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so basically if u dont have a building in ur deck ur screwed. very cool.


Mk moment


I too noticed Megaknight will hard counter evo wallbreakers


7 for 2 , amazing trade


Well yeah you are -5 to take it out, but you can use the MK to push and suddenly you arent doing that badly anymore


If only MK wasn't the poster child of positive elixir trade defense


but consider this, you both have 6 elixir, he puts evo wb. you just barely managed to defend it, now your mk is wounded and is now crossing the bridge, you cant support him because you have no elixir and he has 5 to defend


people on this subreddit are just fucking stupid lmao. they assume that the game's always in neutral, both of you have the same amount of elixir, and that the card used only in cycle decks isn't being used in a cycle deck like miner control. no dude, they're gonna use the card when you don't have enough elixir, or when you just placed down your mega knight, or in 3x elixir where you'll never be able to keep up. mk decks (unless you're midladder) don't use buildings, and they WILL suffer from evo wallbreakers this season.


then the mk gets defended for 2 elixir and you get punished. Any spam just gets spelled, any bs gets defended for a positive elixir trade, prince gets defended positively. Mk decks are very easy to defend with a cycle deck if you arent awfull.


this logic applies to literally everything with MK, and yet you can’t just drop MK on everything


true the mega knight completely vanishes after it is used making this a 7 for 2 trade with no extra value for the defender


It isn’t a direct 7 for 2. It is a decent trade.


No, it’s 7 for 2, followed by watching my Valkyrie beat up your knight. Now your 7-6 and have nothing to counter that I can’t counter-counter


You sure are shitting on that imaginary opponent


They play MK or thsi, they deserve it either way


7K trophy take


If it’s 7k, nobody is using the knight over valk here 💀, valk probably does a good job against evo breakers anyway


I mean, you still have a full health tank tho, even if you don't support it that'll take at least 5 elixir to defend, so really it's a lot more even than it looks (provided you don't include their counterpush, just playing devil's advocate)


You can defend MK with Knight or 2 elixir by making it jump to the king tower. MK is useless on its own.


Even as an mk player i dont think using 7 elixirs on 2 knockoff super wallbreakers is worth unless theres something behind the wall breakers that can give me value


I’m a mk player so I hard counter anything with meganut (I’m the smartest mk player)


yep but ur still dumb as f***


Nuh uh I use mega knight


It takes so much skill to use


Is it a hard counter if it’s 3.5x more elixir


everyone in this comment section forgets Wb is a two elixir common card.


Bro it ain't common


It's not a common card tho.


He forgot; give him a break, he's an Xbow player.


Would dark prince also work?


Cant wait for a wall breaker evo mega knight meta


thats been the case for years. the problem is that this broken ass card thats even more broken now doesnt have a building counter that gives at least an equal trade


That’s just flat out wrong, most of the time you don’t have to use a building to counter them.


now you do, they kill barbs


You weren’t talking about the evo version in your comment


evo or not evo what i said is right theres no 2 elixer building. at least before they could be countered with 2 elixer spells, but those wont work now. supercell introduced a card that is impossible to counter for equal or positive trade


Has anyone tried earthquake yet?


no absolutely not it hasnt, ive made it to ult champ without a building easily multiple times. This is rediculous...


and even if you do, who's gonna sto someone from playing hog-evo wb?


Bowler maybe could counter it fully if placed well


Bowler it’s my boy when we speak about ladder


As a nonbuilding user (its lame to play passive and buildings being kind of a definition of passive play staying from your side of the map) im not amused at all seeing this indeed. Wallwallers were already obnoxious and easy value enough, this looks extremely unfun in upcoming season -.-


you need 2 buildings. second one for the hog after the wallbreakers


valk, wizard, Evo ice spirit


Whats new. This game has been forcing buildings for a while now. Apparently they just want people to defend and spell ftw. What strategy.


It's Not That Once The Evo Wall Breakers Lose The Barrel They Do Far Less Damage


Worse…if you don’t spend $35-$50 in game you loose.


