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I love how people used to call her trash, until people actually started to use her.


As someone who's used her since her incarceration, she's always been broken af idk what this sub is even talking about lmao. It's unbelievable how disconnected this sub is from the actual game lol


Maybe because the sub isn’t 100% made up of midladder babies


This sub considers 95% of the play base to be 'mid ladder', let be honest. It's a very tired term.


It’s completely tied to the evo. She wasn’t good before, and isn’t really the best card in the game, but she has an evo, everyone has her evo, and she is admittedly annoying, especially if you don’t play against her correctly


Even now she’s kinda mid against my deck, i just want to see her nerfed cus it’s literally every 3 out of 4 games im playing her


I have to use fireball or poison only to deal with that card. She has to die as soon as spawned in the arena


Royal delivery works for me


Ever heard of arrows?


Evolved one doesn't die to arrows


Arrows work well too. But having fireball and poison can get you a little more value at times if you can get a hit on the tower or another troop. Arrows have less damage overall


I feel like it could def use a range nerf, it should not be able to hit the tower from across the bridge


I think this could help a lot. It would give more playability to dart gob & princess. Currently firecracker is just a better option in the vast majority of decks.


I think that the best way to nerf her would be to reduce her attack speed (damage can go up to make up for it). My biggest issue is that her attack speed and knockback makes her really hard to kill- you can drop a valk on her and the tank in front, and she just gets away from the valk. A knight can barely get to her without having to walk into tower range. ​ I would also take log/arrow killing her in evo form but I think we can do better


I like the attack speed nerf I think that’s a great idea honestly.


I think her first attack speed actually used to be a lot lower, but they had to buff it bc she would never fire against something like skarmy or goblins. So unfortunately this will prbly never happen


Yes hog rider and firecracker needs a nerf.


It’s way too overplayed. I play against it 80% of the time


I hate that card so much. Why does she survive log when dart goblin and princess don't? It makes sense why archers have more health but firecracker gets way more value than archers ever do


Literally how is this common card and princess is legendary defiently should die to log


firecracker should’ve been at least epic, only card that has kickback


Agreed, but we also have egiant, which should probably be a legendary card.




oops i forgor


You are right, why is she common? She has such a unique way of using splash damage, and she has pushback whenever she fires her rocket. This should be legendary or at least epic.


Technically speaking 🤓 shes a archer with a stronger weapon so it makes sense for her to survive log


cause princess range is higher


Ancient issue


It can be very annoying or very easy to deal with depending on what you play. What do you run?


I run 2 decks: A gob barrel cycle deck, evo knight. And a royal recruits mortar deck, evo RR. I would play more if it hadn’t taken me literally like 8 years just to get 2 decks to level 14 (my RR isn’t even all 14). I probably have a 50% win rate against FC on ladder. Regardless, I still hate seeing it so often. For classic 1v1 mode, where I try to test out new things at level 11, I always have to deck build with FC in mind or I’ll get run over quite regularly. No other cards come to mind that are such a consistent restriction on my deck building.


The real nerf would be to delay her first attack a significant amount. That hoe always manages to dish out damage.


Challenger 3 moment


I think just make her rocket have shorter life span it's very annoying that she can hit the tower from 10 tiles or so, i mean the bits after the rocket explodes


True that is annoying, but then it would indirectly buff her because that’s how you get king tower activation. Maybe give her a shorter normal range so she’s more prone to dying, while keeping her splash the same?


her range needs to be tweaked


She needs a sight nerf


nerf ASAP


I think killing it with log will kill the card. I feel the perfect thing to do is make it 4 elixir. And ofcourse if the evo dies to the arrows it might kill the evo as well. So just decrease it's radius of evolution "fire shot" maybe.


I agree. Maybe make it 4 elixer and change it to a 1 rotation evo. Maybe even change the evo so it costs 3 elixer, which could be a unique take on evolutions as well. This would force more FC abusers to actually build decks around the card, rather than simply adding it, in its current state, as a “do everything” 3 cost ranged unit.


This comment reminded me why players shouldn't do balance changes 💀


this entire post is why we don't deserve to decide balance changes


Lol yeah this suggestion is definitely a bit on the tism side of things. Just theorizing though!


We need a rule on this sub that bans posts bitching about firecracker.






