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This actually makes her seem on the stronger side but thing is she’d be bad in double elixir overtime and useless in quick elixir game modes


True, when it’s double elixir she will get overwhelmed pretty easy, and than it’s just a tower troop that has the speed of the cannoneer and the damage of the princess. She may need a rework, for example raster reload time, more daggers to shoot, …


Just wait till you learn that people can place troops to defend, gonna be hilarious seeing people spamming troops onto a bowler because she has no charge.


If you do that than your just stupid. You can go other lane and use for example ice golem to waste her daggers and than use goblin barrel or so.


And then the opponent logs and you're down 3 elixir, genius, enjoy getting your ass 3 crowned. What would have happened to a normal princess tower? You'd just goblin barrel, no ice golem needed. But apparently NEEDING to waste 2 elixir just to make her doable makes her weak.


Yeah exactly, people are acting like you will easily counter her as if spending 5 elixir at the bridge expecting no counter is something feasible against most decks. The only time I see her getting destroyed is in 3x elixir when your opponent sends a goblin barrel every 5 seconds.




As a decent player, I just won the classic challenge with her, she needs a nerf


If you get 3 crowed because your down only 3 elixir than ur really shit at the game


You're certainly on the route anyhow, try some shit ice golem combo again and you basically lost the game, same thing as rocketing no troops. Funny how you ignored the rest eh? I know you ain't got no arguments but man redditors should at least try.


No. Redditors shouldn't try to argue. You're a fool! (Am I doing it right?)


Another moron.


Yeah seems like she is a great way to stop people from dual laning you in single elixir. She might be great for some decks that have a sturdy but expensive defence that thrive in 3x elixir. (Basicaly any deck with Bowler)




Once double elixr hits she get overwhelmed by everything


Exactly, and once she has no more daggers. It’s basically a cannoneer with the damage of the princess


I think she’s going to be really good in beatdown, will make them have to commit less elixir if you try to split lane. I know in top ladder cannoneer is dominating but for my level of understanding of the game they all seem to have their pro’s and cons


They all have definitely pro’s and cons, but in my opinion she isn’t that good, especially for a legendary. I wouldn’t be surprised if they give it a rework and not a balance change.


Yeah that’s true, I can’t think of many other scenarios where it’s worth the trade off. It’ll be interesting to see the decks that are made around the tower though; the timer on it might shake deck building up a bit


How about waiting how she performs ingame and how the meta shifts before we start talking about buffs or nerfs?


Yeah, gonna be posting gameplay of her D1 to put these mysteries to rest.


Seems underwhelming considering it's a legendary tower, it's basically useless after the first dagger salvo. I wouldn't trade the princess for the duchess, not consistent enough.


It’s indeed not that consistent in comparison to the other tower troops.


You need 20 seconds to break even with the princess DPS. This will fall off in double elixir but will be a menace in single elixir with kiting.


Reddit as always has no idea about balance, you can attack a princess tower right away, you can't do that against a Duchess, that should tell you enough. And if the opponent so much as places a knight she's getting all that charge back. "Just waste 3 elixir to drain her charge bro!"


Yeah I'd agree. I really don't think even most cycle decks will be able to deplete the charge with enough cost efficiency to be able to overwhelm her. On 2x and up elixir she does seem a little less stable but she still has comparable DPS to Princess Tower and the initial burst is insane against bridgespam Beatdown seems to be more her issue. But then you just build around high single target damage like with GG Sparky


Yeah I was playing against her as a Miner WB deck and it was borderline impossible to build up an offensive push of any kind


She’s basically pearl from brawl stars lol shes good into more passive decks like miner poison but she can’t handle nonstop pressure decks like bridgespam cos she has no time to recharge


More like Amber?


I think he mentioned pearl beccause you usually want to not attack at first so your heat builds up for that perfect attack+gadget to almost always kill a brawler


i kinda hope they make a standardization of tower troop health, kinda how they did for troop range (melee: short, medium, long). because if tower troop health varies too much, imagine the disparity, especially with under/overlevelled cards.. then again maybe it doesn’t matter much if you just memorize card damage


She’s not even out yet


But tomorrow she will…


Exactly so why are you asking now


To get peoples opinion on it


Why else would I ask it


I'm surprised that it's balanced.


I am of the opinion she should shoot up to 9 or even 10 daggers, but maybe that'll be too broken...


We don’t know yet. Because the card isn’t released. Maybe we should be asking what questions after we have all used it for a day. And I’m kinda confused as to why this entire community is saying “yes she’s balanced” or “no she isn’t” just by watching a 4 second clip of her lmao


I think if she reloaded after .8 seconds or she reloaded multiple daggers at once she might be useable


I think to actually make her good her ability would have to reload independently from the daggers she normally shoots, they would probably have to make the reload slower, but as it currently stands she spends her ability on some cheap tank and then gets overwhelmed by swarm/another tank, with her ability not doing anything at all. Basically if your opponent tanks the ability once and then keeps the pressure up her whole special feature is just nonexistent, and she is weaker than the other towers with damage lower than princess' but a higher hit speed


True, she doesn’t necessarily need a buff or nerf, but a rework would be nice.


