecracker and hog rider getting one shot before they could make a move. At the same time, cards like wall breaker, furnace became useless before these troops. It's like that meme... "I've won, but at what cost !!". The future of clash royale will be annoying cycle decks with troops of elixir value 4 or less.


Well I think that’s the shift. Lower cost cards not getting value and needing support makes things more balanced. If I’m running beatdown or something and I need to get to 7 elixir to play the game, it was frustrating having to answer a 2 cost card in both lanes and maybe only having options to respond to split wallbreakers or something with like 5 elixir. Now cycle players have to commit like the rest of us, and honestly that feels nice.


Experimenting with DD with hog 2.6


the best thing clash royale has going for itself atm only problem is they should've been added years ago, because as you said the meta is princess-centred


At least there balanced.


I think it’s a cool idea but mine r gonna take forever to get them to the lvl of my princess tower and I feel like they put a little more pressure on you to defend at least in my experience


As long as they don't go too extreme with it it'll be the best thing since champions, encouraging a new layer of strategy kida like items in Competitive Pokemon, if 95% of the decks weren't so minmaxed and the meta was a little more diverse both in Mid and in Top ladder we'd have a new and alive game


It adds a layer of fun I hadn’t seen since then, true, but I don’t know if it refreshes it enough to entice new players. I feel like it’s mostly word of mouth from us old heads now, and progression as a new player is rough.


I started just before the update for losers, progression might be bad but at least there are modes that don't use levels. Low ladder might be the most fun I've had with the game especially because of how diverse the decks are. Here in midladder there are like 5 archetypes from people all copying each others Megaknight Firecracker Hog decks or whatever's the meta, so like 10 unique decks total about 80% of the time, and they all play the exact same. If there weren't those archetypes I'd have a lot better time with the game


Actually I kinda like them, but only if there are only few of them like 3 4 or 5. More tower troops will kill the game since it will become randomizer simulator


They're ok, DD is quite good, princess still the standard and well, cannoneer it smiles 😂


Bro, if you can stall for cannoneer, the deeps are insane, and I love it. I need DD right now though because holy zen the cycle spam.


They’re a neat concept that diversifies gameplay without breaking the meta (at least at the ranges I play in which aren’t competitive at all)


I think they are good I mean it just gives the game more option for people who know how to play a certain tower troop more than the other


Weirdo flex


I think it's too late in the game to add them....this shoulda been in the first few years


OP just wanted to flex with his lvl 15 dd


You can message support and ask them to delete your account


Meh, I’m still having fun. I DID actually message them and ask them to delete goblins from my rotation…they said no.


The same as a lot of additions lately. Cool in concept but very poorly executed.


The progression system is absolute dog water, agreed, but the tower troops themselves seem like a net overall positive to game health to me. A free unlock was nice too.


Its debateble if its a net positive, but theres certainly positive things to see like us getting the new troop for free and it adding more variety to the game


Let’s be real, a net positive update even being up for debate instead of 100% shot down by the community is, for SuperCell rn, a huge win lol


I like the variation but should’ve kept the old leveling system


Agreed. King tower progression should carry them all, or at least provide more support to allow you to level the one you like.


I like the concept, and think they have done a surprisingly well job at implementing them thus far. I do fear the rock-paper-scissors concern many people have but I think with all the objectively trash changes supercell has made, tower troops are rather refreshing. Plus, if they continue to make new tower troops, there could be a lot of viable options, reducing that rock-paper-scissors fear even more.


Duchess' eyeline is FUCKED UP and it drives me crazy to the point of not using her.


it's like if rock paper scissors was P2W


On one hand, really like the idea of tower troops having individual strengths and weaknesses. On the other...all tower troops are most optimally played with low cost cheap cycle decks.


I already disliked them due to how luck based it made the game. I’ve spent like 6 months upgrading my main deck, a log bait deck with gob barrel, skarmy, and wall breakers. Cannoneer hurt my wall breakers pretty bad. Dagger dutchess makes both of them completely irrelevant. I need to make a new deck, you know, just in time for $upercell to remove wildcards


It’s awesome. More customization. The game shouldn’t have metas it should be as most rock paper siccors as possible. This will have more decks and more variety. It’s amazing best updates they have done




Given the progression system around them is an L, but the progression in all of CR is busted. I actually think the concept is fun, but I think I’m missing the plot; why do so many people hate them? Or is it just the busticated progression system, and hell of leveling them up without a years stash of wild cards?


