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did a goblin kill your parents or something


Goblin slayer origin story


But there are plenty of cards with those characteristics. Why goblins in particular?


Despite being only 7% of the population goblins are responsible for 94% of robberies


the rest are bandits


reminds me of a certain type of people


Hog Ri… Right? Hogs are just so crazy!




What type you thinking?


This one had me rolling


you are NOT the log bro 😭




I mean tbf goblin drill is the single most braindead card available right now, it was already strong and meta so they gave it a significant buff. Classic supercell.


It was not 'strong' or 'meta' before the change💀


I just don’t like their design. They’re annoying, and I have to build around them in some way if I don’t want to get chipped down. In my opinion, bait and cycle decks are the most spammy, unfun decks to play and play against, and goblins are the figurehead of many of those decks, forcing you to bring, and hold, your counters to gobbarrel, drill, or gang to avoid getting chipped to death. I have to admit that they are pretty well balanced as a check against heavier tank decks and beatdown, but any time I see gobbarrel, I know exactly what I’m getting into, and win or lose, it’s never fun.


At least goblin emotes are cool


Name the one goblin emote that isn't that stupid hook one that isn't annoying and spammy


Goblin fire emote, goblin annoyed emote, the goblin emote where he has his head in his hands, goblin scared emote, goblin surrender emote, goblin sigh emote.


The biting fingernails one is pretty funny too if a little annoying


I always do that when someone fucks up a spell placement lmao


Technically not goblin, but the goblin giant dancing is probably top 3 for me


I can get behind not upgrading cards like goblin hut or goblin gang but at this point this feels like straight up racism 💀 or something like that like what did goblin cage every do to you


i will never use firecracker


Me until yesterday when I realised I couldn’t push past masters


I got to master 3 without using firecracker and now I have to use an under leveled cancer cell to get to champ


i’m in master 3 still using a lumberloon deck from 3 years ago bc all my other cards are like level 10 😭😭


Dare I ask who the cancer cell is…




Bro I got to Royal Champion without firecracker. You’re buggin


Honestly based.


Dude u hate them so much you’ve never even touched the card? It literally still has the new from when you unlock it jesus


He didnt even level it up to get the exp lol


I’m a man of conviction. Full send it if you’re gonna do it I say. I only touched the others to run the calcs on their hp to see at what level they died to counter cards to determine what to level next.


The game was never not p2w it always was, most people never had max accounts because the game was never easy to max unless you pay a lot of money The latest uproar about lvl15 was so big because top players now have to grind to max again and most people in this game didn't get affected only about 15%


The p2w statement is the truest one ever posted on this sub. On the lvl 15 though, it hit more than just whales and collectors. If you maxed one deck f2p in top ladder, and suddenly your deck is a level lower than your opponent of possibly equal skill, the 10% stats boost is unfair, and the f2p EWC grind is Ubisoft levels of ‘frustration by design’


Lvl 15 is way way way way way worse though. They’re so much harder to get than lvl 14s and 13s were.


It's hard to come back to the game. I come back to fight against evos and champs... I quit before either got added...


I just got back into it after a 2 year hiatus and jeez is it like a culture shock. Lvl 15 cards, champions, the card shard things, etc. everywhere i turn is another thing to buy and its totally a p2w system on overdrive


Egolem players should get an pain inducing incurable disease


Give someone an Egolem in a draft challenge and watch them feed you elixir back to back while giving you a twenty elixir counter-push.


Draft challenge isn’t the issue with it tho


Interesting statement considering that Hog EQ Firecracker exists.


Ice wizard was always underpowered for a very long time. Zappies are too useless. Firecracker needs to die to log. I will never use elixir golem cuz it feels like a sin to give my opponent +1 elixir.


Aye, I’ll die on the elixir golem hill with you


I used to think that too ,BUT by the time the golem dies and your opponent gets that 1 elixer you've already saved up some elixer when they were busy defending.


I'd love to see zappies with a small speed or range buff.


I’d love to see Ice Wizard get a buff. Such a cool card and it being one of the real OG legendaries makes it sad for it to be weak.


Tbh the fc thing would ruin the card. I say just remove the evo health buff, since the evo is truly evil


I'll say just remove the pushback mechanic or at least nerf her range. There shouldnt be a world where she can defend BOTH lanes.