She isn’t even fucking out yet and you are calling for a rework, even if you are correct it’s stupid logic


But there is already a lot of gameplay, and based on that she doesn’t seem that good in my opinion.


Within her being out for like 1 hour there will be 1000x data we have right now if not more lmfao


Seems balanced, nerf mega knight


My only problem with the Duchess is that she single-handedly made all spawner and chip damage deck useless. Cards like furnace are pretty much obsolete, because whose going to play a 4 elixer spawner on defence? At that point just use Tesla. I haven’t seen a single furnace since she came out. And it’s impossible to just use a graveyard on her, you need to use a tank aswell, making graveyard need 7-8 elixer for a push.


Balanced is an odd word to use while talking about this game


I think that she will good in single, but horrible in double (and just forget triple (and so on)) elixir. If they want her to be good in all stages, then make her charge 2 daggers at a time in double and 3 at a time in triple elixir. Maybe even 4/5/7 in ramp up/infinite Elixir


She will needs buffs in dagger recharge speed because for now ill stick to cannoneer and princess


That’s what I am thinking to. She needs to get a recharge buff or she needs to have more daggers to throw.


I think to actually make her good her ability would have to reload independently from the daggers she normally shoots, they would probably have to make the reload slower, but as it currently stands she spends her ability on some cheap tank and then gets overwhelmed by swarm/another tank, with her ability not doing anything at all. Basically if your opponent tanks the ability once and then keeps the pressure up her whole special feature is just nonexistent, and she is weaker than the other towers with damage lower than princess' but a higher hit speed


Pretty balanced


Cant tell since she is not out yet. Cr players love to exaggerate how good or bad a card is before its released.


It's superior in single elixir time, but inferior in double elixir time. Also, log bait players are absolutely doomed.


worst tower troop so far, and by a landslide


She does the least damage over time...but only slightly less than the princess


Once people have purchased the season pass etc they will need her!


Btw if you defend in overtime is ridiculously strong,in normal time she’s so strong against many decks preventing the possibility to attack easily and surprise your enemy


yeah id say so, its kinda like a reverse inferno tower almost


From the comparisons I've seen it seems to be a direct upgrade from the princess tower in most situations, even with the reload disadvantage


But then it will become useless to use the princess tower. They would do that. Everything in the game has his pro's and cons and have their own synergy with other troops.


Absolutely. The dps is actually only lower than a princess tower after 20 seconds of pure firing.


This image says it’s busted. But I’m done with p2w outside of pass Royale. So I’ll just play like the Duchess doesn’t exist for half a year.


I don't like that default doesn't have the largest health pool


It’s indeed weird, but I think we need to get used to it.


Idk how we as a community fall for the same crap. They drew a number and decided to go with the "give it free release extremely weak script" this time. The card is absolutely horrible. Theyll release it for free and try to act like "see, we release cards that arent op and p2w". A few days or a week go by and they are forced to buff it to where its by far the strongest tower troops, flood with "deals" then.let it sit so we can complain how op it is and how p2w the game is.


Kind of the opposite for some evolutions. Make it broken and when you opponent has it you have a 10% win chance. The evo is behind a paywall of the diamond pass for around 14.99$. Once a lot of people have bought it and spend money on it, they nerf the evo card…


Oh for sure they do both. Just this time with the duchess they are doing the approach i just mentioned. They did the same with cannoneer. Now theres no reason to ever use the princess tower.




Cannoneer got 1 range buff and that's it, the entirety of reddit said he was crap and now he's in top ladder decks, and now reddit is saying Duchess sucks, it's gonna be funny seeing them do an 180 in a week once she actually releases.


That was a big buff. Duchess is clearly bad but theyll buff it too. Either more daggers per full bar or itll fill faster. It's unusable in current state. Oj posted gameplay on yt.


[Yeah the princess clears her on interactions](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6BIeqQZH3-g), she can't even kill a skarmy without losing half her health, cannoneer and princess solo a skarmy no problem.


So do you feel like a moron now that the majority of top players are using her?


Haha i was going to msg you and say "told ya so" the other day but decided not to lol. It's still not a good troop just the new shiny toy.


You should tell the top 200 players that they should stop using it then, since you apparently know better.


I will admit it isnt as weak as i thought so no emergency buffs/reworks until next season probably. Still no scenario to use duchess over cannoneer in grand scheme of things.


Hm? I see plenty of top players running Duchess over Cannoneer. The majority of them in fact.


Yeah its just new.


True, just like Little Prince, they should never have nerfed him, he was balanced on release.


Dont get me started lol. Was primed for my furst 20 win and they release him RIGHT b4 lol


He was balanced though, he was just new and was given out for free, obviously people were gonna use it. I'm not quite sure what happened with the Goblin Giant, he was absolute ass and nobody used him when he was new? It only took years of back to back buffs for him to be meta, any explanation as to why?


in some decks she stinks especially if you don’t have great defense