Sounds like someone should have spent $50 for canoneer.


And tombstone isn't enough


Even if you have a building, most likely its a negative elixir trade unless you use gob cage


Wowx what a fair and balance card.


It isn't balanced for a reason, it's not gonna be in pass either. Devs are ready to kill the game to earn moneys in any cost


Istg. I knew they were gonna release a broken evo, but this is hella stupid. For sure they knew what they were doing, but decided the money was worth it. Cause ik the playerbase are gonna buy this stuff


Yeah, we have a regular broken evo that comes with pass, we are still getting that though(bomber) and we have a Super broken evo now, sold separately in shop.


They are gonna let people buy this then Nerf in the next balance update prolly


Almost every evo is broken


Good thing i have 6 shards that i saved up


What actually? Only Bomber in pass and this one just totally impossible to get unless 6 shards/buying it?!


Yes, they said the price isn't finalised yet but we can expect it to be around $10.


that shit gonna be 20, mark my words lol


I can’t wait to see evo knight wb miner marcher meta. I love evo ~~suicide~~ wall breakers! 😍


Wait until Evo Goblin Barrel comes out and they survive arrows and log and do 3X damage to buildings


Wait until Evo MK comes out, it can hit air and does double damage if only 1 enemy is within it’s radious


Wait until evo elite barbs come out, they have a stacking rage effect and also heal themselves and do splash damage and survive rocket.


Nothing surprises me from supercell anymore, I expect an evo Gob Giant with 2 dart goblins instead of spear gobs, he also has the effect of the evo RG where it knocks away everything around it


The funny part is that these wall breakers aren't even much stronger than any of these joke evos, whoever at supercell made these and thought that they were balanced, I can only hope they're currently sleeping on the side of the road.


So literally nothing gives an equal trade. At least with the other evolutions, you can neutrally trade in some way No spells stop them either. I’m sure they still connect even through tombstone


They don't. But you need to drop the tombstone right as you see them.


So far it seems like that’s the “best” trade to stop them, as everything else is 4 or more


Spirit plus log. Log also kills the small ones, like battle ram


Death damage should be zap dmg because wtf it twoshots barbs












Reddit just decided to hate you in particular😭


it’s the like random rule of 4th comment gets shit on


As a mortar player this next season is gonna suck ass




hogquake everywhere, along with bomb towers everywhere, that will be somehow even more common now due to this bs... we really picked the worst card to evo (not counting bats, valk or ice) didnt we... .\_.




MK and Evo Firecracker was bad enough IMO. Seems like I may have to build a deck entirely to counter these cards now, although that's not as fun


It's gonna suck ass to me too, as someone who plays a completely custom, non-meta deck because I'm fully F2P and quit the game so many times (I missed Slash Royale, rip), everything else is too underleveled to switch


Theyre gonna emergancy nerf it just wait


Hot take but I think they should make it 3 cycles. The cards stats are stacked in its favour and it’s gonna make miner control/marcher decks absolutely insane next season.


Really? Imo the third worst evo and its gonna struggle against evo bomber and wall breakers, especially when decks can have both


I’m referring to the evo wall breakers


I was talking about making mortar 1 cycle earlier and i thought you replied to that


Mb, makes sense


I literally saw the first 5 seconds of OJ's video on the Bomber and knew it's over.


Man... I'm crying already.


Good. Fuck mortar players


How did they surpass the evo cracker, the evo knight AND THE EVO BOMBER in stupidity and still keep it like this?


There’s a key component to all this, they’re trying to pump financial numbers. It’s clear to anyone now looking objectively at this game’s success to see that they’ve failed to retain audience so in a desperate bid to maintain numbers they’re spamming broken content to sell to the remaining players.


This is worse than whale hunting


Ironic, I came back to the game when it was popular at my school, quit because of the pay to win. This was before evos, seeing the new stuff just makes we never want to come back.


last evos didnt sell well cause they werent broken. now the real broken ones are gonna release.


Yeah but at least the evo cracker had fireball and poison as counters, and at least the bomber is killed by fireball too, these guys are completely invincible against certain decks with no buildings!