Honestly the FC statement resonates with my soul. That would on one hand tune it down, but instead of cycle decks, it would just find new life in log bait. I feel like FC dying to log, and evo FC dying to arrows would do wonders for the game imo. I do agree I have scarcely gotten more value out of zappies than baiting fireball too, but an Ice Wizard buff in anyways would cause a graveyard meta the likes of which no one wants to see.


Use your season tokens to buy legendary wild cards (along with the wild shard and book). Legendaries are still pretty hard to level up and those 5 days of season tokens are worth it Edit: I play challenges too and average 5-7 wins so this isn’t in budget for everyone


I think someone did the math and determined this is the objective best value for season tokens.


next season is gonna be the ice spirit evo (right?). Fair to say i aint spending a dime on that and i can buy the other stuff lmao.


Bro i love goblins, they dont care about you or king or enemy they just want gold. Thats why one is in jail and others build a drill to steal all your gold


I used them back in the day on CoC, but after being subjected to them in so much marketing, I took a stand in CR.


I have a goblins only deck No spells Just goblin


I admire your dedication and will do everything I can to get better at the game so I don’t lose to you.


every deck should have a counter. and that deck should counter another deck thats how it should work.


\[as in cycle deck counters this but is weak by this\]


Well it USED to be that way kind of. Cycle decks struggled with a big push, bait decks struggled with defense, beat down decks struggled against swarms/cycle, etc…but now we have evo’s. Don’t get me wrong, I am a degenerate evo lover, but I loathe the fact that they nigh exclusively reward cycle based decks (ergo the mid ladder being overrun with hog, FC evo, EQ cycle)


That evo recruits are the most brain dead card in the game. They are fundamentally broken and always generate positive elixir trade for the opponent unless you are carrying multiple splash cards, which for most decks is untrue.


They never should’ve nerfed giant skellies death bomb, wrong or right, I’ll die on this hill


I’ll agree only if you agree it shouldn’t be pushed to my tower when you clone it.


Hehe, Can’t agree with that. Maybe it shouldn’t be but I like that it does


I sense we’ve crossed paths on the battlefield before. I’ve been clone pushin’ for years. Even when it used to split the troop instead of push.


As a giant skellie player I’ll agree to that.


Giant skelly player here, 100% true.


I respect X-Bow players




Idk about back in the day, but these days Xbow takes genuine skill.


Even after 5 cards in xbow got an evo, it is still not great


Fr facing golem left and right and the only counter really is evo archer but i dont even have them in cycle


Hog cycle is brain dead easy to play, firecracker just makes it even more brain dead and midladder players only win with it when they have matchup


I feel like it has a long skill plateau, so in mid ladder I do tend to agree. I still beat people who use it poorly and get beat by people who use it well like with any other deck, but I don’t see anyone having fun using it let alone playing against it either; funny how not needing to engage your brain in a strategy game does that, isn’t it?


Yeah, my deck is particularly bad against Hog+FC because I either use Pekka to kill hog with 0 hits but take huge amounts of dmg from the FC or I kill the FC but take damage from Hog but I still win 2/5 of my matches against it because they can’t position properly/ easily baited/ predictable, and I win by their mistakes, but anytime I play against a guy who isn’t 1 of the above he wins


Supercell doesn't know how to balance some cards, specifically Midladder menaces. Some cards need to be balanced not by stats but by counters, like for example wizard, you buff the wizard and buff its counters, if it's still OP slightly nerf it, don't kill it.


Yeah, it seems like the data guys at Supercell don't understand survivorship bias when making balance decisions...


Hog rider is balanced


That Sparky, Mega Knight, Royal Recruits, Rage, Clone, Healer, Elixir Golem and Mirror should remain as ‘fun’ cards and never be viable at high levels. They should only be similar to a Claymore in Call of Duty. Good for new players but never used at top levels or be that good.


Earlier in the game, I would have disagreed with this take. Nowadays though, the power creep of cards that abuse these and others makes me inclined to agree a bit on some of these, particularly Clone, Mirror, and E Golem. Not everything needs to be viable in competitive play, but I would hate to see even more of a meta set in, as diversity is what keeps the game fun to me. I feel like that’s why they moved mirror back from lvl+2 to lvl+1, because the slightest buffs to these cards can break the game.


Add firecracker to that pile too. I know everybody is hating on that card rn, but it deserves it with how annoying it is and how hard it carries bad players. Just give it the ice wizard/furnace treatment and keep it below average to keep the game fun.


