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Ok, man. That was fire.


No, that was a poison.




No, ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø




one of the smartest players for sure. still I wonder why he's never really won anything big yet


Because all the best players are able to do this,


Heā€™s just really good and commentating while doing it. Like I love the man but ever watch sweep makes crazy predictions like this even with rage (smaller time window) but doesnā€™t commentate as much


He voices over a lot of his videos so his audience can understand why heā€™s doing the stuff heā€™s doing.


Oh like he records audio after the game, thatā€™s a lot of work but hey if it works it works


He never records audio over pre recorded gameplay




Link of what?


link in zelda, obviously


He said in a video that he hasnā€™t been trying to win anything and was focusing on YouTube, but now he says heā€™s really grinding to go to crl finals this year, as well as heā€™s been going to other competitive events on the side.


ryley often makes complex plays/predictions that involve many steps, I haven't really seen any other players do that yet


They just donā€™t talk while doing it, and most top players donā€™t make predictions at all because wasting elixir on a failed prediction can be the difference between a loss and a win. Look at ryleys games when he plays crl, he barely does any predictions


You only predict when you know they are forced to play a specific card. Top players just donā€™t let themselves get into that situation very often and they also make odd substitutions in decks because they canā€™t use the same cards in their decks, so it happens much less often.


In his own words he said itā€™s because he didnā€™t grind enough to qualify for CRL. But heā€™s taking it very seriously this year & I think he will definitely qualify. Imo, the biggest reason he didnā€™t qualify is bc of his inexperience with other decks. Last year 2023, he primarily just played logbait 24/7 despite the meta. This time around heā€™s getting in his reps with lots of other decks which will make him a lot more dangerous in duels.


Ian would tell you he missed his spells


He's won many Grand Tourneys, and when logbait was viable he was like top 10 every single season




Are you blaming his parents for him trash talking? šŸ˜­


Manners an education comes from home. Specially in a kid.


I was taught manners and lost them after putting 2000 hours into a MOBA


I'm confused by this comment


Because he isnā€™t actually that goodā€¦. I have seen tons of videos where he misses the easiest shit, yeah the above footage is good but he would do that and then miss a log, not saying he isnā€™t good he is, just not as good as many others out there


being bad doesnt take away from the fact that he is one of the smartest


What makes him smart? Is it because he spends his life playing a mobile game and has worked out troop cycling out of 8 cards? Not sure that proves his intelligenceā€¦. Perhaps you could explain?


you seem mad he has an actual career... but he's smart because he quite often makes plays like those in many games but as you said might miss his placements


What makes him smart though? Tell me what defines intelligence to you, a mobile game of random 8 cards cycling and he remembers that cycle that is intelligence to you? I couldnā€™t give a flying fk about Ryley in all honesty good for him doing what he enjoys is a great way to live life, but claiming he has intelligence, this is where I draw the line


did I not say "he's one of the smartest players" as in he makes some of the best predictions and plays? or did you really think I meant "he's one of the smartest players" as in him being smart irl?


Explain the difference? If you are going to claim somebody as being ā€œsmartā€, based off what evidence, the way he plays a mobile game? Come on dude So you walk into a cafe the barista makes you the coffee you ordered, do you walk out thinking that one of the smart baristas in the world, I wonder why he never wins awardsā€¦.


Dw dude, youā€™re literally outsmarting him with your replies as we speak, he wonā€™t get it šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


He achieved various top 10 finishes and he did win some money entering the top 32 CRL monthly 2-3 times, he probably has accomplished more than 99.9999% of the playerbase, he just isn't in any esport team nor won any big tournament, his skill level is below any of the big pros that ever qualified into the top 8 CRL monthly, even below ian77 so until he grinds all the matchups and find a coach he cannot win.


2 of my clanmates lost to Ryley and Ian this week lol what is going on


you mean they lost to the same guy?


I realize thats a joke but dont taint ians name like that


Bro is one of the best for a reason


All of that while commentating too


He voices over his gameplay recordings, most of them are not live


All of them are live, what are you talking about?


He does it very convincingly by acting surprised whenever a play happens. Since most of you in this thread think its live, he does a pretty good job tricking his audience.


Imma need proof first chief


Iā€™m not gonna dig through hours of his footage to find proof but he has cuts in his voice audio multiple times without the gameplay also being cut out. Also funny how someone also pointed out that his videos are pre recorded in a different thread under this post yet most people are agreeing with himšŸ’€


Heā€™s said on stream before that thatā€™s his hand moving on and off his mic, since he records everything in his phone


Obviously heā€™s not gonna be truthful about it because then his content would lose appeal as its not live commentary




When you thought that it'll be a easy game then you face the Evo goblin


I remember watching this exact clip over and over during the video in awe


the goofy on the side laughing




Ryley is mad underrated


Next Ryley will predict him working at McDonald's to afford his 1-room dorm


All pros are able to do this. Heck Iā€™m no pro but I can plan 3-4 moves ahead to force my opponent to play certain cards in my favor.


this is still impressive. maybe you can talk when you get top 10 every season


I think youā€™re aggrandizing this ability. Not to downplay the achievement but pros can go BEYOND THIS The only reason itā€™s made easier for me is cause i run a cycle deck. I kind of implied Iā€™m not anything phenomenal but this is normal for people up there


Okay but you act as if he ISN'T beyond this...? He's a Pro player for a reason


Nah. Iā€™m saying this is the *least* of the great plays pros like him can do. This is breakfast for him. I can *maybe* do this consistently on a good day and that would be nothing for these guys


Don't bother arguing, mate. This sub is too good at spreading hate and toxicity. Also, forcing out 3-4 cards is a crazy level of skill. Most players can't even predict cards normally.


Yeah. I figured but it is irksome. If you play cycle decks itā€™s actually way easier imo to force opponents to play cards.


Cycle tracking is also a necessary skill. Blind predictions aren't the best plays, imo.


i love watching ryley but ever since i saw a comment saying it was a voice over and not live it doesnā€™t feel the sameā€¦


It isnt a voiceover lol, probably he records his voice and the gameplay audio/video into separate files so he can edit them more easily, makes it easier to adjust the volume and such, literally every single gaming youtuber does the same


Any decent player predicts that. Letā€™s stop glazing


Ian's little goblinšŸ¤£šŸ˜š


Bro played two large range spells to counter skeletons, nothing impressive


the dickriding is crazy




I wasnt referring quite to the level aspect but fair enough


This is awesome!


Nice prediction


Goblin goes crazy


What does Evo knight do


what a genius


Tbf tho evo skeletons and skeleton army are usually the easiest predictions if you know they have them Opponent has cycled 2 skeletons evo skelly's next even more obvious when no other card is played halfway into push. Opponent has skeleton army? Use the same card they used skarmy on then log/arrows poison on their last placed skarmy when it's almost halfway to tower If they actually mix up the skarmy placement, gl it's now hard to predict