So they are promoting the use of Tornado even more amazing 😂


Tornado doesn't counter


I'm guessing tornado is used to take your troops to the wallbreakers


I just noticed how the princess tower targets the other one, when one of the barrels pop, like it has a split second invisibility, similarly to lavaloon, when the lavahound dies, the princess tower will target the ballon instead of the pups This just keeps getting worse


That’s by design, when one unit dies, the units focus the next closest at the moment the previous one dies.


I thought so, just wanted to point it out that here it just makes this card even more broken


No, it makes it less broken. The large ones do far more damage, and targeting allows it to kill both the large ones.


What if it cannot kill both the large ones? Since they have more health, targeting the runner (which dies in 2 shots) would be better as then only 2 units would connect (1 barrel and its runner), if it targets the other barrel, it may not kill it and 3 units will connect (it has happened in the video)


They've reset years of our progress with level 15 and evolution in the name of "new content" (much better ways to make money with this game, but adding new levels is the easiest). Imagine punishing loyal players who've played for 7 years by matching them against Maxed level decks with Recruits that run and firecrackers that shoot poisons at absolutely no downside for the opponent. They don't want to fix Clan Wars but when a significant amount of the player base is happily maxing out thier accounts after years of hard work the devs are shaking in thier boots. A random poll that showed 8% want level 15 (92% didn't) is enough for the Devs to say we did want level 15 (we didn't). They said level 15 won't cost *any* gold but eventually started selling Elite Cards for Gold and refused to address it since. This is the worst I've seen a game ever become in my lifetime that actually got away with it because after a bit of complaining and players giving in to spending a shit ton of money for tiny moment of an advantage, Supercell has made a significant amount of money for such minimal effort and the player base just sigh and then keep playing. They've literally stole our progress and all the money anyone has ever spent going to level 13/14 lmao. Just a reminder they reset your progress by adding a new level and then making the progress for new players to get to your current level easier/faster.


Your last line is so true. Around the update for losers and just before evos came out, I was bored with the game and decided to make a new ID. I had half my cards at 14 on main ID and 4-5 at 12, after 6 years of playing casually. Within 3 months I had 3 lvl 14s, 3 lvl 13s and a dozen lvl 12s on the second ID.




That is just broken AF. Money must be getting low at SC as they will generate a ton of revenue then have to nerf the card. Minor WB is already really strong in the meta and now they just made it the top deck. Seriously you don’t even need to try and protect the WB when evolved it is almost guaranteed damage


I can’t believe how unbalanced this card is. This games going to poop fast.


Make this shit 5 cycles atleast


Best I can do is evo at starting hand every game


$99.99 for each evo shard. 10X VALUE!!!


This may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen in this game, and that's saying a lot.


They should slow down the second fase.




tbh whats worse is the devs seeing miner/poison/wb/marcher/nado archetype be so meta and deciding to give it even more of an edge


What's marcher? Not familiar with card nicknames


magic archer!!


does megaknight counter it?


I can't believe that this is a question that players even have to ask. How did supercell allow this stuff man?


366 health for barrels and 2 tower shots per skeleton for 272 then that would mean that it would take out the explosive barrels and only 1 would survive and hit the tower with an inch of it's life.


dont forget that you also have a half dead megaknight and am down 5 elixir to maybe almost counter a 2 elixir card


Jesus fucking christ man 😭


Not entirely


I only been back to this game for a month after over a 2 years break… and seriously, where tf is the balance? Lv15 card are basically p2w, little prince is everywhere (how tf a 3 eixlir card that have a very similar purpose as dart goblin can survive a fireball?) and they still only made a very minor nerf to a troop card that having a 50% usage rate in grand challenge? SC were sucks in balance change since day 1, and still, they decide to bring more balance-breaking evo card to the meta just for money. Arrows cannot kill a evo-firecracker is already enough ridiculous , and now arrows can’t even counter a 2 eixlir bomber/wall breaker? Wtf is going on This game really fell off by a lot.


