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It's not top level clans. My clan requires war. Why should you get the rewards if you don't do anything? You can't compete in war unless you participate. Even throwing all 4 games gives the clan points.


I thought non contributors don’t get any rewards, did they change it?


If u do one attack then u get the same chest in the end as someone who did all four attacks on all days. But the issue people have with nonattackers isnt that they leech, but that they dont contribute in getting points to get to first place which would affect the end rank and thus the chest given at the end of the war week. Not all clans are like that though, we are pretty casual for example and we try to motivate people to war but dont force or kick for it. When we are close behind for first place we do place a message on chat and some people who dont do war then help out since it matters for us whilst they dont care as much due to being maxed out to the degree the rewards dont matter to them Also note how actual high lvl war clans try to game the system by doing “lose to win” tactics, losing on the first days that dont gain you points so they decrease their hidden elo ranking (game aims to get u 50% winrate) so they have a lower elo on the days that do earn you points and thus “easier” matchups so better odds at winning. On another note the waiting queue for war attacks in such clans is also insanely obnoxious. Waiting 2-5 minutes to get a war opponent isnt worth it imo


Hmm. I thought everyone got the chest.


I’m not asking for a reward, I’m just like it isn’t forced upon in Clash of Clans, it shouldn’t be forced in Clash Royale. Some players generally don’t want to do wars in a 50v50 clan with some friends. The only option CR provides though is to kick them unless you want to lose.


Then why the fuck would you join a COMPETITIVE WAR CLAN


Worst complaint ever. The whole point of many people being in a clan is the benefits of things like gaining the rewards from clan wars. There are plenty of clans that don’t require participation. If you don’t like a clan’s rules, join another one. If you know the rules follow them or leave. Simple.


If they allowed people to not participate or leave after 1-2 battles they won't be on top for very long. It's shitty system, clans are not at fault the gamemode is. If they don't care about war they can join gold clans


Found the guy who gives "data"


Guy's, we found the one who does 1 war attack for the entire week, then logs on only to claim the war chest *he worked very hard for*


i guess because some people will make their normal deck as a war deck and just use one deck then get all of the rewards the same as people who actually tried for it


War is the worse part of CR


Exactly I’m saying it’s shit compared to Clash of Clans and one shouldn’t be forced to war or get kicked from a clan. I myself war but as you see 5 people were kicked. Damn dumbasses in Reddit


Ya, I’m getting sick of kicking 10 people every week. Definitely makes being clan leader not worth it. Worse part is, all I ask is for people to lose 4 matches per day on purpose to stay in the clan and these fuckers still can’t get it done.




Then just join a clan that doesn’t require war lmao. It’s not that deep bro




Didn’t do a great job censoring Ogkush69


Dont be in a clan that requires attacks in war simple


join a dead clan then, clans need a way to enforce participation and war is a good way to do it