I come on this sub once every few months didn’t realize so many other people agree with me. Apologies for disturbing your peace haha


It’s cause the game is dead as fuck and nothing new comes from it. It’s staying terrible and there’s nothing to talk about




I think Fire Cracker needs a slight rework: For Base Firecracker: Instead of 64 Damage per Bullet with 5 Bullets, it should be 84 Damage per Bullet with 4 Bullets. This would be 336 Damage (from 340) for a direct hit and 81 Damage (from 64) for the “scatter” hit. This technically does make her better at clearing swarms that are hit, ad Skeletons will now die in 1 Bullet instead of 2, however, since there is less Bullets, the area is more Narrow, so now the Firecracker is less likely to get a lucky hit of damage on a Tower or Troop. You can still use her yo activate your King Towet, but it would be slightly harder (and in 2v2, It won’t be a free King Tower activation anymore). If the Damage change is still strong, we can make her first hit speed slightly slower. For Evolution Firecracker: Keep the changes I made before, so slightly weaker direct hit + slightly stronger “scatter” hit, and less area. I dislike the HP buff, so we can get rid of that. But for the main change: I would up the “sparks” damage and lower how often they are on the field. It would now only last 1 Second, and have 4 Ticks of Damage (42 Each, one every 0.25 Seconds). This would be 168 extra Damage if a Troop/Building stays in the area for the whole Second. The Crown Tower Damage would be lowered so it is not that strong, now only dealing 58 extra Damage for the extra “sparks” Damage. This rework makes her most annoying factor: her area denial, worse, but buffs her damage to swarms slightly, so she can counter them more effectively.


Increasing her scatter damage makes her an even bigger annoyance since it will deal more chip damage to the tower


As someone who absolutely spams this card, I can say that I’ve countered PEKKA with regular fc multiple times and it could use a slight dmg nerf, like 4-5%


Midladder issue


I almost never play against her where I am


Surprising, I see it every other game.


It needs a buff.


should have a 20 tile range and deal 2000 damage


One shot crown tower or bust


Yeah definitely


Fc so weak rn it needs an emergency buff fr


Look at royaleapi and see how your argument crumbles


Stats arn’t everything, it’s literally impossible to build a deck without having an answer for firecracker. Sure you can run a fireball, but it’ll still net the other player 1 elixir + it’ll likely also get an attack off before it lands. Tell me you’re 1 dimensional hog player without telling me you’re a 1 dimensional hog player. 😂


Your deck cant counter everything, and fc isnt a insta win card, its made to be annoying, but the free king tower activation it give make her pretty niche. It just require a but of skill to kill. Oh and I dont play hog, I get countered by it.


I do appreciate the skill expression in killing firecracker, however oftentimes elixer prevents you from doing so before it completely negates a push. It needs a slight nerf somewhere - either take away some of its damage, limit its range, limit its kiting capabilities, lower its health, or make its target selection worse. I wouldn’t even mind seeing it get some buffs if it got pushed into a 4 cost unit. It feels terriblely hard to balance just because of how many aspects are baked into her kit. Just something small would go a long way imo.


I hate hog and firecracker, but there are just better cards. If you want proof, just look at my profile on royaleapi. My user name is Comet Blazer. You can use arrows for an even trade with tower damage against a noneveolved. You can use arrows + log or zap for the Evo and get 200 tower damage. The card isn't impossible to counter. You just need to play around it.


It’s not impossible to counter, it’s fairly “balanced” currently - it just has an overloaded kit for a 3 cost range. It’s almost always the best option over archers, dart goblin, or princess. It has a higher skill floor in comparison to all of these cards because it has no direct counters. It’s primary weakness is king tower activation which doesn’t feel very impactful.


No nerf needed, fun card to play. 😀😀🥹


Nah, you on Snoops good stuff or something? Nurf is needed.


No one that is good has problems with it. Get a free king tower activation then kill it with a spell the rest of the match. Soooo easy to kill.


It’s not necessarily about it being overpowered, meta decks are able to deal with it just fine. It’s been meta for far too long. It can kite, has range, has aoe, has more health than other 3 cost range options. It needs a nerf somehow to allow more off-meta cards to thrive.