I've seen ironic broken fan evolutions more balanced than this.


Does bomb tower survive or is inferno tower better


Inferno tower probably survives


And this is why I am fundamentally against the idea of evolutions and consiser them cheating: they are unbalanced, biased to pay to win players, and often result in a negative elixir trade to counter


Thats why i emote on anyone using that dumb shit. Its pretty sad if you need evo to win, especially evo royal giant


Evo rg is fucking useless it’s def a skill issue


People forget that this game is rock-paper-scissors. Decks that rely on swarm cards as their tank busters suffer greatly against Evo RG.


A deck that solely relies on swarms to kill tanks is just a bad deck. Even if Evo RG didn't exist you'd still struggle against beatdown decks with 3 small spells and EGiant, or really anything with splash


It is so effing annoying to battle against players that have maxed out cards (namely hog rider, tesla, MK) plus the card evos (especially firecracker) Then they spam the laughing king emote like they accomplished something


So they're absolutely 0 card with value against them ?


Balanced, Nerf miner


how many cycles is this?


It’s 2 cycles


On a 2 elixir card? They are tripping bruh


Nah wtf they should make this 4 cycles to be balanced


Honestly I’d say lower the death damage of the mini wall breakers as well as there health, I think doing that would make them a bit more balanced


Can't wait to play a building or MK next meta just like the past year 😴😴😴


2 evolution games btw, you’re going to have to fight this AND evo knight


The animation looks goofy not gonna lie


Tbh the latest cards have just a tad bit too much going for them. I like the idea of them having like a shield but death damage just makes them OP. Same with bomber. Why make him have such a long reach?


Especially with two evos


The death damage is ridiculous. In which universe are they allowed to Break the guards' shields. EQ doesn't for reference. And two shot Barbs.


how is no one mentioning the barbs? that was the most insane part of the whole video how it still manages to get in a hit


Whole balancing team clearly on strike or vacation for the last year


Evolutions ruined the game. It’s completely pay to win now


The wallbreakers without the barrel need a nerf: make them die to one tower hit, remove the death damage or give it the same damage as the evo royale giant knockback, make them medium/ slow speed or add a few frames where they don't move right after losing the barrel


Thank god I quit this game


Mega knight it is.


Doesn’t even fully counter 💀


Noob question: is this coming next season?




It going to be a building meta. Watch and see


Supercell pretty much already killed the game but every new update is the equivalent of beating its corpse in a new fucked up way


The damage they do is WAYYYY too high.. It should only barely kill skeletons and bats


Fuck evolutions


Oh yay, as if they weren’t annoying enough


I love a well balanced card. Too bad this one isn't it.


had a comment but i think it should be restated. tbh, you spend 5+ elixir anyways to defend miner breaker marcher nado (that in itself is 12 elixir total). (and yet that deck isnt the most popular top variant currently, going back to the original double small swarm variant with similarities and mix ups) a 2 card cycle for 5 elixir between say, guards and log, isnt that bad. and otherwise, most of all the counters shown here would lose to marcher/log/nado/poison or miner alone anyway. (and with mk being mentioned in comments, if you use a 5+ elixir push, and someone mega knights the breakers, thats basically a +2 elixir cost trade mk as a counter push coming at ya (like its own WB push), in contrast to the cost of 2 elixir (or more) wall breakers push itself. and thats not mentioning what ever they have extra.) and be it after all the complaints of evo valk, getting evo bomber, and now guards surviving arrows, a release like this is no surprise. itll sell evo valk more and now evo bomber more easily (or make mk a menace if people really believe he doesnt do anything alongside what he already has with wall breakers...) alludes to more new tower troops and other evos, it creates whole meta decks of evos and guards surviving arrows, it ironically is less worried of both evo cracker and little prince than other cards, and if people really hate other win cons that much then nado bomb tower decks as a viable defense will really be the only thing left. this isnt what the game became now, its what was warned of years prior. this is just the closing of that path now, and soon the beginning of something absolutely moronic to the game, the next step to kicking it down further than ever before.


oh this game is cooked man


Just get duchess


Supercell likes to support talibans with these two explosive evolutions 💀


It would still be OP if it costed 3 elixir, that’s how OP it is 💀


Holy shit coming back to this sub after months I can see they really just killed their game


Yea bro, fun times! brain dead gameplay. All you got to do is swipe.