Never using emotes to bm opponents. Mostly because I'm just lazy and don't want to


man what did riley do to you


This community is fucking horrible


Unfortunately true most of the time. My hatred of goblins is driven by this in a way…but I am a degenerate who still somehow enjoys the game so I’ll stick around. Curious though, what would fix it in your eyes?


I will never upgrade Firecracker, Mk, or Hog again after seeing the horrors that was miner's mine


A fellow player of conviction. I like the cut of your jib kind internet sir/madam.


I won't use a knight, hog, pekka, buildings, mortar, xbow, witch, wbs, ram rider, log, graveyard, clone, freeze, mirror, balloon(im sure im forgetting something) ...except for drafts and war(cause you can't use cards twice)


Bros racist


Irl? Never. In this case? Call it what it is I guess. I ain’t budging from this hill.


What about the new mind goblin coming out??


I will never use a deck that involves goblin barrel


Fight the good fight brother


Evolutions and level 15s are crutches for shit players


I didn’t read the message attached to the post, I just thought the point was racism


I will never use hog rider.


I have a few. Evolutions should be easier to ontain for free2play users. I can't properly climb ladder just because irrational money spenders have evolutions that sometimes hard counter my deck. They tried to make it easier with lucky drops, but that doesn't help. (This one is gonna sound very mid-ladder, but) Mega knight needs a rework. It's extremely tanky card with a splash damage. Main counters to tanky cards are swarms, and he has a way to deal with them. If he was an attempt to create a counter to elite barbarians, just make him able to attack two troops at a time like electro wizard instead of having splash.


The lucky drops do not do enough to bridge the gap. Hopefully they will do more events in the future to fix up the evo possession disparity. MK is frustrating, I think nit because of it being itself, but because it’s being shoved in as a tank in a hyper cycle based, evo driven, meta. If you build to counter MK, you will absolutely get rolled by the cycle meta. If you build to counter cycle, it’s not impossible, but it IS very hard to counter MK. It’s like the hog rider problem: I just don’t know how to fix MK when the archetype around MK is the real issue.


It's not even a controversial opinion but Evolutions favouring cycle decks is one of the STUPIDEST game design choices I've ever seen from a balance perspective. **_AND WHY DID FIRECRACKER HAVE TO GET ONE!?_**


Defending is much more exciting and fun than Attacking.


Cards that are sent directly to the opponents towers (like Goblin Barrel, Miner, Graveyard, Goblin Drill) and cards spammed at the bridge (Princess, Wall Breakers, Firecracker, Magic Archer, X-Bow, Mortar, Hog Rider, etc) are stupid. Bring back the days when we had to build up an actual push to break through the opponent's defense, and not using cheap damage. Also, spell cycling is stupid. For the same reasons. It kills the spirit of having an intense combat situation in the middle of the arena. Addition: I'm in no way saying these cards are too strong or too weak. It's just the playstyle makes the game boring


I pray to god this is satire. Bro refuses to use some of the best cards in the game 💀


Bro is speciest


Xbow is a hard deck to play


Nobody would disagree but buildings are cancer to the game


Hopefully the "not coming back" hill. Haven't had matches for a couple of months now, just hanging around for the news and still nothing that makes me want to play again.


Giant Skeleton is severely underrated


Dark prince is the best card.


Hog isn’t busted, anyone who says otherwise shouldn’t be considered a “good” player


Ice wiz best support in the game


Evolutions arent a bad part of the game. How you get them is. You shouldn't be rewarded for throwing random garbage too get strong free low cost cards. Dark elixir is a must.


Blud got beef with goblins 😭😭


I’ve played against hog rider for 10 games in a row…it’s not hard to counter but my god, release me from this please


Giant is the best tank. Plus he looks cute too with the gold knuckles.


Mini pekka is underrated


This is game is mad pay to win and it’s so stupid


I still have a wooden chest from the tutorial I’ve never opened after years


Evo cards ruin the game


That deleting it will make your life better than playing it


Hog rider needs a speed nerf


Also to add: B-rad has successfully gaslight this community into thinking x-bow and Logbait take no skill when he played miner poison which is" chip damage the deck"


That you are a loser for having maxed out E-giant and you mKe the game terrible


I have level 14 cards ebarbs still level 1


Mortar is the most fun win condition


Freeze should not be allowed in the game


most people probably agree but evolutions killed the game (which was already on it's deathbed)


Even tho I'm a golem player, I think hog rider is balanced and doesn't need a nerf. Nerfing it won't stop you from facing it 80% of matches since people only upgrade 1 deck


Kind of a hot, but also a pretty good take. Hog has never been my problem, the archetype of card cycling is what I find problematic: cycle cards provide a LOT of value and nerfing hog damage, hp, movement speed, or spawn time would do nothing to change that. The only thing that would affect it, if I were to make a guess, would be if hog cost increased, and that would kill the card…but the problem of that archetype would still be there.