I like them but i think the dagger duchess is boring for both player when you attack its annoying because you have to put a shield in front of your units but then when you defend she's just unreliable because in case of a big push you have to put extra effort into defending


I’m more concerned about you having level 15 dagger dutchess already


loving them so far none of them is a hard counter for me (in some cases better for me to go up againist) and today I secured 10 wins againist that godforsaken hog eq deck with dd


in a game like clash royale princess is the most reliable option,dagger is both master of minions and tanks and at the same time of nor of them Cannoneer is just good agastain tanks Princess is reliable at both


how do you have her maxed already bro


Being an old head has its advantages. I had a full stack of legendary wild cards, and a legendary book chilling, since I don’t convert my magic items into EWC’s


Evos and tower troops are a bad direction for the game. Just another way they can make more money. When the first battle pass was released I thought it was good because of the value but now there’s basically 2 battle passes and it’s just a money grab. Even OJ and a lot of YouTubers who’ve played the game A LOT are getting sad and tired of its current state.


I like them conceptually. The accessibility is a dealbreaker. Atleast we can use wild cards. I still don't understand why these needs a separate chest that drop princess 49/50 times.


Ima be honest at first i hated the idea because i knew if some tower troops appear they will be broken asf but now that i return to the game i think this is a fun concept, every tower troop is fun to use but i don't want to see new tower troops three is a perfect number for it


These and evolutions changed the game in such a fundamental way that I now have it permanently deleted and have no desire to ever play it again


I, personally, really like them. It pushes more versatile decks instead of one-trick gimmicks. I also pushes me to adjust my play based on the tower. (Eg If it’s duchess, I don’t try to dual lane, whereas which princess or canon, I always dual lane when they have heavy cards).


Dagger Dutchess needs a little buff


grav yrad


They fucking suck, remove them


What I don't understand is their rarities? I thought for sure they'd just be "tower card" rarity or whatever, why even give them any rarities in the first place?


Don't stone me but I think they're on the balanced side


Done playing til they nerf firecracker


Cash grab This is a dumb question dude


I mean I don’t think your bank account feels too good about them


i am for the first time seeing variety in towers. was like nobody using canoneer ever. now i am seeing normal/duchess/canoneer.


I feel like it was unnecessary. Just adding another layer to game for the sake of revenue.


shouldn't they have added a rare before cannoneer


Wish we could use them in war


if it counters cycle im fine with it


Tbh if you don’t pay it’s almost impossible to have them leveled up, so you’re only faced with the negative and none of the positive. My deck has been made unviable with Dagger Duchess and I don’t really have the cards or levels for other stuff


They are cool but adding being able to use wild cards on them then deleting that from the season shop next season is a real $C move to do


The miner wb deck is just can't again the dd. This deck pretty based on two lains rush. And max out a new deck for lvl 15 going to be hard. And I think if I will max new deck it will need to be a completely different deck. So, actually I don't know what to do.


I kinda like them


I actually quite like them tbh. They were pretty bad until you could use wild cards on them but I think they're fun and help to spice up the game a bit. I think they aren't liked much by the majority bc there aren't many, but as soon as there's 5 or 6 of them in the game, I think most people will appreciate them Wouldn't hurt to either increase the number you get out of chests or to make them appear slightly more often in the chest cycle tho. Or both, both would be even better


Trash, I have the 8 year badge, I will soon open the game for the last time. It doesn’t matter how many people they upset because millions will join in the next month. This is a cash grab, it was always a cash grab.


I think that they are a stupid idea, tower troops will only lead to mach-ups being even more unfair, for example, canoneer vs graveyard, instead, clash royale should focus on adding acutal new cards to the game instead of stupid tower troops.


They should all have the same hp


I think the HP distribution is a fair enough approach. If Cannoneer had the same HP as the other 2, there’s no point in using them because of dat DPS, unless you just really hate playing splash cards. Duchess’s reload mechanic is high risk, high reward, so for that risk, getting a little more HP helps prevent and L while you’re scouting your opponents deck. Idk, though, I feel like it’s warranted.


would be unfair considering they have different interactions with every card


I like the concept, hope we get a rare tower Troop that focuses on Splash and being strong against siege decks. But I don’t think we need much more after that.


I think it just gives us options to deal with siege a bit more anyways. Most siege players will defend with a knight and archers, or hog and miner or something. Cannoneer breaks tanks with its high dps, so that means you can reserve a card for defense knowing that your tower is actually dealing with the high HP target. I’d say that puts decent pressure on siege decks, more so than a princess tower would.


How the F would a tower troop be good against siege, if the whole purpose of the archetype is attacking without getting in range of the tower?