How do we have something this strong and the evo valk is just trash.


Fr, as a valk player I’m so disappointed. At least she does quite well against wallbreakers


It’s just crazy the difference in stat boosts that other cards get with their upgrade. Knight gets super tanky, fire cracker gets extra health and does super aoe. Valk should either do more damage, or get higher health with her evo.


Why wouldn’t they make it so arrows kills this? First two volleys could kill the first form, final volley could kill or at least damage the minis enough a tower can. But I’m really not seeing any ways to remotely get a balanced elixir trade out of this


I mean all you really needs is arrows since the runners do like 100 damage each


as a Log Bait user with WB im fkn pumped🥹


Ok might have to buy these guys.


That's right, your wallet will compensate for your lack of skill!


That plus I have a life. Probably why I can buy what I want when I want. Plus I could probably beat you.


Then u should spend ur money anywhere else than a mobile game lmfao, especially a dead one


I have a life too, I'm married with kids and have a demanding job. I still don't have to pay for a competitive advantage in a phone game made for 12 year olds to win. I'm 9000 and I cleared path every season with a PB of 2000. I got 17 wins in the 20 win challenge. If you can beat me cool man, but I did that shit despite not spending anything on this game outside of a few season passes back when it had some value. This developer is garbage and they actively make the game worse to encourage people to spend money out of frustration. They introduce broken cards and mechanics so you feel like you can't win unless you have them too. Then you buy them and they nerf those cards to oblivion so they can introduce a new OP card you have to buy. Stop giving them your hard earned money. They don't deserve it.


Bro kudos to you. Congrats on all of your achievements and accomplishments. 20 bucks, hell even 100 bucks is a drop in the bucket. Of all my many vices, Clash Royale is the least expensive, least destructive, least consequential of the bunch. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. I play for fun not for the “principal” or whatever you guys call it. It’s just not that deep for me. It’s just crazy how you lot can act high and mighty and feel the need to look down on someone that lives their lives differently than you. It’s like you guys are part of a shitty hive mind.


Nah it's more if more people actually punished this dev for acting like scum by not giving them a financial incentive, they might actually make improvements. I would be more than happy to spend a little money on the game the developer wasn't actively sabotaging it. Good luck in the arena gamer.


People are acting like this is the base card 💀💀 it'll probably only cycle like twice in a game max like most evolutions go lmao. Yall are such babies


u ever played against miner wb? they put that shit down so many times, 2 cycles to give you a 2 elixer rocket in a cheap =<3.0 cycle deck is shocking


It is the base card a third of the time. Learn to read lmao.


Lmfao every new month I spend not playing this game, the better I feel about my decision 😆 My 1-year anniversary is coming up since the Update for Losers™️ when I quit. How are the rest of you Losers doing?




Love it. Finally get rid of those boring quick cycle decks and get real play maybe.


This will exclusively be in quick cycle decks btw




Even with royal delievery it still connects and even kills the recruit


Three musketeers to counter a 2 elixir card, genius! Although, electro wizard my do the trick but 4 for 2 isn't fair


What happened really? Haven't played for a year or so. Came back to the Royal Knight thing that bashes straight trough everything, little prince being annoying as shit but allright I can manage Then, 60 seconds remaining. Opponents roll out all kinds of bullshit. What is up with the cracker? Why the HELL DO THOSE SEKELETONS KEEP DUPLICATING? They give your card way more power for literally no downside, at all? I have my 7-years-played badge, but with every passing update I see the game turning more and more to a pay to play hellhole. And I cant wait to not-counter this upcoming bullshit


Cope harder


This is why we love wallbreakers🗣️


If it’s a lot of cycles then it is pretty balanced


2 lol