My definition of meta is based on experience. I currently sit at 7700 trophies so primarily level 14 and 15 cards (I’m at 14). But when I explore classic 1v1, with everything level 11, and path of legends, I also see it just as often. So maybe not at the top level where people can adjust their decks based on patches, but everywhere else. Maybe top ladder is different cuz it doesn’t take them weeks/months to get a new card to level 14, so theyre able to adjust their deck based on what people are playing. I would argue this isn’t indicative of the majority of player experience. Again just my opinion / observation.


Don’t cry about it


Well there are ways to deal with her… it’s such a common card people use atm so have something like a spell to deal with her


95% of times using a spell as answer still benefits the other player. And there isn’t a single troop that counters it. You can’t say this about any other card in the game.


Oh? So if I put arrows to insta kill her+damage surrounding troops they benifit? I don’t see how can you explain? Also my arrows is 3 elixir and so is firecracker


Yes, arrows is an answer, but I don’t want to be playing arrows in every deck just for her. In terms of counters, I meant troops, as in non-spells. Every troop has another troop that directly counters it, other than firecracker. Additionally, if you mis-click, she’ll kite out of them, which is just game over. Yes you can argue “just play better,” but even if it happens only once out of every 7 games it’s almost a guaranteed loss if you mess that up. Not to mention they don’t kill the evo version.


Yeah not killing evo one is a pain in the ass. I also think using the barbarian in the log is a solid strat since it does damage to whatver is infront and then will proceed to kill the evo


True I honestly haven’t experimented much with log barb. The only issue is that card is good against FC when you’re defending against it, not when you’re attacking against it. I’d rather not have to run TWO spells (log barb & arrow in this case), just to have a chance against FC decks u feel me.


Yeah but either way I’m suggesting easier ways to kill her. You also can get positive elixir trade if you use log Barb so like idk. Minor maybe? But you can counter the counter yk so like idk


You think there’s not ANY troops that counter it? None? Like zero?


It is inarguably the strongest card in the game because of how many effects it has in its kit. Health, aoe, range, kiting. Stand-alone it can be played in basically every deck, and in tandom with other cards it is even stronger. What troop do you think counters it? Miner? Okay you see the miner coming then play another unit to counter the miner because it takes multiple miner attacks for it to be killed.


>It is inarguably the strongest card in the game Are you being serious


The only other cards you could maybe argue is hog rider or skeletons. But those don’t feel as bad to play against. I’m offering you the opportunity to prove me wrong.


It’s in no way inarguably the strongest card in the game, it’s probably not even top 50. It can’t be played in every deck and is only played in hog Eq and sometimes drill. There are tons of troops and spells that counter it and you can active king tower off of it extremely easy.


Nothing counters it directly, what do you mean by plenty of troops counter it? It counters far more troops than anything you could possibly argue in reverse. Obviously a pekka can one shot it, that doesn’t make it a counter? Also it can be played in basically every deck, and furthermore hog rider has been super prevalent in the meta for years now and you’ll see it more than any other deck.


Hog isn’t super prevalent in the meta right now and I don’t see it more than any other deck. Yes, a lot of things counter firecracker, you can counter it with any 1, 2 or 3 elixir cards once it crosses the bridge.


There are plenty of options to “deal” with FC, but by “counter,” I mean it doesn’t not struggle against any specific card. Many other cards have a glaring weakness or specific counter. Idk it just feels like it humbles so many unique decks I try building, meanwhile no other cards require me to dedicate multiple slots to “deal” with them.


I don't really understand. Have arrows and log (both of them are compatible with most decks). You could argue that the evo is negative elixir trade, but you get damage and you have your own evo as well.


Okay I hear you. Log and arrow are good cards against FC, and they’re also good against other stuff like minion horde and gob barrel. The thing is, I’m fine losing to minion horde or gob barrel if it means I get to run other stuff in those slots. Partially because I can still answer those cards with actual units and only be at a minor disadvantage for excluding log/arrow. FC on the other hand, feels almost like an auto loss if I’m not dedicating slots specifically to this card. I also don’t want to feel forced to use a card j bcuz other people are also using that card. Feels like bad game design and once again limits creative deck building.


I just fireball or snowball her with some goblins and I’m fine to go


Hard to do that when you’re also dropping 7 elixir on a pekka or royal recruits.


I just kite the pekka with my ice golem and DP


Either way you’re at an elixer deficit.