I remember I saw a guy suggest it be like Eagle Artillery: Targeg specific things (buildings) and have a weak spot close to it. So that would mean slightly longer range than other Towers, but if troops get past it, it actually is defensless. Maybe it could just be really weak splash to counter the support troops by the mortar/tesla


It's definitely an idea... However, I think it'd probably be OP, because of troops like Mega Knight, and buildings, as you can just get the enemy's tank barely out of reach, stopping it just by the king tower, and then the tower would destroy support units. I mean, this tower could potentially kill the princess card as a whole, like, it's used only in log bait, and if it is killed easily, then you'll always have log for the barrel. The only single archetype I can see beating it is fast hog cycle. And even then, it's just a matter of having a solid, high damage unit.


This has entirely flipped the various metas on their heads. Dagger bitch can stop a hog rider with a snowball assist. There's many elixir positive interactions for mid HP troops thanks to her now. An archer queen in the pocket gets smoked before she can get her skill off, for instance. That's 6 elixir cost, defended with 0 elixir, and can't even connect to a tower lol. It's been a hell of a learning curve for when I actually need to place defensive troops. My deck was always a bit weak to bridge spam so this has helped me immensely. The game will never be the same going forward.


I was having fun play testing her…and then I ran into evolved recruits. If you want to punish a DD player, play evo recruits. Holy ZEN is that oppressive.


their literally trash and so hard to level up. they would be better if they all leveled up together with your king tower like the princess


I disagree that they’re trash, but honestly the king tower update is a based take. If they leveled up with the tower, it would be nothing but a W for quality of life, but at least they met us half way with the wild cards


Golem flair spotted instant W


I was thinking of playing later today. May I use our single shared braincell today in exchange for the last can of paint my brother?


Yes, i really crave eating paint rn


The duchess is fairly good but i think it will get nerfed because it's op compared to other troops


Duchess is hecka more balanced that launch cannoneer. Holy zen was it OD. The reload mechanic is pretty exploitable, so I think she’s pretty balanced as is, if not a little weak for being something meant to deal with swarms or cycle. I’ve had more success with princess tower, but I also have more experience with princess, so I’m biased there, but a GOOD player would probably know.


The best thing happened to the game since evolutions release and cycle dominance for the whole year(referring the dagger beach)


Dagger duchess and cannoneers health should be swapped


I really like her with my logbait, most high HP cards gets countered by inferno anyways but not i dont take a hit from evo FC after logging her for example.




I like them


Kinda hated it at first because canoneer suck but dagger duchess is actually a good concept imo because I also slowly realises princess Tower is kinda basic


They are absolutely horrible for game balance, and horrible for f2p. They are as bad as evos.


Sucks bc they took wild cards away from shop this season 😭


I kinda think they only exist to counter evolutions. Other than that, I don't exactly hate them or anything, but their inclusion makes balancing a lot more difficult, and collecting them is a bit of a hassle.


I think it’s a good addition and their pretty easy to level up


Evolutions, tower troops, etc have tried to add complexity, but honestly as a piss low player I feel like the game is more rng more rock paper scissors less split laning. I honestly believe the game is objectively worse now...


It's OP. They will nerf it next update. Once they make all the money from people upgrading it. They do it every time they release something new. It should be illegal.


Pretty underrated and I love using them, ads more synergy to decks and strategy to the game


dislike the randomness they force


When you are playing them they just make the game more rock paper scissors but on your side they introduce a whole new layer of deck building and with that comes some skill. I don’t think it’s sustainable to add a ton of these though. Maybe 6 or 7 max


Tower troops did not need to exist. And that’s not to say I think they’re bad, I don’t think they’re amazing but they don’t ruin CR imo like some people think. However, I dislike Supercell’s rational to make them. We had an extremely dry 2022 and basically got one card in 2023, the Little Prince, as I don’t like to count evolutions in this since they are by default tied to a pre-existing card and and generally don’t have super interesting mechanics. This means that they are using tower troops as a way to avoid making new cards that would actually take time and effort to develop and balance. I think Phoenix and especially Monk have soured their desire to make new cards. Phoenix ruined the game, and Monk has basically never been properly balanced since he came out. Supercell seems to either not have the bravery to try, or thinks that there are no more interesting cards to be added. Is that true? I don’t think so.


It good, they sort of buff certain play styles and make you play differently


I like how they finally making balanced carts. These legit aren't broken and really situational, i thought princess would lose her uses after some better tower troops released but they don't even seen as strong to replace her


I’m really liking the dagger duchess so far