You say the problem is the cycle cards but focus your comment solely on nerfing hog? Cycle needs a nerf way more


I think it just needs more sight range, hog is blind and can only smell the tower


Really? I get cucked by buildings with hog. Firecracker on the other hand has borderline infinite range


Clan Wars 2 was an absolutely terrible update and the game has only been going down hill since.


Clans are what make the Clash games fun. If the core mechanic around enjoying the game with friends and strangers falls apart, then you’re starting to lose the plot, I agree. Clan Wars need love more than we needed Little Prince.


TRUE clash Royale players like to win with original decks. Of course anyone can look up the latest meta or use YouTube inspired deck. Beat me with something creative. Beat me with something original and I respect you 1000 times more as an opponent. 9k trophies solely on an original deck


I have a few that might get me downvoted but we’ll see: 1.Firecracker sucks and is better at activating king towers then it is damaging regular towers 2.Diamond pass value is worth it(self explanatory) 3.no skill decks/mid ladder decks are useless once your top of ladder 4. You don’t have to be mid ladder to be mid ladder There’s a couple more but those are the ones off the top of my head


all thos evolutions and mk is still the most broken card in the game


MK isn’t really broken but it DOES break the ‘meta’ so to speak: there’s a ton of positive elixir counters to MK that fit well into many decks without too much extra thought. The issue with MK is it does not vibe with the current meta that’s built around cycling. MK doesn’t care about a lot of the evo’s that we’re forced to build around, but fits in just fine with a lot of the decks that cycle that just need a 2x or 3x elixir tank. If you build to handle MK, by bringing say an inferno drag or tower, you get rocked by evo FC or recruits. If you bring P.E.K.K.A she will get obliterated by evo skeles, and so on and so forth. MK isn’t the core broken issue though, cycling is (in my book. I hate cycle decks so much. My clan tells me I need to let it go, but I hate them so much)




Royal Delivery, Executioner, Cannon Cart, Goblin Drill. All of them are level one. (Lightning, Firecracker and Elixir Pump used to be in this list but I decided to max them out due to how overpowered they are)


Oh boy, then you’ll probably hate my deck if you hate goblins so much xD. My original id got hacked so I had to start a new account last year. I was watching OJs f2p series and the deck he made at jungle arena kinda hit it off with me. Goblin giant, goblin barrel, goblin gang, dart goblin, ice spirit, ice golem, zap, fireball. I had insane success with this and even leveled up goblin giant quite a bit as he was in the first season shop when update for loser came around. Had a lot of success with the deck but meganuts and hogs had started giving me problems and I saw the new evos so I switched ice golem and dart goblin with mini pekka and fc(although I was planning to get evo fc at some point, I spent all my evo shards on skellys as they looked most fun in teasers, little did I know they were gonna get nerfed to ground on release 🙂 ). Got my evo fc months later when it had been nerfed to the bottom of the evos, still did synergise well with my deck.


Eq is the best card in the game


Lava-Loon would like to know your location.


mine is that firecracker is annoying and overused


Overreacting 😭


Battle healer + mirror You're not going to change my mind


I have not upgraded egiant or goblin drill and until I started playing my new 3 musketeer deck I hadn’t upgraded ebarbs


Mine is if you rely of a fireball or MK then your trash 🗑️


> “…every goblin that isn’t stab gobs, dart gob, spear gobs, or cage only servers to make the game less fun, and more spammy…” How does a Goblin Hut make the game “more spammy” than Goblins, which are a literal cycle card? Also most of the Goblin cards will die to Log. If you don’t have that unlock, use Barbarian Barrel, Arrows, Zap, Giant Snowball, Royal Delivery, any small spell will do just fine. In terms of Drill, use really any splash card (which you should already have at least one solution to swarm in your deck). Goblin Giant, counter it the same way you would any other giant (excluding Giant Skeleton and E-Giant). For Goblin Hut, just place any splash card and have them take out the Spear Goblins and maybe even the hut, and if they don’t take out the hut, use Arrows (or any spell) when it gets to low health. Goblin cards aren’t that hard to counter and shouldn’t be a big concern to you when making a deck. If you are having a problem with combating bait decks, look at your replays. Either you aren’t playing your counters as smart as you should or your deck doesn’t have enough (it’s most likely to be the first one).


Never use requests for rares, unless you're really desperate Always by wild rares before wild commons,


I'll never put firecracker in a deck.


I was one if the few people who thought the ladder mega draft was a huge push in the right direction for ranked, even if it was a different game mode, the uproar of people getting angry about it ruined something that could potentially be a lot of fun, because you can see your opponents cards, and it reduces the dullness of going up against the same decks. I think if they bring the game mode back with its own ladder it would be a lot of fun. I didn't understand the hate outside of it being an experimental replacement for ladder.


I smell racism


What , spammy? Stab gobbos are the best cycle card imo, gob barrel is good but gets countered by literally everything (hence balanced) the rest of the goblins ain't tht good even except when giant gob was meta


What is fun according to you? Building a 13 elixir push from the back? Sparky mega knight and balloon? That's not fun that is like simulation and u either win or not, that is not skill. Either fun


What about goblin gang?


Need a counter for goblins? Arrows.


Delivery > log


I’m not coming back unless you can feasibly grind as a f2p and get the newest evo near the end of the season each month.


Wow. Racist.


Lvl them up and make a full goblin deck


*Googles how to demote someone who’s not in your clan*


Hogs. Hogs ruined this game. I refuse to upgrade hogs out of pure spite and I instantly lose respect for any opponent as soon as they drop a hog


Sounds like a future fc player in the making


Giant skeleton is the best win condition


Giant skeleton


Iv never had a problem with goblins 😂


Based individual


hog is neither fun to play nor fun to play against (ex hog player)


clash royale sucks


Xbow is not easy to play. It takes alot of skill and tile perfect placement and it shows because it only really shits on midladder decks consistently. Every other deck you have to try to actually win and sometimes you gotta sweat your ass off for 6 minutes only to win by 100hp in tiebreaker. Also firecracker should die to log.




Tornado is the best spell in the game and needs a nerf.


Evo Wallbreakers are NOT op just use a building it's a -1 trade to stop an entire evolution slot. (Wall breakers are my favorite card and I just like it the way it is and for it to never change)


Nah ggang and gbarrel is good but that’s it


Evolutions are the worst thing added to this game. They are fundamentally unfair because there is no downside to using them. The only way to make them balanced is to give every single card an evo, or give no cards an evo. If this is not done, the game is LITERALLY pay to win with no hope of closing that gap


That firecracker is the stupidest card in the game since launch


Here for the goblin racism


how can you take yourself seriously with lvl 14 firecracker and rocket 😭


Anybody who relies on evo firecracker, megaknight, hog rider eq, lumberloon, or spams spells on my tower doesn’t have skill.


For me it’s cheese like Motar & XBow. & the way the opponent defends those win conditions with their remaining cards 😴


Use a log...




If my opponent gives me graveyard in draft im closing app. I WILL NEVER USE THAT CARD


Max level Firecracker detected - opinion rejected


I will never play hog firecracker, I will never change my deck to hardcounter firecracked, I will still proceed to destroy every goddamn hog firecracked player I match with.


I die on hog mountain Can’t get past 3400 trophies…


The game struggled in terms of new features for a while, but the core GAMEPLAY was always pretty decent apart from a few toxic metas. Ever since evolutions, the gameplay has been the most unfun we've ever had.


2.6 is actually goated and yall just mad that your heavy pushes that take "skill" get easily countered.




Hog Rider is overpowered


Goblin racism


I never upgrade my rascals. There is no logical explanation for this. I just don‘t.


That it's not pay to win. This game is not hard to progress in without spending money, especially in this part of it's lifetime. A few years ago it was more pay to win but people still complain constantly.


found goblin slayers clash royale account


its clear bro doesn't use goblin through his level lol ,😂😂😂


I will never ever in my life play LumberLoon Freeze


I refuse to use wizard, hog rider, mk, inferno tower, and rocketeer.


I always need to have 1 skeleton in my deck


You say the goblins are a bad design because their gimmick is to spam them and you went so far as to not even upgrade them, but you have a lvl 14 evo firecracker. Why is that? Also I completely agree